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Book online «The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6 by Heather Ray (free ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Okay gang, let's go!"

In an instant, Jason's teammates took action. Kimberly and Tommy pulled their aerial Zords out of the line of fire, to prepare for the biggest energy barrage they could muster. The Cheetah was easily running circles around the body of the knight, twisting and dodging every razor it launched. Finally, the Hawk performed an elaborate dance around the head of the knight, keeping it more or less stationary as it hovered in the air. This made Jason's job easier, as the red-rimmed bulls-eye appeared on his forward screen.


!" he shouted, holding down the trigger. As he watched, the pulsing energy struck the target dead on, smacking the helmet at the left temple, right where it collided with the Eaglezord's wing before. But this time, the collision was more powerful, and was continuous. The head of the monster howled painfully, trying desperately to float out of harm's way. But Jason's volley of energy only followed it as it moved towards the body, despite the low energy warning lights flashing throughout the cockpit.

Jason watched, biting his lip in anticipation, as the head reconnected at the neck. The Cheetah backed away, leaving room for the monster to stumble around dazedly, its massive hands flying to its temples in agony.

"Got it!" Jason declared, as a sudden rippling effect covered the entire monster. "


In unison, the Phoenix and Thunderbird released the blazing fury of red flames and blinding lightning. Both streams of energy hit their target, and continued the merciless bombardment.

^I'm running out, here,^

Tommy stated.

"Hold on a second," Jason instructed, "I think it's working!"

^You're right!^

Zack shouted from the Cheetah. ^Sensors reading the monster is dropping in magnitude, down to 90%...83%...65%...^

Suddenly, a bright white light erupted from the monster's position, exploding into a powerful wave of released energy.

Chapter Forty-Seven

"We did it!" Billy cheered, right before he was buried in an extensive group hug by all the Starlight team, as well as Katherine, Rocky, and Aisha. Tanya and David rushed over from the treatment area, and joined in on the small celebration.

"I can't believe it!" David marveled, watching the brilliant energy of the explosion die down, "It's over!"

"Terrific job, you three," Anthony congratulated Regina, Rocky, and Billy. "That was amazing teamwork!"


impressive!" Aisha added.

Rocky grinned, brushing aside the kudos. "Don't act like you guys didn't all help out."

"Uh...gang?" Tanya called, glancing at the Viewing Globe. "It's not over yet."

The group turned to the globe, and watched as, from the epicenter of the massive explosion, the black knight reached out of the hole.

"Amazing," Billy whispered, stepping closer. "It looked like the release of energy contained in the expansion shield should've killed him."

"He's certainly a resilient tin can," Brittany muttered, racing over to the console where she left her yellow helmet. "But now that he's bite-sized, we can lend a hand!"

"Right!" Regina agreed, leaping from her seat. "We're finally gonna see some action!"

Katherine also snapped her aqua helmet back on, and watched as Tanya prepared to open a link to the ships.

"Oh no you don't," Tanya said to the Blue Ranger. "Did you think we didn't notice that limp? You're going to have a seat by the med-unit, and I'll take a look at that ankle in a second."

Katherine was about to protest, but sighed quietly instead. "Okay, you win."

Tanya nodded with a smile, and then turned on the link. "Tanya to Terran Rangers. Teleport your Zords into the hangars, and meet the Starlights at the epicenter of the explosion. He's not finished yet."

^We're on it,^

Zack responded.

Tanya and Katherine watched as Brittany, Regina, Anthony, and Rebecca assembled, their hands on their belts.

"Back to Action!" Anthony shouted.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Panting heavily, Rito pulled himself out of the crater created by the blinding explosion that had engulfed him only moments ago. Coughing the dust that had entered his skeleton, Rito dug his brutally damaged ax into the dirt, giving himself some leverage to rise to his feet. Still, his joints trembled at the exertion he placed just into standing, and it was clear to the ancient being that he was extremely weakened by the loss of the expansion shield. Not only was he reduced to his natural height, but the force of the explosion hurt him more than any of the other Ranger attacks offered that day.

He was convinced the brats had gotten lucky. He was certain that, if the Purple Ranger hadn't carelessly smashed her Zord into his temple, the Rangers never would've discovered the shield even existed. That collision gave him a splitting headache, giving the Megazord a chance to get on its feet before he could annihilate them.

He was so close...yet perhaps it wasn't over. After all, the Eaglezord had vanished, and the Alligator had retreated. If luck was with him, both Rangers were taken out of the battle, and since it was likely that all the Zords were weakened by the conflict, perhaps he'd only have to face five of the Terran Rangers. Considering the Rangers' crippling sense of honor, they wouldn't face a man-sized monster in a Zord anyway.

He felt a boost of strength in him, encouraged by the hope that perhaps he could still inflict damage. So, he stepped out of the spiraling dust cloud that formed by the explosion, and steadied himself for the inevitable arrival of his foes.

He deflated when nine fully-morphed warriors flashed into existence right before him. The majority of Terra team was at the ready, holding their weapons at the ready, and flanking them were four members of the team of Rangers from the Multiversal hole. Rito hadn't taken into account the upstart Rangers, who were completely fresh from not having participated in the previous battle.

"Curse you all," he groaned, grasping his mangled ax as he eyed each warrior.

"I'm frankly surprised you're still on your feet," the Red Terran Ranger taunted. "Now, how would you like to pick on someone your own size?"

"Or better yet, nine

someones," the Red Starlight Ranger added.

Chapter Forty-Nine

Goldar trembled as he saw the light buried deep inside his master's eye sockets intensify. It reminded him of the pulsing red energy that Lord Zedd emitted whenever infuriated. Only with Umbriel, just a small dose of anger was terrifying for all surrounding him.

Other than this bright light, there was no indication that the Shadowed One was angry. His body was perfectly still, standing beside the large globe of Earth and watching the image of the battle that projected from a narrow needle inserted in the rocky cliffs that formed the western border of Angel Grove.

"So, the humans discovered the expansion shield," Umbriel noted, a hint of impatience rather than anger in his tone. "Very well. I shall not make that mistake again."

"What mistake?" Goldar ventured. The instant Umbriel's empty gaze fell upon him, Goldar wished he could melt into the wall behind him.

Still, he couldn't understand what had happened.

"I formed an expansion shield around Rito, in order to enlarge him to Zord proportions. It was his best chance of besting both teams of Rangers, since it was a safe assumption that the newer team could not participate in a Zord battle. However, until I have the M'Kraan Crystal in my possession again, my magics are weak. I cannot cast an expansion spell without its power. The shield was my only option, and unfortunately the Rangers recognized that it could be broken."

Umbriel then glided back to his throne, sinking into the frame and pensively folding his fingers.

"Still, Rito had completed his mission. He gauged the power of these Terran Rangers. They are bright and intelligent children. It is clear Zordon chose his champions wisely. But they were quite close to defeat, even before I have the power of the M'Kraan. Once I am once again in possession of it, these humans will undoubtedly pose little challenge."

Umbriel focused his gaze at the floor before him, and in an eruption of obsidian smoke, Rito Revolto appeared. He gasped heavily, lowering his sword from an attack position, and humbly fell to his knees.

"Forgive me, Lord," he begged, "I have failed you."

"Recall that your mission was not to destroy the Rangers. I would have brought you back if I felt you were close to crossing that line," Umbriel announced darkly. "Until I get the crystals from their bodies, the Rangers themselves will not die by my command. However, I shall find other ways of dealing with them."

Chapter Fifty

With a contented grin, Billy deactivated the Viewing Globe. He then eased into the chair positioned at his desk,

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