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expected you to.

You most likely have NO CLUE what the person sitting at the table next to you order because it wasn’t emotionally relevant to you.

If you remember anything from this article, remember this… 

Women are very intuitive. They are constantly moving through the world by how they FEEL.

They don’t remember men for the “lines he used” on them. They remember the way he made them FEEL, and the vibe they got from him.

So if you’re reading this, and have ever toned yourself down just to have “safe” or “female friendly” humor around women, then STOP right now.

“Safe” is boring.

“Safe” is forgettable.

And “safe” is a one-way ticket to the dreaded friend-zone.

“So what’s the solution, Patrick?”

You’ve got to BRING OUT the natural sexual tension that already exists between us men and women.

And the way you do this is by injecting little emotional spikes into a conversation.

So bust out your pen and notepad because I’m about to give you the absolute easiest way to pop onto a girl’s sexual radar without being offensive or boring…

Teasing her in a playful way.

Do you remember back in the day, when boys used to tease girls about having cooties? And would try to keep the girls away so that they would catch the cooties themselves…

Well THAT’S exactly the same way I want you to start playfully teasing girls today.

And this is a lot easier than you think.

Here are a few of the ways you can start using today…

Playful Teasing Example #1: Accusing Her of Hitting On You/Trying To Get You Into Bed

Let’s pretend you’re at a coffee shop, sitting on your computer, and there is a girl sitting at the table next to you…

If you have to go to the bathroom, or temporarily leave your stuff for any period of time, lean over to the girl and ask her if she can watch over your stuff while you’re gone…

Most likely she’ll be happy to. Which is perfect because all you have to do is add in a little comment like:

“Awesome. And you better not roofie my drink while I’m gone. I know how you women work.”

Of course, you say this with a joking tone, and a sly smile. 

While you’re gone, she won’t be able to stop thinking about you and your playful little comment.

And when you come back, she’s completely open to talking to you, and you’ll be starting off with a foundation of sexual tension and playfulness.

Or if a girl is telling you about a movie she liked, you can say:

“Ok fine, I’ll go to the movies with you. Just promise you won't try to take advantage of me in that dark movie theater.”

Have fun with this.

Playful Teasing Example #1: Typecasting Her

One of the easiest ways to playfully tease a girl is by making guesses about her personality based on facts about her.

For example, if she’s from Texas, you can say:

“You’re from Texas? Omg please tell me you’re not one of those girls who thinks you’re always right and that the world revolves around you…”

Or if you and her are at a bar and she orders vodka, you can say:

“Vodka? Question, how many frat parties a week did you go to when you were in college? Has Kesha always been your favorite pop artist? Are you one of those girls who starts yelling “WOO!” after a few shots?”

Just make sure you say these with a joking tone, and a sly smile on your face.

Playful Teasing Example #3: Teasing her when she messes up

If you’re on a date with a girl and she accidentally spills part of her drink, just say:

“Gosh, this is why we can’t have nice things!”

Or if she accidentally stutters, or loses her train of thought while talking say something like:

“It’s ok. Just be yourself. You don’t have to be nervous around me.”

So why do these techniques work so well?


Because all of these ways spike a small emotional response out of women.

And any time you can playfully tease a girl, they'll no longer categorize you into the same group as those guys who are safe, predictable, and boring.

You’re now one of those intriguing, and exciting guys. The type of guy who she can imagine taking her on an wild and fun adventure.

Aka the guy who girls just can’t get enough of.

And if playfully teasing doesn’t seem completely natural to you right now… 

With a little bit of practice you’ll find your conversations that used to be “safe” boring are now charged with sexual tension.

Trust me. As a dating coach who has coached 1000's of guys and been with.... A LOT of women. I can confidently say that women LOVE when a guy can do this the right way…

I also believe this is WHY over 100 guys have already emailed me about their excitement for "Words That Make Her Want You" -- releasing soon!

That said, I've gotta jet!

So much to dominate today.

Talk soon.

Chapter 9 - Let's Talk

 Image result for Nudity













Patrick James

"Eliminate the time between the idea and the act, and your dreams will become realities." -Dr. Edward L. Kramer

Anytime I get asked to speak at a huge seminar, one of the KEY themes I always hit on is... TAKING ACTION.

The last place I spoke was at a Boldness Seminar with my good friend, Adam Gilad.

