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and noticed all her friends were staring at her worriedly. Tanya sighed. "Sorry, Kim," she said, "I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm just tired, that's all."

"No biggie," said Kim with a smile. "Let's start back, guys. It'll take a while to get back to the city."
Chapter Four

Once the group of teens returned to the city, Rocky suggested they get some lunch at Ernie's Gym and Juice Bar. Tanya was too tired to even think about eating, so she declined the offer, deciding to return home and rest. The rest of the group went to the Youth Center, and sat at at a booth for privacy. After they ordered their lunch, the conversation quickly turned to Tanya.

"Is something wrong with Tanya?" asked Adam, "I mean, usually she's pretty talkative and stuff, but today, she barely said three words, and we were out hiking for four hours!"

"She did say she had trouble sleeping last night," said Kat. "She looked extremely tired when I first saw her this morning."

"But what about that storm thing?" asked Kimberly. "There was no storm last night. What was she talking about?"

"Maybe she dreamed it," said Rocky.

"But she said she didn't sleep last night!" said Zack.

"Yes, but sometimes people doze off without knowing it," said Billy. "It's very rare for a person to have a completely sleepless night."

"Hey gang," said Ernie, carrying a tray of sodas, "how was your hike?"

"Fun," said Aisha with a smile.

"Exhausting!" Katherine.

"Say, where's Tanya?" asked Ernie.

"She's not feeling well," said Adam. "She went home."

"Oh, that's too bad. Well, I hope she feels better soon. Tomorrow's New Year's Eve, you know."

"Right," said Kimberly, "I can't wait for that party, Ernie!"

"You know I'm excited," said Zack, "I can't remember the last Youth Center party I was at!"

"This year's party will be sensational," said Ernie with a proud smile, "I got a live band, a professional disc jockey, tons of food, and Billy even made a special confetti-throwing machine, linked to the clock. So, when the clock strikes midnight, BOOM!

Confetti bomb!"

"Do you need any help setting up, Ernie?" asked Rocky.

"Actually, I could use your help. If you don't mind, that is."

"We're always glad to give you a hand, Ernie," said Katherine with a smile.

Ernie waved and went back to the kitchen.

Adam leaned over the table. "I sure hope Tanya doesn't plan on missing the party."

Chapter Five

It was nine o'clock when Katherine walked into her family's house that evening. She saw Tanya sitting on the couch, flipping through the television channels absently. Kat sighed and sat next to her.

"How're you feeling now?"

"Tired," Tanya said quietly. "But when I try to sleep, I keep hearing strange sounds. And the shadows keep moving."

Kat arched her eyebrow, and Tanya's shoulders slumped.

"I know, I know," she sighed, "I sound like a six year old, right?"

"Not...necessarily," said Kat, "I mean, in our line of work, we know for a fact that monsters do exist."

"Yeah, but its never really affected me like this before. I mean, I can barely function! Last night, I heard all these strange sounds, and I saw the silhouette of a man running away from my bedroom window!"

"Oh my Gosh!" gasped Kat. "Maybe you're being stalked!"

"I doubt it," said Tanya. "He vanished in a split second, as soon as I blinked. No human can move that fast."

Tanya looked up at her friend uncomfortably. "Look, I know this probably sounds weird, but do you mind if I sleep in your room tonight? I can sleep on the floor -- I don't mind. I just don't think I'll be able to go to sleep if I'm all alone."

"No problem," said Kat, "I'll set the sleeping bag on the floor right now."

Two hours later, both girls were tucked into their beds. Tanya was lying down in Kat's pink sleeping bag, and as soon as her head touched the pillow, she was sound asleep. Kat turned out the light, and also went to sleep. Both girls slept peacefully, until the clock struck midnight. Suddenly, there was a loud tapping on the window. The sound caused Tanya to bolt up from her sleeping bag. She stared at the window, but she couldn't see anything. Then, a bolt of white lightning illuminated the night sky, and she caught a glimpse of a strange, disfigured creature, with a horrible glare in his green eyes, and a crooked mouth, elongated nose, and gruesome expression. She shrieked in fright, and shook Katherine from her sleep.

