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Book online «Brain on Porn (Social #2) by DeYtH Banger (novels in english TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author DeYtH Banger

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the sight of a woman’s skin, or her smell will be enough to throw your attraction into overdrive. Your sexual instincts will be back where they are supposed to be, and you will crave women like never before.


– You will start to notice women you once found unattractive


Women that once were not up to your porn standards really start to pop out at you. You will start to see the beauty in women that you once overlooked because they did not have the bodies of porn stars. I find myself more and more surprised at some of the women I find attractive and for what reasons. Its is really a beautiful thing.


8) You will be better with women


This should be reason enough for anyone to stop watching internet porn. I promise you that after months of no porn, and even better, no masturbation, you will be better with women (out of necessity!). And not just a little better, but a lot better.


– You will crave women, instead of craving your favorite videos


Have you ever gotten that incredible sexual urge that comes out of nowhere. To a regular porn viewer to first thing they do is head to the internet. To men who don’t watch porn, the first thing they do is head to their cell phone to call a real girl. Or they go out and meet one.


– You will find it easier to talk to women


Many men who give up porn find that they start to interact much smoother with women. A lot of their anxiety towards the opposite sex fades and they start to feel more confident and smooth.


9) Sex will be more satisfying


Instead of having ED and not finding sex as satisfying as porn, you will be the opposite. After months without porn in your life your pleasure for sex will skyrocket.

– You will have better, harder erections with women

Without porn numbing your sexual stimulation, just the touch of a woman will be enough to get you up and going. Actual sex will feel so different than it ever did. So much more powerful and pleasurable.

– Your intimacy levels during sex will be something that you never experienced before

If you are like most men who started porn at an extremely young age, you have probably never even experienced intense intimacy. You have sexually numbed yourself from porn for years, and your first sexual experience free from porn will be like a sexual awakening.

You will also be much better at sex itself. You will be more in touch with a woman’s body, and your own. You won’t have any performance anxiety issues and your sexual freedom and spirituality will increase.


Sex can be the greatest experience there is, you just need to lose the porn. I would quit porn just for this benefit alone!


10) You will simply be a better version of yourself


Its a fact that if you can give up porn you will be a better version of yourself.

– You will think clearer and be less stressed

– You will find women more attractive

– You will be better with women

– Your sex life will improve

– You will have more energy

Try it. If it doesn’t work, porn will be waiting for you right where you left it.

Chapter 9 - InsiGHT

 "Quitting isn't a cure all for your life problems – but it's the foundation, a ploughed field in which you can sow seeds for a new future that isn't bedevilled by the secrecy and shame that comes with falling into the seemingly inescapable pit of porn-related despair that so many of us know. A life of hope and strength

– not jizzy tissues, jealousy, bitterness, self-hatred, resentment and unfulfilled dreams. 
In the light of this vast, informal experiment, it seems clear that the widely held view of clinicians that pornography, specifically online pornography, is harmless should be reconsidered as a matter of urgency. We can’t be sure that the thousands of people describing their recovery from excessive porn use are mistaken. 
As we'll see next, it is quite plausible that the symptoms they describe are real, that online pornography use causes them, and that behavioural change can bring significant benefits. In any case, porn users suffering from the kinds of symptoms outlined above have little to lose from cutting out internet porn for a few months to see if their symptoms resolve."


via Brain On Porn Book by Gary Wilson




"Obviously, human mating is generally more complex. For one thing we're among the peculiar 3 to 5 percent of mammals with the capacity for long-term bonds. Yet sexual novelty can enthral us too."


via Brain On Porn Book by Gary Wilson




"This ancient reward circuitry compels you to do things that further your survival and pass on your genes. At the top of our human reward list are food,[42] sex,[43] love,[44] friendship, and novelty.[45] These are called ‘natural reinforcers,’ as contrasted with addictive chemicals (which can hijack this same circuitry). 
The evolutionary purpose of dopamine is to motivate you to do what serves your genes.[46] The bigger the squirt the more you want something. No dopamine and you just ignore it. High-calorie chocolate cake and ice cream – a big blast. Celery – not so much. Dopamine surges are the barometer by which you determine the value of any experience. They tell you what to approach or avoid, and where to put your attention. Further, dopamine tells you what to remember by helping to rewire your brain.[47] Sexual stimulation and orgasm add up to the biggest natural blast of dopamine available to your reward circuitry. 
Although dopamine is sometimes referred to as the ‘pleasure molecule’, it's is actually about seeking and searching[48] for pleasure, not pleasure itself. Thus dopamine rises with anticipation.[49] It's your motivation and drive to pursue potential pleasure or long term goals.[50]"



