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Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by Heather Ray (read any book .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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behind, and Miami is three hours ahead of that... so seven a.m."

Kimberly awoke with the dawn. One of the most hated parts of her training, she always complained.

With an unsteady hand, I lifted the phone beside my bed. I didn’t think about the cost of making an international call. I didn’t even figure out what I was going to say to her.

I hoped Kimberly would guide the way.

After a few pulses, someone picked up. "’lo?"

I put on a false smile, in an effort to keep my voice light. "Renee? It’s Trini. Did I wake you?"

Kimberly’s roommate sighed. "I was awake. Didn’t get much sleep."

I swallowed. "Is Kim... okay?"

Another long sigh. "She’s a mess, Trini. She’s been

a mess for days!"

Probably from the moment she wrote that awful letter.

"Is she sick?"

"I don’t know what the hell’s wrong with her! She won’t tell me anything!"

The young woman huffed in frustration; in many ways, her outspoken personality reminded me of Kim. "I guess the stress of the Games is finally getting to her. The Coach really chewed her out last week... something about her lack of focus. But he’s hard on her all the time... she’s probably got more talent in one finger than most of us do in our entire bodies! Goes with the territory, ya know?"

I nodded, despite the fact she couldn’t see me. Slowly, a pretty feasible explanation formed in my mind.

"Anyhow, she just broke down, muttering some nonsense, and has been completely inconsolable ever since. She kinda switches between a sobbing mess, and then a cold robot. She still makes it to every single practice, doesn’t offer a single complaint when the Coach yells at her, and runs through the motions like she’s been programmed."

Then she paused. "I think she’s been kidnapped by aliens, and replaced by some clone in an effort to sabotage the U.S. team."

I offered a weak laugh. "Doubtful, Renee. You think I could talk to her? Maybe cheer her up a little?"

"Actually, she’s not in now. She went out extra early for a jog. She’s been doing that for the past two weeks... Jeez... it’s not even light

out when she leaves! Want me to tell her you called?"

I didn’t hesitate. "I wanted to make sure she’d be around today. Tommy told me he was going to drop in on her. You know, a surprise visit."

Renee squealed over the phone. "Wow, those two must have some kind of psychic connection! She was so upset last week, with all the stress, and she couldn’t reach Tommy over the phone. I guess he’s been busy with midterms or something."

I couldn't help a wry grin at that. Most likely, there'd been a twenty-story robot trying to flatten Angel Grove, and perhaps an exam or two on top of that, just for good measure; but surely Kim could understand that, right? Or was the stress really getting that difficult to manage?

I shook out of my musing enough to reply. "He got a disturbing letter from her, and got a little worried."

"I’d believe it. She’s been really irrational... it’s been scary. Sure he can come by! Our practice runs ‘til five today, and then we’re free for the evening. If he can book a flight this morning, he should be able to make it in plenty of time. I’m sure she’d love to see him."

"Thanks for your help, Renee. And be sure to tell Kim to call me some time, would you?"

"You got it. Later, Trini!"


I settled the phone on its cradle, my fingers slowly releasing it. I breathed slowly, absorbing all the information I had collected and piecing it together into a credible picture.

She’s overworked, and under stress. The Coach is putting pressure on her to put her every effort into the Games. She’s the best hope for the medal. And when she needed Tommy the most... he was unavailable. So, she wrote that stupid letter...

Kim was always so sensitive. Combine that with unusually stressful circumstances, and it wasn’t hard to believe she wrote the letter in a huff of outrage.

She’s regretting it now. I can just see it. She wishes she could take it back, but now it’s too late. Or... maybe it's not.

My decision was made. And it was final. Before my selfish heart could even attempt to rationalize, excuse, or deny what I knew to be the best decision, I stepped out of my bedroom.

Tommy was hunched over the mug of tea that had stopped steaming. It had chilled before him, almost completely untouched.

"Tommy... you need to talk to Kim."

He glanced up, and fixed me with a mortified stare. He didn’t need to say what was on his mind; I could read it all over his face.

He was scared that the woman he loved would hurt him even more in person. It must have crossed his mind to pay a visit to Florida; but his insecurity made him hesitate.