Now if you don't know who Adam Gilad is, he is one of the most successful people you will ever come across...

He's a multi-millionaire. Sleeps with beautiful women who are 30 years younger them him. Daily. And he travels the world all year round.

And this last time he pulled me aside to tell me..."Patrick, in all the people I've met who are high achievers, the #1 trait of every single one of them is SPEED OF IMPLEMENTATION."

And it makes sense for today's lesson because I have this reputation from my friends as being the guy who is instantly talking to people as soon as I enter a room.

Not a bad reputation to have huh?

One second I'm hugging the MILF sitting at the bar, and the next second the cocktail waitress is shoving her number into my phone...

The truth is that most people are too nervous to talk to people when they go out [especially the hot girls] and they have no clue what to say.

And those same people likely don't get the success they crave in life.

I've never met a super successful person who simply couldn't spark a conversation with someone...

Most successful people have one trait in common, no matter what they're successful in, and it is this:

They ELIMINATE the time between the idea and the act.

The reason entrepreneurs become successful is because they fail fast. They act, act, and act again until they hit success. 

The failed entrepreneur has the idea, watches netflix, checks his facebook, and then plans on taking action tomorrow. And that is precisely why he fails.

The guy who fails isn't any less capable, he just doesn't give himself enough chances to succeed.

And this is the exact same trait that has made me so good at all things Dating & Social related...

The reason that I'm able to write to you today as the only guy out here giving the #RAW truth about dating in today's world...

It's the reason I regularly sleep with models, waitresses, bartenders, nurses, flight attendants, etc.

It's the reason I spend weeks at a time mansion hopping in Las Vegas, and So-Cal.

And it's the reason that #RawDatingAdvice has been taking over the globe!

So here's the action plan for you from today on...

Quit hesitating to act.

When you go out, develop the same reputation that I have in public.

There are only 2 steps to this:

Step 1: When you walk into a room, talk to the first person you see. 

It can be as simple as saying "Hi."

Step 2: Any time you see someone who piques your interest, or grabs your attention, walk up and start a convo with them. WITHOUT question.

Make your reaction time between noticing them, and walking over to them as close to zero as possible.

So if you go to a bar, and you see a cute girl... Walk up to her and say what's up. Even if she's with another guy, or group of girls.

If you see a dude who has a cool shirt on, walk up and compliment him on his shirt.

Or if you're in public and you're curious about something, ask the girl who is closest to you if she's noticed that thing too...

Step 3: Never try to plan out anything you say.

The reason people get frozen is because they hesitate, and then they get in their heads and psych themselves out before they even begin.

The truth is your words don't matter. Only 7% of communication is the words your blabber out of your mouth, so fuck it, go over there like you're confident, and don't care what words may or may not come out.

Don't even give yourself the time/chance to wonder about what you're gonna say. THAT'S how quickly you should act.

The simple act of hesitating is what f*cks you up.

Embrace the excitement of knowing that literally anything could happen, and you're excited to find out.

And if you've ever wondered how you become a social stud really quickly... Those steps I just gave you are it.

You'll learn how to become "calibrated" super quickly. And your ability to read social cues from others will be unmatched.

So what are you waiting for?!

Start taking action right now.

-Patrick "#RAW Action" James

P.S. Remember: Hesitation is voluntarily losing.

(or in the words of my buddy Adam Gilad: "F*ck average before average F*cks you.")​​​​​​​


 Note: If you want to get successful stop giving so much fuck... I mean


stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen

stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen


stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen


stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen


stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen


stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen


stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen


stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen



stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen



stop caring like if this happen that will happen... if that happen that will happen






- This here are fucking deadly words... one small deal make it so bigger... so the brain goes like



I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that



I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that


I will do that




Under do that... I mean:


i am going to say that "that she is boring" I am going to say that she "sucks" I am going to challenge her I am going to tease her











Nothing really happens.... the mind gets bored and start playing with other thoughts the whole impact gets  lost around the moment


Repeation loses meaning of all.


- DeYtH Banger




No need to repeat

No Need to plan



Just go for it



What you need is not a person who is going to give you fucked up advice... you  need a person who is going to say to you.



- YOu can do it... just say fuck it... and go and do it.




Stop being so serious

Stop being nice



Go and do it






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