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Book online «BLOODWORTH 3: Blut und Stahl by Tai Goodman (android e book reader .txt) 📖». Author Tai Goodman

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Wind passed Phoenix's hair like a breeze. The APC to him seems to be getting smaller. And then the man faced forwards, watching his motorcycle float off of the ground. "WHAT THE SHIT?"
His motorcycle flipped upside down and hit a crane's magnet. Phoenix gripped onto the choppercycle's handlebars, clenching his feet against the sides of his vehicle. He grunted, attempting to hold on for his life. The crane's arm elevated up to the crane's control station high up, and the moment the arm stopped, the rumble caused Phoenix to almost drop. Phoenix was hanging from both handlebars of his choppercycle. The Nazi in the control booth pulled out his machine gun and aimed at Phoenix through the glass plane in the window. "Ahh SHIT." Phoenix pulled out his cyberpistole with one of his hands and said, "ARMOR PIERCING! ARMOR PIERCING!" 


The ammunition type switched with an audible notification sound effect, and Phoenix aimed at the Nazi's face. "Rest in PIECES!" 

PEW! The bullet traveled through the glass and then pierced through the Nazi's face. Shattered glass covered in blood fell to the ground. Phoenix fired at the control panel inside a few times in order to lower himself. Sparks and flames radiated off of the panel. He waited for a few seconds... And nothing happened.

"Aww... And it was a good plan." Then he noticed a hydraulic rope connecting the crane's arm to the tower. "And this one's an even BETTER one." Phoenix aimed at the rope and fired, disconnected the hydraulic rope. The crane's arm then started diagonally extending at a quick speed. "WHOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA!" 


When it hit the limit, Phoenix soared to the ground with the motorcycle flipping over and hitting him in the back. Once the two landed, Phoenix landed into the driving seat and was driving like normal. And he was on the outside of the harbor, too, a few feet from the overpass. "Time to get the fuck out of here!"


He drove away, holding his middle finger up. "SEE YOU LATER! MOTHERFUCKER!"

Chapter VII: A Cracked Road

"Traveling through Jefferson City made me think: Is it too late to turn back? I'm two states above Louisiana. No, the police are probably looking for me. That'd be suicide. Not like that's one of my goals, right? Going on a mission to get yourself killed and take another man down with you." 



Phoenix arrived at a motel, and walked into the lobby. A Nazi security guard examined him. "You look like you've had a rough night, ja?" 

"Don't answer him, Phoenix. All he is is a live punching bag, ready to have the sand punched outta him." He ignored the Nazi and continued to the front desk. The Nazi walked over to Phoenix and said, "Hallo, are you alright?"

"Yes. Now can I be left alone?"

The Nazi nodded and backed away. Phoenix pulled out his wallet and shuffled through his money. It was $50 to rent a room. He found two twenties and a ten dollar bill. Phoenix inserted it into the slot, and the machine received the currency. In return, it gave Phoenix a keycard. "You are room 103. Have a good day." 

Phoenix walked out of the office and then was stopped by the Nazi on the way out. "Ugh, what do you want goddammit?" he sulted. "Vell, I just vant to make sure you are O.K. Are you REALLY?"

"No... I mean, yeah- No. No, I'm not. Umm..." Phoenix watched a staff member walk a dog outside. "My dog died today. Had rabies."


"Oh. Mein condolences. Vell, you have a gut day. Heil Hitler." 


"Yeah yeah. Heil..."


Phoenix continued to 103. He inserted the card and the door opened automatically. "Welcome to the Unionville Motel. We hope you enjoy your stay. Willkommen im Unionville Motel. Wir hoffen, dass Sie Ihren Aufenthalt genießen." He entered the room and looked around. One bed, fully made, with a small table to the right with a lamp and phone on it. Phoenix walked over to the bed, and switched the light on. Then he untied the laces on his boot. "Probably swollen by now." The moment he yanked the combat boot and the sock off of his injured foot, the cauterized wound in his foot was both red and black around the bullet hole. "Damn." Phoenix walked over to the washing machine infused in the wall, and inserted his coat, undershirt, and pants, and underwear along with his socks. Completely naked, he removed the electrocution vest and ramming pads off of him, and then placed his mask on the side of his bed. He waltzed into the shower, and stepped on inside. 


"Hot showers. They dry up my fingers, make them look wrinkly like a frog's skin. Feels good to have some good simulated heat against your flesh like a hot tub pouring horizontally onto you. The moment you stop the water, that's when the heat and burn get to you. It's from the withdrawal. Skin's red like you got sunburnt. You gotta push through the pain to get something you want. Can't sugarcoat it, can't abridge it, because that's what PUSSIES do." 


Phoenix took his towel and wrapped it around his waist. Heading out of the shower, he saw that the room was a hospital room. Abhy was on a chair in the hospital, with Peter standing there with her. "Uh, here she comes!" he notified Abhy, with his hand on her shoulder. A doctor came out from the corner of the room which Phoenix couldn't see, and said, "The results are in. It's a boy." Abhy had a shocked look on her face. Phoenix then looked at Peter, who was grinning at him with a locked-on stare. 




