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Book online «The Spectrum Force by Heather Ray (summer books .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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sorority chapter?" Rachel suggested, "Or, what if she's rushing? Lydia told me that the prospective candidates for membership had to attend the party, and were absolutely forbidden from revealing their identities to anyone other than their Big Sister... the member who will wind up determining whether a candidate will get in. Did you even think

of that?"

"No, I didn't," Keith confessed, his smile returning, "So... maybe I didn't make such a bad impression after all. I was so tongue-tied!"

Rachel couldn't help but laugh at that comment. "I wish I was there to see it!" she giggled, "Anyway, since you left

me all alone, I had to make due without you!"

"Craig was there!" Keith protested.

"Yeah, but Craig couldn't stay long. He had an early class today, and he's at basketball practice now."

"So what did you do?"

Rachel looked away for a moment. "I... bumped into someone."

Keith's brow wrinkled in thought, until he saw the cold expression on his companion's face. "Uh oh... one of the Ex's. Uh... Aaron?"

She nodded in response.

"You know, I just don't get you," Keith said, frowning slightly, "I mean, I could never understand why you broke up with Aaron in the first place! He was a nice guy, an amazing athlete, and Craig could certainly vouch for him. They're on the same basketball team, after all. They spend a lot of time together."

Rachel scowled slightly at Keith's comment. "It was mutual

, Keith."

"No, it wasn't. You pulled that 'Let's just be friends' routine on him, and he agreed to it. It was all

you, Ray. And I thought you really liked him, too."

"We're still friends," Rachel protested, folding her arms and leaning heavily into the couch, "I really don't feel like discussing it, if you don't mind."

Both remained quiet for a moment, until Keith finally cleared his throat.

"So... what happened with Aaron yesterday?" he inquired, dismissing the effects of his comment on the first of Rachel's several ill-fated relationships.

"So, Aaron told me about a big sale they're having at Sports Stadium at the Everclear Plaza this week," she responded quietly, "They're closing the store, so all sports equipment is marked down. I need to get some new kick-boxing gear, and now's as good a time as any."

Keith leaned back in his couch for a moment, as a thought occurred to him. "Why don't we go now?"

Rachel blinked in surprise. "We?

But, you hate malls!"

"There's something I'd like to pick up."

Chapter Four

Monday, November 6th

The harsh rain pelted against his sturdy umbrella, and he splashed his boots in deep pools of water, but all he could hear was the melody playing directly into his ear.

He continued to hum the song during his walk to his exam site. After Craig had offered a strong complaint about the constant "When I Fall in Love"

pouring from Keith's CD player, the latter decided to just start using his Discman.

Ever since he purchased the Sleepless in Seattle soundtrack at the mall, he'd play the tune to relax.

It was amazing the effect it had on him. He was so calm, he barely even thought about the massive midterm exam he was about to take. Still, considering the powerful rain, he had allotted himself a good twenty minutes to get across campus in time.

He turned off the Discman once the song had finished playing, and was about to turn into the Addam's Hall, when he heard the sound of a large group moving toward the exit from inside. He waited patiently as several hundred students just dismissed from a lecture poured through the massive double doors, as it would be quite difficult to fight the traffic to get into the building. As he waited, something caught his eye.

Flowing raven hair.

Keith's eyes widened, as he tried desperately to keep his eye upon the figure he saw. The crowd started to disperse, as various students pulled out their umbrellas and headed onto Hamilton Walkway to reach their next destination.

And standing beside the building, watching as bullets of heavy water fell from the sky, was Titania.

She wore no glitter, nor a tiara. But he still knew it was her.

"Hey!" he called, weaving his way through the remaining crowd. She didn't turn to him until he was already beside her, hovering his umbrella over her head. "Don't I know you?"

She smiled widely, her eyes wide with surprise. "Blackbeard?" she questioned. She giggled when he nodded in response. "You look better without the patch and beard."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was intended to be."

Keith cast a quick glance at his watch. He still had ten minutes before his exam would begin- plenty of time to take advantage of the rare opportunity.

"So," he said, "where're you heading?"

"Oh, I have to go to Zellberg Auditorium," she sighed, staring at the heavy cloud cover, "You know, it wasn't raining when I left the dorm this morning. I guess I can wait it out..."

"How about allowing me the privilege of escorting you?" Keith offered, his smile widening, "Zellberg's only two blocks from here."

