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Book online «Bridge Of Writing (Domination #1) by DeYtH Banger (finding audrey TXT) 📖». Author DeYtH Banger

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in the sticks about 100 miles north of Atlanta on I-75, and I was alone in a drop yard for trailers. I was there to drop off my current trailer and hook another one, all I had to do was go pick up my paperwork from the mailbox and go. I loved shit like this, no bullshit, load is ready for me to pick up, no waiting around, great.

Now, my entire life, there has been this weird phenomenon that has followed me. You know those halogen street lights? I would say about 60-70 percent of those lights I walk under will go dark. It's the strangest thing, if I walk down a street at night, it's not strange at all if every light I walk under goes out, and when I walk away from it, it comes back on, I walk the streets in darkness. I have no idea why it happens.

Anyway, back to Georgia. I've dropped my first trailer, backed under the trailer I'm picking up, got my paperwork and I'm raising the landing gear. I'm standing under a big streetlight and guess what, it goes out. No big deal, but I say out loud to no one in particular, "I wonder why that always happens?" At that point, the craziest thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, happened.

A calm voice from about three feet away said, "Show of respect."

A voice. No one was around for miles, I was out in the middle of no where, there was no one there, I heard it plain as day. It was a man's voice, it wasn't loud, scary or intimidating, it spoke very matter of factly, "Show of respect."

I freaked out, jumped in the truck and moved 80,000 pounds faster than I ever thought I could move it.

I'm not crazy. I have no history of mental illness except for my ADHD, and no history of mental illness in my family. I don't even tell this story to people because of the looks I get. THIS HAPPENED. And ever since then I've wrestled with the question... what does it mean?

TL;DR number 1 - Fast, bright light flew past me on the interstate, was just a guy trying to save his truck.

TL;DR number 2 - Driver trainer played with his Tennessee sausage in my face for a promotion.

TL;DR number 3 - Voice spoke to me late at night in Georgia and I have no answers.

Truckers of Reddit 6

by soulitude_ginger



Not me, but my father told me last week about a couple years ago when he was driving a road train here in Queensland, Australia. It was him and three other road trains I think, and he was second in line. Some guy tried to overtake all of them before the overtaking lane ended. This lane isn't very long (about 1km) and they are few and far between along this road. Now this guy had run out of room by the time he had gotten to the truck at the front, and so he went off the road and rolled his car. The trucks all stopped and my father got out and ran towards the car, which was now on fire. The first truck driver was much closer to the car than my father was, due to these trucks being a good hundred metres long. When Dad got there the truck driver just had his hands in the air as if to say, "Fuck this, nope, I can't handle this." What he had seen was the man, still conscious, flailing about in the car, burning alive. Dad didn't want to see something so horrid that so he didn't look, but he was still haunted by the fact a man was alive one minute ago, driving past him, but was now in the burning car he saw ahead. The truck driver is still basically a basket case today, from what I've heard. He still can't get over it, and feels terrible, but it's definitely not his fault.

Driving back from the road trip someone tried overtaking my father again on that same stretch of road, not 2kms away from the night before. There were police up ahead and the guy was up to about 200km just to get ahead of dad before the lane ended. So he slams on the breaks just before he can get seen by the coppers, and Dad says he barely braked in time to not send him flying ahead, due to road trains having a much harder time braking than a car does. They get pulled over and my Dad abused the fuck out of this guy because he was still upset about the night before and he sure as hell didn't want to see that shit again, and the guy acted like he had no idea what he did. I have never seen my Dad afraid, but I could see in his eyes how scared he was when he told me this, because that moment terrified him so much that he could have been the guy who had taken another man's life so quickly.

I hope that people can understand that trucks, especially road trains, don't have the same capabilities as cars, and you should know how to act around them, and know how they work.

TL;DR - Guy tries overtaking without enough room, crashes and burns alive in his car. Another guy tries same shit next day, Dad flips out at him.

Edit: Credit to /u/magicwizardbacon for pointing out what I forgot to.

"Anyone wondering what a road train is, imagine an old looking, generally all around gargantuan-sized semi truck hauling 3, sometimes 4 normal-sized trailers at the same time. Fuck yeah hauling that much shit of course its not going to be able to stop as fast as your 1994 Honda Civic."

Truckers of Reddit 7

by CalvinDehaze


My mom is a trucker, this is her story.

She was driving through Arizona when she saw what she thought was leaves blowing across the road in the distance. This puzzled her since there's mostly pine trees in northern Arizona. When she finally got to the "leaves" she realized that they were migrating tarantulas, 1000's of them. There were so many of them that her truck was sliding on their guts so she had to slow down. She stopped at the first truck stop and told her co-driver to fuel up (he was sleeping at the time) because she wasn't going to step foot outside after what she just saw. Her co-driver was pissed since it was technically his time off, and he thought she was crazy, until he saw the tarantula guts and legs caked in the inside wheel well of the truck.

She also outran a tornado in the midwest. She was about to pull over and take cover until she saw another big rig that was parked on the side of the road get tossed a couple hundred yards like a toy. She called me and told me that she thought she was going to die and wanted her last words to be "I love you" to me. She pulled off the freeway and got to a Wal-Mart, where she ran into the basement where all the staff and customers were taking shelter. After the tornado passed, they stepped out of the basement and into daylight, since the Wal Mart was destroyed.

She has many many stories like this. Trucking is 90% boredom, 10% insane shit like this.

EDIT: Thanks for the Reddit gold!


Chapter - END


Blow - Quote

 This is what's bothers people's minds.



“Faculty X is the ability to grasp the reality not simply of other times and places, but of the present moment as well.”
― Colin Wilson, Mysteries

“He is a lover of his country who rebukes and does not excuse its sins. —FREDERICK DOUGLASS” —James W. Loewen

“Everything is in "because" and "IF".” —Deyth Banger

“Computer = Nothing more than the doze which was killing your social skills slowly by making you doing stuff… which weren't as social as they supposed to be.” —Deyth Banger

“The basic mistake people make is to think that happiness is the goal!” —François Lelord

“There are no explanations for human evil. Only excuses.” —Dean Koontz



“The character who was like me he died at 46, even it was 2008 year so far his name was David Foster Wallace.” —Deyth Banger



“Math is a Chaos and it doesn't have order <--- what's the purpose of it?” —Deyth Banger


“It is impossible to enslave, mentally or socially, a bible-reading people. The principles of the bible are the groundwork of human freedom.” —Horace Greeley



“Failures and mistakes are lessons, keep study school doesn't deserv a penny to give what you remember from school is just the worst stuff.” —Deyth Banger



“The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.” —Samuel Beckett


“Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order.” ― Samuel Beckett


“You're on Earth. There's no cure for that.” ― Samuel Beckett



“My mistakes are my life.” ― Samuel Beckett



“Nothing is funnier than unhappiness.” ― Samuel

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