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>Furze, 439.


Galapagos Archipelago:

birds of, 390.

productions of, 398, 400.


Galeopithecus, 181.


Game, increase of, checked by vermin, 68.



on sterility of hybrids, 247, 255.

on reciprocal crosses, 258.

on crossed maize and verbascum, 270.

on comparison of hybrids and mongrels, 272.



fertility when crossed, 253.

upland, 185.


Genealogy important in classification, 425.


Geoffrey St. Hilaire:

on balancement, 147.

on homologous organs, 434.


Geoffrey St. Hilaire, Isidore:

on variability of repeated parts, 149.

on correlation in monstrosities, 11.

on correlation, 144.

on variable parts being often monstrous, 155.


Geographical distribution, 346.


Geography, ancient, 487.



future progress of, 487.

imperfection of the record, 279.


Giraffe, tail of, 195.


Glacial period, 365.


Gmelin on distribution, 365.


Gnathodon, fossil, 368.


Godwin-Austen, Mr., on the Malay Archipelago, 299.


Goethe on compensation of growth, 147.


Gooseberry, grafts of, 262.


Gould, Dr. A., on land-shells, 397.


Gould, Mr.:

on colours of birds, 132.

on birds of the Galapagos, 398.

on distribution of genera of birds, 404.


Gourds, crossed, 270.


Grafts, capacity of, 261.


Grasses, varieties of, 113.


Gray, Dr. Asa:

on trees of United States, 100.

on naturalised plants in the United States, 115.

on rarity of intermediate varieties, 176.

on Alpine plants, 365.


Gray, Dr. J. E., on striped mule, 165.


Grebe, 185.


Groups, aberrant, 429.



colours of, 84.

red, a doubtful species, 49.



compensation of, 147.

correlation of, in domestic products, 11.

correlation of, 143.



effect of, under domestication, 11.

effect of, under nature, 134.

diversified, of same species, 183.


Hair and teeth, correlated, 144.


Harcourt, Mr. E. V., on the birds of Madeira, 391.


Hartung, M., on boulders in the Azores, 363.


Hazel-nuts, 359.


Hearne on habits of bears, 184.


Heath, changes in vegetation, 72,


Heer, O., on plants of Madeira, 107.


Helix pomatia, 397.


Helosciadium, 359.


Hemionus, striped, 163.


Herbert, W. :

on struggle for existence, 62.

on sterility of hybrids, 249.


Hermaphrodites crossing, 96.


Heron eating seed, 387.


Heron, Sir R., on peacocks, 89.


Heusinger on white animals not poisoned by certain plants, 12.


Hewitt, Mr., on sterility of first crosses. 264.



glaciers of, 373.

plants of, 375.


Hippeastrum, 250.


Holly-trees, sexes of, 93.


Hollyhock, varieties of, crossed, 271.


Hooker, Dr., on trees of New Zealand, 100.


Hooker, Dr. :

on acclimatisation of Himalayan trees, 140.

on flowers of umbelliferae, 145.

on glaciers of Himalaya, 373.

on algae of New Zealand, 376.

on vegetation at the base of the Himalaya, 378.

on plants of Tierra del Fuego, 374, 378.

on Australian plants, 375, 399.

on relations of flora of South America, 379.

on flora of the Antarctic lands, 381, 399.

on the plants of the Galapagos, 391, 398.



on bamboos, 197.

to seeds on islands, 392.


Horner, Mr., on the antiquity of Egyptians, 18.


Horns, rudimentary, 454.


Horse, fossil, in La Plata, 318.



destroyed by flies in La Plata, 72.

striped, 163.

proportions of, when young, 445.


Horticulturists, selection applied by, 32.


Huber on cells of bees, 230.


Huber, P.:

on reason blended with instinct, 208.

on habitual nature of instincts, 208.

on slave making ants, 219.

on Melipona domestica, 225.


Humble-bees, cells of, 225.


Hunter, J., on secondary sexual characters, 150.


Hutton, Captain, on crossed geese, 253.


Huxley, Professor:

on structure of hermaphrodites, 101.

on embryological succession, 338.

on homologous organs, 438.

on the development of aphis, 442.


Hybrids and mongrels compared, 272.


Hybridism, 245.


Hydra, structure of, 190.


Ibla, 148.


Icebergs transporting seeds, 363.


