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and eat this one last of all, unless you have mastered the general solution of the problem, which is very difficult, there is no better course open to you than to try every number in succession until you come to one that works correctly. The smallest number is twenty-one. If you have to proceed by trial, you will shorten your labour a great deal by only counting out the remainders when the number is divided successively by 13, 12, 11, 10, etc. Thus, in the case of 21, we have the remainders 8, 9, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1. Note that I do not give the remainders of 7, 3, and 1 as nought, but as 7, 3, and 1. Now, count round each of these numbers in turn, and you will find that the white mouse is killed last of all. Of course, if we wanted simply any number, not the smallest, the solution is very easy, for we merely take the least common multiple of 13, 12, 11, 10, etc. down to 2. This is 360360, and you will find that the first count kills the thirteenth mouse, the next the twelfth, the next the eleventh, and so on down to the first. But the most arithmetically inclined cat could not be expected to take such a big number when a small one like twenty-one would equally serve its purpose.

In the third case, the smallest number is 100. The number 1,000 would also do, and there are just seventy-two other numbers between these that the cat might employ with equal success.


To leave the three piles at the extreme ends of the rows, the cheeses may be moved as follows—the numbers refer to the cheeses and not to their positions in the row: 7-2, 8-7, 9-8, 10-15, 6-10, 5-6, 14-16, 13-14, 12-13, 3-1, 4-3, 11-4. This is probably the easiest solution of all to find. To get three of the piles on cheeses 13, 14, and 15, play thus: 9-4, 10-9, 11-10, 6-14, 5-6, 12-15, 8-12, 7-8, 16-5, 3-13, 2-3, 1-2. To leave the piles on cheeses 3, 5, 12, and 14, play thus: 8-3, 9-14, 16-12, 1-5, 10-9, 7-10, 11-8, 2-1, 4-16, 13-2, 6-11, 15-4.

234.—THE EXCHANGE PUZZLE.—solution

Make the following exchanges of pairs: H-K, H-E, H-C, H-A, I-L, I-F, I-D, K-L, G-J, J-A, F-K, L-E, D-K, E-F, E-D, E-B, B-K. It will be found that, although the white counters can be moved to their proper places in 11 moves, if we omit all consideration of exchanges, yet the black cannot be so moved in fewer than 17 moves. So we have to introduce waste moves with the white counters to equal the minimum required by the black. Thus fewer than 17 moves must be impossible. Some of the moves are, of course, interchangeable.

235.—TORPEDO PRACTICE.—solution

If the enemy's fleet be anchored in the formation shown in the illustration, it will be seen that as many as ten out of the sixteen ships may be blown up by discharging the torpedoes in the order indicated by the numbers and in the directions indicated by the arrows. As each torpedo in succession passes under three ships and sinks the fourth, strike out each vessel with the pencil as it is sunk.

236.—THE HAT PUZZLE.—solution

I suggested that the reader should try this puzzle with counters, so I give my solution in that form. The silk hats are represented by black counters and the felt hats by white counters. The first row shows the hats in their original positions, and then each successive row shows how they appear after one of the five manipulations. It will thus be seen that we first move hats 2 and 3, then 7 and 8, then 4 and 5, then 10 and 11, and, finally, 1 and 2, leaving the four silk hats together, the four felt hats together, and the two vacant pegs at one end of the row. The first three pairs moved are dissimilar hats, the last two pairs being similar. There are other ways of solving the puzzle.

237.—BOYS AND GIRLS.—solution

There are a good many different solutions to this puzzle. Any contiguous pair, except 7-8, may be moved first, and after the first move there are variations. The following solution shows the position from the start right through each successive move to the end:—

. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 1 2 . . 5 6 7 8 4 3 1 2 7 6 5 . . 8 4 3 1 2 7 . . 5 6 8 4 . . 2 7 1 3 5 6 8 4 8 6 2 7 1 3 5 . .


Two of the pots, 13 and 19, were in their proper places. As every interchange may result in a pot being put in its place, it is clear that twenty-two interchanges will get them all in order. But this number of moves is not the fewest possible, the correct answer being seventeen. Exchange the following pairs: (3-1, 2-3), (15-4, 16-15), (17-7, 20-17), (24-10, 11-24, 12-11), (8-5, 6-8, 21-6, 23-21, 22-23, 14-22, 9-14, 18-9). When you have made the interchanges within any pair of brackets, all numbers within those brackets are in their places. There are five pairs of brackets, and 5 from 22 gives the number of changes required—17.

