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Book online «Power Rangers Lost Galaxy by Heather Ray (color ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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they'd shared as a group, she never paid enough attention to the quiet man in green overalls. She'd never had an inkling that he felt the same alienation she did, for losing her entire world to Furio's petrifying spell.

She sighed quietly, sitting up and lying her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

He smiled weakly. "It's fine. Sometimes, it helps when you talk about loneliness, you know?" He paused, meeting her warm brown gaze. "I never even said goodbye," he confessed, "I have no idea what they think happened to me."

Maya blinked in surprise. "They didn't know you left with Terra Venture?"

He shook his head. "I'm not technically part of the crew. I worked at the Megaship Museum, keeping the basic systems operational, when Kai came aboard and convinced me to help him get to the moon. We wound up following you, Leo, Kendrix, and Mike through that weird wormhole, and became Power Rangers." His dark eyes fell to his wrist, to the complex machine strapped there. "There was no going back after that."

"If you really want to go home, why don't you?" she wondered. "You could take the Megaship back... or we could even fly with you. It would only take a few days."

He continued shaking his head, almost painfully. "I'm the Green Ranger. Obviously, I was destined to be here." He smiled. "I've been Chosen."

He then shrugged, absently glancing at his watch. His eyes widened in panic as reality set in. "My shift starts in half an hour!" he groaned, leaping to his feet.

Maya stood up as well, and began gathering the blankets. "Then you should go on ahead," she said, "I can bring both horses back."

Damon responded by jumping onto Thunder's back, a challenging grin lighting up his face. "Don't be ridiculous. I'll race ya!"
Chapter Five

She wrung her hands nervously as she passed through the quiet hall in the residential wing of Terra Venture. As she walked, she absently counted her steps.

One hundred sixty-six paces, from his apartment to hers. Not a terribly large distance between them... physically, at least.

As she paused outside the door, she realized that she didn't really know what she was going to say. She didn't have a reason to visit him, other than the fact that she missed him.

She missed

him. It was bizarre to admit it, but that was the truth. After spending the afternoon with him, riding horses, laughing, and talking, she realized how isolated she felt on Terra Venture. That was the primary reason why she volunteered to care for the animals in the Forest Dome. She just wanted somebody to talk to.

Of course, Kendrix had quickly become a very close. However, she was a skilled science officer, and had to serve shifts as long as twelve hours each day. Add service as the Pink Ranger, and Kendrix's day was pretty much absorbed in duties. Obviously, she didn't have lots of time to share with her roommate.

Maya had settled with the harsh reality of isolation on Terra Venture. Her only option was to lounge around in the Forest Dome, talking to the animals and Galactabeasts, and dreaming about the beauty of Mirinoi that she looked forward to seeing again with all her heart and soul. She knew it was her duty to serve as the Yellow Ranger, and deal with the struggle of living in a sterile, foreign environment until her quest was complete. She resigned herself to her fate, accepting all that came with it.

But she never dreamed that out of the blue, she'd see the Green Ranger in such a different light. She found herself regretting that she hadn't spent some time with Damon Henderson earlier.

On the surface, they couldn't be more different. His entire life focused on machinery, and on analyzing the function of objects he encountered in an effort to understand how they work, and what purpose they served. She, on the other hand, didn't care so much about how things worked. She much preferred experiencing nature than trying to understand it, and her appreciation for what was unseen

, such as the spirit of nature, made it possible for her to speak to animals, and hear their calls of distress.

They were like oil and water; and oil and water didn't mix. But despite those differences, she truly enjoyed his company. Somehow, they shared a deeper understanding, and that deeper connection made her seek him out.

Of course, she couldn't just knock on his door and say that. It sounded silly, even in her own mind. So naturally she'd be far too embarrassed to talk about these newfound feelings to Damon.

So she was counting on him wanting to go back to the Forest Dome, or some other leisurely activity. Earthlings called it "hanging out." She didn't much care what the activity was, so long as she could spend more time with him.

After a long deliberation, she finally pressed the tone, and waited as the door slid open.

"Maya!" Kai greeted, a surprised smile forming on his face, "How are you?"

"I'm well," she answered, "and you?"

He exhaled sharply. "Tired. It's been a long day. So, what can I do for you?"

"Is Damon around?"

