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Book online «How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #1) by DeYtH Banger (inspirational novels .TXT) 📖». Author DeYtH Banger

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 Note: This game is easy... but there are some rules which you need to focus... if you want to win the game of talking.




or it could go as



Image result for Game Over




"Game Over"




If you want to talk to a girl:



1) You are not there to prove yourself: That you can drive a car..., you can ride a bike, you can climb, you are very social kid, you are the best player in PC Games, you are damn good DJ, you are damn good with girls, you have plenty of friends.


Note: If you are there for that... you already lost the game!



2) It's difficult just to stop seeking validation... but unfortunately you should stop.


3) Sometimes there are obstacles like:


She is not alone aka with afriend She is not alone aka with a family member She is not alone aka with a teacher She is listening to music She is on the phone She is in the room She saw me She is staring me She is talking about me She is pretty bussy


4) Sometimes there and excuses


She is not interested Let's do it later She is eating Let's do it another day Okay... I give up WHatever... I am not damn good But... if.... Iff.... but I can't do it now I can't do it this week I am not really interested in that shit right now It's not the right moment It's not the right time I am damn good... when times comes... I will gonna do it




Alll this are excuses and procrastination of doing action







Chapter 11.1 - It's Easy (Rules) (Part 2)

 Note: I was there.... I learn plenty of stuff but few things are stopping me on the way.




You came through!

Yesterday, I asked you what your top STICKING POINTS or questions are when it comes to game, women, and personal development...


The response was amazing!


Dozens of replies poured in within just 1 hour.


That said, over the next few days I'm going to be answering these in this #RawDatingAdvice newsletter... (so you make sure you're looking for my emails)


What surprised me MOST though was that a ton of the questions revolved around "what to say" and "how to say it" around women...


Which is a great subject, and in fact is going to be completely covered in my NEWEST program -- Words That Make Her Want You (dropping soon)


Now let's get to your question...


====#RawDatingAdvice VIP Question====


Hey Patrick,

I have been watching your channel for a while and my question is how do you stop with excuses?...

So here is the case!

I am really interested in talking and getting results with women, but obstacles keep getting in my way. For example, one of them is when she is talking on the phone, or is in a group or is with her parents, or even listening to music...

I find it very challenging and most cases I fail. I put it for later or excuse my action for another day... and this happens over and over and over.

How do you overcome this problem?-

Vonder G.




Vonder, I love this question!


First off, I'm going to answer with a phrase that I say all the time...


"Hesitation is voluntarily losing."


The reason you don't take action. Or don't ever approach the girls you want, is because you HESITATE!


The hardest step is the first step. And from there, you just put one foot in front of the other, UNTIL you are right in front of her...


At that point, you'll have NO choice but to say something...



Will you fail?



Absolutely. Everyone does. But that's just part of the game!


But BECAUSE you take action, you'll start to SUCCEED too!


Make sense?


Without action, nothing happens.


With action, results happen. Period.


And if you see "embarrassment" as rejection, then STOP!


Because every time a situation doesn't work out for you. Or you get embarrassed, you will LEARN from that experience. 


...Making it a lot less likely to happen again in the future!


F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real.


Here's a personal example... (just to prove what I'm telling you is true)


Back in the day, when I first started meeting and dating a LOT of women...


I used to shy away from approaching a girl unless she was by herself, or with another girl...


All the other girls seemed to be paired off with a guy already!


Any guesses on the result?


... I got laid about 80% less than I should have.


So what did I do? What was the switch I made?


I started treating EVERYBODY like equals. And never made any judgements or assumptions.


I would talk to other guys. Hot girls. Taken girls. Couples. Old people... EVERYBODY!


My night was MY party. And I was going to have a great time no matter what!


So what happened?


I started getting "lucky" a LOT more. Seemingly every time I went out, I'd get a solid phone number, or would go home with a girl.


(In fact, for my new program Words That Make Her Want You... 


I recorded an ENTIRE night of me out approaching, and talking to women! And you'll get to hear all of it.


You'll even hear how I approach a girl, and bring her and her friend back to my apartment for some... "fun" 






























































If you want to succeed with talking to strangers like girls or male.




