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job of less worth and more worth, all works are required to make the final outcome of the group.

Each person should create value for herself/himself in a day by being resourceful. Only the person who could create value for oneself could be valuable to the organisation and the society.

I remember a small story of creating value to one’s job. It is said that there were two people. One of them the priest in a temple and a person who attends to cleaning the temple premises. The priest everyday recites the prayer and always felt elevated as even the devotees gave him lots of respect as a communicator between the devotees and the god. The person cleaned the whole place including the items used in the prayer. Both of them spent their lifetime in their respective services. Both the persons died. The priest was surprised to see the cleaner had gone to heaven and was given more prominent position by God. The priest also went to heaven but was offered a smaller position. The priest asked the God, although he prayed him every day, how come he deserves a smaller position as compared to the cleaner. The God clarified, by saying that while cleaning the person has dedicated entirely and has looked into every detail. He has performed the task with love and commitment. The cleanliness of the place and the items used in the prayer were very clean. But while the priest recited the prayers, sometimes his mind was wandering around with other thoughts too. The priest was not so much focused and dedicated as the cleaner. Therefore, he is more pleased with the cleaner of the temple rather the priest.

The earning of a person always seems to be less as the needs grow. A person dissatisfied with the earning, should not disgruntle and show less performance in the organisation. Only a fool would sit on the branch of the tree and cut it.

Making a day useful in one’s life is also valuable to the organisation and the society

Each person’s being is the relationship with the environment. Usefulness and scale are the two important decisive factors for causing an impact. Geo Spirit is the only way of being on this earth. Spirit is a constant question of asking oneself the purpose of being.

Create value and results everyday

In a job, I asked the candidates to keep record of what they have done every day. Always gave a dairy and insisted them to write at least one page on the results accomplished on that day and discouraged writing just the process at length.

For the people who work with me, I give them a dairy on the first day with a request to note the results and achievements that they have caused at the end of each day. Sometimes they write the process. For me process was less important as compared to achieving the results.

Everyone is valuable. One can create value only through good work which causes results. Everyday is worth and valuable. The number of days one lives, everyday is valuable. Create value in one’s life. A valuable person can only create value for the organisation and society. That is the reason, I wanted them to introspect and write down the dairy as self-evaluation. Rarely, I see their dairies.

Bring change or change

My principal to achieve results in a given situation is simple, I follow the principle of “Nail in the Wall”. To cause a result start hitting a nail in the wall. If it happens it is fine, you are successful. Sometimes the wall is hard or nail is weak, one is unable to hit it into the wall. The nail might bend or one might get hurt in the process or bleed or the wall is damaged. In this situation we will try to straighten the nail and try for once again to cause the result. If it is done fine or else one would change the position and hit the nail near by or change the nail to a different size and strength. If still one is not successful than change the decision that is use a different technology to achieve the result or give up the decision of trying to hit the nail in the wall.

Hitting a nail in the wall is an action for causing a result. In every situation one comes across this kind of a challenge that is “Change or Change”. The first change is that the life is about bringing a Change for good by all means. Still if one is not able to cause any change (results) in spite of all efforts, one’s decision on that action should Change, this is the second change.

That is one of the reasons why some people try to change their jobs. Some of them having no motivation for any change, just enjoy the monetary and physical benefits and continue to remain as waste.

Earth Leadership for achieving goals

 Guidance and motivation

Living a number of years is not important unless there is a purpose. Mere living on this earth would not help oneself nor anything else. A doctor should help a person think positively, do good and be content. On the whole, a doctor should make a person able to understand the purpose of a meaningful life, that is the best medicine a doctor could give for having a worthy life. Everyone is mentally ill sometime or the other. We do have psychiatrists who treat the extreme patients. Majority of people find solace for the mental illness from the religion, gurus, some other means of entertainment for deviation or diverting the attention. The physical suffering is mean as compared to mental suffering of many people and often mental suffering is the cause for physical suffering.

Some government employees justify themselves and say we are being paid less so we are corrupt. I have seen some people, choosing a post with high potential for bribes rather going for a job which is more dignified and where they could serve many people.

True leaders have the freedom and strive for the freedom of one and all. A leader’s personal goal is always within the common goal. A great leader sets the high goals, which are not so easy to achieve in one’s lifetime. A great leader inspires everyone around and becomes a source for the emergence of great leaders. A leader is not the one who considers the people as sheep to follow him or her blindly. There is no master and slave relationship in real leadership. Followers believe the values that the leader is representing and if necessary do challenge the same leader when fails to espouse that cause. Earth leadership provides the space for everyone to be a leader and not just one or few.

The common goals to be achieved is not someone’s job. Therefore, a leader inspires and in the space of “everyone a great leader”, strives for the achievement of common goals.


A leader is the one who inspires the team and makes them work with dreams to be converted into reality. Who knows everything or at least something of everything can make anybody a good team leader. The learning curve of a leader should be sharp. A leadership must adapt to changes and be able to take risk. A leader should be the first one to take responsibility for failures. Mannerism and character are the two basic traits of a great leader.

There is nothing good nor bad, everything is a situation and will change for a leader in the journey towards a higher goal.

Open Knowledge accelerates achieving goal

Open Knowledge is a source of freedom and integrity. The whole world is expanding at a rapid phase in all aspects of knowledge and technologies, the requirements of better and efficient technologies are also growing. The ecology is unable to sustain the needs of the people. People are not intelligent enough to copy and replicate nature in spite of so much science and technological progress. The natural creations are the ultimate sources of sustenance for life on earth. The very few technological innovations created by humans are also not accessible to all because of the following two main reasons. a) Self-interest or selfishness for social, economic, etc., considerations b) Investment made for the innovation.

If the knowledge is kept as a patent by someone, there are three options a) Use of knowledge by the source person b) Share the knowledge with others c) Sleep over the knowledge thinking that someday, I will use it. The majority of the times the last is in practice, for which there is no action of any kind against the person who is doing that.

Selfish people lag the progress

People who knew how to make the world a better place, patent the knowledge or make the knowledge exclusive and selectively releases the knowledge for a price. These people never have a purpose to make this world a better place. The people who don’t serve when it is hot and fresh are the less useful people on the earth. A corrupt, selfish and fearful mind will never make a person healthy and happy.

Universal Basic Income and Goals


People are leading lives without any significant goals and are also unable to contemplate the purpose of their life.  That is because majority of the people are engaged in earning money for meeting the basic needs. With great difficulty and risk very few people are able to pursue their interests. In the near future, there are going to be more challenges for the people. As majority would be jobless and have very little work to do. Technologies, bigdata, artificial intelligence and robots are replacing many jobs which traditionally existed and provided job opportunities.

The jobs are declining and at the same-time companies are growing and making huge profits by using the more efficient technologies and artificial intelligence. Presently the unemployment rate is increasing at a faster rate. This is an alarming situation for many governments and the present and future generations.

For example in parts of India, in the past the self-reliant systems existed in the villages. Say to provide continuous work opportunities for potters there were some traditions. A new pot was required to be used for all kinds of events and festivals in a village. Even though people could have used old pots existing with them, but this traditions continued. No one questioned these practices and as human beings understood that there is

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