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Book online «The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin (children's ebooks online TXT) 📖». Author Charles Darwin

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Hamadryas baboon.

Ekstrom, M., on Harelda glacialis.

Elachista rufocinerea, habits of male.

Eland, development of the horns of the.

Elands, sexual differences of colour in.

Elaphomyia, sexual differences in.

Elaphrus uliginosus, stridulation of.


Elateridae, proportion of the sexes in.

Elaters, luminous.

Elephant, rate of increase of the; nakedness of the; using a fan; Indian, forbearance to his keeper; polygamous habits of the; pugnacity of the male; tusks of; Indian, mode of fighting of the; male, odour emitted by the; attacking white or grey horses.

Elevation of abode, modifying influence of.

Elimination of inferior individuals.

Elk, winter change of the.

Elk, Irish, horns of the.

Ellice Islands, beards of the natives.

Elliot, D.G., on Pelecanus erythrorhynchus.

Elliot, R., on the numerical proportion of the sexes in young rats; on the proportion of the sexes in sheep.

Elliot, Sir W., on the polygamous habits of the Indian wild boar.

Ellis, on the prevalence of infanticide in Polynesia.

Elphinstone, Mr., on local difference of stature among the Hindoos; on the difficulty of distinguishing the native races of India.

Elytra, of the females of Dytiscus Acilius, Hydroporus.

Emberiza, characters of young.

Emberiza miliaria.

Emberiza schoeniclus, head-feathers of the male.

Embryo of man; of the dog.

Embryos of mammals, resemblance of the.


Emotions experienced by the lower animals in common with man; manifested by animals.

Emperor butterfly.

Emperor moth.

Emu, sexes and incubation of.

Emulation of singing birds.

Endurance, estimation of.

Energy, a characteristic of men.

England, numerical proportion of male and female births in.

Engleheart, Mr., on the finding of new mates by starlings.

English, success of, as colonists.

Engravers, short-sighted.


Entozoa, difference of colour between the males and females of some.

Environment, direct action of the, in causing differences between the sexes.

Envy, persistence of.

Eocene period, possible divergence of men during the.

Eolidae, colours of, produced by the biliary glands.

Epeira nigra, small size of the male of.



Ephippiger vitium, stridulating organs of.

Epicalia, sexual differences of colouring in the species of.

Equus hemionus, winter change of.

Erateina, coloration of.

Ercolani, Prof., hermaphroditism in eels.

Erect attitude of man.

Eristalis, courting of.

Eschricht, on the development of hair in man; on a languinous moustache in a female foetus; on the want of definition between the scalp and the forehead in some children; on the arrangement of the hair in the human foetus; on the hairiness of the face in the human foetus of both sexes.

Esmeralda, difference of colour in the sexes of.

Esox lucius.

Esox reticulatus.

Esquimaux, their belief in the inheritance of dexterity in seal-catching; mode of life of.

Estrelda amandava, pugnacity of the male.

Eubagis, sexual differences of colouring in the species of.

Euchirus longimanus, sound produced by.

Eudromias morinellus.

Eulampis jugularis, colours of the female.

Euler, on the rate of increase in the United States.

Eunomota superciliaris, racket-shaped feathers in the tail of.

Eupetomena macroura, colours of the female.

Euphema splendida.

Euplocamus erythrophthalmus, possession of spurs by the female.

Europe, ancient inhabitants of.

Europeans, difference of, from Hindoos; hairiness of, probably due to reversion.

Eurostopodus, sexes of.

Eurygnathus, different proportions of the head in the sexes of.

Eustephanus, sexual differences of species of; young of.

Exaggeration of natural characters by man.


Experience, acquisition of, by animals.

Expression, resemblances in, between man and the apes.

Extinction of races, causes of.

Eye, destruction of the; change of position in; obliquity of, regarded as a beauty by the Chinese and Japanese.

Eyebrows, elevation of; development of long hairs in; in monkeys; eradicated in parts of South America and Africa; eradication of, by the Indians of Paraguay.

Eyelashes, eradication of, by the Indians of Paraguay.

Eyelids, coloured black, in part of Africa.

Eyes, pillared, of the male of Chloeon; difference in the colour of, in the sexes of birds.

Eyton, T.C., observations on the development of the horns in the fallow deer.

