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Book online «The Mojave Heathen by Robert F. Clifton (best ebook reader for laptop txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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indeed alien life form, then we have to assume that it is a form well advanced in technology then what we have now on earth. That advancement could have occurred at anytime, even well before the year 1849.”

There are those that believe that aliens were responsible for the Egyptian Pyramids.”

“So you’re telling me that what I found is the body of an alien that was on a mission to land in the Mojave Desert and collect borax needed for use with nuclear power?”, asked Ben.

“Well, I’m suggesting that,”answered Ross.

“Based on what?”,asked Edith.

“Based on the use of material for a scintillator and the use of borax,” said Ross.

“Now that I think about it, your theory makes sense,” said Ben.

“Good, now when can I see this space traveler of yours?”,asked Ross.

“Tomorrow,” Edith said.

“Is it safe?”

“Yes. It’s hidden out of sight,”Ben answered.

The next day was Sunday. The students were off so would not be at the dig or in the area. After breakfast, Edith, Ben and Doctor Ross rode out towards the place where the university sponsored dig had been established. Ben drove the four wheel drive Jeep and Ross was surprised when he drove past the digs location. Instead. Looking ahead he saw a mountain range and as they got closer the entrance to what appeared to be an abandoned mine.

“This is it. Be careful where you walk in there. there’s a lot

of rock and timber on the mine floor,” said Ben as he pulled on the handbrake and shut off the engine.

“Why here?” asked Ross

“Two reasons, the body as I told you is mummified. The inside of this old mine is dry no humidity to damage the so called alien. On the other hand take a look at the sign. It reads, “Do not Enter Dangerous Conditions’. That should keep most people out, “ said Ben.

“It didn’t stop both of you.”

“I said, most people.”

Edith led the way carrying a battery powered lantern.

When she entered she turned it on and the two men followed her.

“We placed in way in the back. We thought it would be safe

the further back we went, thinking that any intruders would think more about their safety in here rather then looking around,” said Edith.

Finally she stopped and holding the lantern a little higher

let the glow of the light shine down on a canvas bundle. Ben knelt down and unwrapped the cloth covered body exposing it for view.

“Holy Moses!” said Ross upon seeing the body.

“Nope. that’s not him, but you can see that whoever or what ever he or it is, appears reptilian. Right now in a mummified state his skin is dark green. Notice that it has scales on it’s flesh. Instead of five fingers it has three. Yet, I think it had the ability to grasp and hold, said Ben.

“I hope you don’t mind the smell. Hopkins wrote and we agree that there is an odor of spent gunpowder,” said Edith.

“Yes I know. What you smell is called, “Moon Dust”, Ross explained

“Moon Dust,” asked Edith.

“Yes when the astronauts landed on the moon they found and saw dust on the surface. When and where they walked they’re foot steps created small clouds of dust. These dust particles adhered to their protective suits. When they entered the safety of the module again and took off their helmets they said that there was an odor like that of spent gun powder.”

“Then that means?,’ asked Edith

“That means that whatever you have here did in fact come from outer space. Maybe not the moon, but a planet that like the moon has the same properties as lunar soil.”

“Excellent. Now what do we do?’, asked Ben.

“If you want my opinion, I say forget it. Forget you ever found it or for the matter know nothing about it,” advised


“Why?”, asked Edith.

“Unless you’ve been in a coma these last fifty years you should know that no government on earth so far, admits, or accepts sightings, statements or any concrete evidence of UFO’s or aliens from the solar system. If you come forward with what you found you’re asking for trouble,”Ross warned.

“The people have a right to know,” said Edith.

“According to you. Not according to the governments of the world who do not want the people to know about advanced

civilizations in other worlds,” said Ross

“That’s ridiculous,” Edith replied.

“You’re a scientist, not a politician. They rule the world.

After all these years creation and evolution is still being challenged by those who disbelieve science and what it offers.

As a result, politicians, and the wealthy can continue to profit by insisting that there is no warming of the earth, extinction of animal and plant life, melting of the Arctic ice caps and the disappearing rain forest. Stop for a moment and think. Right now, Engineers, medical doctors and astrophysicists are making preparations for the landing on Mars and the eventual colonizing of that planet. The reason? They know that this planet is dying. They want to be the ones that are chosen to go. You can bet it will be them that chooses who goes with them and who stays. Do what you want, but if you decide to go forward, please do not mention my name,” said Ross.

“Very well. We’ll leave you out of our report and any papers we publish. However, I would like a further explanation regarding this need for borax by the alien,” said Ben.

“Of course. This will be conjecture on my part, but I believe that your alien friend there arrived in a spacecraft that was powered by nuclear energy. The fact that there was possibly a scintillator on board that craft was as we know to detect any

leaks of radioactive material. The need for borax indicates that what ever or whoever needed borax to prevent nuclear accidents either where your friend came from or perhaps, a mother ship.”