Stop Thinking Stop Overthinking Stop Over analysising Stop Pornography Stop Taking it so serious Stop with limits Stop with procrastination




- Thinking won't help you... you can think all day and all night on what and what not to say but in the end you ain't gonna be perfect. - Let's be REAL



- Overthinking - Another part of thinking... but this is not just thinking... but this over doing it ... over and over and over and over... which most cases... it makes you more depressed than you should be.


- Over Analysising - Over thinking is deadly... but over analysing... is more deadly... it's over thinking and thinking in over and over and over which could be endless loop.


- Comparing also is deadly... if you want to succeed stop comparing your progress with others... if you do thast you gonna feel like a shit.



- Labels - Are belief and limits... once there you gonna say



He is damn good and I am not He is damn awesome and I am not He is damn good in that and I am not He is damn insane in that and I am not



Note: I did it... if I did it so you can do it... it's not so difficult... the truth is that you go there and do what you are going to do...




- Pornography - Is bad shit... million and billion people worldwide are watching pornography... one half is new and the other half are the old dogs.


Note: God... GOD confidence you can get that if you stop with pornography... but my theory is that games make you go in porn material... like a real human being you need emotions... pornography this dry material fulfill your head... with fucked up and screw up fantasies... 









 For me:



Image result for Banana eating girl


- This a banana and a girl..., but for you it's something like  the banana is representing a dick and the tongue is giving a blowjob.



This here is just the beginning... cucumber also could represent a dick... and the screw up fantasy go and on and on and on and on and on and on.



But in my mind palace there is a limit for that in your... there is endless loop nude photo or naked body of the other sex is going to turn you on.



- This is SICK!




Take serious:


What next to read? What next to watch? But no need to take serious what next I am going to say to the next girl. ( You need to have a basic idea... that's all... no cucumber or Banana Joe.) Your problems Your bad habbits










- Stop with procrastination... excuses and obstacles are reasons of procrastination so here is the truth... 



"I am going to do it... no matter of the result." "I will say it... it's time to get slapped." "I will do it... because I love it... but if I fail it doesn't really matter for me."



Awesome everyday thought loops



"I am socially fucked up... but what?" "I said it... he said.... so I can, right?"











Chapter 11.2 - Concepts (Part 1)

 How to heal a broken heart


The feeling of hurt or being “broken hearted” seems like an inevitable part of life. It seems that when your significant other breaks up with you, or insults you, you will automatically feel hurt or a “broken heart”. This feeling is no fun at all. But, no matter how much you don’t want to feel it, and no matter how much you want to escape it, it often seems like an impossible task. It seems that the only thing which can dissolve your hurt is time. But, luckily, that’s not true… and there is a way to stop feeling hurt right now.


FYI: There are generally 2 elements of a “broken heart”: hurt and missing. This post is about how to stop feeling hurt, but if you would like to know how to stop missing someone, please click the following link: How To Stop Thinking About Someone


Why you think your “broken heart” was created by getting rejected

To understand how to heal a broken heart, you first need to understand what is creating your hurt. Well, it seems obvious that your broken heart is created by getting rejected or broken up with. But why do you think that? Because of 2 reasons:


Everyone you have ever known in your life (including TV and movies) have said that rejection creates a broken heart. Since your feeling of being “broken hearted” or hurt begins immediately after the break-up or rejection, you naturally assume that your feeling was created by these words or events.

how to heal a broken heart


Why the rejection itself can’t be what’s creating your hurt


If you would like to see why any type of rejection can’t be what’s creating your hurt or “broken heart”, lets do a little exercise. Please take a moment to identify the comment (words) that you think have caused you to feel hurt or broken hearted. For instance, maybe your child said “you’re a terrible mother”, maybe your boyfriend told you “I don’t want to be in a relationship with you”, or maybe your parents told you “I am disappointed in you”. Please stop here for a moment to really locate the comment (words) that you think made you feel hurt. This exercise will only help if you take the time to engage with it.

In order to claim that a specific circumstance creates a specific experience, it must always create that same experience. For example, you could claim

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