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Book online «How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #3) by DeYtH Banger (best book club books of all time .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author DeYtH Banger

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of going all-in, Rose suggests you instead experiment with small steps (again, like we’ve mentioned prior; you can watch porn together, share fantasies, whatever it may be) that will help you find your comfort zone together without risking your entire relationship in the process.


5. She Loves Sex

“To have a great threesome, you need three people who really love sex,” Rose states. “This doesn’t mean she has to be multi-orgasmic or acrobatic in bed, but an authentic enjoyment of touch, sensuality and arousal will go a long way.”



6. She Is Sexually Confident

Many women struggle with sexual confidence, and any shame or guilt about sex is going to get in the way of a great threesome, Rose says. What are some traits of these sexually confident women? These women are happy lounging naked, have no problem being seen in the throes of orgasm, and are open to experiment in the bedroom. “These are all great traits for her to have before you invite a third to your party,” she adds.


7. She Doesn’t Compete With Other Women

“Our culture encourages intense competition between women — and this pattern can get in the way during threesomes,” Rose declares. To enjoy sharing her man with another guy, a woman needs to love the company of other women, be turned on by other women’s bodies, and not freak out if the other woman’s boobs are bigger or her orgasms are more intense, or whatever else might incite sexual competition. “Of course, the same goes for guys if you are planning a MMF threesome,” she adds.


8. She Loves Flirting — And Watching You Flirt

“If she can’t handle watching you flirt with other women, forget about a threesome,” Rose advises. “But if you both get turned on by watching one another turn on the charm, it is a good sign that you’ll get super aroused watching one another during a threesome.”


9. She Experiences Compersion, Not Jealousy

“Compersion” is a term coined to describe the opposite of erotic jealousy. Compersion is all about feeling pleasure when your partner receives pleasure from someone else,” Rose mentions. “Does she get excited when you have a great night out with the guys, or does she sulk? Is she happy for you when you spend a day finishing up that project in the garage, or does she make you feel guilty? Check in about how much compersion vs. jealousy she is expressing, in and out of the bedroom.”


10. It’s Her Fantasy Too

The ultimate sign that she’ll be up for a threesome? It’s her fantasy as well! “You can look for signs that she’ll be into a threesome, but ultimately you can never convince or coerce her into participating if threesomes don’t authentically turn her on.” The best way to find out if she is into a threesome, you say? Ask her!



Top 10: First Kiss Tips




Ahh, the first kiss. It’s one of life’s sweetest moments — but if you don’t plan and execute it correctly, it can be an acutely embarrassing experience. Pulling off a great first kiss can be the difference between scoring yourself a second date and being ghosted the next time you send a tentative, “Hey, how’s it going?” text. So how do you make sure you get it right? Here are the top 10 first kiss tips:


1. Be Sure Your Date Wants To Kiss You


You can’t kiss someone who doesn’t want to kiss you back, so make sure your date has demonstrated a clear interest in you. Use your judgment here: If you’ve been getting along really well, you’re sitting somewhere romantic, she’s touching her hair, giggling at all your jokes and patting you fondly on the arm
 well, kiss her. That’s your moment. You could ask directly — “Would it be OK if I kissed you?” — but many women report being turned off by this question, and would prefer you exercised judgment and took control. Read the individual situation and make sure you act respectfully, but forthrightly.


2. Make Sure Your Breath Is Fresh


Fresh breath is a very basic requirement for any kiss, let alone the first with a new person. You should be exercising good oral hygiene all year round, and not only on the night of your date (that is, brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily, just like your dentist told you to.) If you know you have a date lined up and a first kiss might be on the cards, skip the raw onions and cigarettes in the preceding hours. (Maybe skip cigarettes in general? They’re bad for you.)


3. Set The Scene


You don’t want your first kiss to take place in a noisy, messy setting, and you probably don’t want it to be somewhere too brightly lit or conspicuous, either. Consider whether you will be locking lips in front of an audience and ask yourself, “Is it appropriate to kiss here?” A crowded bar or dance floor is fine, but if you’re in a low-key environment or surrounded by small children, it might not be the best place to suck on each other’s faces. Consider others around you and their reasonable aversion to PDA, plus the comfort level of your date. A low-lit, quiet and romantic setting is your best bet here.


4. Smell Good


We’ve already covered the topic of fresh breath, but to secure a great first kiss it’s important to consider how the rest of you is smelling, too. You’re going to be in close proximity to another person, so sweatiness or B.O. will be seriously off-putting for your date. On the flip side, smelling like a well-selected cologne or of fresh soap will make your date swoon. Kissing is not just a tactile experience, it’s an olfactory one too; so make sure you have all her senses soaring (in a good way!)