"He's not here," he answered, walking inside the room. Maya followed him, and together they moved to the small kitchenette, where Leo was busy washing dishes. "Hey Leo, where's Damon? His shift was over at 2200."

Leo turned off the faucet, and dried his hands on a towel. "I think he may have gone straight to the Megaship. He's been working on something there."

Kai frowned. "This late? Is he crazy?"

"Maybe," Leo suggested with a grin.

Maya looked thoughtfully at the sink full of dishes Leo was cleaning. "Did he come home for dinner?"

Leo shook his head. "I haven't seen him since he fell off that horse," he answered, a chuckle instantly escaping. "Man, that was funny..."

"Maybe I should bring him some leftovers?" Maya proposed, "He really ought to eat."

"Good idea," Kai answered, walking to the refrigerator. He removed a plastic container covered with plastic wrap. "I'll fix him a meatloaf sandwich," he decided.

While Kai busied himself in the kitchenette, Leo walked over to the visitor, tossing the dishtowel over his shoulder. "So Maya, why are you looking for Damon?"

She shifted under Leo's inquiring gaze. "I... just wanted to know how his shift had gone. I know he was a bit late in leaving the Forest Dome this afternoon."

Leo blinked in surprise. "So he was with you the whole time? That explains it!"

"Explains what?"

"He had wanted to work on the Megaship this afternoon," Leo explained, "Something about turning it into a Megazord. But if he was with you, that explains why he's on the Megaship now. He wanted to make up for lost time."

"Oh," she muttered thoughtfully, "Do you think he'd need help? That would make his work go by faster, right?"

Leo chuckled slightly. "Well, I don't know the first thing about that Megaship, so I can't be much help. Kai and Kendrix have those crazy shifts, and we obviously can't get any outside help. That would compromise our secret identities." He then gazed at her again. "You thinking of volunteering?"

She shrugged casually. "Maybe I can hand him tools or something," she thought aloud, glancing at Kai. The Blue Ranger walked towards her, and handed her a paper bag.

"That should tide him over," he said to her, "Please tell him not to stay out too

late? He always makes a lot of noise, and I need to get some sleep tonight."

"You got it," she said, waving her farewell to them as she walked out the exit. As the door slid closed behind her, a knowing smile crossed Leo's face.

"She likes him," he realized.

"Of course she does," Kai sighed, glancing at the waiting dishes, "We're all friends here. Now, are you planning on finishing these tonight?"

"I mean she likes

him," Leo emphasized, walking back to the sink. "And he likes her too."

Kai's eyebrow rose as he watched Leo scrub another pan. "You're kidding."

Leo shook his head.

"Damon and Maya?" Kai rolled his eyes. "That doesn't even make sense."

"What makes you say that?" Leo asked.

"They're too different." Kai summarized the facts. "Damon's never even been to the Forest Dome until today, and she's never stepped foot in Engineering. They've spent a total of ten minutes together since they met!"

"But they spent all day together today, and she even came looking for him." He smirked slyly.

"Impossible," Kai maintained, "Opposites don't

attract. That's nonsense. Relationships built on curiosity never work!"

Leo sighed. "You don't have a single romantic bone in your body, Kai."

The Blue Ranger frowned at that comment. "I'm just being realistic here."

"Realistic, huh?" Leo turned off the faucet, dried his hands with the dishtowel, and locked eyes with Kai. "Want to put your money where your mouth is?"

Kai frowned suspiciously. "What's the bet?"

"Maya and Damon will start dating within a week. Real, official dating. Within seven days."

Kai chewed his lip as he took the proposal under consideration. "No interference, from you or Kendrix?"


"And what's at stake?"

"Loser cooks dinner for two weeks straight."

Kai chuckled. "You? Cook dinner? That sounds more like a punishment!" He then grinned. "Okay, you're on!"

Chapter Six

A deep yawn escaped from the depths of his chest. He leaned his heavy head against his fist, and forced his eyes to stay open long enough to review the data output.

He frowned when a flashing red comment appeared across the computer screen: Error.

"Not again," he moaned, throwing his head back in defeat. He then pressed the Escape key, and stared at the entire data board from a slight distance. He folded his fingers, and frowned pensively at the wire-frame construction of the Astro Megazord.

It didn't make sense. There wasn't any damage

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