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of different races of men.

Murray, T.A., on the fertility of Australian women with white men.

Mus coninga.

Mus minutus, sexual difference in the colour of.

Musca vomitoria.

Muscicapa grisola.

Muscicapa luctuosa.

Muscicapa ruticilla, breeding in immature plumage.

Muscle, ischio-pubic.

Muscles, rudimentary, occurrence of, in man; variability of the; effects of use and disuse upon; animal-like abnormalities of, in man; correlated variation of, in the arm and leg; variability of, in the hands and feet; of the jaws, influence of, on the physiognomy of the Apes; habitual spasms of, causing modifications of the facial bones, of the early progenitors of man; greater variability of the, in men than in women.

Musculus sternalis, Prof. Turner on the.

Music, of birds; discordant, love of savages for; reason of power of perception of notes in animals; power of distinguishing notes; its connection with primeval speech; different appreciation of, by different peoples; origin of; effects of.

Musical cadences, perception of, by animals; powers of man.

Musk-deer, canine teeth of male; male, odoriferous organs of the; winter change of the.

Musk-duck, Australian; large size of male; of Guiana, pugnacity of the male.

Musk-ox, horns of.

Musk-rat, protective resemblance of the, to a clod of earth.

Musophagae, colours and nidification of the; both sexes of, equally brilliant.

Mussels opened by monkeys.

Mustela, winter change of two species of.

Musters, Captain, on Rhea Darwinii; marriages amongst Patagonians.

Mutilations, healing of; inheritance of.

Mutilla europaea, stridulation of.

Mutillidae, absence of ocelli in female.

Mycetes caraya, polygamous; vocal organs of; beard of; sexual differences of colour in; voice of.

Mycetes seniculus, sexual differences of colour in.


Nageli, on the influence of natural selection on plants; on the gradation of species of plants.

Nails, coloured yellow or purple in part of Africa.

Narwhal, tusks of the.

Nasal cavities, large size of, in American aborigines.

Nascent organs.

Nathusius, H. von, on the improved breeds of pigs; male domesticated animals more variable than females; horns of castrated sheep; on the breeding of domestic animals.

Natural selection, its effects on the early progenitors of man; influence of, on man; limitation of the principle; influence of, on social animals; Mr. Wallace on the limitation of, by the influence of the mental faculties in man; influence of, in the progress of the United States; in relation to sex.

Natural and sexual selection contrasted.

Naulette, jaw from, large size of the canines in.

Neanderthal skull, capacity of the.

Neck, proportion of, in soldiers and sailors.

Necrophorus, stridulation of.

Nectarinia, young of.

Nectariniae, moulting of the; nidification of.

Negro, resemblance of a, to Europeans in mental characters.

Negro-women, their kindness to Mungo Park.

Negroes, Caucasian features in; character of; lice of; fertility of, when crossed with other races; blackness of; variability of; immunity of, from yellow fever; difference of, from Americans; disfigurements of the; colour of new-born children of; comparative beardlessness of; readily become musicians; appreciation of beauty of their women by; idea of beauty among; compression of the nose by some.

Nemertians, colours of.

Neolithic period.

Neomorpha, sexual difference of the beak in.

Nephila, size of male.

Nests, made by fishes; decoration of, by Humming-birds.

Neumeister, on a change of colour in pigeons after several moultings.

Neuration, difference of, in the two sexes of some butterflies and hymenoptera.


Neurothemis, dimorphism in.

New Zealand, expectation by the natives of, of their extinction; practice of tattooing in; aversion of natives of, to hairs on the face; pretty girls engrossed by the chiefs in.

Newton, A., on the throat-pouch of the male bustard; on the differences between the females of two species of Oxynotus; on the habits of the Phalarope, dotterel, and godwit.


Nicholson, Dr., on the non-immunity of dark Europeans from yellow fever.

Nictitating membrane.

Nidification of fishes; relation of, to colour; of British birds.

Night-heron, cries of the.

Nightingale, arrival of the male before the female; object of the song of the.

Nightingales, new mates found by.

Nightjar, selection of a mate by the female; Australian, sexes of; coloration of the.

Nightjars, noise made by some male, with their wings; elongated feathers in.

