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Book online «Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will by Santosh Jha (moboreader .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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be emotionally as well as intelligently at it to listen to and understand the ‘communication’ going on between the ‘entangled entities’. That shall help us in making much more informed and well-poised life and living choices, making us the masters of our destinies. We need to accept that this ‘entangled probabilities’ and ‘communication’ between them are brilliant patterns, which we all usually ignore or do not factor in, in our life-living preparedness. These patterns are huge segment of our destiny. If we take into account these patterns, we shall have larger excellence in shaping our destinies with our personal inputs.

Such is the arrangement of this universe and everything around us that they are in varying degrees of the state of ‘entanglement’ and the ‘communication’ between all these are in the air. Doing, undoing, joying and regretting are endemic part of the entangled life-play. However, maximizing joys and minimizing regrets is our core business and also our core competence. We are human after all! Understanding the multi-dimensionality of the world around us and accepting the multi-dimensionality of knowledge makes us achieve that. We can do it… we must…!


The Quantum Of Life Quintessentiality

The study of quantum mechanics is garnering lots of attention and curiosity of scientists. Good it would have been if they could come up with a generality of the mechanics for common person’s lives. The quantum mechanics, it seems, has lot to offer as it looks like a leap of science towards assimilation of all wisdoms. It also has lot to offer in terms of ‘scientific spiritualism’. The term may sound stupidity for now.

The best part of quantum reality is its emotional proximity with nature and life in general. It offers patterns for understanding the randomization of the multidimensionality of a hugely probabilistic energy called nature. It is seems like a definitive perspective on the myriad colors of consciousness, which is a huge facility for us to understand the patterns all around us, which either land us in loss or profit, success or failure. Asymmetrical and somewhat randomized causality is the most common, widely prevalent element in nature and even most precious human attainment. It is a natural bequeathal to all, thanks beloved nature!

What we shall talk below is the fact that now; the humanity has the knowledge about strange but ubiquitous causality and cyclicality of almost everything around us. First time in the history of humanity, we have come to a stage of knowledge, where we have begun to unravel the interesting and magical details of the mechanism called the cosmos and its elements around us.

We now also have the knowledge about how our own consciousness operates in beautifully complex mechanisms, which is a microcosm of the cosmic complexities. This helps us a lot in unraveling our destinies as we can now decipher much of the prevailing patterns of the ‘mechanism of God’s world’, which landed us in the uncertainties of randomized probabilities, which we called God’s will.

As scientists say, some aspects of quantum mechanics can seem counter-intuitive, because they describe behavior quite different than that seen at larger length scales. Many types of energy, such as photons, behave in some respects like particles and in other respects like waves.

Interestingly, quantum mechanics theory ordains that the more closely one pins down one measure, such as the position of a particle, the less precise another measurement pertaining to the same particle, such as its momentum, must become.

Put another way, measuring position first and then measuring momentum does not have the same outcome as measuring momentum first and then measuring position; the act of measuring the first property necessarily introduces additional energy into the micro-system being studied, thereby perturbing that system.

Even more disconcerting is the quantum notion that pairs of particles can be created as entangled twins. It means that a measurement, which pins down one property of one of the particles, will instantaneously pin down the same or another property of its entangled twin, regardless of the distance separating them. We have talked about it above.

On the face value, it seems, no better way to describe and understand life, its absurdities and its relationship with the cosmic realism that most humans live to die unresolved. The quantum thing is a great learner. Accept the absurdity, at least as metaphor aimed at paradigm building for larger wellness!

Consider ‘attainments’ of life. As the quantum mechanics says, when you get into a “position” of this particle (attainments), the ‘momentum’ of it (resultant satisfaction) becomes less precise for measurement. We usually believe; getting into a position of an ‘attainment’ shall make us equally positioned to calculate its momentum, the flow of joys and ‘satisfaction’.

Another beautiful absurdity of quantum mechanics is, measuring attainments first and then measuring satisfaction is not the same as calculating satisfaction first and then measuring attainments! We generally think, it is a two-way-equal process! This we are talking about to bring up the idea that somewhere, we have been at some fault in calculating the hidden and intangible patterns in our lives. The quantum mechanics present novel dimensions to life-living situations.

Sample another brilliance of this quantum thing, if you get to measure one goodness of a particle (an attainment), you instantaneously get to measure same or related goodness in an attainment which is an ‘entangled twin’.

Quantum thing says, photon behaves sometimes as particle and sometimes as waves. We all seem to do the same. Love sometimes behaves as compassion, sometimes as consumption; wild and untamed like nature but with a defined pattern, unpredictably beautiful and still devastating!

