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Book online «The Spectrum Force by Heather Ray (good inspirational books .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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said, "Luminus told me they are currently on a mission."

"Then let's call some reinforcements from the Multiverse!" contributed Tamara, "The Power Rangers will help us."

"True," said Rachel, "but for how long? They can't stay here permanently, to keep fighting off the Denebians. They have their own planet to protect. This is our

fight, team."

"Hey guys!" said Chris, pointing out the window, "Look!"

The Spectrum Force turned around, and was startled to see snowflakes falling towards the Earth below.

"It was supposed to rain today," Matt recalled, "I guess the temperature's dropped so low the rain is falling as snow."

"Great," sighed Jocelyn, "If there's snow in Langstrum Alps, can you imagine how cold it is up north? The whole planet will freeze over!"

"And with the Sun blocked, there's nothing stopping the Denebians from sending foot-soldiers," whispered Tamara.

"And without the Sun to re-energize our rings, we can't fight them off for long," Craig summed up weakly.

"Dammit!" Keith shouted, pounding his fist into his open palm.

Chapter Seven

Far above Earth, in the intimidating Denebian Flagship, Phaedra stretched her narrow fingers over a small pool of water, about four feet across and two feet deep. While she moved her fingers in a typing motion, bolts of black energy flowed from her long nails into the glowing, clouded liquid. Nearby, her husband Acheron and daughter Celea waited for her to complete her spell. Celea was busily selecting from her wide collection of magical arrows, kept in a closet against the wall. Acheron stood beside her, observing his daughter's choices.

"I always thought the Flare Arrows were the most interesting," Acheron commented, holding a narrow orange colored arrow, "The condensed force of heat is enough to instantly turn many species into ash."

"I prefer the Graviton Arrow," Celea remarked, slipping a gray arrow into her quiver, "The pressure field it creates can actually transform a block of coal into a diamond in minutes. Not even a Spectrum Shield can save someone from being squeezed to death."

"Don't forget to bring Disrupter Arrows, to break the Spectrum Force's link to their powers. The more they have to transform, the quicker they'll use up what energy they still have."

"Celea," Phaedra called, looking up from the pool of water to her daughter, "have you prepared the foot-soldiers?"

Celea nodded, an ecstatic glint in her crimson eyes. "Indeed. I have collected an army of Denebian soldiers to span the Earth. They are more effective than Shadow Warriors, now that the Sun has been blocked, and they do not require the expense of our magical powers."

"Send them all to Langstrum Alps," Phaedra commanded, "I want to lay waste to the city the Spectrum Force has defended since their inception."

"What of the Force?" asked Acheron. Phaedra smiled.

"Shiva will deal with them," she answered, gesturing to the pool of water, "He is nearly ready for battle."

"Where will you place Shiva?" Celea inquired, "He can only exist in a water source just above freezing."

"There is a river that flows through the city. With the Sun blocked, it shan't take long for the temperature to drop low enough. Now Celea, I want you to lead the attack against the city. Do not engage the Spectrum Force, unless Shiva is somehow defeated."

Celea nodded, and strapped her quiver behind her back. She bowed lightly to both parents, and left the chamber. Phaedra glanced at the pool, and saw a gruesome black tentacle, almost as large as the pool itself, stretch towards the ceiling. She snapped her finger, and the tentacle vanished, along with the magical pool. With a reserved nod of satisfaction, the Dark Empress turned to her husband.

"Shiva has been teleported to Earth," she reported, casually folding her arms, "He will make short work of the Spectrum Force."

"Or at least force their hand," Acheron agreed, "Nightfall has already shortened the life of the Sun by a thousand years. At this rate, the entire star will be destroyed in about seven days."

Chapter Eight

Within the golden walls of Cloud Castle, the six members of the Spectrum Force, as well as their friend Chris Greyson, pondered every possible alternative. Spectra herself sat silently on her throne, her eyes tightly shut in concentration.

"Okay," said Rachel, pressing the bridge of her nose with her fingers, "we don't know how much time we have left until our efforts are meaningless. We have to do something, and soon."

"We can at least try to find the two missing White Stones," Craig offered, "I know our chances are slim, but they are the only things that can preserve Earth."

"But what if we don't find them?" asked Tamara quietly.

"Don't forget, we only have a few hours of power left in our Spectrum Stones," Matt pointed out, "If we spend too much time synched, we'll be completely helpless."

