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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (dar e dil novel online reading txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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won't take any more! You won't hurt anyone else! EVER


Somehow, she found the courage. Somehow, she found the determination. Somehow, she found the clarity of mind that only comes when one knows exactly what must be done, and cares enough to see it through to the end.

Like gasoline, she threw her pain onto the Flame, letting it fuel the dark force of Destruction back to life. Her body had sealed it off, because she dove too deep into that seemingly bottomless pool of power.

Yet she had to go deeper

, to save her friends, to stop the monster… and a little thing like mortality wouldn't stop her.

Chapter One Hundred Seventeen

By the time Tommy, Katherine, and Justin had reached the uppermost level of the West tower, there was very little left of the floors. In fact, nearly an entire story of stairs had already crumbled to powder, and much of the highest hallway lacked a floor.

Tommy leapt over an enormous aperture without even blinking, looking down, or looking back. There just wasn't enough time for planning, or thought...only action. Somehow, he could feel

the burning exigency, tingling his skin like a terrifying premonition.

Justin peered down a rather large opening, eyes wide with disbelief as he looked upon six levels of the palace all at once. "Whoa," he murmured.

Katherine paused beside the startled young boy, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Justin…are you ready for this?"

He was just a boy…far

too young to have to face such a cataclysmic battle. Not for the first time, Katherine silently mourned innocence lost far too early in life.

The child turned. Katherine couldn't see the fierce glint in his eye, or the thin line of his lips. "Are any of us ready for this?"

The Pink Ranger gave pause to his surprisingly insightful answer. Then, she shook her head. "No…and I doubt we ever will be."

Justin smiled wanly, his hand rising to pat hers. "Thanks, Kat…for looking out for me. But I can handle this. I know I can."

He didn't mention the fact that they really had no choice. Everyone knew, without the slightest doubt, that the final battle would begin in moments. In fact, it had begun hours ago… only now, they were taking part.

"Let's go," they spoke in unison. Then, with no more time for words, they followed the sounds of conflict, and flashes of ominous light.

Chapter One Hundred Eighteen

The Emperor was still cackling, thoroughly enjoying the sight of two Power Rangers lying in a boneless heap just outside his chamber, when suddenly the bright, white hot fire leapt in front of him, once again barring the door with its treacherous heat.

He tsked smugly, turning around to face his would-be bride. "No, you are not simply tenacious," he decided, watching her once again regain her footing, "You are masochistic."

She chose not to answer, either in defense or agreement. Instead, she held her palms together, fingers facing the ceiling as if in prayer.

Everything…must give this everything

The fierce aura of white energy surrounding her intensified around her hands, completely masking much of her arm from view. She rubbed her palms together, eyes narrow as all her hatred… and all her love… poured itself into her hands.

My last chance…can't hold this kind of power

Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

The shaking grew so nauseatingly violent even the added grace and speed of the Power couldn't keep him balanced on his feet.

The Red Ranger stumbled, managing to catch hold of an outcropping on the wall beside him. The floor beneath him began to cave in, forcing his Turbo instincts to leap to safer footing. The blaze of white light grew closer still, almost as if it screamed for him to hurry.

Yet, not far from that brilliant light lay two other, muted colors: yellow and green.

His heart suddenly choking him, Tommy dashed towards his downed comrades. It felt like the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders when he realized they were moving.

"Adam," he gasped, "Tanya, what happened?"

The Green Ranger stretched his aching shoulders. "Zedd happened, that's what," he groused, "Kimberly really messed him up, but he still

got the better of us."

Tommy lifted his gaze, noticing the rapid approach of the Pink and Blue Rangers. He turned in the other direction, staring wide-eyed at the pristine white energy blocking his path.

"Zedd's still in there," he realized. If he weren't already kneeling, he would have been brought to his knees by the horror that immediately struck him. "With Kim."

He then jumped from the ground, letting anger fuel the muscles fear and anguish left immobile, and pounded a fist against the wall. The flash of energy made him shout…in surprise more than pain.

"The door…it's Kim's doing," Tanya informed him. She leaned her back against the wall, letting the leverage help her rise to her feet. "She's forcing us out."

Tommy didn't turn around. His body went rigid, peering at the white flames as if he could will them to extinguish. In his mind's eye, he could picture what was happening… what the dark Lord, Emperor of Evil would do her, in his insane quest to destroy the Rangers' spirit and strength.

"Kim!" he hollered. His voice was so raw with emotion, it hardly sounded like him. "Please let us help you!!"

Chapter One Hundred Twenty

His scream was so anguished it would've brought a fountain of tears to her eyes. Yet she had no tears to spare. She had nothing to spare at all…no sad regret, no desperate plea for understanding, no demand that they retreat.

It felt like her insides had begun to melt. The fire in the pit of her stomach, sharper and more repugnant than anything she could imagine. Punishment, for pushing too far, for needing far more strength than any mere human had the right to bear.

Her knees grew limp, but she stubbornly refused to stumble. Her eyes stung, but she refused to close them. Her chest tensed, but she refused to scream. Her hands burned, yet she refused to relent.

She felt his power seething around her. He must have realized that this was even more than her limit, more than he could ever have guessed her possessing. More than even Maligore himself. More than Lord Zedd could hope to muster.

The true, unfiltered, unhindered Flame of Destruction burned, just for an instant.

And it was designed to Destroy.

The Flame took the shape of a sphere, burning with such intensity looking directly upon it would have permanently blinded any human. It spread to about a foot in diameter only its staggering aura kept its true dimensions impossible to view.

She felt darkness slowly encroach. Not yet…not yet…

She fought for lucidity. She fought to maintain that perfect clarity, as exhaustion, misery, and pain tried to distract her.

She fought against it all, and she succeeded.

The woman that carried the Flame had no words to share. Nothing to mock, infuriate, or even terrify her mortal enemy. Instead, she let the Flame speak for itself.

The globe of power beyond power streaked through the room, filling the entire palace with a light so bright, the flash could be seen from Earth with the naked eye.

When the light faded, one entire wall of the inner sanctum had been obliterated… and Lord Zedd was nowhere to be seen.

Kimberly Anne Hart had no power left to stand, so she fell heavily to her knees. She had no power to maintain her shield of fire, so she let it collapse. Her ears rang from the explosion, drowning out cries of warning, an approaching figure, or his cruel, triumphant cackle.

Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One

The blast hurt.

It hurt beyond description. It burned his skin, it penetrated into his body. It scalded so much, his former, skinless form was beautiful in comparison to

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