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than you should have at the hot blonde sitting next to you. But trust us. She noticed.

If you don’t want her to lose your number, keep your eyes on the prize. Give her your undivided attention when you’re out with her. Make her feel special by staying focused on her all night long.


Do These Six Things Instead


Now that you know what not to do, here are a few things that you should be doing if you want to keep her.

Mind your manners. Being polite goes a long way. Ask her questions about herself and listen to her answers. Be on time for your dates. Kiss her goodnight. Call her tomorrow. Insist on paying when you take her out, especially on the first date and any dates that you initiate and plan.



It’s not difficult to give women respect that they will appreciate. Hold open doors, ask her about her family, call when you say you will call. These are the type of things that she will find meaningful and attractive.


Although it may seem like the female is the one who gets hurt the most when dating a womanizer, this is not necessarily the case.

The womanizer may ultimately be the one who ends up brokenhearted and alone.

Women won’t want to date a man like this, and even if they do, they won’t last long when they see these character traits.

It also affects a man’s self-esteem when they treat women with a lack of respect, are dishonest, or hurt a girl that they care about. Think about it. If you do these things time and again, it’s impossible to feel good about yourself.

Chapter 1.1 - Rejection (Part 2)

 10 Foolproof Tips on How To Attract Women Easily




If it does, or even if you just want to improve your game, I have good news, it’s not impossible at all.

Any man can learn how to attract women with a healthy dose of self-awareness and these ten great tips.

Read on to find out foolproof ways to improve your chances with women.


10 Tips on How to Attract Women Easily


While you can’t control a woman’s opinion, you can take these ten steps to make yourself most attractive to them.


1. Body Language


It’s no secret that body language is a huge part of the way we communicate.

Portray confidence in your body language by standing up straight, keeping your arms uncrossed and your hands out of your pockets.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and face your body towards hers.

If you’re sitting, keep your body language open in her direction as well. It’s important to keep any bad habits in check, like fidgeting, biting nails, pulling at your beard, etc.


2. Eye Contact


Eye contact is a key factor of how to attract women. Too little makes you seem aloof or lacking confidence. Too much makes you seem creepy.

Maintain eye contact during conversation, but not to the extent that it feels unnatural or forced.

Keep your phone in your pocket and never check out another woman once you have a beautiful girl’s attention.

One of the keys to attracting a woman is making them feel special and like they are the most important thing in the room to you.


3. Don’t Just Assume She’s Into You


Let’s be clear here- of course, it never hurts to be confident. In fact, the opposite, confidence is a huge part of how to attract women.

That being said, cockiness is a huge turn off for women.

You want to approach her in a way that shows her your recognize her worth.

Rather than making her feel like she’s lucky to have your attention because you’re God’s gift to earth, be confident in yourself and show her that you recognize how special she is.

If you assume a woman wants to sleep with you, you risk sending her packing for making her feel cheap or easy.


4. Take Care of Your Health


While not every woman wants to date someone in Olympic shape, most women find it a turn off if men don’t care about their health at all.

Make an effort to stay physically active, eat right, and don’t go too crazy with the booze. Take care of yourself and you’ll find that it’s a whole lot easier to be confident.

This is especially true if you’re attracted to women who stay fit. How do you expect them to put in all that effort on their own bodies and want to date someone who puts in no effort at all?

Plus, healthy people just look better. You can see it in someone’s skin, hair, eyes and body.


5. Smell Good


Healthy people with good hygiene smell better and have better breath, two majorly important factors of attraction.

Even the most confident, attractive looking guy in the world would have trouble sealing the deal if he doesn’t smell good.

Cologne works for a lot of guys, so find your personal scent. Avoid applying too much, less is more.

It’s also just about being well groomed. Get regular haircuts and don’t be afraid to try a new style that women may find more attractive.

Perhaps most importantly, take oral hygiene seriously. Would you want to kiss a woman with bad breath or gross teeth?

Probably not. Brush, floss, brush your tongue and keep mints handy on a date or night out.


6. Dress Well


If you’re having trouble attracting women, take a look in the mirror.

No matter what your style is, you must wear clean clothes that fit you right. Sloppy, stained clothes that are too big or too small will not attract a woman.

If you don’t know where to start, think of the clothes that make you feel confident and attractive.

Are there particular colors that look good on you? Do you get compliments when you wear them?

Ditch styles that may be out of date, anything that is too flashy, or anything that is damaged and doesn’t fit you right. This goes for your underwear and socks too!

Check out these style tips for attracting women.


