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the same manner as on the nervous system of animals, and not in a direct manner on the cells or cell-walls which by their contraction or expansion cause the curvature.


It has already been incidentally shown how slowly the cotyledons of Phalaris bend towards a very dim light; but when they were placed before a bright paraffin lamp their tips were all curved rectangularly towards it in 2 h. 20 m. The hypocotyls of Solanum lycopersicum had bent in the morning at right angles towards a north-east window. At 1 P.M. (Oct. 21st) the pot was turned round, so that the seedlings now pointed from the light, but by 5 P.M. they had reversed their curvature and again pointed to the light.

They had thus passed through 180o in 4 h., having in the morning previously passed through about 90o. But the reversal of the first half of the curvature will have been aided by apogeotropism. Similar cases were observed with other seedlings, for instance, with those of Sinapis alba.


We attempted to ascertain in how short a time light acted on the cotyledons of Phalaris, but this was difficult on account of their rapid circumnutating movement; moreover, they differ much in sensibility, according to age; nevertheless, some of our observations are worth giving.

Pots with seedlings were

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placed under a microscope provided with an eye-piece micrometer, of which each division equalled 1/500th of an inch (0.051 mm.); and they were at first illuminated by light from a paraffin lamp passing through a solution of bichromate of potassium, which does not induce heliotropism. Thus the direction in which the cotyledons were circumnutating could be observed independently of any action from the light; and they could be made, by turning round the pots, to circumnutate transversely to the line in which the light would strike them, as soon as the solution was removed. The fact that the direction of the circumnutating movement might change at any moment, and thus the plant might bend either towards or from the lamp independently of the action of the light, gave an element of uncertainty to the results. After the solution had been removed, five seedlings which were circumnutating transversely to the line of light, began to move towards it, in 6, 4, 7 1/2, 6, and 9 minutes. In one of these cases, the apex of the cotyledon crossed five of the divisions of the micrometer (i.e. 1/100th of an inch, or 0.254 mm.) towards the light in 3 m. Of two seedlings which were moving directly from the light at the time when the solution was removed, one began to move towards it in 13 m., and the other in 15 m. This latter seedling was observed for more than an hour and continued to move towards the light; it crossed at one time 5 divisions of the micrometer (0.254 mm.) in 2 m. 30 s. In all these cases, the movement towards the light was extremely unequal in rate, and the cotyledons often remained almost stationary for some minutes, and two of them retrograded a little.

Another seedling which was circumnutating transversely to the line of light, moved towards it in 4 m. after the solution was removed; it then remained

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almost stationary for 10 m.; then crossed 5 divisions of the micrometer in 6 m.; and then 8 divisions in 11m. This unequal rate of movement, interrupted by pauses, and at first with occasional retrogressions, accords well with our conclusion that heliotropism consists of modified circumnutation.


In order to observe how long the after-effects of light lasted, a pot with seedlings of Phalaris, which had germinated in darkness, was placed at 10.40 A.M. before a north-east window, being protected on all other sides from the light; and the movement of a cotyledon was traced on a horizontal glass. It circumnutated about the same space for the first 24 m., and during the next 1 h. 33 m. moved rapidly towards the light. The light was now (i.e. after 1 h. 57 m.) completely excluded, but the cotyledon continued bending in the same direction as before, certainly for more than 15 m., probably for about 27 m. The doubt arose from the necessity of not looking at the seedlings often, and thus exposing them, though momentarily, to the light. This same seedling was now kept in the dark, until 2.18 P.M., by which time it had reacquired through apogeotropism its original upright position, when it was again exposed to the light from a clouded sky. By 3

P.M. it had moved a very short distance towards the light, but during the next 45 m. travelled quickly towards it. After this exposure of 1 h. 27 m.

to a rather dull sky, the light was again completely excluded, but the cotyledon continued to bend in the same direction as before for 14 m.

within a very small limit of error. It was then placed in the dark, and it now moved backwards, so that after 1 h. 7 m. it stood close to where it had started from at 2.18 P.M. These observations show that the cotyledons of Phalaris, after being exposed to a lateral [page 464]

light, continue to bend in the same direction for between a quarter and half an hour.


In the two experiments just given, the cotyledons moved backwards or from the window shortly after being subjected to darkness; and whilst tracing the circumnutation of various kinds of seedlings exposed to a lateral light, we repeatedly observed that late in the evening, as the light waned, they moved from it. This fact is shown in some of the diagrams given in the last chapter. We wished therefore to learn whether this was wholly due to apogeotropism, or whether an organ after bending towards the light tended from any other cause to bend from it, as soon as the light failed.