"Wha --?" asked Kat, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "What's going on?"

"Didn't you hear it?!" Tanya whispered. "The tapping?!"

"Tanya, you were dreaming," said Kat. "Go back to sleep."

Kat tried to lie back down, but Tanya refused to let her. She forced Kat to look out the window. Kat almost fell asleep while Tanya held her up, until another flash of lightning cast the image of the horrific monster just outside her bedroom window. Kat screamed, and leaped out of bed. The two girls stepped back towards the door, clinging to each other.

"Its...its locked

!" cried Katherine, pulling on the bedroom door with all her might.

"But, you don't have a lock on your door!" said Tanya. Both girls screamed again when the glass of the window shattered, throwing jagged shards of glass all about the room. They both ducked, and watched in horror as the monster leaped through the now open window. Kat's eyes widened with terror, while Tanya completely froze. The creature was a large man with a big misshapen head, ochre-yellow face, grey bushy eyebrows, frightful green eyes, and a large, heavy nose hanging over his crooked mouth. He was wearing a pale yellow full-length trench coat, with his hands in his pockets.

"Good evening, Ladies," he said in a deep, chilling voice. He hovered about a foot off the ground, and the bottom of his trench coat blew in the wind. He stared at Tanya, who was sitting on the floor and staring at the intruder with mute fright. He smiled at her, revealing yellowed, decaying teeth.

"My dear Tanya Sloan," he said, "it's taken me years to finally find you again."

"Who is he?" whispered Katherine. Tanya's eyes began to water, and she shook violently.

"Its...the Sandman," she said quietly. "The creature that killed my parents, ten years ago..."

Chapter Six

As soon as Tanya's gaze fell upon the frightful visage of the infamous Giuseppe Coppola, memories long forgotten streamed into her mind, like a raging river just released from the confines of a dam. She saw the horrible night that her psychological defenses had blocked out, when her home in Nairobi burned down, all because she couldn't resist looking at the mysterious figure that visited her father Henry Sloan each year. She saw his monstrous face, and he noticed her presence. Because of her, the Sandman ended up killing her parents in a raging fire. They sacrificed their lives in order to allow Tanya a chance to live without the fear of having the Sandman come and claim her someday. But it now seems they died in vain, because he now stands before her, coming for his slave.

"I knew you would remember me," chuckled Giuseppe. "After all, I believe I have one of those unforgettable faces."

"Stay away from me, Monster!" shrieked Tanya, backing away from the monster. She leaned against the wall, trying her best to calm her overwhelming fear.

"You can't hide from the Sandman," he laughed. "Now come, Tanya. You are a member of the Sloan family, so you are mine by right."

"No she's not!" cried Katherine, standing up. "No one can lay claim to another person!"

"But I'm no ordinary person! I am the Sandman!"

"For all I care, you could be Santa Claus! But you're not taking Tanya without a fight!"

"Really?" asked Sandman, floating towards the tall blonde. "And what will you do? Scream in my ear?"

"Maybe I will! TERRA WATER POWER!!


Katherine Hillard raised both fists to the sky, and her body was immersed in a wave of aqua-blue light. The light startled Sandman, and gave Tanya a chance to hide in Kat's closet, and stay out of the line of fire. When the light faded, Kat was dressed in the Blue Terran Ranger uniform, with a golden shield, white boots and gloves lined with gold, and a blue and gold helmet. She stood with her hands on her hips, and glared at the monster from underneath her helmet.

"What are you supposed to be?" asked Sandman.

"The Blue Terran Power Ranger!" she answered, leaping into the air. She delivered a powerful kick to Sandman's stomach, throwing him out through the broken window, and out of the bedroom. Kat opened her closet door, and let Tanya out.

"Get your communicator!" she said, breaking down the bolted door. "Call the other rangers, and tell them to come back me up! I have no idea how tough Sandman is!"

"I'm on it!" said Tanya, dashing out of the bedroom. She ran past the master bedroom, and sighed in relief.

"Good thing Kat's parents went away for the long weekend!" she panted, running into her bedroom. She grabbed her communicator, and

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