Increase, rate of, 63.



numbers favourable to selection, 102.

many, whether simultaneously created, 356.



laws of, 12.

at corresponding ages, 14, 86.



colour of, fitted for habitations, 84.

sea-side, colours of, 132.

blind, in caves, 138.

luminous, 193.

neuter, 236.


Instinct, 207.


Instincts, domestic, 213.


Intercrossing, advantages of, 96.


Islands, oceanic, 388.


Isolation favourable to selection, 104.


Japan, productions of, 372.


Java, plants of, 375.


Jones, Mr. J. M., on the birds of Bermuda, 391.


Jussieu on classification, 417.


Kentucky, caves of, 137.


Kerguelen-land, flora of, 381, 399.


Kidney-bean, acclimatisation of, 142.


Kidneys of birds, 144.


Kirby on tarsi deficient in beetles, 135.


Knight, Andrew, on cause of variation, 7.



on the barberry, 98.

on sterility of hybrids, 247.

on reciprocal crosses, 258.

on crossed varieties of nicotiana, 271.

on crossing male and hermaphrodite flowers, 451.


Lamarck on adaptive characters, 427.



distribution of, 397.

of Madeira, naturalised, 402.


Languages, classification of, 422.


Lapse, great, of time, 282.


Larvae, 440.


Laurel, nectar secreted by the leaves, 92.


Laws of variation, 131.


Leech, varieties of, 76.


Leguminosae, nectar secreted by glands, 92.


Lepidosiren, 107, 330.


Life, struggle for, 60.


Lingula, Silurian, 306.


Linnaeus, aphorism of, 413.



mane of, 88.

young of, striped, 439.


Lobelia fulgens, 73, 98,


Lobelia, sterility of crosses, 250.


Loess of the Rhine, 384.


Lowness of structure connected with variability, 149.


Lowness, related to wide distribution, 406.


Lubbock, Mr., on the nerves of coccus, 46.


Lucas, Dr. P.:

on inheritance, 12.

on resemblance of child to parent, 275.


Lund and Clausen on fossils of Brazil, 339.


Lyell, Sir C.:

on the struggle for existence, 62.

on modern changes of the earth, 95.

on measure of denudation, 283.

on a carboniferous land-shell, 289.

on fossil whales, 303.

on strata beneath Silurian system, 307.

on the imperfection of the geological record, 310.

on the appearance of species, 312.

on Barrande’s colonies, 313.

on tertiary formations of Europe and North America, 323.

on parallelism of tertiary formations, 328.

on transport of seeds by icebergs, 363.

on great alternations of climate, 382.

on the distribution of freshwater shells, 385.

on land-shells of Madeira, 402.


Lyell and Dawson on fossilized trees in Nova Scotia, 296.


Macleay on analogical characters, 427.



plants of, 107.

beetles of, wingless, 135.

fossil land-shells of, 339.

birds of, 390.


Magpie tame in Norway, 212.


Maize, crossed, 270.


Malay Archipelago:

compared with Europe, 299.

mammals of, 395.


Malpighiaceae, 417.


Mammae, rudimentary, 451.



fossil, in secondary formation, 303.

insular, 393.


Man, origin of races of, 199.


Manatee, rudimentary nails of, 454.



of Australia, 116.

fossil species of, 339.


Martens, M., experiment on seeds, 360.


Martin, Mr. W. C., on striped mules, 165.


Matteuchi on the electric organs of rays, 193.


Matthiola, reciprocal crosses of, 258.


Means of dispersal, 356.


Melipona domestica, 225.


Metamorphism of oldest rocks 308.



destroying bees, 74.

acclimatisation of, 141.


Migration, bears on first appearance of fossils, 296.


Miller, Professor, on the cells of bees, 226.


Mirabilis, crosses of, 258.


Missel-thrush, 76.


Misseltoe, complex relations of, 3.


Mississippi, rate of deposition at mouth, 284.


Mocking-thrush of the Galapagos, 402.


Modification of species, how far applicable, 483.


Moles, blind, 137.



fertility and sterility of, 267.

and hybrids compared, 272.


Monkeys, fossil, 303,


Monocanthus, 424.


Mons, Van, on the origin of fruit-trees, 29, 39.


Moquin-Tandon on sea-side plants, 132.


Morphology, 434.


Mozart, musical powers of, 209.


Mud, seeds in, 386.


Mules, striped, 165.


Muller, Dr. F., on Alpine Australian plants, 375.


Murchison, Sir R.:

on the formations of Russia, 289.

on azoic formations, 307.

on extinction, 317.