"PETER, YOU GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY WIFE!" Phoenix screamed at him. Peter mumbled, "What're you talking about?" 

Phoenix popped his knuckles in place. "YOU DID NOT... DID... YOU F- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WIFE?"

"Alright, I've had enough of you today. Goodbye, Phoenix." 


Abhy waved at him, and so did the doctor. Abhy said, "Farewell." And then the hospital room was erased by static. Phoenix walked over to the corner where Peter and Abhy were just positioned. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME PETE?! I'LL RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB! THINK YOU CAN FUCK MY WIFE AND GET AWAY WITH IT?"


Then Phoenix turned around and saw Dovkin Schriener. "Remember me, American?" 



And then Anna Pultzei appeared behind Phoenix, and spoke, "Vhat about me? Do you remember me?"


Last but not least, Franz Pultzei appeared out of the corner. "Und me. Do you... remember me, friend?"


The three started walking directly toward Phoenix. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Phoenix screamed, wielding his cyberpistole, waving it around at the three Nazis. "YOU DON'T THINK I'M KIDDING? I'LL SHOOT!"

He pulled the trigger, and the cyberpistole spoke, "ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. MALFUNCTION IN SOFTWARE." 




The Nazis snagged Phoenix by his clothes and threw him onto the bed which was apparently covered in gasoline. "Auf wiedersehen." Four separate leather belts slithered like snakes around Phoenix's four limbs and restrained him. And then the bed ignited into flames. "NO! NO! NOOOOOO! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" 


Chapter VIII: Scars and Scrapes

 "Where am I.... What just happened?"


Phoenix's vision was all black. He couldn't move, at ALL. His body felt stuck and restrained beyond the limits, like a statue. There were footsteps and voices that kept appearing around him. They were faint, and slurred. He then heard the voice of a youngling, "Mommy, what is that?"


"Jimmy, don't look at that, let's go someplace else." 


Then Phoenix woke up and walked over to the washing machine. He opened the machine and pulled out his clothes. "Time to get back to work." 



Phoenix drove onto the road and noticed a picture of Stanley on his dash. "Be patient, we'll be seeing that fuck soon enough." He revved the engine and sped off. Phoenix eventually entered a city of cyber-electronics and futuristic buildings. Skyscrapers were too tall, airborne vehicles were agglomerating in the sky. He then watched a bus of people with their legs chained up walk out of a white prison carrier. Phoenix stopped by the road and kicked his kickstand up to watch. They all shuffled in order into a building. A random citizen walked by him, smoking a cigar. "Hard to watch, ain't it. I feel bad for each and every one of those guys. Only thing they probably did wrong was be born, but if that's the case, why aren't we also arrested?"


"I know. It's repulsive."


The guy walked off after he agreed with a nod. Phoenix slightly pulled the cyberpistole out of his coat. "Nano-bomb." The ammunition changed inside of the pistol. Then he looked at the bus. "Alright. Let's see what happens when I do this." Phoenix aimed the pistol at the bottom of the bus, quickly fired a nano-explosive, and then drove off. 





A man in a Nazi uniform waltzed into the room, closing the door behind him. "Hallo, Mein Fuhrer." In the leather chair placed behind the maroon desk in the office, the Fuhrer rotated his chair around, revealing his face. Black trapezoidal mustache underneath his nose. Short black hair with a round hairline. Big bulgy eyes. Face as heated and red as anger itself. "Fegelein. Speak to me in zhis.... English. I am learning zhis language, and I must practice."


"Okay... Mein Fuhrer.. I brought you zhe wine you wanted. Spatburgunder. Just how you like it," Fegelein informed him, pouring Hitler a glass. "Fegelein, you are my.... Mmmm.... 'Right hand man,' yes? There is no need to call me your Fuhrer. Call me... Adolf." 

"Yes M- I mean, Adolf. Is zhere un reason you called me up to your office?"


"Yes. Yes, Fegelein. I have a... How the Americans say, 'rodent problem.'" 


Fegelein sat down in the chair across from Hitler. "Rodent? You mean... Like un rat or a cockroach?" 

Hitler stood out of his chair and sipped his wine in front of a painting of him and his wife. "No... But the rodent is like one. It is zhe Masked Terror. I vas just informed, recently, zhat un bus was destroyed by him. Mein army is so close to killing zhis IGNORANT lunatic of a man... I am SICK. I AM SICK. SICK AND TIRED OF ZHIS NONSENSE. EVERY DAY, IT'S MASKED TERROR ZHIS, MASKED TERROR THAT. DOES HE EVER REST OR STOP? Zhis is our country, VE RUN THIS PLACE. HE VILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE, AND VE VILL GOAD HIM INTO STICKING HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS LITTLE HOLE!" 


He walked over to Fegelein, sitting in his chair.

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