7. Create a Life You’re Proud Of


How do you expect other people to like you if you don’t like yourself?

If you haven’t already, find a job that you feel proud of.

A woman wants a man with passion and drive, not someone who works a dead end job and sits on the couch eating fast food all day.

Embrace the things you love, and don’t ever think you’ve got nothing left to learn.

Read books, stay up to date on current events, and participate in hobbies that you love in addition to building a career.


8. Be a Gentleman


Chivalry is not dead. Avoid vulgar language or “locker room talk.” Be polite, respectful, and engaging. This is a great time to show your wit, intelligence and sense of humor in conversation.

Just be sure to not monopolize the conversation.

Open doors for her, ask her questions about herself, buy her (and her friends if you really want to impress) the next round of drinks.


9. Be Original


Don’t use cheesy pickup lines. Every woman will shut down if you open with a line they’ve heard a hundred times before.

Give a genuine compliment as an opener. Women can pick up on if you’re being honest or just going through the motions to get laid.


10. If She’s Not Into You, Take a Hint


This is very important so listen up! Don’t let your ego get bruised too easily. Sometimes, rejection is just circumstantial and out of your control.

Women will tell you that there’s nothing worse than a “creeper” that won’t leave them alone. If a woman has told you she’s not into you or is clearly trying to end the communication or interaction, take the hint.

You can’t control outside factors, such as her physical type, sexual orientation, or relationship status. If she’s just not that into you for whatever reason, take no for an answer.

Telling a girl off for rejecting you will get you nowhere. Maybe she’s taken but has a single friend, or maybe someone else in the bar has their eye on you.

Always keep your behavior gentlemanly, even in the face of rejection. You never want to appear desperate or overly aggressive.


Now You Know


Confidence in yourself is key if you want to learn how to attract women.

Make any necessary changes to take pride in who you are. Present yourself well physically and conversationally, and don’t forget to make it about her.

With these tips, you’ll be attracting more women in no time.




Socially Rejected Are Better Judges of Sincerity


By Rick Nauert PhD




A new study suggests being rejected by peers, friends and even family members may enable an individual to spot a “fake” when they encounter someone who isn’t being genuine.


A Miami University study published in the October issue of the journal Psychological Science shows people who have faced rejection have an enhanced ability to determine whether the “happy” face before them is genuine.

The research found that subjects who were manipulated to feel rejection were able to distinguish a fake smile from a real one nearly 80 percent of the time. Researchers studied 32 subjects, 17 women and 15 men.


“This seems to be a skill we’ve acquired through evolution,” said Michael Bernstein, a Miami doctoral student in social psychology and one of the researchers.

“Living in groups several hundreds of years ago was extremely important to survival. Being kicked out of the group was like death, so they became very good at reading facial expressions and social cues. People these days who are rejected are in a dangerous place because of evolutional pressure to find their way back into a group.”


Bernstein, three other Miami graduate students and Heather Claypool, assistant professor of psychology, conducted the study. Some in the group initially thought the outcome would be just the opposite.

“Some thought the subjects who had been rejected would latch on to any sign of positivity and accept the insincere smiles as genuine,” Bernstein said. “But it’s clear we’re equipped with radar for identifying who is open to affiliation and who is not.”

According to Bernstein, real smiles are incredibly difficult to fake because a real smile is an automatic response to a positive feeling. He says if you can tell the difference between a real and fake smile, you can identify a good person who you can relate with, and weed out the others.






What Do Girls Look for in a Guy? (Hint: Not Looks!)




You’ve heard it a million times before, looks matter. But it turns out, if you’re answering the question â€śWhat do girls look for in a guy?” with comments solely about physical appearance, you’re answering wrong.


What Do Girls Look For In A Guy?


The answer is far less shallow than you think.


A Sense of Humor


What do girls look for in a guy? Above all, one who can make her laugh.

Not only does being the funny guy project a sense of confidence, it can also make a woman feel more relaxed – always an added bonus when battling first date jitters.

Plus, laughter releases endorphins, meaning that you’ll both be able to enjoy the moment even more – they’re like a natural high.

A Big, Fat…Wallet? Nope, Not That Either.

Sorry guys, but you knew this was coming.

Still, we see proof of this in the streets every day. What’s really crazy, though, is that the way in which you display your wealth (or hey, at least your perceived wealth) is what makes a big difference in attraction factors.

Studies have shown that it’s not a nice suit, a huge house, or even an Instagram picture of your latest purchase that makes a woman tick – nope, it’s your car that makes the difference!

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