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with startling ferocity. She then subsequently threatened the prideful merchant into submission, aptly using the terrifying legends of the dread Maligore to her benefit. And as she marched back to her vessel, Divatox's peon at her heels, she didn't even deem the nearby Putty worth her notice.

Though, she had no idea why there would be a Putty Patroller watching her to begin with

Under such circumstances, Zedd usually utilized Scorpina's commendable expertise. She was completely loyal to her Lord, and would've even found a way to board the rickety submarine without being detected. Surely, he would've received a wealth of information on the girl's plans, thoughts, and feelings.

Yet, he couldn't experience

her through Scorpina. In the magical bond that merged the Putty Patroller's senses to his own, he could even feel

her proximity. He watched intently, sequestered behind a nearby booth, flexing his enhanced senses to perceive the power she possessed.

She was fire personified. Blazing, wrathful, terrifying, and awe-inspiring. Yet, she could also be incredibly subtle. In a similar situation, Rita, Divatox, or just about any other known villainess would've heaped insults on the insolent merchant, using her most unpleasant pitch to get her way. Yet Kimberly won him over with a quiet, though horrifying, hint at the evil housed within her deceptively diminutive frame.

She was forceful. Vengeful. Spiteful.

She was delicious

When Lord Zedd first set his interests in the overly sweet, effervescent Valley girl, he had no idea how becoming she would be when finally shed of that innate goodness. Had he arrived just a few days earlier, he would've swept the girl off the planet as she was, and tried his own tactics to channel her outrage for Tommy Oliver to his benefit.

He had arrived on the moon just in time to witness her predictable triumph over the inferior contenders in the worldwide sporting competition. However, he decided he had more urgent matters to attend to, such as finding his trusted servant Goldar, and restoring the decrepit palace into a structure fit for his new Queen.

By the time Goldar…and, as it happened, Rito…were recovered, Lerigot had already reached Earth's jungle.

He'd watched Divatox scour the planet for the wizard with mild amusement. When compared to the indomitable Machine Empire, which he had reduced to spare parts, the ambitious upstart was barely even an inconvenience.

She only gained his interest when, by sheer accident, she kidnapped Kimberly.

Intrigued by the turn of events, he let the pieces fall as they might.

His future Queen was once again disappointed by her estranged lover, and then corrupted by the Flame of Destruction… the physical embodiment of Evil itself.

The resulting chaos that ensued was easily the most enjoyable show Lord Zedd had ever witnessed. He'd seen the fruitage of the Flame from a distance, watching his Queen's eyes light as she tried to skewer the Red Turbo Ranger.

He found himself surprised to note that the Rangers didn't save her, as they had done countless times in the past. The evil was too persistent for Lerigot's weakened powers… she had clutched

the freedom the Flame offered her desperately.

And she'd found her only means to keep that freedom as Maligore succumbed to the Rangers' infuriating luck: aboard the submarine of her kidnapper


He could

have snatched her from right under the Pirate Queen's nose… but he couldn't anticipate the former Pink Ranger's reaction to his sudden appearance. She may have been stripped of her purity, but certainly not her common sense, or memory.

It he truly wanted to win her over, he had to do more than just kidnap her. He had to do more than force his will on her, like he tried to do the first time. Her willpower was strong enough to defy him then, and it certainly could now.

Now, she was actually dangerous

. With the Flame of Destruction, she had exhibited Ranger-level strength, but it was her ferocity that concerned him. If she didn't want to stay on the Moon, she'd find a way off…one way, or another.

So, he had to make her want

to stay.

Besides…wouldn't it be that much more satisfying if she were to submit to him of her own free will?

That was the challenge: learn more of her strengths, skills, and goals. Learn of her weaknesses, failings, and frustrations. Study the Flame itself, and study her use of it. And then, offer her a present; something to break down her suspicions, and bring about an unholy alliance.

At the corner of his perception, he felt that twinge of power he'd come to recognize on Onyx. There, he had memorized her energy signature, anticipating the moment that she'd return for her vengeance.

And now, he was ready to approach her. He knew more about the Flame than she did… knew about the handicap that came entwined with the power. He was in just the right position to win her over.

