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Book online «The Twins Paradox by Alan Gasparutti (best contemporary novels txt) 📖». Author Alan Gasparutti

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has been assessed. On that note, and upon all the evidence my staff and colleagues have uncovered, I feel sure that this will be the next big revolution.”
“Have you taken into account the current financial climate?” the previous person asked.
“Developments such as the one here today require a great deal of planning,” admitted Frank. “This whole project was planned a year ago, at a time when the markets were by no means healthy. Though admittedly, they weren’t as bad as they may seem now, they may equally be in better shape in the next year.”
“But would you have gone ahead with this project if you had been aware of the current financial climate?” the man asked.
“That is a matter for conjecture,” replied Frank. “I should add that various people acknowledged this project and were prepared to back it financially. It is thanks to them that this project has now taken off and has the potential to develop further. I must emphasise that man will never get anywhere if he simply stands still.”
To that, Frank received a round of applause.
“I’ve bought one of your motors, and have had no trouble so far, I’m pleased to say,” a man in the crowd stated. “However, if there were any problems, can I take it here to be repaired?”
“Certainly,” Frank emphasised. “You will be covered by a warranty anyway, but if any parts of the vehicle need changing for any reason, my staff will only be too obliged to help.”
“You mentioned digital motors a little earlier, did you not?” another man queried. “Do you have any in stock which I could look at?”
“There may be one or two somewhere abouts, but if you could speak to my staff in the showroom, they may be able to confirm this,” said Frank. “If there aren’t any available, we could order some from the UK, though at this point in time that may depend upon the amount of interest for the vehicle.”
At that point, the crowd seemed to go quiet for a few seconds.
“While I’m here, is anyone else interested in a digital motor?” Frank asked the crowd, to which a few people raised their hands. “Can I ask you to check out the availability in the showroom, please.”
Frank looked around the crowd for a moment or two, awaiting the next question. This didn’t arrive, so he asked them if anyone had any further queries, before re-emphasising the green credentials of the vehicles and that they would revolutionise travel. Upon no further questions, he briefly referred to Henry, in case he had anything further to add, which he didn’t, before Frank thanked the audience for attending and declaring the ceremony complete.
A brass band then came from behind the platform, and led Frank, Henry and some of the audience along to the showroom, to view the cars on sale, while Arthur and Dermot took some of the seats into the reception as the crowd disbanded. There were some managers in reception, who then came out and helped to dis-assemble the platform and bring the other seats into the meeting room, as there was to be a meeting that afternoon.
There were a number of inquiries that lunchtime, which Frank, Henry and Steve helped with. By 1.30 that afternoon though, Frank invited Steve and Henry to the second meeting. This time, in the main meeting room of the building, were some managers and engineers. They each introduced themselves, as did the shareholders.
“The first item I wish to raise is how this morning’s inspection of the plant and it’s facilities and machinery went?” Frank asked the engineers.
“Everything seemed fine and in good working order,” one of them replied. “Can you confirm that you intend for the new company recruits to commence on the machinery tomorrow morning?”
“If everything is in good working order,” said Frank, before he looked across at the other members at the meeting. All of them seemed to acknowledge that everything was okay.
“Will the new recruits receive training?” a manager asked. “We can’t expect to send them onto the shop floor immediately?”
“I know one or two of you had attended some interviews along with Steve and myself, and we believe some of our new recruits may already be adequately trained in the machinery,” Frank stated. “You will be aware that those I am referring to will have transferred to this plant having gained previous experience with one or other of the major US motor manufacturers.”
“Will there be any further training?” asked another engineer.
“A training course has been set up for all recruits unfamiliar with the machinery,” Frank announced. “One of my engineers, Bob Steinberg, will be leading the course. If you believe at any time that some of the recruits require further training, please bring this to the attention of Mr Steinberg.”
“Where will the training be held?” asked a manager.
“Training will be held in a small corner of the plant for the time being, away from the main working area,” said Frank. “Training premises are in the pipeline, but we first wish to clarify which items are needed for training purposes.”
With no further queries regarding training, Frank then referred to the stock controller. “Mr Jones, do we have all the necessary materials, implements and stationery in stock?” he asked.
“I have checked the stock against the list of items you gave me, and can confirm that everything is in order,” Mr Jones replied.
“Good, good,” said Frank, before he looked around again. “Before we go any further, does anyone have any queries with stock, or are there any items which need to be added to previous orders?”
There were no queries to Frank’s question, suggesting that all imlpements and materials were in stock.
“I’ve looked at the sales figures you have provided on the agenda, which seem solid when bearing in mind the current financial situation,” commented one manager. “Can you confirm where you took these figures from?”
