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ovum itself a cell, or is it composed of cells? These important questions were now imposed on the embryologist by the cellular theory.

The most notable effort to answer these questions—which were attacked on all sides by different students—is contained in the famous work, Inquiries into the Development of the Vertebrates (not translated) of Robert Remak, of Berlin (1851). This gifted scientist succeeded in mastering, by a complete reform of the science, the great difficulties which the cellular theory had at first put in the way of embryology. A Berlin anatomist, Carl Boguslaus Reichert, had already attempted to explain the origin of the tissues. But this attempt was bound to miscarry, since its not very clear-headed author lacked a sound acquaintance with embryology and the cell theory, and even with the structure and development of the tissue in particular. Remak at length brought order into the dreadful confusion that Reichert had caused; he gave a perfectly simple explanation of the origin of the tissues. In his opinion the animal ovum is always a simple cell: the germinal layers which develop out of it are always composed of cells; and these cells that constitute the germinal layers arise simply from the continuous and repeated cleaving (segmentation) of the original solitary cell. It first divides into two and then into four cells; out of these four cells are born eight, then sixteen, thirty-two, and so on. Thus, in the embryonic development of every animal and plant there is formed first of all out of the simple egg cell, by a repeated subdivision, a cluster of cells, as Kolliker had already stated in connection with the cephalopods in 1844. The cells of this group spread themselves out flat and form leaves or plates; each of these leaves is formed exclusively out of cells. The cells of different layers assume different shapes, increase, and differentiate; and in the end there is a further cleavage (differentiation) and division of work of the cells within the layers, and from these all the different tissues of the body proceed.

These are the simple foundations of histogeny, or the science that treats of the development of the tissues (hista), as it was established by Remak and Kolliker. Remak, in determining more closely the part which the different germinal layers play in the formation of the various tissues and organs, and in applying the theory of evolution to the cells and the tissues they compose, raised the theory of germinal layers, at least as far as it regards the vertebrates, to a high degree of perfection.

Remak showed that three layers are formed out of the two germinal layers which compose the first simple leaf-shaped structure of the vertebrate body (or the “germinal disk”), as the lower layer splits into two plates. These three layers have a very definite relation to the various tissues. First of all, the cells which form the outer skin of the body (the epidermis), with its various dependencies (hairs, nails, etc.)—that is to say, the entire outer envelope of the body—are developed out of the outer or upper layer; but there are also developed in a curious way out of the same layer the cells which form the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord. In the second place, the inner or lower germinal layer gives rise only to the cells which form the epithelium (the whole inner lining) of the alimentary canal and all that depends on it (the lungs, liver, pancreas, etc.), or the tissues that receive and prepare the nourishment of the body. Finally, the middle layer gives rise to all the other tissues of the body, the muscles, blood, bones, cartilage, etc. Remak further proved that this middle layer, which he calls “the motor-germinative layer,” proceeds to subdivide into two secondary layers. Thus we find once more the four layers which Baer had indicated. Remak calls the outer secondary leaf of the middle layer (Baer’s “muscular layer”) the “skin layer” (it would be better to say, skin-fibre layer); it forms the outer wall of the body (the true skin, the muscles, etc.). To the inner secondary leaf (Baer’s “vascular layer”) he gave the name of the “alimentary-fibre layer”; this forms the outer envelope of the alimentary canal, with the mesentery, the heart, the blood-vessels, etc.

On this firm foundation provided by Remak for histogeny, or the science of the formation of the tissues, our knowledge has been gradually built up and enlarged in detail. There have been several attempts to restrict and even destroy Remak’s principles. The two anatomists, Reichert (of Berlin) and Wilhelm His (of Leipzic), especially, have endeavoured in their works to introduce a new conception of the embryonic development of the vertebrate, according to which the two primary germinal layers would not be the sole sources of formation. But these efforts were so seriously marred by ignorance of comparative anatomy, an imperfect acquaintance with ontogenesis, and a complete neglect of phylogenesis, that they could not have more than a passing success. We can only explain how these curious attacks of Reichert and His came to be regarded for a time as advances by the general lack of discrimination and of grasp of the true object of embryology.

Wilhelm His published, in 1868, his extensive Researches into the Earliest Form of the Vertebrate Body, ( None of His’s works have been translated into English.) one of the curiosities of embryological literature. The author imagines that he can build a “mechanical theory of embryonic development” by merely giving an exact description of the embryology of the chick, without any regard to comparative anatomy and phylogeny, and thus falls into an error that is almost without parallel in the history of biological literature. As the final result of his laborious investigations, His tells us “that a comparatively simple law of growth is the one essential thing in the first development. Every formation, whether it consist in cleavage of layers, or folding, or complete division, is a consequence of this fundamental law.” Unfortunately, he does not explain what this “law of growth” is; just as other opponents of the theory of selection, who would put in its place a great “law of evolution,” omit to tell us anything about the nature of this. Nevertheless, it is quite clear from His’s works that he imagines constructive Nature to be a sort of skilful tailor. The ingenious operator succeeds in bringing into existence, by “evolution,” all the various forms of living things by cutting up in different ways the germinal layers, bending and folding, tugging and splitting, and so on.

