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Book online «Synarchy Book 1: The Awakening by DCS (good english books to read .txt) 📖». Author DCS

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grew from a few scattered hundreds to concentrated thousands. Bit by bit small clusters of the populace around the world stopped believing in the thought controlling systems and the powerstealing organized religions. From all walks of life, humans were healing themselves, which released such a powerful vibration it would lift those around them. And, the slow bridging of Science and mysticism was proving the impossible for those who cared to learn about it.
For the Brotherhood, the Awakening was becoming a big problem. Conditions used to be set so that the process would take lifetime upon lifetimes. Now, the human body was reaching full kundalini activation in as little as six months, and that made it impossible to fuck with. Lightworkers were taking their power back, using their energy for the greatest good of all souls. The mind couldn't be manipulated or fooled into believing the lies anymore. They no longer feared death because they understood the truth of the body. They knew as the Elites had for centuries (hence why They were in control) that all were Gods. Sparks of divinity from the Source. Powerful co-creators of the reality of the third dimension.
Who believed that? Really? It was more than laughable, even if it could be proven. The answer was the Brotherhood’s problem; too many. And with Terenzios’ help, everything the Shadow Government wanted to do, would not go off as planned, and that meant the Ascension would occur, as predestined.
It was a hell of a lot better than a New World Order.

Chapter 6
“The seeker should not stop until he finds. When he does find, he will be disturbed. After having been disturbed, he will be astonished. Then he will reign over everything.”
-Gospel of Thomas

June 7th, 2012
Dion Corporation Private Retreat
Madeira Islands 4:44 AM

Why didn't we get invited to this place sooner?" Lucien asked as the limousine pulled to a stop.
"Good question," Vasco agreed, peering out the window. Even at the early hour with morning barely pushing into the darkness the scenery was breathtakingly beautiful. Situated in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Madeira Islands were famous for their wine. Known as the floating garden, Madeira was more than aesthetically pleasing with gentle rolling hills, and bustling valleys. Exotic greenery scattered across the cliffs settled along the coastline, gentle white-capped waves rolled against the rocks and disappeared back into the calm limpid blue ocean. The Villa they pulled up to sat secluded at the top of a hill, partially hidden by the clusters of dragon trees.
“I’m pissed off this is a boy’s retreat. Oh wait, I’m in charge now too. That just changed.” Simone said it with a smile but the look in her eyes gave credence to her statement. She climbed out of the car first, turning her face to the breeze. “The ocean smells different here.”
“Hey hey, Co-President. Get your own retreat,” Lucien protested good naturedly, getting out of the car after her. He carried his wrinkled suit jacket in one hand.
“Guards are well hidden,” Vasco commented, closing the limo door behind him. Unless you were really staring it was easy to miss the dark camera lenses in the trees, in corner beams along the wraparound porch. One Dion Corp security guard was standing in front of the four car garage and Vasco was certain he had seen another near the front door as they arrived, though he didn’t know where the man was now. Probably walking the perimeter.
“Your grandfather loved it here,” said Tom Wilkens, head of security. For the last thirty years the bulky, white-haired man had been in charge of the Terenzio Ranch, as the guards posted there had come to call it.
“I can see why. Did he ever bring Grandmother here?” Vasco asked Tom, walking towards the front door.
“Marilyn? Twice. Himself, he spent little over a year here at one point.” Tom shook his head remembering. “That was a bad time for him.”
“Well, you know we’re a moody bunch,” Lucien said with a mock frown. Simone elbowed him as they walked inside.
“If you say so, Mr. President,” Tom replied nonchalantly, smoothing a hand over his full neatly trimmed beard. He turned to them in the open foyer. “Your pass codes to get in and out are your Dion employee numbers. There are two cars in the garage, keys are hanging up if you want to explore. Your helicopter leaves at ten PM sharp. Pack light, I’m told the journey you’re taking is a bit…uncomfortable.”
“Nice.” Lucien rubbed his hands together, looking around. “I need to know where the infinity pool is and where the bitches are.”
Simone rolled her eyes. “Keep it to your own section of the house. I’m going to call my husband.” Of the three of them, Simone was the only one thus far to get married. Her husband, Victor, worked at Dion in the marketing department.
“Phones are everywhere. Pool is out by the gardens. Let us know what type of ‘bitch’ you want and give us an hour,” Tom said casually. He had received stranger requests from the Terenzio men that had visited here over the years.
“Thanks Tom.” Simone smiled and walked up the spiraling staircase.
“Don’t hate,” Lucien called out teasingly after his sister. He grinned at his brother. “If the journey after sucks, my morning I’m going to enjoy. Want to join me, Vasco?”
“No.” Vasco set his hands comfortably into his pants pockets. “Tom, show me where my grandfather went most often when he was here.”
Tom nodded at Vasco. “No problem.”
“What’s on your mind, V?” Lucien canted his head at Vasco curiously.
“Grandfather,” Vasco replied simply. The mp3 player they had heard on the plane was sitting in his pocket; he intended to listen to it again.
Lucien paused then nodded. “Right. You know where I’ll be if you want to talk.” He set a hand on his brother’s shoulder briefly as he walked past him. “Tom, come see me when you are done. I’ll be in the pool with my Christmas list.”
“Sure thing,” Tom said to Lucien before motioning at Vasco to follow him. “Your grandfather spent most of his time in his office, Mr. President, this way.” He led Vasco down a short series of hallways to a pair of closed doors at the end. Tom had a string of keycards on his belt and he flipped through them until he found the one he wanted, waving it past the unseen security strip built into the doorframe on the right side. It beeped quietly and when the latch clicked he pushed it open but didn’t walk in, instead he stepped aside to let Vasco pass. “I’ll have a keycard made for you. I believe the envelope on the desk is for you too.” Tom winked at him then walked away.
Vasco quirked a brow at him and his curiosity was piqued when he stepped into the room and saw that Tom was right. A midsize manila envelope sat on the spotless desktop surface, his name scrawled in familiar handwriting on the front. He shook his head slowly, a wry smile on his mouth. “You never bore, Grandfather, that’s for certain.”


