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Book online «The Father Within by Chris P (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Chris P

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Father has already us the Gift of Eternal Life.  There are no requirements necessary to obtain this Gift.  It is ours without question and it has always been this way.  All we have to do is realize that Eternal Life is already ours and begin appreciating this most wondrous Gift.  By appreciating all we experience, we extract the Essence of God in all people, places, things, and events during our travels.  The Gift of Eternal Life, like all His Gifts, is free because the Father gives freely.  We are made in His Image and Likeness as all of the Great Books simply state.  Because He is Eternal, we are Eternal.  Eternity is already here, Kai."

Kai could not believe what he was hearing.  This just could not be.  "Master, do not say such things!  I do not believe in what you are saying.  This cannot be true.  The Father will punish the Lost Ones and reward those that walk His Path.  Eternal Life is a reward that we must earn and not a Gift.  Only He decides who is worthy of this Great Reward.  We do not know of such things."

The Master knew he was contradicting the very essence of what Kai believed; the very essence of what many of the major religions believe.

"Kai, imagine you are drinking a jug of water ffrom the lake in the mountains.  The jug is like your body and the water inside is like your soul.  Within the water, there lives the Father for He is in all things.  If you break the jug, the water spills on the ground and on your clothes, does it not?  The body is broken but the soul lives on the ground and on your clothes.  The Spirt of the Father remains unrbroken.  It merely seeks a new container perhaps your clothes or perhaps the air once the Sun dries the water.  It is Eternal regardless of condition or requirement.  It is Eternal because the Father is Divine Love and He has given the Gift of Eternal life freely for us to cherish.

"Place your mind outside the rainy door for a moment and listen with your heart.  The Father Within loves you no matter what you do, no matter how you worship, and no matter what color your skin might be.  There are no conditions to be met.  He loves you just the way you are no matter what sin you have committed.  He even loves you as much whether you believe in Him or not.

"Earlier, when you threw those rocks out into the cliffs, did you see the effects of gravity upon the rock?  Do you have to believe in gravity for gravity to exist?  It exists wheter we believe in it or not.  Listen to these words with your heart for a moment and tell me how you feel.  Kai, all the Father does is create and love.  It is He that lives within us.  It is the Father Within."

The Master sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.

Kai simply did not believe what he was hearing.  It sounded too easy; to clean.  It sounded like lazy man's religion.  To Kai, it seemed as if one did not have to work hard at connecting too the Eternal since Eternal Life was already ours.  This did not make any sense to Kai.  A million questions raced through Kai's mind.  This just could not be.

 "Master, what are you talking about? Why do you speak of such things?  How can you possibly know how the Father has designed the very Fabric of Life?"

"Listen with your heart Kai, not your mind," repeated his Master.  "What I say might sound to difficult to believe, but does it not sound wonderful?  Does it not sound beautiful?"

The Master's face lit with the brightest smile Kai had ever seen.

The Master continued, "Imagine that no matter how many mistakes we make during our life, we are still loved beyond human comprehension.  He has already forgiven us for everything and simply awaits us to forgive ourselves.  All He does is love us and waits for us to allow Him to enter our life.

"Think upon the life of Luma as your own spiritual consciousness.  Look upon every facet of his physical life as your own spiritual birth and growth.  Once you invoke his consciousness within you, the spark Luma's way of life represented, you, too, will be the Path, the Reality, and the Eternal Life for yourself and those you touch.

"The Path means you are using your Inner-Eye to realize the Father is already within you.  This is the way to the Father Within.  The Reality is that you are seeking to allow the Father to work through you, so you can heal yourself and all people, places, things, and events that cross your path.  By seeking the Truth in all things, you are expressing to the Father through your actions that you are serious about connecting to His Essence.  The Eternal Life means you are already living eternally since the Eternal is already within you.  Is this not a wonderful way of perceiving the nature of what Luma and other Great Prophets shared with the world?"

"Of course it sounds wonderful," admitted Kai.  "If what you say is Truth, then why should a man live his life by rules?  Man would become as wild as animals with no rules to guide his conduct.  One could kill, steal, cut down trees, and commit all kinds of sinful acts if he knew the Father loved him regardless of what he did.  One could laugh at the dark one because one would never go to hell if what you say is Truth.  I do not believe in what you are telling me.  Please forgive me, but i am being sincere with you."