His’s embryological theories excited a good deal of interest at the time of publication, and have evoked a fair amount of literature in the last few decades. He professed to explain the most complicated parts of organic construction (such as the development of the brain) in the simplest way on mechanical principles, and to derive them immediately from simple physical processes (such as unequal distribution of strain in an elastic plate). It is quite true that a mechanical or monistic explanation (or a reduction of natural processes) is the ideal of modern science, and this ideal would be realised if we could succeed in expressing these formative processes in mathematical formulae. His has, therefore, inserted plenty of numbers and measurements in his embryological works, and given them an air of “exact” scholarship by putting in a quantity of mathematical tables. Unfortunately, they are of no value, and do not help us in the least in forming an “exact” acquaintance with the embryonic phenomena.

Indeed, they wander from the true path altogether by neglecting the phylogenetic method; this, he thinks, is “a mere by-path,” and is “not necessary at all for the explanation of the facts of embryology,”

which are the direct consequence of physiological principles. What His takes to be a simple physical process—for instance, the folding of the germinal layers (in the formation of the medullary tube, alimentary tube, etc.)—is, as a matter of fact, the direct result of the growth of the various cells which form those organic structures; but these growth-motions have themselves been transmitted by heredity from parents and ancestors, and are only the hereditary repetition of countless phylogenetic changes which have taken place for thousands of years in the race-history of the said ancestors. Each of these historical changes was, of course, originally due to adaptation; it was, in other words, physiological, and reducible to mechanical causes. But we have, naturally, no means of observing them now. It is only by the hypotheses of the science of evolution that we can form an approximate idea of the organic links in this historic chain.

All the best recent research in animal embryology has led to the confirmation and development of Baer and Remak’s theory of the germinal layers. One of the most important advances in this direction of late was the discovery that the two primary layers out of which is built the body of all vertebrates (including man) are also present in all the invertebrates, with the sole exception of the lowest group, the unicellular protozoa. Huxley had detected them in the medusa in 1849. He showed that the two layers of cells from which the body of this zoophyte is developed correspond, both morphologically and physiologically, to the two original germinal layers of the vertebrate. The outer layer, from which come the external skin and the muscles, was then called by Allman (1853) the “ectoderm” (outer layer, or skin); the inner layer, which forms the alimentary and reproductory organs, was called the “entoderm” (= inner layer). In 1867 and the following years the discovery of the germinal layers was extended to other groups of the invertebrates. In particular, the indefatigable Russian zoologist, Kowalevsky, found them in all the most diverse sections of the invertebrates—the worms, tunicates, echinoderms, molluscs, articulates, etc.

In my monograph on the sponges (1872) I proved that these two primary germinal layers are also found in that group, and that they may be traced from it right up to man, through all the various classes, in identical form. This “homology of the two primary germinal layers”

extends through the whole of the metazoa, or tissue-forming animals; that is to say, through the whole animal kingdom, with the one exception of its lowest section, the unicellular beings, or protozoa.

These lowly organised animals do not form germinal layers, and therefore do not succeed in forming true tissue. Their whole body consists of a single cell (as is the case with the amoebae and infusoria), or of a loose aggregation of only slightly differentiated cells, though it may not even reach the full structure of a single cell (as with the monera). But in all other animals the ovum first grows into two primary layers, the outer or animal layer (the ectoderm, epiblast, or ectoblast), and the inner or vegetal layer (the entoderm, hypoblast, or endoblast); and from these the tissues and organs are formed. The first and oldest organ of all these metazoa is the primitive gut (or progaster) and its opening, the primitive mouth (prostoma). The typical embryonic form of the metazoa, as it is presented for a time by this simple structure of the two-layered body, is called the gastrula; it is to be conceived as the hereditary reproduction of some primitive common ancestor of the metazoa, which we call the gastraea. This applies to the sponges and other zoophyta, and to the worms, the mollusca, echinoderma, articulata, and vertebrata. All these animals may be comprised under the general heading of “gut animals,” or metazoa, in contradistinction to the gutless protozoa.

I have pointed out in my Study of the Gastraea Theory [not translated]

(1873) the important consequences of this conception in the morphology and classification of the animal world. I also divided the realm of metazoa into two great groups, the lower and higher metazoa. In the first are comprised the coelenterata (also called zoophytes, or

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