Mustela vison, 179.


Myanthus, 424.


Myrmecocystus, 238.


Myrmica, eyes of, 240.


Nails, rudimentary, 453.


Natural history:

future progress of, 484.

selection, 80.

system, 413.



of forms distinct from the indigenous species, 115.

in New Zealand, 201.


Nautilus, Silurian, 306.


Nectar of plants, 92.


Nectaries, how formed, 92.


Nelumbium luteum, 387.


Nests, variation in, 212.


Neuter insects, 236.


Newman, Mr., on humble-bees, 74.


New Zealand:

productions of, not perfect, 201.

naturalised products of, 337.

fossil birds of, 339.

glacial action in, 373,

crustaceans of, 376.

algae of, 376.

number of plants of, 389.

flora of, 399.



crossed varieties of, 271.

certain species very sterile, 257.


Noble, Mr., on fertility of Rhododendron, 251.


Nodules, phosphatic, in azoic rocks, 307, Oak, varieties of, 50.


Onites apelles, 135.


Orchis, pollen of, 193,



of extreme perfection, 186,

electric, of fishes, 192.

of little importance, 194.

homologous, 434.

rudiments of, 450.


Ornithorhynchus, 107, 416.



not capable of flight, 134.

habit of laying eggs together, 218.

American, two species of, 349.


Otter, habits of, how acquired, 179.


Ouzel, water, 185.


Owen, Professor:

on birds not flying, 134.

on vegetative repetition, 149.

on variable length of arms in ourang-outang, 150.

on the swimbladder of fishes, 191.

on electric organs, 192.

on fossil horse of La Plata, 319.

on relations of ruminants and pachyderms, 329.

on fossil birds of New Zealand, 339.

on succession of types, 339.

on affinities of the dugong, 414.

on homologous organs, 435.

on the metamorphosis of cephalopods and spiders, 442.


Pacific Ocean, faunas of, 348.


Paley on no organ formed to give pain, 201.


Pallas on the fertility of the wild stocks of domestic animals, 253.


Paraguay, cattle destroyed by flies, 72.


Parasites, 217.


Partridge, dirt on feet, 362.



greatly developed, variable, 150.

degrees of utility of, 201.


Parus major, 183.


Passiflora, 251.


Peaches in United States, 85.


Pear, grafts of, 261.



flowers of, 145.

sterility of, 251.


Pelvis of women, 144,


Peloria, 145.


Period, glacial, 365.


Petrels, habits of, 184.


Phasianus, fertility of hybrids, 253.


Pheasant, young, wild, 216.


Philippi on tertiary species in Sicily, 312.


Pictet, Professor:

on groups of species suddenly appearing, 302, 305.

on rate of organic change, 313.

on continuous succession of genera, 316.

on close alliance of fossils in consecutive formations, 335.

on embryological succession, 338.


Pierce, Mr., on varieties of wolves, 91.



with feathered feet and skin between toes, 12.

breeds described, and origin of, 20.

breeds of, how produced, 39, 42.

tumbler, not being able to get out of egg, 87.

reverting to blue colour, 160.

instinct of tumbling, 214.

carriers, killed by hawks, 362.

young of, 445.


Pistil, rudimentary, 451.



poisonous, not affecting certain coloured animals, 12.

selection applied to, 32.

gradual improvement of, 37.

not improved in barbarous countries, 38.

destroyed by insects, 67.

in midst of range, have to struggle with other plants, 77.

nectar of, 92,

fleshy, on sea-shores, 132.

freshwater, distribution of, 386.

low in scale, widely distributed, 406.


Plumage, laws of change in sexes of birds, 89.


Plums in the United States, 85.


Pointer dog:

origin of, 35.

habits of, 213.


Poison not affecting certain coloured animals, 12.


Poison, similar effect of, on animals and plants, 484.


Pollen of fir-trees, 203,


Poole, Col., on striped hemionus, 163.


Potamogeton, 387.


Prestwich, Mr., on English and French eocene formations, 328.


Primrose, 49.

sterility of, 247.


Primula, varieties of, 49.


Proteolepas, 148.


Proteus, 139.


Psychology, future progress of, 488.


Quagga, striped, 165.


Quince, grafts of, 261.


Rabbit, disposition of young, 215.


Races, domestic, characters of, 16.



Arab, 35.

English, 356.


Ramond on plants of Pyrenees, 368.


Ramsay, Professor:

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