"Are men not already like the animals?" questioned the Master.  "By allowing the Father of Love to fill one's hearts and mind, there would be no murder, theft, or any other action limiting one's growth or the growth of another.  All would live not for fear of punishment or expectation of reward, but because the Father is Divine Love and as His Children we, tooo, are Divine Love.  All would live freely and naturally.  By connecting to our own unique concept of God while respecting others in their own unique concept of God, we would learn to love as He loves:  eternally and unconditionally.

Both student and teacher listened to the Silence.

The rain stopped.  The Master rose from the table grasping his cane and looked at the day as he swung the door open.  Kai could see drops of rain fall on his Master's shoulders as he also saw the lower branches of wet leaves and heard the drops of water falling into the barrel just outside the door.  It had rained quite heavily in a short amount of time.

"The rain has stopped, the air is sweet, and the day shortens my wonderful student.  Please remember my goal is to not convince you of anything but you encourage you to think about things in a whole new Light.  All I ask is you open your heart to the ways of the Father Within."

Kai arose from his chair and blew out the candle.  "Master, before today, I felt I understood many answers but now I am not sure I even understand the questions.  Why are you telliming me such things today?  Why have you waited so many years to share with me what you are sharing with me today?

The Master smiled and places his hand upon Kai's shoulder.  "I am asking you to think about what I said because you want to spread love into the world.  I waited to tell you on this day because you would not have been ready to hear it any sooner."

"But Master," said Kai.  "I am stil not ready to hear what you have told me because I do not agree with your words."

They both walked out into the day.  It looked as if it had been raining for days.  The sky was clearing as the Sun flirted to break out from behind the clouds.  It was much cooler than it had been earlier in the day.

"Perhaps your mind is not ready to hear what I have shared with you, but I feel like I have gotten your heart's attention.  Come, let us return to the lake to wash ourselves from our mud and dirt and continue our lesson."

The student followed the teacher back to the lake.  Small islands of water blocked the path and their clothes were stained even more from mud.  Kai began to feel uncomfortable as he was much wetter and dirtier than he wanted to be.  As they descended, the sun broke out from behind its white, fluffy guardians and sook Kai felt the warm rays upone his face.  It would not be long before he felt dry again as he basked under the warmth of the familiar sun.

Lessons by the Spider Web














Lessons by the Spider Web

The two Seekers of Truth walked back to the lake in the mountains.  Their walk was much quicker.  Kai could see the world around him was wet and dripping from the heavy rains.  The clouds had broken and the sky was crisp and blue.  The rain brought a cooler breeze and the day had blossombed again into a beautiful flower indeed.

As they descended, they came upon a rather large spider web just off the trail to their right.  There was no signs of its spider.  Countless drops of water spotted the web and it looked like balls of mercury hanging from silk.  The web was in almost complete ruin except for a small area that remained intact.

As they watched, a leaf floated down from the trees above and landed in the more complete part of the web.  Kai saw the lead dangle and spin in the misty web.

"Every day," began the Master, "the spider spins and weaves its web.  It does it to survive for without the toils and labor of spinning its circular string of silk, it would not eat.  This daily activity is the spider's sustenance; its survival."

As the Master finished talking, the spider, sensing its web had a visitor, show down from its home under a brown leaf and made its way to the small leaf.

"Kai, observe the spider as it makes its way to what it senses is its daily food."

Kai watched as the bluish spider glided down and over on its web.  The spider reached the small leaf and quickly started to detatch this unwanted object from its home.  In a matter of seconds, the spider had cut the leaf from the web as Kai watched the leaf float to the ground.  The spider drifted back upward toward its lair and was gone from sight.  A small hole now occupied the area of the web that had been unbroken a few moments earlier.

The Master smiled at Kai and began walking down the trail once again.

After a few more moments of silence, the Master said, "Kai, because the spider is almost completely blind, how does it know what is food and what is folly?"

They walked along the dripping trail as Kai thought about his Master's question.  The weight of water hung heavy in every part of the

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