June 7th, 2012
S.V.T. Think Tank
Alexandria, VA 6:22 AM

“No fucking way!”
Derek jerked his head up from the desktop, Abe’s excited shout ripping him out of the brief nap. Two hours ago he had secretly updated Marcello on everything they had been doing. To Shirley and Abe’s knowledge the head of S.V.T. Think Tank was Roberto Terenzio, Isabella Terenzio’s (current Governor of Alcyone Island) son. From their group, only Derek was privy to the knowledge that Roberto was more a figure head than anything else, and that it was the mysterious Marcello who he reported too.
Derek had been more than a little surprised when their enigmatic boss had given them a green light on everything. He was also deeply saddened by the news that Marcello was dying. Even though they hadn’t been close, (Derek had never met Marcello in person) he knew that his brother Leone, did work closely with him and would take this especially hard. Derek had made a mental note to give his brother a call when the hour was decent.
He glanced down at his watch to note the time then called out groggily at Abe, “What happened?”
“Hang on.” Abe was standing at one of the lab tables, his eyes glued to the microscope. Slowly he adjusted a dial on the instrument then moved away to work on the laptop next to him, his fingers pounding the keys. Ten seconds later the computer made a sharp beeping sound causing Abe to shake his head in amazement.
Derek rubbed his hands across his face, slapping his cheeks to wake himself up. Finally he picked up his glasses on the table next to him and stood, walking over to Abe. “What is it?”
“In its most simplistic terms?” Abe scratched at his chin. “Menes was the healthiest man alive. Menes is also the first specimen I’ve seen with three DNA strands, instead of the two that are found in, oh, every human currently on the planet.”
Derek’s jaw went slightly agape. He looked over at Menes’ body as if the dead man could confirm this then back at Abe. “That’s not possible.”
“Course it’s not. It’s also impossible for a man to live five-plus miles down in the ocean, and then suddenly float to the surface carrying a crystal rod.” Abe just shot him a look. “Come see for yourself, the testing is accurate. Menes’ DNA is just…not of this world.”
Abe slid to one side and Derek stepped up to the computer, reading through the test results. It filled him with a childlike wonder, reminding him how much mystery could exist in something so impossibly small. And then he felt like the world had tilted and tossed him into a place he no longer understood when he realized Abe was right. “Holy shit.”
“It gets weirder.” Shirley walked back into the room carrying a few computer printouts
“Menes's DNA has three strands. You can’t beat that.” Abe flopped down into a rolling chair, lacing his fingers behind his head.
Derek couldn’t help but smile a little at the appearance she made. They had all been working around the clock and her cherry red hair was half piled on top of her head, half hanging loose around her face. She looked tired and touchable but he kept his hands to himself. “What have you got?”
“Remember when Menes said that someone named Loki would alert the Anunnaki?” Shirley asked, stopping at the table in front of them.
Derek and Abe nodded.
“In a nutshell, they are referenced primarily in Sumerian culture. According to Sumerian writings, the Anunnaki were gods that came to Earth from the Planet Nibiru, also referred to as Planet X, or the twelfth planet.”
Derek leaned his back against the table’s edge, folding his arms across his chest as he listened. “I’ve heard of Planet X. Orbital calculations have showed there is something pulling at Neptune and Uranus and it’s not Pluto. NASA has been looking for years for the large body that is theorized as probably being way out past it.”
“Exactly. The story about the Anunnaki gets better though. They are described as tall beings with wings and a round disc above their heads,” Shirley continued.
“Sounds like a biblical angel to me,” Abe commented.
Shirley nodded at him. “It does, which means it was probably borrowed into Christianity like a plethora of other religions. As the story goes, the Anunnaki came to set up mining colonies because they needed the gold to repair the atmosphere on their planet. When they saw primate humans here, a.k.a homo erectus they decided to use
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