"Not really," said Jocelyn, "Once our stones have been depleted, we can still form the White Stone. I say we search for the gems until our stones are completely wiped. Once that happens, we rejoin the White Stone, and recapture the Nightfall. We won't be able to save Earth, but at least we can save the rest of the universe."

The rest of the team remained silent, each youth making all effort not to make eye contact with anyone else.

"Guys," Jocelyn said faintly, knotting her fingers with agitation, "I know it's hard, but we have to be realistic. The chances of us finding some way to save Earth are slim. We have to think of the greater good, and consider the rest of the universe. If we don't stop Nightfall, then who will? Millions of civilizations across the universe will be destroyed!"

Silence continued to reign for a few minutes, until Chris rose from his perch on the stairs, and cast his eyes around the room. "She's right," he stated firmly, "What else can we do?"

"Wait," said Keith, nervously running his hands through his thick blonde hair, "maybe there is something. Spectra said that the Nightfall was encased in a White Stone before the Denebians released it. Maybe we can storm their flagship and get that stone!"

Tamara shook her head, and wrapped her arms around Keith's. "It's not possible," she said, "Assuming the White Stone is still around, we'd have to face the entire Denebian army, including Celea, Acheron, and Phaedra. And we won't even have full power."

"At least we can take some of them with us," Keith muttered, gently pushing Tamara off his arm as he rose to his feet. He marched across the room, stopping at the foot of Spectra's throne.

"Spectra," he said, trying to get her attention. But she didn't respond. Keith's patience was quickly running slim.

"Spectra!!" he yelled, climbing up the stairs to her throne. About halfway up the set of golden stairs, he halted when Spectra's eyes suddenly opened.

"What were you doing?" he demanded, "Why aren't you helping us figure out what to do?!"

"Because I cannot," she replied, "I have heard all your options, and none of them can save this planet. No matter what you do, Earth is doomed."

"So what do we do?" he pressed with exasperation.

"That is for you to decide," she responded, rising to her feet. She walked down the stairs passed the infuriated Red Enforcer, and halted before the large the window. Her eyes released a bright white light as she stared both above, and at the Earth below. She then turned around to face her Spectrum Force.

"The decision is yours," she repeated, "I am merely your advisor, not your commander. I do not make the decisions. Rather, I guide you in the best manner I think possible. This is your planet, and the White Stone split between you is now your possession, and your responsibility. You must decide what to do with the powers given you. However, before you do decide, you must know this: the Denebian Empire has begun its attack."

"What do you mean?" asked Matt, his green eyes widening as possibilities began running through his mind.

"Ground forces have already appeared on the streets of Langstrum Alps, and I also detect a focus of evil energy in the Hamilton River. And it is getting stronger."

"A monster," Rachel uttered, "Phaedra's placed the entire population of Langstrum Alps in immediate danger!"

"So that's their game," Matt groaned, "They want to take down our hometown... and us... before they branch out and conquer the planet."

"Phaedra's trying to force us to use up our powers," Craig commented.

"True," said Rachel, "but what choice do we have?" She paused for a moment, leaning her hand on the windowsill and staring down at the peaceful planet below. "We're the Spectrum Force, defenders of Earth. And that's exactly what I think we should do. I'm going down there, and I'm going to fight this monster. I'm going to keep fighting until my powers are gone. Then I'm going to give up my Spectrum Stone, and keep on fighting as a plain human being. Win or lose, I'm a fighter. I won't stand back and watch my planet go up in smoke."

Rachel then turned around, fixing each of her friends with a meaningful gaze. "Who's with me?"

"I am," Keith stated immediately, taking a stand beside the leader.

"Me too," Tamara added, joining the circle.

"You can count on me," said Craig.

"To the end," affirmed Jocelyn.

"Lead on, Ray," called Matt, taking his place beside the Orange Enforcer.

"It's unanimous," Chris observed, completing the ring of heroes. Then, they spread out into a row, with Keith and Chris on opposite ends. As one, the Spectrum Force held their bright rings heavenwards, creating concentric circles of energy flowing from their gemstones, down their arms, and whirling around each one's body.

"Spectrum Sync... Red!!" bellowed Keith.

"Spectrum Sync... Orange!!" cried Jocelyn.

"Spectrum Sync... Yellow!!" yelled Tamara.

"Spectrum Sync... Green!!" shouted Matthew.

"Spectrum Sync... Blue!!" roared Craig.

"Spectrum Sync... Purple!!" Rachel finished.

Chris watched as his six allies transformed into the Spectrum Force, ready for

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