Nilghau, sexual differences of colour in the.

Nilsson, Prof., on the resemblance of stone arrow-heads from various places; on the development of the horns of the reindeer.

Nipples, absence of, in Monotremata.

Nitsche, Dr., ear of foetal orang.

Nitzsch, C.L., on the down of birds.

Noctuae, brightly-coloured beneath.

Noctuidae, coloration of.

Nomadic habits, unfavourable to human progress.

Nordmann, A., on Tetrao urogalloides.

Norfolk Island, half-breeds on.

Norway, numerical proportion of male and female births in.

Nose, resemblance of, in man and the apes; piercing and ornamentation of the; very flat, not admired in negroes; flattening of the.

Nott and Gliddon, on the features of Rameses II.; on the features of Amunoph III.; on skulls from Brazilian caves; on the immunity of negroes and mulattoes from yellow fever; on the deformation of the skull among American tribes.

Novara, voyage of the, suicide in New Zealand.

Nudibranch Mollusca, bright colours of.

Numerals, Roman.

Nunemaya, natives of, bearded.

Nuthatch, of Japan, intelligence of; Indian.

Obedience, value of.

Observation, powers of, possessed by birds.

Occupations, sometimes a cause of diminished stature; effect of, upon the proportions of the body.

Ocelli, absence of, in female Mutilidae.

Ocelli of birds, formation and variability of the.

Ocelot, sexual differences in the colouring of the.

Ocyhaps lophotes.


Odonestis potatoria, sexual difference of colour in.

Odour, correlation of, with colour of skin; of moths; emitted by snakes in the breeding season; of mammals.

Oecanthus nivalis, difference of colour in the sexes of.

Oecanthus pellucidus.

Ogle, Dr. W., relation between colour and power of smell.


Oliver, on sounds produced by Pimelia striata.

Omaloplia brunnea, stridulation of.

Onitis furcifer, processes of anterior femora of the male, and on the head and thorax of the female.


Onthophagus rangifer, sexual differences of; variations in the horns of the male.

Ophidia, sexual differences of.


Opossum, wide range of, in America.

Optic nerve, atrophy of the, caused by destruction of the eye.

Orang-Outan, Bischoff on the agreement of the brain of the, with that of man; adult age of the; ears of the; vermiform appendage of; hands of the; absence of mastoid processes in the; platforms built by the; alarmed at the sight of a turtle; using a stick as a lever; using missiles; using the leaves of the Pandanus as a night covering; direction of the hair on the arms of the; its aberrant characters; supposed evolution of the; voice of the; monogamous habits of the; male, beard of the.

Oranges, treatment of, by monkeys.

Orange-tip butterfly.

Orchestia Darwinii, dimorphism of males of.

Orchestia Tucuratinga, limbs of.

Ordeal, trial by.

Oreas canna, colours of.

Oreas Derbianus, colours of.

Organs, prehensile; utilised for new purposes.

Organic scale, von Baer’s definition of progress in.

Orioles, nidification of.

Oriolus, species of, breeding in immature plumage.

Oriolus melanocephalus, coloration of the sexes in.

Ornaments, prevalence of similar; of male birds; fondness of savages for.

Ornamental characters, equal transmission of, to both sexes, in mammals; of monkeys.

Ornithoptera croesus.

Ornithorhynchus, reptilian tendency of; spur of the male.

Orocetes erythrogastra, young of.

Orrony, Grotto of.

Orsodacna atra, difference of colour in the sexes of.

Orsodacna ruficollis.

Orthoptera, metamorphosis of; stridulating apparatus of; colours of; rudimentary stridulating organs in female; stridulation of the, and Homoptera, discussed.

Ortygornis gularis, pugnacity of the male.

Oryctes, stridulation of; sexual differences in the stridulant organs of.

Oryx leucoryx, use of the horns of.

Osphranter rufus, sexual difference in the colour of.

Ostrich, African, sexes and incubation of the.

Ostriches, stripes of young.

Otaria jubata, mane of the male.

Otaria nigrescens, difference in the coloration of the sexes of.

Otis bengalensis, love-antics of the male.

Otis tarda, throat-pouch of the male; polygamous.

Ouzel, ring-, colours and nidification of the.

