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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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special case of Einstein's theory of relativity. So on average scales you can see it, as a 'good approximation'. On large and very small scales in contrary they are, however, wrong. On very small scales, you have the quantum theory introduced in order to explain, for example, the Casimir force, although then describes this state, but if you have a assumes additional Skalarkraft, quantum theory is unnecessary.

Thinking even logical, but do you certainly know the conservation of energy principle? If gravity would act out from the mass, then the power has to come from somewhere of the interior, but that does not concern! How should this additional energy come from its own mass equivalent? Planet does not shrink when, if gravity works!"

"But the field theory!" I tried to maintain one more retreat position.

"It does not serves really. If one postulates such a similar strength like with a magnetic field, this becomes weaker also after some centuries, if additional energy is not supplied! Only the gravity becomes not weaker in the annual millions just!"

"Completely not convinced... But which is why should the theory on big scales not be right, nevertheless, it happens in distant galaxies exactly what has calculated the theory of relativity?"

"Because you assume from the fact, that the information which you get from far outdoors by the light, always at the same speed, namely the so-called 'vacuum speed of light' to you reaches. But precisely this is just wrong. The speed of light is dependent on many factors, among the rest, also from the shielding forces of the gravity. Moreover, the universe is not Euclidean, level so, but from itself, without any help of some forces, is very cleft, rough, folded and is bent and owns the consistency of the 'Riemannian Manifold'. When you imagine a brain, something like it is built."

"You can argue later, Mr. Smith, please continue!"

"To the difference to our propulsion system which can guard the gravitational radiation, so, actually, supersonic Tachyonen beam, by certain rotary magnetic fields the Quorx bend the universe with her impulse more or less together. They can generate with her spaceships any time a worm tunnel, and move together with it the space before them. Also the small units function on this principle, however, they make only small jumps which you does not note from the outside at all. Now one could dissuade if one opens an enough strong worm canal against them every time from the course and, for example, allow to land them in the sun. We at least have applied this method the last time when we have met them."

"Yes, but now they are there, and they do not want to leave so fast again!", I argued, "This method has here and now no sense."

"We would have to lure away them!"

"With which bait? Resources, technology?"

"Precisely, with a technology which explains to them unknown and which is a challenge for them!"

"And of what they thought, besides?"

"About 12,000 years ago there was on your planet a sophisticated civilization which was called Atlantis and which used technologies which are also still puzzling for us. Indeed, the problem is present that there are today no more recordings about that any more. Certain a Paul Schliemann had once recordings about that. But as far as I know, have got somewhere in loss. No real solution indeed ..."

"Remains to us only more the attempt to sell the planet as expensive as possible and to make to them the price of the victory as expensive as possible. How many spaceships you can summon?", asked Obama.

"Now moment," I could not hold me almost any more. "I would have there a proposal."


Egypt four

When he woked up, it was obviously bright morning. The input tarpaulin hit from the wind of the desert moved against the posts of his tent and generated a snapping noise by which he had been woken at last. He tried to stand up, however, terrible head pain let him sink back and a loud groan penetrated from his mouth.

"Oh Isis, the protector of the worlds is thanked, Khaled el Tamer is reawakened and high-spirited now!" 

A priest of the Isis entered the tent with his typically blue ocular jeweler and the shaven head. He bowed reverentially: "Oh big high man, the miracle has happened, you have survived." 

"What has happened with me", did it laboriously suit over his lips, "how long am I here thus?"
"Now you are here, since you have fought with the robbers and have saved us everybody, situated nearly three moons in the wound fever. It was a miracle, because your skull had completely hit in the back of the head partly and only by the self-sacrificing care of Tama el Svetla, the daughter of our divine Per-aa you have survived."

He felt that he still carried a thick association around his head, however, then there came the recollection of a dark tunnel, to a white light and the fight of Tama with the Katana. Slowly recollections, thoughts and new knowledge seeped in his mind. A Katana was the traditional fighting sword of the Japanese samurais, but who the hell were samurais and what was Japan? However, what had happened then, the peculiar wave which went out from him, and which is why he could see his own twill under himself in the dust? And what had happened afterwards? And normally you could not survive a Skull crushing, he was persuaded. There still lay numerous questions on his lips. 

"And which is why the robbers had not killed us immediately at the beginning?" And at least to his last question the priest gave him an answer.

"Yes, when the attack began, obviously a guard had not properly paid attention and had been knocked down. Then also the other members of the expedition had been surprised in the sleep. Indeed, it had turned out advantageous that you and Tama sleep apart the camp. When we then were forced by the robbers to break off the camp, a member of our group has also canceled your tent without waking you up and raise the awareness of the robber on you." Thus both had woken up at night, finally, without tent, without this the robbers had noted.

