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makes maintaining sobriety so difficult for sufferers. There is no cure for addiction and maintaining sobriety is usually an ongoing quest for those afflicted.

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, drug addiction differs from drug dependence and drug tolerance. Not all people who develop tolerance or physical dependence to a drug will go on to develop an addiction. It is believed that certain individuals are predisposed or vulnerable to addiction based on biological, psychological and social influences.


Getting Help for Substance Abuse


Maladaptive behaviors refer to types of behaviors that inhibit a person’s ability to adjust to particular situations. Maladaptive behaviors are never good because they prevent people from adapting to the demands of life. Initially, excessive use of alcohol or other drugs may seem to provide relief from anxiety. Unfortunately, long-term effects of substance abuse are not so pleasant.

If you have an anxiety disorder and are abusing alcohol or other drugs, you should talk to your doctor or therapist. Although this abuse may be the result of a self-medicating measure, it is likely that it will cause you far more distress in the long run. A professional who treats anxiety disorders will also be able to assist you in working through your issues with alcohol and/or drugs. 


 Note: I am not fucked up... it's part of the broader topic... People deny depression...!










Loneliness and Panic Disorder




Ways to Manage Your Feelings of Isolation and Overwhelming Loneliness

By Katharina Star, PhD 




Loneliness can be described as a sense of isolation and feelings of emptiness. When experiencing loneliness, you may feel separated from the world or believe others don’t accept you. At the same time, you may yearn to participate more in life and enjoy the company of others who support and understand you.


Most people experience loneliness from time to time. However, feelings of loneliness are very typical for people who have been diagnosed with panic disorder and/or agoraphobia. Additionally, loneliness is also associated with depression, a common co-occurring mental health disorder.


Loneliness frequently occurs with mood and anxiety disorders. Many people with panic disorder distance themselves, fearing others won’t understand. They may be embarrassed by their panic attacks or other anxiety symptoms. There are also many myths about panic disorder that may contribute to a panic sufferer's feelings of shame.


Even though people with panic disorder, panic attacks, and agoraphobia are prone to feelings of loneliness, there are ways to get past these feelings and become more connected to others. The following are some steps you can take:


Take Care of Yourself

Self-care strategies are any activities that you can do to enhance your overall health and wellness. For example, self-care practices can help improve your physical, mental, spiritual, relational and emotional well being. Addressing your self-care needs can be a great way to improve your self-esteem and confidence.


Many self-care activities can help combat feelings of loneliness and reduce panic disorder symptoms. For instance, physical exercise for panic disorder can help reduce stress hormones and decrease muscle tension. Listening to music you like can improve your mood and keep you from dwelling on negative-thinking patterns. Practicing relaxation techniques can help limit your anxious feelings. You may even find that by taking care of yourself, your feelings of loneliness have lifted.


Be an Active Participant in Life

Another way to overcome your feelings of isolation is to put yourself out there by getting involved in classes, groups, clubs or organizations. Do you enjoy any specific activities, such as hiking, reading or photography? There are social events and meetings for just about any interest.


To get more involved, consider joining a book club at your local library, taking a fitness class at a gym, going to an art class in a craft store or attending a religious meeting. Group activities can also be found by searching online for specific interest groups, such as walking, knitting, or rock climbing.


You may even find some online interest groups that connect you to people throughout the world through forums, email, and chat. Virtual groups are a great option if you are feeling shy about meeting others or are isolated because of other mental health conditions, such as agoraphobia or social anxiety disorder.


By seeking out and engaging in groups or classes, you are proactively working on getting past your feelings of loneliness. A group setting can help you learn a new skill or share a passion with other like-minded people. Groups and clubs provide a sense of belonging and community and can be a fun way to keep from being so alone.


Be of Service to Others

To feel more connected to the world around you, consider volunteering for a cause. You may find that there are a variety of local opportunities. They may include assisting at a food bank, caring for animals or aiding in local charity fundraising events. Through volunteering, you may feel distracted from your symptoms and feelings of loneliness, while connecting to others.


You can also be of service to others by teaching them what you know. You may have a talent or skill that others would like to learn. Whether you are skilled at painting, gardening or another passion, there may be people who want to learn from you. By teaching others what you know, you can keep from feeling isolated, build your self-esteem and help another person learn a new skill.


Assisting others doesn’t need to involve going far from home. For people with frequent panic attacks or agoraphobia, the thought of reaching out to others can seem unbearable, if not impossible. However, there are opportunities to be of service while close to home. Notice if you have any neighbors who may need some assistance with lawn maintenance or who just want to talk. You may be surprised to find out that other people in your neighborhood—older adults, stay-at-home moms or single parents—are also experiencing loneliness.