Ouzel, water-, singing in the autumn; colours and nidification of the.

Ovibos moschatus, horns of.

Ovipositor of insects.

Ovis cycloceros, mode of fighting of.

Ovule of man.

Owen, Prof., on the Corpora Wolffiana; on the great toe in man; on the nictitating membrane and semilunar fold; on the development of the posterior molars in different races of man; on the length of the caecum in the Koala; on the coccygeal vertebrae; on rudimentary structures belonging to the reproductive system; on abnormal conditions of the human uterus; on the number of digits in the Ichthyopterygia; on the canine teeth in man; on the walking of the chimpanzee and orang; on the mastoid processes in the higher apes; on the hairiness of elephants in elevated districts; on the caudal vertebrae of monkeys; classification of mammalia; on the hair in monkeys; on the piscine affinities of the Ichthyosaurians; on polygamy and monogamy among the antelopes; on the horns of Antilocapra Americana; on the musky odour of crocodiles during the breeding season; on the scent-glands of snakes; on the Dugong, Cachalot, and Ornithorhynchus; on the antlers of the red deer; on the dentition of the Camelidae; on the horns of the Irish elk; on the voice of the giraffe, porcupine, and stag; on the laryngeal sac of the gorilla and orang; on the odoriferous glands of mammals; on the effects of emasculation on the vocal organs of men; on the voice of Hylobates agilis; on American monogamous monkeys.

Owls, white, new mates found by.

Oxynotus, difference of the females of two species of.


Pachytylus migratorius.

Paget, on the abnormal development of hairs in man; on the thickness of the skin on the soles of the feet of infants.

Pagurus, carrying the female.

Painting, pleasure of savages in.

Palaemon, chelae of a species of.

Palaeornis, sexual differences of colour in.

Palaeornis javanicus, colour of beak of.

Palaeornis rosa, young of.

Palamedea cornuta, spurs on the wings.

Paleolithic period.

Palestine, habits of the chaffinch in.

Pallas, on the perfection of the senses in the Mongolians; on the want of connexion between climate and the colour of the skin; on the polygamous habits of Antilope Saiga; on the lighter colour of horses and cattle in winter in Siberia; on the tusks of the musk-deer; on the odoriferous glands of mammals; on the odoriferous glands of the musk-deer; on winter changes of colour in mammals; on the ideal of female beauty in North China.

Palmaris accessorius, muscle variations of the.

Pampas, horses of the.

Pangenesis, hypothesis of.

Panniculus carnosus.

Pansch, on the brain of a foetal Cebus apella.

Papilio, proportion of the sexes in North American species of; sexual differences of colouring in species of; coloration of the wings in species of.

Papilio ascanius.

Papilio Sesostris and Childrenae, variability of.

Papilio Turnus.

Papilionidae, variability in the.

Papuans, line of separation between the, and the Malays; beards of the; teeth of.

Papuans and Malays, contrast in characters of.

Paradise, Birds of; supposed by Lesson to be polygamous; rattling of their quills by; racket-shaped feathers in; sexual differences in colour of; decomposed feathers in; display of plumage by the male; sexual differences in colour of.

Paradisea apoda, barbless feathers in the tail of; plumage of; and P. papuana; divergence of the females of; increase of beauty with age.

Paradisea papuana, plumage of.

Paraguay, Indians of, eradication of eyebrows and eyelashes by.

Parallelism of development of species and languages.

Parasites, on man and animals; as evidence of specific identity or distinctness; immunity from, correlated with colour.

Parental feeling in earwigs, starfishes, and spiders; affection, partly a result of natural selection.

Parents, age of, influence upon sex of offspring.

Parinae, sexual difference of colour in.

Park, Mungo, negro-women teaching their children to love the truth; his treatment by the negro-women; on negro opinions of the appearance of white men.

Parker, Mr., no bird or reptile in line of mammalian descent.

Parrakeet, young of; Australian, variation in the colour of the thighs of a male.

Parrot, racket-shaped feathers in the tail of a; instance of benevolence in a.

Parrots, change of colour in; imitative faculties of; living in triplets; affection of; colours and nidification of the; immature plumage of the; colours of; sexual differences of colour

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