via Brain On Porn Book by Gary Wilson





"The pleasure of climax appears to arise from opioids, so think of dopamine as wanting and opioids as liking.[51] As psychologist Susan Weinschenk explained,[52] ‘dopamine causes us to want, desire, seek out, and search’. Yet ‘the dopamine system is stronger than the opioid system. We seek more than we are satisfied. ... Seeking is more likely to keep us alive than sitting around in a satisfied stupor."



 via Brain On Porn Book by Gary Wilson




"Dopamine surges for novelty.[54] A new vehicle, just-released film, the latest gadget
we are all hooked on dopamine. As with everything new the thrill fades away as dopamine plummets. So, as in the example above, the rat’s reward circuitry is squirting less and less dopamine with respect to the current female, but produces a big dopamine surge for a new female. 
Does this sound familiar? When Australian researchers displayed the same erotic film repeatedly, test subjects' penises and subjective reports both revealed a progressive decrease in sexual arousal.[55] The ‘same old same old’ just gets boring. Habituation indicates declining dopamine. After 18 viewings – just as the test subjects were nodding off – researchers introduced novel erotica for the 19th and 20th viewings. Bingo!"


 via Brain On Porn Book by Gary Wilson

"Supernormal Stimulus 
Erotic words, pictures and videos have been around a long time –as has the neurochemical rush from novel mates. So what makes today's porn."



Note: For what do you do that?

For what type of reason?




Note: When you start giving thought... why that... and why so... that's the moment when your mind start fucking with you then it's the moment "Okay... "but"..." or even "Okay... "but".... "if"... this are words which start putting you right in your place. You wanna change?







Stop living with thoughts




Chapter 10 - The Secret (Part 1)

 Note: The Secret!



5 Things to Do When She Doesn’t Text You Back







When I first started dating, nothing was more exciting than the rush of flirting with a new girl over text. It always felt like the start of something good.

I also remember that nothing was more nerve-racking than waiting for a reply. And waiting. And when she never replied at all — realizing that our connection was potentially dead in the water.

In hindsight, I spent WAY too much time stressing and analyzing my rollercoaster of emotions. I’d check my phone constantly, worry about whether or not I should send another text, and always wonder WHY
why is she not talking to me?

Ten years later, I now know that worrying about it was a waste of time. Unfortunately, there were no clear answers then and there are no clear answers now.


So when guys reach out to me asking, â€œWhy didn’t she text back?” I can only make educated guesses about a woman’s motivations. There are countless reasons a girl goes MIA.

The point is, my advice will always be to

Stop dwelling on the fact that she hasn’t responded. Instead, focus on a plan of action to get the conversation going again.

To give you the best shot, I created a simple framework to follow next time you don’t hear back from a girl you like.


1. Give her a day to reply before you send another text

Assume that your message was delivered successfully. Unless your phone says otherwise, it’s almost guaranteed that she received it.

Maybe she just hasn’t seen it yet. Maybe she did but she’s busy with work, study, or something else in the real world. Maybe she is waiting to respond because it’s not her top priority in the moment. Maybe she’s playing coy. Or maybe she just became bored of the conversation.


Regardless of the reason, hitting her up again within 24 hours almost never yields good results.

When a woman is talking to a new guy, she’s cautious about the situation. She wants to make sure you’re not too intense, needy, or overly invested.

If she didn’t see the message and you ping her again, it feels like you’re desperatefor a response.

If she did see the message and is waiting or choosing not to respond, your follow-up often reinforces that she shouldn’t reply. It feels overbearing and like you’ve got nothing better to do.


I’m not saying to pretend like you’re cool and aloof. Rather, I want you to put yourself in the shoes of a confident man with options who’s not seeking approval. He might think, “that sucks” when he doesn’t get a reply
but then he’s going to focus on something else. He’s going to be productive, hang out with friends, do something fun for himself, and talk to other women.

He’s not sitting at home agonizing over the response time of a girl he barely knows.

2. But don’t wait more than 2-3 days to text again

That said, a lot of guys go the opposite of intense messaging and instead distance themselves completely. They decide not to message for multiple days, weeks, or ever again — even

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