All this unravels how intricate and colossal is the mechanism that we are and we live in. It is only very natural that such a mechanism unravels itself in hugely large and complicated processes. The patterns, these processes engender, may seem beyond perception of an average person; as much of the patterns are intangible and operated in our subconscious mind domain.

However, if we first come to accept that there are discernible patterns of life-living probabilities and we can decipher them, half the task is accomplished. We can then work towards attaining a ‘higher consciousness’, which is adept at deciphering these patterns. Then, we have the road marked for our journeys. We can then have larger personal inputs in our destinies. Some of the destinies may be assigned to God, as it shall be good for our peace and prosperity. However, most of our destinies we can make. We have the potential within us.


The Vacuum Shapes Your Realism

In trying to discover the physical basis of consciousness, it may first be helpful to consider the physical structure of the universe from which consciousness somehow arises. Everything that we see or otherwise perceive is comprised of quanta that are ‘best described as energy waves oscillating as excitations or disturbances of the quantum vacuum’.

In the view of some physicists, “it is the vacuum, which is fundamental rather than the quanta. These waves of energy are seen as excitations of the more fundamental vacuum. The quantum vacuum is not a void or nothingness, but could better be described as a plenum, as being full of virtual particles or photons that leap in and out of existence, and whose existence can be made permanent by the presence of energy, such as the energy of an extreme gravitational field or equivalent acceleration.”

Some physicists are at pains to emphasize the existence of the quantum vacuum as a reality rather than an abstraction. We can say, our lives are just like that. We are microcosmic model of the cosmos. In our lives, we too have a large vacuum, which we consider as useless and focus more on a small particle called ‘self’. The vacuum is not actually nothing, it is far more important.

Our consciousness is shaped and guided more by the excitations and disturbance of this vacuum. What this vacuum is? It is a huge intangible world where different intangible and virtual waves of abstract ideas and emotions are created and destroyed.

It is up to you. It is the choice of your life positioning, which creates a gravitational curve, which in turn makes this wave to collapse into a subjective reality. What and which way you position your life, shapes the realism for you. This realism engenders your subjective consciousness. You decide.


Synchronicities et al

It is such a beautiful and yet so difficult a position to find. Arriving at such a position and situationalism is tough and being there is tougher but when there, it fills up the consciousness with all joys, satisfaction and exhilaration within, which nothing in this universe can. The treasure grows within and everything outside becomes redundant.

It is extremely sad and unfortunate that since ages, only a handful of humans have thought of the need and utility of arriving at such a position of ultimate joy and still lesser people actually arrive at this. They call it ordained and God’s will but this idea surely cannot be subscribed to, as God can never wish a design or mechanism, which prevents and debars anyone from the ultimate joy.

This is high time, humanity stops making God responsible for all his personal and subjective assumptions and weaknesses. This attitude is not only dangerous for humanity rather it also makes the millions have wrong notions about divinity as well as human abilities and potential. It is high time, humanity stops taking God for granted!

We need to understand this and we all can. Of course, it is not easy, it is very tough and needs mind training from early childhood. Lots of practice follows. One life is too little to comprehend the intricacies and perplexities of the intelligence as well as the beautifully mystical and intricate mechanisms of the nature and the conscious life. Still, a life is good enough to arrive at the positioning from where the journey into the right direction begins. What distance towards the avowed destination one traverses may vary.

Albert Einstein elaborated about this ‘joy’ so beautifully. He said:

“It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature.”

Knowledge is humbling. More knowledgeable you are, more modest and humble your entire consciousness becomes. As your consciousness grows in humility, you ready yourself to open the gates of ‘evolved innocence’ and once innocence shapes and shades your consciousness and subconscious in perfect harmony, you arrive at the wisdom from where the real journey to the ultimate joy begins and it never ends!

The toughest part is the very start. Usually, most people do not have the basic thing required to make even a small beginning. The biggest trouble is, only a ‘poised positioning’ of a conscious mind is the key to do so successfully, even though in bits. Most people have this poise missing, either by whisker or by huge margins.

This is so difficult and the poise is missing because the ‘psychosis’ is just round the corner. Most people are in varying degrees of psychosis of mind and consciousness and that is why they are so prone to rejecting any other knowledge or wisdom apart from what they think they know.

Understanding psychosis is very important because, psychosis blocks the consciousness, which has the innate ability to decipher patterns around and then create personal inputs to shape up destinies. It is crucial to understand the difference of positioning between a mind ‘poised’ and a mind ‘psychotic’. As people in contemporary chaotic world may have psychotic minds and consciousness, this kills the poise required for the beginning of journey towards real pursuit of knowledge.

It is said, ‘life and realism is what you see and accept’. Objective realism is one but there are as much subjective realisms as the number of humans on this planet. A poised mind would understand this dualism and the multidimensionality of subjective realisms and yet, accept one that is as close as possible to the singular and

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