His insecurity made him come see me instead.

He came for my insight, and that's exactly what I'd give him. And I'd hold back nothing. "I told you before: sometimes, people are brutally honest with themselves. Now it’s your turn. Tommy, do you love Kimberly."

He answered immediately. "Yes."

"Do you want to know what went wrong?"


"Then talk

to her, face to face. No letters, no phone calls... just you and her, with nothing to filter your words or hide behind."

It's actually painful to look Tommy in the eye right now, so I avoid it, looking just over his shoulder. "Look, the truth is, I haven’t spoken to Kim in months. She’s practically a prisoner in that gym, surrounded by acquaintances rather than the friends she loves. She’s under far more pressure than she’s accustomed to, without the support of her friends and family."

I rubbed my forehead, leaning against the wall. "I think she needs you, so much she’s scared of it. She needs you now, Tommy... and you need to go see her."

Tommy’s face gradually collapsed into a frown, letting me see understanding slowly dawn upon him. "You mean, right


I nodded emphatically. "Why not?"

"I can’t just go there!"

I smirked. "You just came here, didn’t you? I’m sure Zordon will let you drop in on Kim."

His gaze fell back to the mug. "But, what if...?"

"You’re stalling," I pointed out, "If anything happens while you’re gone, you’re a communicator beep away."

I approached him, heart twisting at the stricken expression on his face. Gently, I laid my hand on his strong shoulder.

"I’ve known Kim a long time," I murmured, squeezing the muscle, "I’ve been there for all her other boyfriends. And she never broke up with any of them in such a cold way. I'm sure there’s more to this than what’s written in that letter. And if you love her... if you really

love her... you’ve got to face her."

Then, I glanced at my watch. "You’ve got about ten hours to kill before Kim’s practice for the day is over. Want some breakfast? I can make some pretty decent scrambled eggs."

He grinned... this time, the amused, relaxed grin I remember so well. "Thanks, but I’ve got some thinking to do."

He rose from his seat, and before I could even prepare myself, he wrapped me in his strong arms.

I felt myself shiver, screwing my face in an effort to withstand the power his embrace had on me. Then, I slowly returned it, patting his shoulder blade.

"You’re the best, Trini. I owe you."

And with that, he was gone.

I sighed deeply, and sank into the chair he had vacated. Straining to keep my hand from shaking, I reached for the cup of tea he left, swallowing the lukewarm brew slowly. And slowly, I regained the calm demeanor I’ve always been known for.

Chapter Five

Tommy visited Kim that evening. I made sure of it; not only did I call Tommy’s house at four (which translates to one a.m. in Switzerland), I even called Billy, and updated him on my advice. If Tommy did back down at the last minute, I was confident that Billy would program the teleporter himself, and send him to Florida, ready or not.

Kim called me the following day, and thanked me.

I knew then, if I hadn’t intervened - if I hadn’t inserted the possibility of reconciliation into Tommy’s stubborn, self-deprecating cranium - he never would’ve gone to Florida. He never would have forced a confrontation. He would never have learned the truth.

He never would have married her.

And now, on a sunny Saturday afternoon five years later, I stare down the isle at the altar, dressed in a muted yellow gown. Tommy stands on one side, anxiously knotting his fingers, and Jason is behind him, a wide smile on his face.

The wedding march begins, and the two hundred attendees all pivot, watching the bridal party slowly walk down the aisle. Kimberly is simply radiant in her flowing gown... the princess she’d always dreamed of being.

Tommy’s face just lights up as he sees her.

Cameras flash in my eyes as I watch her approach the altar. Tears cloud my vision, a serene smile on my face as I watch my best friend take the arm of the man she loves.

Of the man we both love.

Yet my smile is genuine, despite the knowledge that I missed my chance.

Kimberly has made him happy, during the years of their teenaged fairytale romance, to their young adulthood’s deeper bond, to the dizzying activity of their eight-month engagement. And now, Kimberly will make him happy for a lifetime.

Only Kimberly can make him truly happy. I'm sure of that now.

As for me... I will love again. I know I will.

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