239.—A JUVENILE PUZZLE.—solution

As the conditions are generally understood, this puzzle is incapable of solution. This can be demonstrated quite easily. So we have to look for some catch or quibble in the statement of what we are asked to do. Now if you fold the paper and then push the point of your pencil down between the fold, you can with one stroke make the two lines CD and EF in our diagram. Then start at A, and describe the line ending at B. Finally put in the last line GH, and the thing is done strictly within the conditions, since folding the paper is not actually forbidden. Of course the lines are here left unjoined for the purpose of clearness.

In the rubbing out form of the puzzle, first rub out A to B with a single finger in one stroke. Then rub out the line GH with one finger. Finally, rub out the remaining two vertical lines with two fingers at once! That is the old trick.

240.—THE UNION JACK.—solution

There are just sixteen points (all on the outside) where three roads may be said to join. These are called by mathematicians "odd nodes." There is a rule that tells us that in the case of a drawing like the present one, where there are sixteen odd nodes, it requires eight separate strokes or routes (that is, half as many as there are odd nodes) to complete it. As we have to produce as much as possible with only one of these eight strokes, it is clearly necessary to contrive that the seven strokes from odd node to odd node shall be as short as possible. Start at A and end at B, or go the reverse way.


It can be done in twelve continuous strokes, thus: Start at A in the illustration, and eight strokes, forming the star, will bring you back to A; then one stroke round the circle to B, one stroke to C, one round the circle to D, and one final stroke to E—twelve in all. Of course, in practice the second circular stroke will be over the first one; it is separated in the diagram, and the points of the star not joined to the circle, to make the solution clear to the eye.


The inspector need only travel nineteen miles if he starts at B and takes the following route: B A D G D E F I F C B E H K L I H G J K. Thus the only portions of line travelled over twice are the two sections D to G and F to I. Of course, the route may be varied, but it cannot be shortened.

243.—VISITING THE TOWNS.—solution

Note that there are six towns, from which only two roads issue. Thus 1 must lie between 9 and 12 in the circular route. Mark these two roads as settled. Similarly mark 9, 5, 14, and 4, 8, 14, and 10, 6, 15, and 10, 2, 13, and 3, 7, 13. All these roads must be taken. Then you will find that he must go from 4 to 15, as 13 is closed, and that he is compelled to take 3, 11, 16, and also 16, 12. Thus, there is only one route, as follows: 1, 9, 5, 14, 8, 4, 15, 6, 10, 2, 13, 7, 3, 11, 16, 12, 1, or its reverse—reading the line the other way. Seven roads are not used.


It will be seen from the illustration (where the roads not used are omitted) that the traveller can go as far as seventy miles in fifteen turnings. The turnings are all numbered in the order in which they are taken. It will be seen that he never visits nineteen of the towns. He might visit them all in fifteen turnings, never entering any town twice, and end at the black town from which he starts (see "The Rook's Tour," No. 320), but such a tour would only take him sixty-four miles.


Though we cannot really see all the sides of the octahedron at once, we can make a projection of it that suits our purpose just as well. In the diagram the six points represent the six angles of the octahedron, and four lines proceed from every point under exactly the same conditions as the twelve edges of the solid. Therefore if we start at the point A and go over all the lines once, we must always end our route at A. And the number of different routes is just 1,488, counting the reverse way of any route as different. It would take too much space to show how I make the count. It can be done in about five minutes, but an explanation of the method is difficult. The reader is therefore asked to accept my answer as correct.


There are thirty edges, of which eighteen were visible in the original illustration, represented in the following diagram by the hexagon NAESGD. By this projection of the solid we get an imaginary view of the remaining twelve edges, and are able to see at once their direction and the twelve points at which all the edges meet. The difference in the length of the lines is of no importance; all we want is to present their direction in a graphic manner. But in case the novice should be puzzled at only finding nineteen triangles instead of the required twenty, I will point out that the apparently missing triangle is the outline HIK.

In this case there are twelve odd nodes; therefore six distinct and disconnected routes will be needful if we are not to go over any lines twice. Let us therefore find the greatest

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