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Book online «Empath's Angel by M J Marlow (top novels TXT) 📖». Author M J Marlow

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women were seated in the sitting area, waiting. Bridget was over by the window, a dark scowl on her face. She was not at all pleased to be told she had to be Emilia’s servant, Emilia saw. Emilia sank down onto the couchand one of the women, Sareena, brought her a glass of water. “You don’t need to serve me,” Emilia protested, even as she accepted the glass with a nod of thanks. “We are all prisoners here.” She looked over at Bridgetand frowned at the malice in the woman’s mind. “We wouldn’t be here,” she couldn’t resist the gibe, “if youand Zachary had left me alone.” “When we get out of this, pet,” Bridget hissed, “you are going to pay for that remark.” She looked at the other women. “Stay out of my way!” The doors openedand two men came inside. They went directly to Bridgetand pulled her away as she kickedand screamed in protest. Emilia tried to go after themand Maryam held her back, shaking her head. Emilia sat back down, wondering why they had taken Bridget away with them. She was answered a half hour later when the men returned shoving Bridget ahead of them. She had been leg shackled. She was carrying a large pitcher in her armsand several goblets were fastened by cord around her neck. One man shoved her to her knees in front of Emilia, raising his hand as Bridget froze. She set the pitcher down on the table in front of the couchand took the goblets off their cord, setting each of them on the table. She filled each of themand handed one to the others in turn. When she was done, the pitcher was left,and Bridget was shoved out of the room. Krystian bowed his head to Emilia. “The woman has been reassigned to the kitchens, Księżna,” he told her bluntly. “She is far too evil to be allowed anywhere she might cause your noble self harm. My lord Roman has asked me to inform you that youand your ladies will join him at the evening meal, Księżna.” He left the room, locking the door,and turned to where Bridget was waiting. She glared at himand he slapped her across the face. He watched her a moment as she tried to find some way to get around him. When she found she could not, her anger mounted. He laughedand shoved her down the corridor. He returned her to the kitchen where he told the Cook what to do. The woman put a collar around Bridget’s throat fastened by a thick chain to a ring in the walland shoved Bridget over to the sink. Krystian was delighted; the haughty beauty had been relegated to the role of kitchen drudge. “If you behave yourself, witch,” he said as Bridget glared at him, “you may be allowed to serve. Until you learn your place, you will be the kitchen slave. Every disgustingand lowly task will be given you.” “You can’t do this to me!” Bridget hissed. She tossed a plateand it shattered against the wall. The Cook slapped her across the face as punishment. “I am not going to be anyone’s slave!” “You were willing to turn the Księżna Emilia into a slave, woman,” Krystian said darkly. “This is better than you deserve.” He nodded to the Cook. “Olenka has orders to whip you if you do not obey. She will not be gentle.” He smiled over at his mother, who had a very fierce expression on her face. “Kobieta jest wasz dyscyplina, Matka.” He left the kitchen, smiling as Bridget cried out in rage. She would learn her place, he knew. His mother, Olenka, would not take any guff from that socialite who fancied herself a queen. He made his way to the keep’s war roomand found Romanand the others waiting. He nodded his thanks as his cousin, Edmund, handed him a goblet of wine. He drained itand set it down with a bang, then settled back to listen as Roman spoke to the Sobieski. Piotr was smiling as he heard the report of the successful raid over the overseas line. “You have done quite well,” he nodded once their report was over. “Continue the little subterfuge. I want the Winslow bastardand his witch to suffer a while for what they did to my grandchild.” “As you will, lord Piotr,” Roman nodded. The screen went darkand he turned to his cousinsand brothers. “You heard the Król’s order. Winslowand his witch are fair game.” He saw their expressions. “Until the Interpol agents arrive next week to take them away, any act that will not dishonor the clan is allowed.” * Emiliaand the other women were taken down to the great hall where a large table had been set for dinner. Roman rose from his throneand bowed over her hand escorting her to a seat to his right. He was all deference as he saw her to her place, making certain she had everything she needed. He asked if her quarters were comfortable, if she had been treated well,and she was struck by his manner. This man was no monster, she realized. He had no intention of harming her. There was a scuffleand she turned to see Zachary being shoved into the room. He saw herand he came towards the table. The guards yanked him backand made him sit at the other end of the table. While they shackled him to the chair by his left wrist, Stephen was brought in. His entrance was as dignified as Zachary’s had been unruly. He bowed his head to Roman, who returned the honorand was given a seat next to Emilia. Yusef joined them, taking the seat across from Emilia. “Now that we are all here,” Roman smiledand took his seat at the head of the table. “We shall eat.” He clapped his hands. “Przynoszą jedzenie.” The kitchen servants brought in the soup