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Book online «The English Novel by George Saintsbury (essential reading TXT) 📖». Author George Saintsbury

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Marivaux Marryat, Captain Marsh, Mrs. Martineau, Mrs.
Mary Barton Maturin, C.R.
Melmoth the Wanderer Melville, Mr. L.
Memoirs of a Cavalier Meredith, Mr. George
Merlin Michelet
Mill on the Floss, The
Misfortunes of Elphin, The
Mr. Midshipman Easy
Mr. Verdant Green
Mrs. Veal
Moll Flanders
Monk, The
Montelion Moore, Dr. John Morgan, Lady Morier Morley of Blackburn, Lord Morris, W.
Morte d'Arthur , the alliterative;
the metrical;
Malory's Mosse, Henrietta
Mount Henneth
Mysteries of Udolpho, The

Nash, T.
Nature and Art Neville, H.
Nightmare Abbey
No Name
North and South
Northanger Abbey
Novelist, The
Novella , the Italian, influence of

Odyssey, The
Old English Baron, The
Old Manor House, The Oliphant, Mrs. Opie, Mrs.
Ordeal of Richard Feverel, The
Ornatus and Artesia
Oroonoko "Ouida" Ovid

Paget, F.
Palace of Pleasure , Painter's Paltock, R.
Pandion and Amphigeneia Paris, M. Gaston
Parismus and Parismenus
Paul Ferroll Peacock, T.L.
Peep at Our Ancestors
Peregrine Pickle
Peter Simple
Peter Wilkins Petronius
Pickwick Papers, The
Pilgrim's Progress, The Plato Poe, Edgar
Polite Conversation (Swift's)
Pompey the Little Porter, Miss
Pride and Prejudice
Proud King, The Publication, system of

Queenhoo Hall
Quixote, The Female
Quixote, The Spiritual

Rabelais Radcliffe, Mrs. Raleigh, Professor Sir Walter
Rasselas Reade, C.
Recess, The Reeve, Clara Rice, James
Richard Coeur de Lion Richardson Ritson
Robinson Crusoe Robinson, Emma (?) Roche, R.M.
Roderich Random Romance;
its connection with the "Saint's Life";
not completely separable from novel;
Romance Readers and Romance Writers
Romola "Rosa Matilda"
Ruin, The

St. Irvyne
St. Leon
St. Ronan's Well
Sayings and Doings "S.G.," see Green, Sarah Scott, Michael Scott, Sir W.
Sense and Sensibility
Sentimental Journey, A
Seven Wise Masters, The Sewell, Miss
Shabby Genteel Story, A
Shadow of the Cross, The Shadwell, Charles Shebbeare Shelley Sheridan, Frances Sherwood, Mrs.
Shortest Way with the Dissenters
Simple Story, A
Sir Amadas
Sir Charles Grandison
Sir Eglamour
Sir Eger, Sir Grame, and Sir Graysteel
Sir John Chiverton
Sir Isumhras
Sir Lancelot Greaves
Sir Launfal
Sir Orfeo
Sir Triamond
Sketches by Boz Smart, Capt. H. Smedley, Frank Smith, Charlotte Smith, Horace Smollett Socrates
Spiritual Quixote, The
Squire of Low Degree, The Staël, Mme. de Steele Stendhal Sterne Stevenson, R.L.
Strange Story, A Stuart, Lady L. Surtees, R. Swift
Sydney Biddulph

Tale of a Tub, A
Ten Thousand a Year Tennyson Terror-Novel, the Thackeray
Thaddeus of Warsaw Thorns Tolstoi, Count
Tom and Jerry
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Tom Cringle's Log
Tom Jones Tourguenief "Tractarian" Novel, the
Treasure Island
Tristram Shandy Tristram story, the Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Mrs.
Two Years Ago

Unfortunate Traveller, The

Vanity Fair
Vicar of Wake field, The Virgil
Vision of St. Paul, The
Voyage Round the World

Wace Walpole, H.
Wanderer, The
Warden, The Ward's Catalogue of Romances Warren, S.
Water Babies, The
Watsons, The
Waverley Weber
Well at the World's End
Westward Ho! Whyte-Melville, G.J.
Wild Irish Girl, The Wilkinson, Sarah
William of Palerne Wortley-Montagu, Lady M., see "Lady Mary" Wroth, Lady Mary
Wuthering Heights


Yeast Yonge, Miss
Ywain and Gawain

Zastrozzi Zeluco

Publication Date: 05-20-2008

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