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Book online «LEVIATHAN by Rob Astor (best ereader for academics TXT) 📖». Author Rob Astor

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sayin’ about my father,” Evan said. Gunnar’s eyes almost popped out. McMurray stiffened.
“Easy there, tiger,” Gunnar whispered in Evan’s ear.
The Admiral cleared his throat. “We recovered sensitive Eusian technology after that skirmish at 31 Aquila. I want you to test it for us.”
“What kind of technology?” Gunnar asked.
“A cloaking device.”
Gunnar stared at the Admiral and then at Kolt. “Okay,” he nodded.
“It’s a simple test,” Kolt said. “Our engineers wired it up to a Speed Slider. Fly out, engage the cloaking device, and go down to the Canne Band.”
“Why do we gotta go to Earth?”
“Veddie Brock of United Federation Shipping has something that was smuggled out of the Eusian Empire by one of our spies,” McMurrary said. “Pick it up. Engage the cloak. Jump over to Fomalhaut and back. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what a boon a cloaking device would be to Federation forces.”
* * *
“Try to keep the tip of your nose level with any horizon references, like the docking bay floor,” Gunnar said. He sat behind Evan. “Okay, ease ‘er out.”
Evan’s hands were wrapped around the black wheel with only two side grips. A series of button panels rested just below the central shaft. He pushed the column gently forward. The long orange nose of the Slider knifed into the ebony of space.
“Good boy. Now, engage the cloak.”
Evan found the switch on the panel and flipped it down. “You think we’re just sensor invisible, or totally invisible?”
“Readings back here say it’s a scattering field. I think we’re sight unseen.”
Evan grinned. He pushed the wheel forward. The slider lunged, jetting away from the Federation Cruiser. “Hey, Raptor, I said take it easy!” Spinning, Evan dove under freighters and sailed around shuttles.
* * *
Balancing on one leg to get the second free, Gunnar held his hand against a platform support beam. “How many years you tryin’ to take off my life?” he asked.
Evan chuckled. They walked across the wing to the rear fuselage and climbed down a ladder to the ground. “I’m surprised this model even comes with an escape pod.”
“Never know when those’ll come in handy with all the pirate activity in the universe.”
They exited the docking area and entered a large greeting center. “Welcome to the Canne Band Docking Information Center,” a pleasant sounding computerized female voice said. The interior walls were white. Large holographic displays were spaced apart every few meters.
“Now, let’s find Veddie’s office,” Gunnar said.
* * *
The corporate headquarters echelon of the artificial ring system resided in the central area of the Canne Band, fifty levels away from where the Slider was parked. Evan looked through plate glass windows into every office they walked past. Frosted white letters announced who was located where.
Gunnar and Evan walked into receptionist’s area of the United Federation Shipping office. A young woman sat behind a glass desk, typing information into a blue holographic display. “Welcome to United Federation Shipping. May I help you?”
“Admiral McMurrary sent us to pick up a package,” Gunnar said.
“One moment, please.” She touched an intercom button. “Mr. Brock, Mr. Spade is here for Admiral McMurrary’s delivery.”
“Send them in.”
“Go through the door behind me please.”
Gunnar and Evan walked toward the white panel. It slid aside. Beyond was a spacious office decorated with finely polished wood furnishings cushioned with black leather. Veddie Brock sat behind a desk large enough to be a cafeteria table. Behind him was a large view port where the blue and green of Earth was visible so far below. “Gentlemen, welcome,” Veddie said. He was smiling, his fingertips forming a pyramid before his chest. He glanced at Evan. “So, you’re Raven Spade’s son.”
“I remember talking to you about a Leviathan not long ago.”
“You must have a pretty good memory.”
“You need one to succeed in the shipping business. Besides, who could forget your wild hair.” Evan chuckled, remembering his bright pink highlights. “Please, have a seat.” Gunnar and Evan sat in chairs in front of the desk. Veddie pulled a metal case from under his desk and set it before Gunnar. “Here’s your cargo.”
“Thanks,” Gunnar said.
“You know, Raven Spade made quite a name for himself being a Spacer. If you two ever want a steady job doing deliveries, be sure to come back and see me.”
“Thank you, sir. We’ll keep it mind.”
* * *
Starlight spun around the Slider as it trailed the lightning-like discharge through folded space. Dazzling Fomalhaut jumped into view. The star was shrouded with a ring of debris. Wide lanes were carved out where planets swept material clear near their orbits.
Evan was seated behind Gunnar, studying holographic readouts. A yellow-orange light flashed. The circle surrounding a diagram of the Slider disappeared. “Uncle Gunnar, we got a problem.”
“What’s up?”
“Cloak’s off-line.” A second hologram popped up, flashing a sensor warning. “Now we’re being scanned.”
“Great. How long before we can jump?”
Evan checked another readout. “Five minutes at least.”
“Couldn’t the F.F.P afford a Jump Maximizer?”
“Worry about it later. We got company.” The holographic screen showed seven ships closing in.
“How’re we set for weapons?”
With his index finger, Evan quickly pulled up a list. A short list. “Dozen rockets. Few thousand rounds of mini-rail gun pellets. Two hundred medium range turret caps.”
“Looks like we’re gonna have to dance.”
“Six Swoop Jets and a Eusian Pincer coming in at ten o’clock.”
“Marauders.” Gunnar turned the Slider over, swinging up and around the pirates, escaping the first round of fire. “Shoot some rockets!”