Eyzies, Les, human remains from.

Fabre, M., on the habits of Cerceris.

Facial bones, causes of modification of the.

Faculties, diversity of, in the same race of men; inheritance of; diversity of, in animals of the same species; mental variation of, in the same species; of birds.

Fakirs, Indian, tortures undergone by.

Falco leucocephalus.

Falco peregrinus.

Falco tinnunclus.

Falcon, peregrine, new mate found by.

Falconer, H., on the mode of fighting of the Indian elephant; on canines in a female deer; on Hyomoschus aquaticus.

Falkland Islands, horses of.

Fallow-deer, different coloured herds of.

Famines, frequency of, among savages.

Farr, Dr., on the effects of profligacy; on the influence of marriage on mortality.

Farrar, F.W., on the origin of language; on the crossing or blending of languages; on the absence of the idea of God in certain races of men; on early marriages of the poor; on the middle ages.

Farre, Dr., on the structure of the uterus.

Fashions, long prevalence of, among savages.

Faye, Prof., on the numerical proportion of male and female births in Norway and Russia; on the greater mortality of male children at and before birth.

Feathers, modified, producing sounds; elongated, in male birds; racket-shaped; barbless and with filamentous barbs in certain birds; shedding of margins of.

Feeding, high, probable influence of, in the pairing of birds of different species.

Feet, thickening of the skin on the soles of the; modification of, in man.

Felis canadensis, throat-ruff of.

Felis pardalis and F. mitis, sexual difference in the colouring of.

Female, behaviour of the, during courtship.

Female birds, differences of.

Females, presence of rudimentary male organs in; preference of, for certain males; pursuit of, by males; occurrence of secondary sexual characters in; development of male character by.

Females and males, comparative numbers of; comparative mortality of, while young.

Femur and tibia, proportions of, in the Aymara Indians.

Fenton, Mr., decrease of Maories; infanticide amongst the Maories.

Ferguson, Mr., on the courtship of fowls.

Fertilisation, phenomena of, in plants; in the lower animals.

Fertility lessened under changed conditions.

Fevers, immunity of Negroes and Mulattoes from.

Fiber zibethicus, protective colouring of it.

Fick, H., effect of conscription for military service.

Fidelity, in the elephant; of savages to one another; importance of.

Field-slaves, difference of, from house-slaves.

Fiji Archipelago, population of the.

Fiji Islands, beards of the natives; marriage-customs of the.

Fijians, burying their old and sick parents alive; estimation of the beard among the; admiration of, for a broad occiput.

Filial affection, partly the result of natural selection.

Filum terminale.

Finch, racket-shaped feathers in the tail of a.

Finches, spring change of colour in; British, females of the.

Fingers, partially coherent, in species of Hylobates.

Finlayson, on the Cochin Chinese.

Fire, use of.

Fischer, on the pugnacity of the male of Lethrus cephalotes.

Fischer, F. Von, on display of brightly coloured parts by monkeys in courtship.

Fish, eagerness of male; proportion of the sexes in; sounds produced by.

Fishes, kidneys of, represented by Corpora Wolffiana in the human embryo; male, hatching ova in their mouths; receptacles for ova possessed by; relative size of the sexes in; fresh-water, of the tropics; protective resemblances in; change of colour in; nest-building; spawning of; sounds produced by; continued growth of.

Flamingo, age of mature plumage.

Flexor pollicis longus, similar variation of, in man.

Flies, humming of.

Flint tools.

Flints, difficulty of chipping into form.

Florida, Quiscalus major in.

Florisuga mellivora.

Flounder, coloration of the.

Flower, W.H., on the abductor of the fifth metatarsal in apes; on the position of the Seals; on the Pithecia monachu; on the throat-pouch of the male bustard.

Fly-catchers, colours and nidification of.

Foetus, human, woolly covering of the; arrangement of the hair on.

Food, influence of, upon stature.

Foot, prehensile power of the, retained in some savages; prehensile, in the early progenitors of man.

Foramen, supra-condyloid, exceptional occurrence of in the humerus of man; in the early progenitors of man.

Forbes, D., on the Aymara Indians; on local variation of colour in the Quichuas; on the hairlessness of the Aymaras and Quichuas; on the long hair of the Aymaras and Quichaus.

Forel, F., on white young swans.