Her brow wrinkled slightly. "Are you sure it isn't out of your way? Weren't you going somewhere?"

Keith cast one more glance at his watch. "Don't worry about it."

"Well, thanks a lot," she said, smiling widely as the pair began walking back onto the soaked stone pathway of Hamilton Walk. As they hurried along the relatively empty walkway, Keith felt her dark brown eyes on his face for an extended period of time.

"Bye the way," she said, pursing her lips for a moment, "My name's Tamara Fox... but everyone calls me Tammy."

"Pleased to meet you," Keith responded, shaking her offered hand, "I'm Keith Maloy."

"Charmed," she responded, gripping his hand with equal force. After an extended moment, they both released each other, and focused their eyes upon the path in front of him. Keith smiled slightly to himself as an extremely loud crash of thunder struck in the heavens, causing Tamara to edge just a little closer to him.

"By the way," she said, not taking her eyes off the pathway, "I'm really glad we bumped into each other. I... I was kind of hoping we'd see each other again."

Keith felt a broad smile tugging on his lips, but he made a conscious effort not to relay to Tamara how ecstatic he was to find her. "Me too," he said earnestly, "I mean, our meeting circumstances weren't exactly optimal for getting to know one another."

Tamara blushed cutely. "I'm sorry about that, Keith. I would have liked to be more disclosing, but I'm rushing, and it's strictly forbidden for sorority candidates to break the rules of the Phi Sigma Epsilon Masquerade."

"So, you really want to be part of a sorority?" Keith inquired, "I'm sorry... it's not my business-"

"That's okay," Tamara interrupted, "Actually, I don't think I want to join up. A friend of mine is rushing, and I figured I'd give it a try, but it turns out I won't really have the time. Rushing is really a big investment of time, and I'm already working with the T.T.T."

"I'm sorry," Keith said, "the what?"

"The Thalia Theater Troupe," she answered, "It's one of the entertainment groups on campus. It's named for the Greek muse of comedy, because the vast majority of the plays we put on are comedies rather than tragedies. You know... with happy endings."

"Oh yeah... I think they put on Rhinoceros

last year."

"Right. This year, we're staging Gilbert and Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance

. It's a fabulous, really funny light opera."

"Opera?" Keith inquired, nodding slowly, "So, you can dance, act, and


Tamara's faint blush returned. "Well... I don't sing all that

well. Actually, I'd rather just put on a regular play, but it's not really my choice."

The pair paused at the cement stairs leading to the entrance to Zellberg Auditorium. In unison, they climbed the case, and paused right outside the door. Keith maneuvered the umbrella so it remained above Tamara's head, even though he felt his back soaking in large drops of rain.

"Thanks so much for the walk over," Tamara said, waving as she opened the door, "I'd be completely drenched!"

"Say," he said, reaching out and touching her hand to prevent her from leaving, "this storm doesn't look like it's gonna let up. In fact, the weather report did say it'd get even worse this afternoon."

Tamara grimaced. "I really should check the forecast before I leave the dorm," she sighed.

"Well, why don't I just give you my umbrella?" Keith offered nonchalantly.

"Don't be silly," Tamara stated firmly, "I certainly can't let you get soaked on my account!"

"Really, it's no big deal-"

"Nonsense," she interrupted firmly, "Actually, I have a better idea. What are you doing in three hours?"

Keith shook his head. "Nothing in particular. Want me to walk you home?"

Tamara's sweet, almost shy grin returned. "Well, maybe we can go get coffee or something?" she suggested. "That is, if you have the time..."

"That'd be terrific," Keith assured her, "So, I'll pick you up at four?"

Tamara nodded, opening the front door once again. "See you then!"

Keith watched for a moment as the heavy wood door slowly closed behind her. As soon as she was gone, an immense smile stretched his lips, and in an ecstatic reaction, he hopped down the fight of stairs, splashing through a deep puddle. But, he didn't care.

"Yes!" he whispered, balling his fist. He almost had to pinch himself, for it was too good to be true. Just minutes ago, he was almost convinced he'd never find her again... and now, he had a date with her in just three hours. Thank goodness he had bumped into her just outside Addam's Hall...

Uh oh.

"My test!" he shrieked, his azure eyes widening, "I'm late!"

Without another coherent thought, Keith raced through the torrential rain like a madman, ignoring the hard rain that stung his eyes due to his pace. He was only three minutes late so far... plenty of time to take the exam remained.

Still, the smile on his face didn't fade at all.

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