5. Position Yourself Strategically


Unless you’re sitting close to your date and facing towards her, you’re making the approach unnecessarily hard for yourself. You don’t want to be leaning in from 3 feet away or surprising her with a kiss she isn’t sure is coming, so give her a hint of your intentions by sidling up close and touching her hand or lower back in anticipation — once you’ve received clear signals to proceed, of course.


6. Approach Smoothly


A clumsy or over-forceful lean in could spoil the kiss before it has even started, so try to make your approach as smooth as possible. In the movie Hitch, Will Smith’s character advocates the 90/10 Rule: you lean in 90% of the way when initiating the first kiss, and wait for her to meet your lips by making up the remaining 10%. In real life, of course, there are no hard and fast rules, but the 90/10 rule is a useful guideline; encouraging you to take charge of the situation while still allowing your date some input and agency.


7. Use Your Hands


Your hands are an important tool for elevating your first kiss from mediocre to memorable. They shouldn’t be hanging limply while you are kissing: You might cup her face, hold hands or graze her thigh or lower back, depending on the level of intimacy you want to create. Err on the side of tentative touching than full on groping, and give her space to touch you back, too.


8. Go Easy On The Tongue


Too much tongue is an oft-reported kissing turnoff for women. A great first kiss will involve mostly lip-to-lip contact, and, when you do decide to reveal it, your tongue should be tentatively probing hers rather than swishing around her mouth or repeatedly darting in and out of it. Control your level of saliva, too — there are few things less appealing than someone else’s drool in your mouth.


9. Time The Kiss Right


“How long should a kiss be?” is like asking, “how long is a piece of string?”, but ideally a first kiss shouldn’t go on and on for eternity. If both of you want to make out for a solid 10 minutes that’s up to you, but generally a relatively short session will be comfortable and appropriate, and build anticipation for a second kiss.


10. Consider Your Follow-Up


Success! You landed a first kiss. Now what? Don’t just sit there in silence like a shell-shocked teen who can’t believe his luck. The immediate aftermath of a first kiss is potentially awkward territory, and the best thing you can do to diffuse the moment is say something. “I’ve been wanting to do that for ages” is a slightly cliche but flattering line, or you could use the post-kiss lull to land a genuine compliment. Whatever you do, keep the mood alive and avoid crashing into an anticlimax. That’s all you need to do to make sure your first kiss is a great one.

In sum: be respectful, take charge, smell good and go easy on the tongue — oh, and don’t forget to enjoy the moment, too.









(The 5 rules)


What better way to learn how to attract women than by learning from a woman?

I know I know, most women usually dish out the same old vague and nice but essentially ineffective advice such as:

“Just be yourself”
“Be more confident”
“Make her laugh”

Which in all fairness is pretty lame! And you are probably sick of your female friends giving you weak feedback. Equally, you are also probably tired of hearing the arrogant and ineffective advice from your male friends.

However, have you ever considered what it would be like to get an HONEST female opinion and an HONEST and NO NONSENSE and DIRECT insight into the female mind?

Obtaining such a powerful tool, is something that most male dating coaches and so called pick up artists will struggle to give you.


Kezia Noble

(published author of the best selling book ‘The Noble Art Of Seducing Women”

I have taught over 18,000 men HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN, regardless of their age, social status,income,height, cultural background and initial sticking points.

It has taken much time and much trial error and to find out what the ingredients are to attract women, and of course mastering the art of attracting women requires practice, but here are the 5 MAIN RULES that are vital in your success of attracting women and how to talk to a girl.

Men need to understand and follow these rules in order to attract an abundance of women into their lives.




Always view a ‘negative’ as a potential ‘positive’

A girls says she has boyfriend. Most guys see this as a block or a sign of rejection, where as a man who is able to attract women, will reply with the responses that I provide him, to turn her statement into an opportunity to win her over. In time, all my students are able to come up with their own BRILLIANT responses that result in turning the whole interaction around into their favour!




Make a strong IMPACT by pattern breaking.

You need to stand out from all the other men who try to pick her up. She has heard every line in the book! What makes you stand out from all the others? What is your opening line? What is your response to her reaction, and your reaction to her response?
You temporarily become a TV commercial. You have a 1 minute slot, what are you going to do? Are you going to say the same old crap every other guy says to her? Or are you going to make impact?






This does NOT mean you should agree with her opinions, or points of views, or even have ANYTHING IN COMMON with her!
Connection means challenging her opinions and ideals which will result in conveying the fact that you too share her ‘passion’ in whatever it is you believe in.It also means getting behind the mask she wears ( every girl wears a mask)

A girl is NEVER looking for an agreeable man who nods his head to what ever she says. She is e looking for men who can challenge her and who can MATCH her passion regardless whether his opinions are in line with her or not.

Mr Nice guy always finishes

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