All he needed was the right moment to make his interest known; and as he felt her energies draw nearer, he smiled.

That moment, over four months in coming, would arrive shortly.

Part Twelve: Set Into Motion

Chapter Fifty-Nine

The pounding music thrummed in her ears, causing her to mechanically walk in step. The music drowned out the thud of one hundred-eleven Seniors marching in synchrony, following the winding pavement nestled between the lush trees of the botanical gardens.

Each step was graceful and methodical. She held her head straightforward, a practiced smile painted on her lips and her cap hovering perfectly parallel to the ground.

She led the entire class of 1997 through the center aisle, where hundreds of family and friends snapped pictures and waved at their loved ones. Then, they approached the large canvas, draped over the folding chairs arranged in two clusters.

She continued onto the raised stage, and stood in front of the seat beside Mr. Caplan himself.

The ocean of students in yellow and indigo gowns flowed slowly, each one finding his seat just as practiced. Then, once all the students stood before a seat, the marching music died down.

Of one mind, the students sat down.

Mr. Caplan, principal of Angel Grove High School for seven years, approached the podium. After a moment of silence, the stern yet caring administrator opened his mouth.

"Here you are, all gathered together as one," his powerful voice rang for all to hear. "The last time you sat before me as a class, you were barely teenagers. You were bright-eyed and enthusiastic, when you first walked into the auditorium of Angel Grove High School. But you were also intimidated. You were Freshman; the young and naïve of the school. You were eager to learn and grow… yet unsure of yourselves. Of your abilities." He smiled, a rare expression for the ill-tempered educator. "Just look at you now!"

The audience applauded, the parents' hearts filled with pride and eyes filled with tears. The students fidgeted in their seats, anxious for the pomp and circumstance to end so they could attend the graduation party.

Yet Katherine was immune to it all.

She sat in her seat, careful to keep her back straight and legs crossed at the ankles. She looked like she was paying complete attention… just as the valedictorian should.

However, her eyes swept the audience row by row, searching for bronze skin, long, dark hair, a red shirt, and a warm smile.

It took effort to keep her disappointment from showing.

He already said he wouldn't come,

she reasoned. He had his diploma mailed to him. He didn't…feel the need to attend.

Still…it hurt.

He'd withdrawn himself completely, sequestered in his uncle's cabin, his bedroom, or that dreadful speedway. When the Pink Ranger learned of her boyfriend's dangerous new hobby, it took every ounce of her control to keep herself from meeting him at the track and making a scene.

Did he want

to get himself killed?

It chilled her to the bone when she considered… maybe, deep down, he did.

I just don't know anymore…

she realized. I don't know what he's feeling. I can only guess what he's going through. He… he doesn't want me to know, I think.

He held her at arm's length, as if she were some sort of poisonous snake. She was convinced that, of all the Rangers, he was least comfortable facing her.

Which made sense. Every time he looked into her eyes, he must've thought of what her love cost him.

Does he blame me for what happened?

It was a question that had plagued her for weeks… but the underlying guilt traced back even further.

To the day he received the Letter.

It's not my fault…I couldn't help my feelings. No one can control whom they're attracted to.

Sound reasoning, yet on the day Tommy read the letter…when his face twitched in agony and eyes flooded with bitterness… Katherine found the guilt stabbing her like a knife.

Deep down, she had wished for their perfect relationship to end. She never wanted either of them to ever get hurt…but she couldn't deny that she did long to be with the knightly White-turned-Red Ranger.

She had wanted him from the start. Whether it was Rita's influence or her own heart that created that attraction, she could never know. But it didn't go away… even after the spell faded to nothing.

Was it possible that it didn't? That somewhere, deep down, she held malevolence to Kim? Did she retain some supernatural power to influence others? Did she somehow

cause Kimberly to send the letter?

It was silly…yet it wasn't entirely impossible. And the very thought that she could have caused Tommy such pain, even indirectly or unwillingly, made her sick.

The guilt that her secret, selfish wish had come true galvanized her to action. She wanted…needed

to help him heal.

She gave up a weekend to accompany him and Billy at the ski slopes, despite her dislike of the cold. She put every effort into convincing Heather Thompson to give him another chance.

At that turbulent time, she was too ashamed to even

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