“A mother ship?”, asked Edith.

“Certainly, how else could they transport the borax from earth to wherever?”


George Bingham walked to the window in his study and closed the blinds. He then went to his desk and sat down. Opening a desk drawer he removed a red, velveteen oblong, jewel case. When he did he sat fascinated as he watched the rectangular piece of metal pulsate, as it glowed, giving off a blue light. As he watched he coughed. “Have to call the doctor about this cough. I’ve had it several days now and it’s getting worse,”

He thought to himself.

Back at the Ranch Hotel Edith said to Ben. “Well, now we have what we we came after. So, it’s time to close the dig and put it back the way it was. After the Park Service gives us the OK we’ll head back home. My question is what are you going to do with the dinosauroid?”

“I’ve been thinking. The shovels, spades and other digging tools are in a long, wooden box. I’d say the box is five and a half feet long and three feet wide. The so called. “Heathen” is just over three feet tall. With a bit of luck the body will fit in the tool box.”

“Then what do we do with him?”, asked Edith.

“Take him to Palo Alto.”

“And then what, put him on the back porch?”

“No, I’ll rent a storage unit. That way he’s kept dry, safe and out of sight,” said Ben.

“Then we have to rent a truck or van,” said Edith.

“Let’s make it a van. I don’t want him exposed to the elements any more than is necessary,” Ben responded.

Two days later Edith stood holding the letter of approval from the Park Service which indicated that the conditions of the park areas had been returned to it’s natural status. She then addressed the students thanking them and assuring them that their work and labor would be recognized by the university. The information would be added to their individual files at the school. Then, she made sure that everyone and their luggage was placed on the chartered mini-bus that would take them to their dorms at Stanford.

When the bus drove out of sight Ben and Edith walked to where the van was parked. “We have to careful. I lied to the Park Service. I told them that I forgot and left tools up by the abandoned mine,” said Edith.

“On top of that, this van doesn’t have four wheel drive and we’ll be going through sand part of the way,” Ben replied.

Forty minutes later Ben and Edith carried the wooden tool box containing the mummified body of what was thought to be and extraterrestrial alien to the opened rear of the vehicle.

Ben slid the box inside the van, closed the rear door and after making sure the door was secure said, OK, that’s it. Let’s go.”

On the drive back to Palo Alto they were forced to drive with the windows open due to the acrid smell of spent gun powder. “The smell is sickening,” said Edith.

“I did a bit of research using the hotel computer. I wanted to know more about this moon dust that Doctor Ross identified.

It seems that when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon they complained about the strong odor of the lunar dust when they returned to the Lunar Module. While conducting experiments on the surface of the moon in seems that their spacesuits gathered the moon dust in the creases of their suits. Once back in the module and after removing their helmets the smell was evident. It appears that once the dust was exposed to oxygen the four million year old dust produced a pungent smell. Since the astronauts had military experience they related the smell to that of spent gunpowder, said Ben.

“Then that coincides with what Ross told us,” said Edith.


“Be that as it may, we’re keeping the windows open.” Edith responded.


Two months later, Edith returned to the classroom giving her lectures on certain points of archeology. Ben drove to the outskirts of Palo Alto where the storage units were located. By day he examined and re-examined the body of the alien. At evenings, after supper he would work on his paper, the one he would submit to the world of anthropology, astrology and the world in general. Each day that he worked inside the storage unit he made sure that the overhead door was down and locked from the inside. He had changed the light bulb in the ceiling lamp. Replacing it with one at a higher wattage, increasing the artificial light in order to see and examine the dry, mummified body.

The first thing he noticed was that after closer observation the alien was still attired in garment of some kind. To Ben he thought it to be a type of jump suit. With surgical scissors he cut and removed a minute piece of the material, placed it in a specimen jar and twisted the lid making it airtight.

Next, using a camera he took several photographs of the body that still rested in the wooden tool box. I need to remove it from the tool box. I want to see the backside of it, determine it’s gender. The only one I can trust to help me is Edith. She has to come here and help me,” thought Ben.

That evening he sat and attached a USB cable to Edith’s computer and his camera. With a click of the mouse the photographs he had taken came into view. Edith stood behind him and said, “Well, you certainly now have photographic evidence of the find, but you still don’t know what it is exactly.”

“True, I’m going to have a forensic anthropologist to examine the remains and give me answers,” said Ben.

“Such as?”, asked Edith.

“Such as it’s gender. Did it breath oxygen or some other gas. If so what gas? Is it related to humanity or is it reptilian?

What did it eat in order to sustain itself? Did it need water? What killed it? The list goes on you see.”

“You do realize that the more people you enlist to give you answers takes away from your discovery. They will want recognition,” said Edith.

“Our discovery dear.

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