Additionally, a pet can be a great way for an isolated person to gain a sense of companionship. Consider helping out by adopting a cat or dog. Your pet can provide you with a sense of love and compassion. Plus, walking a dog can help you meet others in your neighborhood.


Build a Panic Disorder Support Network

Finding supportive and understanding people can help eliminate loneliness and assist you on your road to recovery. A support network can be made up of professionals, understanding loved ones and others who relate to your experience with panic disorder. Your doctors and other professionals who treat panic disorder are already a part of your network, as they help you with coping and treatment planning. Trusted friends and family can have a positive impact on your growth.


There are also many others dealing with the same condition who understand your feelings of loneliness, and they may be able to share in the experience. This type of support can be found through group therapy or even virtually, through online support forums. There are others who understand and can be a part of your support system. A diagnosis of panic disorder does not mean that you have to live with loneliness and isolation.



What Not To Say to Someone with Panic Disorder



The 5 Worst Things to Say to Someone With Panic Disorder

By Katharina Star, PhD 




It can be difficult to understand what it is like to live with panic disorder. You may find it hard to relate to anxiety and panic attacks if you have never experienced these feelings yourself. However, it is important that you try to speak thoughtfully and sensitively before you inadvertently say something that may hurt, frustrate, and otherwise upset a person with panic disorder.

Listed below some of the worst things you can say to someone who is having a panic attack or other panic-related symptoms. These statements are followed by suggestions for better ways to approach someone with ​panic disorder.​


"It's all in your mind."

Businesswoman frustrated at work
What not to say to someone with panic disorder. Jamie Grill / Getty Images
There are many myths about panic disorder that unfairly stereotype those struggling with this condition. One of the most common misconceptions is the idea that feelings of panic and anxiety are only the results of the person's imagination. The truth is that panic disorder is a real and diagnosable condition that often involves intense physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. These symptoms can be extremely difficult to manage and are not a sign of a weak-minded person.

Better response: “I am here for you.”

Telling a panic sufferer that it’s all her mind, suggests that she is to blame for her symptoms. Such statements can contribute to issues such as feelings of loneliness, increased ​stress, and lowered self-esteem, that people with panic disorder are already prone to experiencing.

Instead of blaming the person, try to convey the message that you are there for him if he needs you. Sometimes just letting the person know you are available can make him feel more safe and secure when he is faced with panic and anxiety. Additionally, such positive and supportive statements can give the panic sufferer the extra boost in confidence needed in order to cope with panic symptoms.



"Control yourself and calm down."

This is probably one of the most insensitive statements to make to someone with panic disorder. If a person with an anxiety disorder could simply “just calm down,” believe me, he or she would. Managing fear, anxiety, and panic attacks is not that easy. It may seem irrational to an outsider, but a person experiencing severe anxiety or going through a panic attack is dealing with a lot of challenging symptoms that are difficult to control.


Better response: “Can I help you?”

Telling the person to calm down implies that you are embarrassed by her. If you are with a person who is having a panic attack or experiencing high levels of anxiety, the best thing to do is be supportive. Let the person know that you are there to help if needed, but that you are also willing to provide him with any desired space. Showing your willingness to be of assistance may be all that is necessary to calm the panic sufferer down. The person may just need some time alone to utilize her coping skills to calm the panic and anxiety.


"You are overreacting."

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to suddenly experience a sense of overwhelming anxiety. Your heart races as you begin to excessively sweat. Your body shakes and trembles as you find it difficult to breathe. Your chest tightens and you start to feel nauseous. You are embarrassed that others will notice your symptoms. You begin to fear that you will completely lose control of yourself. You wonder if you are having a heart attack or if you are possibly going insane.

Better response: “You are doing the best you can.”

As someone who is not experiencing these symptoms, it may appear as if the person is just overacting. However, this imaginary scenario is the reality for many people with panic disorder. If you are ever around someone who is experiencing overwhelming anxiety or a panic attack, one of the most helpful things you can do is remain encouraging. Let the person know that you believe in his or her ability to work through the panic.



"You need to just face you fears to get over them."

It is not uncommon to mistakenly believe that a person with panic disorder should force themselves into feared situations. However, making panic sufferers unwillingly face his or her fears is rarely effective. Contrary to this false belief, pushing a person into a feared situation often backfires. Facing fears when unprepared to deal with them can actually lead to increased anxiety and ​avoidance behaviors.

Better response: “Take it at your own pace.”

Many people with panic disorder develop a phobia known as agoraphobia. This separate mental health condition involves a fear of having panic attacks in places that it would be difficult and/or humiliating to escape from. When it comes to facing feared situations, a person with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia should practice gradual exposure. By slowly learning to deal with anxiety-provoking situations, the person can build his or her sense of

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