However, how he could defeat the robbers then, also the priest could not answer him. As the news spread in the camp that he had awoken, no 5 minutes later Tama came stormed and stroked him affectionately. "Say," so he asked, "how I could survive?"

"Now," she smiled to him with all her beauty and care, "I have just certain abilities!" Also these words seemed to him anyhow trusted, however, at the same time came down to him the feeling that they still had a big job before themselves and had lost valuable time by this incident. But all this had nothing to do with the tributes to be delivered to the Atlanteans, the job was much bigger than he could fancy it now in this situation. Then she put her hands around his bandaged head, closed the eyes, and he felt how the healing accelerated how head pain became lower and lower, then he fell asleep.

Finally, after another month he was restored so far, that they could break up in the direction of the Pillars of Hercules. And this time he swore to himself, that nobody more would stop and demand them to an involuntary stay.


Moon 1976 first

"Beeep........ Beeep....... Houston, sorry, Vandenberg air-base calling...... Beeep....... Vandenberg air-base calling.... we have just reached the intended co-ordinates 19°S / 117.5°E... Beeep....... waiting...", afterwards the usual three seconds of break.

"OK, Apollo 20 we have understood, now switch on the cameras and go on transference", again three seconds of break which the signal of the moon and the answer needed back.

"Beeep,"....... "Yes Vandenberg, have understood" stated Flight Commander William Rutledge on the air "

... Beeep.......".

"Alexei, please switches on the camera!"

"Finished," reported Alexei Lenow.

Slowly the lunar surface glided under the command module of Apollo 20 there. Nothing but dreads, easily in the yellowish-brown dipped wilderness passed under the two group of command module and land ferry. 

After 10 minutes of the sluggish waiting the expected object became visible. Now the secret common in American-Russian lunar mission, the confidential third and swindled by the eyes of the public mission, headed for the first peak.


“The whole settings, to one points eight."


"Vandenberg twenty, camera seems to function, Tiros are good sound is one five! Now sound is two fiveth Vandenberg twenty, Exosat brings tone with one five"...


“Vandenberg twenty, I fix the cam with 0.3 cash."



"Vandenberg twenty we passed over Tsiolkovsky and we are over Fermi now ,...."

"Vandenberg twenty, which is the magazine used one point eight?" 


From the darkness of the lunar mountains the picture of an object became slowly evident that belonged absolutely not here . It had not passed far away from the colour of the lunar rock, but the form not could be natural at all. It was like an overpowering cigar which stands out there from the lunar rock. Indeed, the cigar end, was formed rather how the bow of a futuristic fight jet. And it looked challenging in the optics of the cameras.

"Now... Vandenberg twenty, alexei is taken some metric shots with the hasselblad frame count 1019.”


"... Vandenberg twenty, we have a fantastic view over the ship the lens are stuck on the window I hope for you."


The camera zoomed near to the object and one could recognise details of the ship. Thus you saw that above the bow there was a sort of command post, like the 2nd floor of the cockpit of a Boing 747, which contrasted therefore strongly with the normal body of the ship. If you looked fast, you could not ward off completely of the impression that a crocodile sat here whose head jutted out of the lunar rock.

"... Now Vandenberg twenty, I'am ready to transmit the marks for the CSM DSKY!"


"OK, transmission initiated, course solidly!" Leona Marietta Snyder also delivered theirs OK. 
"... Vandenberg twenty, nose is one seven point three South, one one seven point six two East"


"... cockpit is one seven point two five South, one one seven point six two East."

"... the base is one seven point two zero South, one one seven point six two East, and the base is burried."


"... we can see meteor impacts in the body, the surface is crusted and covered with some dust, and d..., it’s huge!!!"


When Rutledge became aware of the coordinates and checked them, he recognized that the ship had a visible length of 4 kilometers and a width of 500 meters.

"... in the shadow below the ship we can see somthing like a landing gear .. three parts .. barrels .. as well as spiral spring drums."

"... on the landing site, there are many pieces of metal, shiny parts look like gold or mylar ... "

"... the ship is in bad condition, is must be here... Billions of years"

"... Now Vandenberg twenty, the ship will be out of view, it should be hidden behind the porch."


"All recordings have received Apollo 20, we congratulate. Now all preparations can be made for the descent. Please, all checks conclude to twenty, point one five and activate stand by switch, you are the next 20 minutes in the shadow of the moon, so all the best till 20 minutes."

"... Vandenberg twenty, have understood, well then roger and out!"

The crew was still seized completely by the experienced, however, Vandenberg gave them no rest what was maybe also rather good, because they might not think what cataclysmic maybe came up there to them.


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