“The sales figures are from the local showroom, together with a few other showrooms we have in California,” said Frank. “The motors were designed by one of my colleagues, Henry, and constructed elsewhere. After assessing the suitability and potential of the motors, it was decided to manufacture further vehicles.”
“I noticed that you have ideas for other vehicles in the pipeline,” asked an engineer. “Do you have any idea when, and if, they will come on the production line?”
“I’m sure you will appreciate that this is dependant upon the current financial situation and until this improves, I can’t confirm any dates or timelines being considered at this moment,” iterated Frank. “What I can confirm is that we do intend to produce other ecological vehicles at some point in the future.”
“Do you intend to commence production tomorrow?” asked a manager.
“We intend to commence production in the next month,” Frank replied. “I cannot give any firm dates as this will be dependant upon how successful the workforce is and how much training is needed.”
“The workforce statistics don’t seem to be too large?” the HR manager queried.
“We will not be producing vehicles to anything like the same extent as the major motor manufacturers, not for the time being at least,” said Frank. “We do intend to develop the business, but that is dependant on other factors at the moment.”
“How strong are CAC motors financially?” asked the previous manager. “Some of us have moved states to take up work here, so I’m sure you will acknowledge that it won’t go down well if this company goes under after six months.”
“I note your concerns, but can confirm that we have strong financial backing,” replied Frank.
“Can you confirm who these strong financial backers may be?” the manager asked.
“I am not in a position to announce who is backing the company, but I can confirm we will not go under in six months, nor a year,” said Frank.
At that point, there was a little discussion and speculation between managers.
“I don’t claim to be the new Bill Gates, but I know this is the beginning of a new revolution,” Frank then pointed out. “We have a new leader in this country, a leader who is not prepared to shirk responsibilities, and who, allied with the Governor of California, will see that ecological vehicles are here to stay.”
At that point, everyone at the meeting looked towards Frank, and after Steve started to clap him, followed by Henry, everyone else began to give him an ovation.
“Thank you, thank you very much,” Frank said to everyone, before the clapping died down. “However,” he added, “this is not just the culmination of a big idea. This is the beginning of a new future for the US, for Europe, and for the world.”
Another handclap followed. Perhaps the personnel at the table warmed more to Frank’s statement, or perhaps they just decided to go along with his enthusiasm. Either way, he received another round of applause. Indeed, Frank was very enthusiastic and positive throughout the meeting, and helped to alleviate any scepticism. He made the personnel feel that CAC motors would be going places, but never tried to convince them that it would be easy.
Frank let Henry elaborate on the vehicles during the meeting. In fact, Frank wanted to talk to him about becoming his number two at CAC Motors. Henry had his own business to run, however, and had arranged to leave the next day. Arthur and Dermot, on the other hand, had decided to stay a little longer, and went to Frank’s house for a drink the following evening.
“So, how are things coming along at the European Space Agency these days?” Frank asked.
“Oh, not too bad,” said Arthur. “Things are a bit quiet at the moment.”
“Would either of you like something to drink?” Frank asked, to which Dermot requested a whisky. “How about you, Arthur, would you like anything to drink?”
“I’ll have pepsi, please,” asked Arthur. “You know me, I’m not one for anything too bitter.”
“I notice that some other astronomers have cottoned-on to your idea of how to find Earth-sized planets,” Frank said to him. “Do you have anything planned for the near future?”
“We’re in collaboration with NASA about missions to orbit the Jovian satellites and Titan,” said Dermot. “We’re also proposing a mission to study dark matter in the universe.”
“And one to study black holes to gain a better understanding of how they affect galaxies, don’t forget,” added Arthur. “That was suggested by me, largely on my views about the cosmos which I explained at the Astronomers convention last year. “
“Are either of you going to this year’s convention?” asked Steve, who had just walked into the room.
“Not this year,” Dermot told him. “We decided to let some of our other members attend this time.”
“Where is it, by the way?” asked Frank.
“This year’s convention will be in Abu Dhabi,” Dermot told him. “Actually, I believe Arthur was invited, but decided to turn down the offer, isn’t that right?”
“I enjoyed it all last year, but decided I had other objectives this time,” said Arthur. “I’m currently compiling a report on black holes and illustrating my theory.”
“Accept my apologies, but could you remind me of your theory again?” Frank requested. “I’ve had so much else going on over the past twelve months, I haven’t really had time to study my old profession.”
“I believe that the Big Bang was caused by a super-mega black hole, something probably too large to comprehend,” said Arthur. “The forces of several mega black holes will, rather than merging into one even larger black hole, eventually tear eachother apart and cause a massive explosion, i.e. the Big Bang.”
“How do you make that out?” asked Steve.
“There must be a maximum stability point for black holes, just like there is for stars,” Arthur told
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