Evan targeted one of the Swoop Jets and launched two missiles. The first swung too wide. The second clipped the starboard wing, ripping it apart in a flash of red. Gunnar fired the rail gun. The outer hull of another Jet fragmented, leaving a trail of debris behind the wounded craft.
“The Pincer’s signaling us,” Evan said. “Audio only.”
“It might buy us some time. Let’s hear what he has to say.”
“Game’s over Spade,” Bolton Archer’s voice filled the cockpit. “Surrender now and we won’t leave you out here to freeze.”
“Shove off, traitor.”
“Hey, I thought you were gonna buy time.”
A blinding yellow energy discharge streaked past the starboard wing. “What the hell was that?”
Evan pulled up the Slider’s exterior sensor readings. “Polaron burst.”
“He’s got a Polaron Cannon?” A second blast tore into the left wing. Evan yelped in fear. The Slider jerked to the right, spinning wildly. “Sorry, Medium Fries, time to bail. Activate distress beacon.” Gunnar pulled on a release lever to the left of his seat. He and Evan slid backward and down into the escape pod. A hatch slammed shut. The pod was jettisoned like a rifle bullet out the back of the Slider.
* * *
Archer smiled as the Slider’s wing exploded, sending the small fighter into an uncontrolled roll. “Tractor ‘em in, boys.”
“The escape pod was launched.”
“Get it.” Wouldn’t want you to miss the party.
* * *
Free floating in the open void, Gunnar and Evan’s spacesuits were tethered together with a long belt. “This has got to be the lamest idea in the whole history of lame ideas!” Evan said.
“It bought us that time I was talking about.” The metal case intended for Admiral McMurrary was duct taped around Gunnar’s chest.
“The minute they open that tin can and don’t find us, they’ll be back out here with a search party.”
“I don’t plan on staying very long. The distress signal was coded for the Feds.” Gunnar spotted a ship jumping into the system, a bulky brick-like Federation Gunboat. “In fact, here comes our ride now.”
For several minutes, the ship remained stationary. Eventually, it dipped toward them, looming up like a giant sea creature. A tractor beam tugged on them, reeling them into a small shuttle bay. The hanger’s hatch closed. A hissing sound faded into hearing range as breathable air was pumped inside.
Gunnar popped his helmet open. “Let’s go see the commander.” Evan unsnapped his helmet and adjusted his headset.
Just as Gunnar reached the entrance, the door slid up revealing a squad of men in Federation gray training handguns on them. Evan’s eyes bulged. “Bolton Archer is most anxious to talk to you, Spade.” Swallowing hard, Gunnar raised his hands.
* * *
Evan paced in circles, bending his knees repeatedly. “Evan, park it,” Gunnar said, seated on the bench against the wall. “You’re only making me more nervous.” He wasn’t in his space suit and the metal case was gone.
“I can’t help it. I gotta pee. Really bad.”
“Didn’t your dad ever tell you to go before you left?”
“That was at Tau Ceti.”
The door slid open. Two soldiers grabbed Evan’s arms and pulled him into the corridor. Gunnar was on his feet, charging for the door. “Hey! Take it easy!” Gunnar snapped. A gun was forced into Gunnar’s ribs.
“Archer wants to see the two of you.”
They walked down a long metal corridor and exited the Gunboat by stepping onto a lift. It was parked inside an enormous rocky cavern. Swoop Jets and the Eusian Pincer sat near the far end. Evan tried to ignore the burning sensation down below. He bounced on his knees to a lesser degree, gazing around the inside of the chamber.
As the lift contacted the ground, Evan was shoved forward. Two soldiers held Gunner back, twisting his arms behind him, pushing him forcibly forward.
Bolton Archer walked up to them, meeting Gunnar’s glare. “So, you’re the legendary Raven Spade’s brother. Pretty devious trick you pulled out there, leaving that escape pod empty.” Then he looked at Evan. “I wanna talk to you first. Take Spade to Sparky.” His gaze never left Evan.
Gunnar struggled, wrenching his body around. “Don’t you hurt him, you son of a bitch! You hear me? I’ll kill you!” Two additional soldiers helped subdue Gunnar and drag him away.
“Think you were goin’ to a costume party, did ya?” Archer asked, pulling at Evan’s hair. He removed Evan’s headset. “You won’t be needing that anymore.” Bolton dropped it, grinding it underfoot. “Or those,” he said, pulling the latches loose on Evan’s forearm controls, sliding them off. “Check him over, boys.”
Strong hands suddenly worked up and down Evan’s legs. Fingers probed deeply into his pants pockets. “Wh-what do you want?” Evan asked. The back compartment of his plasti-skin vest was opened. “Nobody undresses me on the first date.”
“Smart ass.”
Hands rubbed Evan’s back briefly. The vest hatch was closed. “Let’s take a walk, boys.”
“Where’re we goin’?” Evan asked.
“Let’s go see Cook, shall we?” Archer flashed an evil leer. “Maybe get something to eat. You hungry?”
“Can I go to the bathroom first?”
* * *
Four men wrestled Gunnar through the doorway. He jerked his torso sideways and kicked. One landed a blow to Gunnar’s stomach. It didn’t slow his efforts. Several more gut punches had no effect. Another punched Gunnar square in the jaw, disorienting him. They slammed Gunnar backward into a metal
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