Accordingly, two pots of seedling Phalaris and one pot of seedling Brassica were exposed for 8 h. before a paraffin lamp, by which time the cotyledons of the former and the hypocotyls of the latter were bent rectangularly towards the light. The pots were now quickly laid horizontally, so that the upper parts of the cotyledons and of the hypocotyls of 9 seedlings projected vertically upwards, as proved by a plumb-line. In this position they could not be acted on by apogeotropism, and if they possessed any tendency to straighten themselves or to bend in opposition to their former heliotropic curvature, this would be exhibited, for it would be opposed at first very slightly by apogeotropism. They were kept in the dark for 4 h., during which time they were twice looked at; but no uniform bending in opposition to their former heliotropic curvature could be detected. We have said uniform bending, because they circumnutated in their new position, and after 2 h. were inclined in different directions (between 4o and 11o) from the perpendicular. Their directions were also changed after two additional hours, and again on the following morning. We may [page 465]

therefore conclude that the bending back of plants from a light, when this becomes obscure or is extinguished, is wholly due to apogeotropism.*


In our various experiments we were often struck with the accuracy with which seedlings pointed to a light although of small size. To test this, many seedlings of Phalaris, which had germinated in darkness in a very narrow box several feet in length, were placed in a darkened room near to and in front of a lamp having a small cylindrical wick. The cotyledons at the two ends and in the central part of the box, would therefore have to bend in widely different directions in order to point to the light. After they had become rectangularly bent, a long white thread was stretched by two persons, close over and parallel, first to one and then to another cotyledon; and the thread was found in almost every case actually to intersect the small circular wick of the now extinguished lamp. The deviation from accuracy never exceeded, as far as we could judge, a degree or two. This extreme accuracy seems at first surprising, but is not really so, for an upright cylindrical stem, whatever its position may be with respect to the light, would have exactly half its circumference illuminated and half in shadow; and as the difference in illumination of the two sides is the exciting cause of heliotropism, a cylinder would naturally bend with much accuracy towards the light. The cotyledons, however, of Phalaris are not cylindrical, but oval in section; and the longer axis was to the shorter axis (in the one which was measured) as 100 to 70. Nevertheless, no difference could be


* It appears from a reference in Wiesner (‘Die Undulirende Nutation der Internodien,’ p. 7), that H. M�ller of Thurgau found that a stem which is bending heliotropically is at the same time striving, through apogeotropism, to raise itself into a vertical position.

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detected in the accuracy of their bending, whether they stood with their broad or narrow sides facing the light, or in any intermediate position; and so it was with the cotyledons of Avena sativa, which are likewise oval in section. Now, a little reflection will show that in whatever position the cotyledons may stand, there will be a line of greatest illumination, exactly fronting the light, and on each side of this line an equal amount of light will be received; but if the oval stands obliquely with respect to the light, this will be diffused over a wider surface on one side of the central line than on the other. We may therefore infer that the same amount of light, whether diffused over a wider surface or concentrated on a smaller surface, produces exactly the same effect; for the cotyledons in the long narrow box stood in all sorts of positions with reference to the light, yet all pointed truly towards it.


That the bending of the cotyledons to the light depends on the illumination of one whole side or on the obscuration of the whole opposite side, and not on a narrow longitudinal zone in the line of the light being affected, was shown by the effects of painting longitudinally with Indian ink one side of five cotyledons of Phalaris. These were then placed on a table near to a south-west window, and the painted half was directed either to the right or left. The result was that instead of bending in a direct line towards the window, they were deflected from the window and towards the unpainted side, by the following angles, 35o, 83o, 31o, 43o, and 39o. It should be remarked that it was hardly possible to paint one-half accurately, or to place all the seedlings which are oval in section in quite the same position relatively to the light; and this will account for the differences in the angles. Five coty-

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ledons of Avena were also painted in the same manner, but with greater care; and they were laterally deflected from the line of the window, towards the unpainted side, by the following angles, 44o, 44o, 55o, 51o, and 57o. This deflection of the cotyledons from the window is intelligible, for the whole unpainted side must have received some light, whereas the opposite and painted side received none; but a narrow zone on the unpainted side directly in front of the window will have received most light, and all the hinder parts (half an oval in section) less and less light in varying degrees; and we may conclude that the angle of deflection is the resultant of the action of the light over the whole of the unpainted side.


It should have been premised that painting with Indian ink does not injure plants, at least within several hours; and it could injure them only by stopping respiration. To ascertain

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