tureen. Behind them, the Cook followed pulling on a leash that led to the collar on Bridget’s throat. She released the leashand slapped Bridget on the backside sending her forward with the bowlsand spoons. Bridget set them on the table, her eyes cold as she saw Emilia watching her. Zachary watched his friend in horror as he saw what they had done to her. No one turned his Bridget into a slave, his mind roared. He was standing to protest, when the guard behind him forced him back into his seat. “You do not approve of your woman’s treatment, Przestępca?” Krystian laughed as he took a seat next to Yusef. “I think she makes a very lovely kitchen slut,” he said as he pulled Bridget into his lapand kissed her roughly. He set Bridget on her feetand slapped her on the backside to get her moving again. “Don’t you agree, my Książę?” “Once she has learned to hold her tongue,” Roman nodded, looking over at Zachary. He was delighted to see the rage in the man’s eyes. “It is a fitting punishment for the damage she did to the Księżna Emilia.” He took Emilia’s hand in hisand kissed her palm. “I know you did not ask for her to be punished, Księżna. Consider it a token of my respect.” He saw Stephen’s lookand released her hand, smiling. “It would appear that the lord Adrian does not approve of my touching you.” “She is not yours to touch, fiend,” Stephen hissed as he let himself loose in the role chosen for him. “Did you find any fault in my manner, Księżna?” Roman asked as he turned his eyes on Emilia, who was watching them both warily. “You have done nothing to make me feel threatened,” Emilia replied. She turned to Stephen. “The customs of other people do not imply disrespect surely?” “Only one man should touch you, my lady,” Stephen told her as his eyes darkened with longing. “Have I not shown you my mind in this matter?” “I will not be told what I should do,” Emilia snapped at him, tired of being a puppet. “I have lost my husband, my child,and my father. I will have a time to grieve before I decide when – or even if – I will let another man into my life.” She turned to Roman as she rose. “If you will excuse me, lord Roman. I am no longer hungry.” “As you will, Księżna,” Roman bowed his head. He motioned to the two guardsand they escorted Emilia back to her suite of rooms. “No,” he shook his head as the other women rose. “Allow her time alone. You should eat.” He turned to his wife at the other end of the table. “My lady wife, Paulina, shall see to her.” Emilia turned from the window as the door opened twenty minutes later. The tall, leggy redhead she knew was Roman’s wife, came into the room with a tray. She set it down on the tableand Emilia went to sit down. She ate while the woman moved behind herand picked up a comband brush. Paulina sang to her an old Polish folk lullabyand Emilia felt her temper easing. When was she ever going to learn not to spout off in such an undisciplined fashion? “You had every right to speak as you did, Księżna,” Paulina said as she continued to braid Emilia’s long thick waves. “No man has the right to decide for you what your life will be. It is not our way.” She smiled as she saw the meal vanish,and the girl start to nod off. She led Emilia over to the bedand helped her undress, leaving her in the chemise. “Sleep now, Księżna,” she said softly as she got the girl down. “Paulina shall stand watch against your nightmares.” “That’s not necessary, Paulina,” Stephen said as he came into the room. “I’ll do the honors.” He saw her leaveand locked the door. Then he went to the bedand laid down, holding his wife in his arms. “How I’ve missed you, my angel,” he whispered as he leaned his cheek against hers. “The nightmare is almost over. Just stay strong.” “Stephen?” Emilia’s eyes openedand he could see she thought she was dreaming. She pulled him to herand he knew he should pull away, but he could not. He had been longing for this moment far too long; he could not stop as she kissed him. She smiled as she pulled away from himand he was lost. He was not going to deny himself this joy, he defended his actions as he removed her chemiseand took off his clothing. His handsand his mouth danced over her. Even locked in what she thought was a dream; Emilia was aflame for him within moments of his touching her. They collapsed together with mutual cries of joyand fell asleep. * Emilia was taken down to the village the next afternoonand introduced to the people who lived there. They welcome the Księżna Emilia with warmthand smilesand she was touched. When they found she was as warm-heartedand generous in nature as she was beautiful, they loved her. The children took to following her as she was taken on a tour of the island. Wherever she turned, there was always someone keeping an eye on her. She felt safe in a way she had not known since the nightmare had begun. Had it only been six months since her father had been abducted? She found herself remembering the strange dream she had the night before. It had been so vivid, she recalled, that her body was still singing from what it had experienced in the dream. It was like Stephen had really been there in her bed, loving her, comforting her. If only, her heart sighed with longing. “Księżna,” Paulina smiled as they went back to the keep. “The villagers would like to hold an entertainment for you tonight. If it would please you?” Emilia noddedand Paulina told the village elder that it was approved. “You have made them very happy.” “I have a feeling
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