Forester, Hon. O.W., on an orphan hawk.

Formica rufa, size of the cerebral ganglia in.

Fossils, absence of, connecting man with the apes.

Fowl, occurrence of spurs in the female; game, early pugnacity of; Polish, early development of cranial peculiarities of; variations in plumage of; examples of correlated development in the; domestic, breeds and sub-breeds of.

Fowls, spangled Hamburg; inheritance of changes of plumage by; sexual peculiarities in, transmitted only to the same sex; loss of secondary sexual characters by male; Polish, origin of the crest in; period of inheritance of characters by; cuckoo-; development of the comb in; numerical proportion of the sexes in; courtship of; mongrel, between a black Spanish cock and different hens; pencilled Hamburg, difference of the sexes in; Spanish, sexual differences of the comb in; spurred, in both sexes.

Fox, W.D., on some half-tamed wild ducks becoming polygamous, and on polygamy in the guinea-fowl and canary-bird; on the proportion of the sexes in cattle; on the pugnacity of the peacock; on a nuptial assembly of magpies; on the finding of new mates by crows; on partridges living in triplets; on the pairing of a goose with a Chinese gander.

Foxes, wariness of young, in hunting districts; black.

Fraser, C., on the different colours of the sexes in a species of Squilla.

Fraser, G., colours of Thecla.

Frere, Hookham, quoting Theognis on selection in mankind.

Fringilla cannabina.

Fringilla ciris, age of mature plumage in.

Fringilla cyanea, age of mature plumage in.

Fringilla leucophrys, young of.

Fringilla spinus.

Fringilla tristis, change of colour in, in spring; young of.

Fringillidae, resemblance of the females of distinct species of.

Frog, bright coloured and distasteful to birds.

Frogs, male; temporary receptacles for ova possessed by; ready to breed before the females; fighting of; vocal organs of.

Frontal bone, persistence of the suture in.

Fruits, poisonous, avoided by animals.

Fuegians, difference of stature among the; power of sight in the; skill of, in stone-throwing; resistance of the, to their severe climate; mental capacity of the; quasi-religious sentiments of the; resemblance of, in mental characters, to Europeans; mode of life of the; aversion of, to hair on the face; said to admire European women.

Fulgoridae, songs of the.

Fur, whiteness of, in Arctic animals in winter.

Fur-bearing animals, acquired sagacity of.

Gallicrex, sexual difference in the colour of the irides in.

Gallicrex cristatus, pugnacity of male; red carbuncle occurring in the male during the breeding-season.

Gallinaceae, frequency of polygamous habits and of sexual differences in the; love-gestures of; decomposed feathers in; stripes of young; comparative sexual differences between the species of; plumage of.

Gallinaceous birds, weapons of the male; racket-shaped feathers on the heads of.

Gallinula chloropus, pugnacity of the male.

Galloperdix, spurs of; development of spurs in the female.

Gallophasis, young of.


Gallus bankiva, neck-hackles of.

Gallus Stanleyi, pugnacity of the male.

Galton, Mr., on hereditary genius; gregariousness and independence in animals; on the struggle between the social and personal impulses; on the effects of natural selection on civilised nations; on the sterility of sole daughters; on the degree of fertility of people of genius; on the early marriages of the poor; on the ancient Greeks; on the Middle Ages; on the progress of the United States; on South African notions of beauty.

Gammarus, use of the chelae of.

Gammarus marinus.

Gannets, white only when mature.

Ganoid fishes.

Gaour, horns of the.

Gap between man and the apes.

Gaper, sexes and young of.

Gardner, on an example of rationality in a Gelasimus.

Garrulus glandarius.

Gartner, on sterility of hybrid plants.

Gasteropoda, pulmoniferous, courtship of.

Gasterosteus, nidification of.

Gasterosteus leiurus.

Gasterosteus trachurus.

Gastrophora, wings of, brightly coloured beneath.

Gauchos, want of humanity among the.

Gaudry, M., on a fossil monkey.

Gavia, seasonal change of plumage in.

Geese, clanging noise made by; pairing of different species of; Canada, selection of mates by.

Gegenbaur, C., on the number of digits in the Ichthyopterygia; on the hermaphroditism of the remote progenitors of the vertebrata; two types of nipple in mammals.

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