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Read books online ยป Short Story ยป A Series Of Sorrowful Stories by Duane Harvey (i have read the book a hundred times .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA Series Of Sorrowful Stories by Duane Harvey (i have read the book a hundred times .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Duane Harvey

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beginning." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stick. It was a magic wand. The boy waved it back and forth. There was a blue light at the end of the wand. "Close you eyes." Mat closed his eyes. "Mat, this is the beginning of the story."
On a stormy night a girl was sleeping in her room. The room was dark and silent. The little girl woke up because she heard thunder. She got out of bed and walked to the window. It was opened. The wind was blowing her curtains here, there, everywhere. she reached up and closed the window. Suddenly the girl heard a creaking sound coming from behind her. The little girl then looked at her closet door. It was wide open. All she could see inside the door was pure darkness.
She walked toward the closet door. She saw an outline of two dark figures standing, looking straight at her. She backed away slowly. The dark figures walked out of the closet and was walking towards the little girl. "I am sorry to scare you, Emma. This is Mat, and I am...I will tell you when you and I are alone."
Emma said, "How do you know me?"
Mat looked at this mysterious boy and said, "Yea, how do you know her, and me?"
The boy said nothing. Emma said, "Why were you in my closet?"
The boy said, "Mat and I came here to get you, before the people you are living with, kills you."
Emma said, "My mom and dad would never hurt me!"
The boy said, "The people you are living with isn't your real parents. Your real parents died when you were a little infant. You were sent to CYS. They gave you to these horrible people!"
Mat said, "How do you know so much?"
The boy said, "I have been around for a long time. Anyways, Emma we only have five minutes left! It's 2:45 a.m."
Mat said, "What happens at 2:50 a.m?"
The boy said, "James will come and start the killing."
2:46 a.m
Emma asked, "Who were my real parents?"
The boy said, "Fiona Donald and George Jones."
Emma asked, "Who are the people I am living with, then?"
The boy said, "James the first and Sarah Johnson."
2:47 a.m

Chapter 28 * Bart's Story

Mat asked, "Why did you bring me here?"
The boy said, "To make you remember." The three children heard a soft sound as though someone just stepped on a stuffed animal. They turned their heads to the closet. There was another dark figure, which was looking at them.
Mat whispered, "Who is that?"
The boy whispered, "James."
Emma walked toward the dark figure and said, "Dad, is that you? Why are you sneaking up on me?"
The boy grabbed Emma's and Mat's hands and dragged them quickly out of that room. The boy closed the door behind them.
2:48 a.m
They looked at the end of the hallway and saw another dark figure. It was a woman. It was Sarah. She asked, "Why are you out of bed, Emma? Are you sneaking away from us?"
The boy said, "Sarah, you are going to kill Emma, when she faints in the hallway of her new apartment. You and your husband are trying to kill Emma!"
2:49 a.m
The boy looked up at the clock. He said, "We only have one minute left! We have to burn down this house!" He ran into the kitchen and turned on the stove. Fire was shooting up. He ran out of the house. He picked up a gas can and ran back into the house.
Emma asked, "Why are you trying to burn down my house?"
The boy said, "To break the curse!" He tossed the gas can on top of the stove. The boy, Mat, and Emma ran out of the house. The stove exploded. Sarah fainted.
If you were at that place at that moment, all you could see was a pile of ashes. The curse was broken, history was erased, and Emma, Mat, and the mysterious boy were off to look for a new character. The boy pulled out his wand again and they appeared into a new location. There are good people in this world, but there are also bad people. When both sides meet, there is usually a war. I can't promise that there will be any wars, but I can promise that soon both sides will collide.
The kids were in front of a half finished apartment. The boy said, "It's time for you two to meet Bart. The man who is building this apartment. He is related to both of you. Mat, he is your nephew. Emma, he is your cousin."
Mat said, "I have a uncle, that I didn't even know that was alive?"
The boy said, "You didn't get to meet him before, because he got murdered. There are good people in this world, such as Bart. Good things happened to Bart, because he was a noble man. Something good happening to this man is that he is building a apartment that he dreamed of for so long."
Mat said, "Where is Bart?"
The boy pointed to the top of the apartment and saw a man hammering boards together. The man noticed the children and climbed down an enormious ladder. He said, "Howdy children, how many I help you?"
The boy said, "I am quite sorry to pop up from nowhere, but you need to come with us. We are making a noble group for an huge war. Noble VS. Vile"
Mat remembered the word 'vile'. Monetio told him that V.Y.T meant vile rapscallions lynch poor plebeians Mat said, "Monetio used vile, to describe something called, V.Y.T."
The boy looked at Mat and said, "He didn't really mean V.Y.T. He was trying to hide his secret. Everything he said to you, was a lie. There are secrets in this world that young people, as yourself, don't need to know."

Chapter 3 * Sally's Story

Mat said, "What is the real group called then?"
The boy said, "Only he who knows everything can tell you. I am sorry, Mat."
Mat said, "Where can I find this person?"
The boy said, "His whereabouts are unknown. The last time someone saw him, he was at Ship-Trap Island."
Mat said, "Let's go there!"
Bart looked down and said, "Here comes Ms. Tolly."
Mat, Emma, and the boy all looked at an old woman walking down the road. She said, "Hello, brats. Do you know anything about the fire that burnt down the Donald's house?"
Mat said, "Of course we...."
Before he could say "do", the boy said, "Of course we don't. We were all close friends to them."
The woman's eyes were shiny as though she were going to murder someone. She said, "My daughter, Sally is a poilce officer, so who ever caused that fire, she will know, soon." The woman walked away.
Bart said, "Sally? I never knew Ms. Tolly had a child named, Sally."
The boy said, "That woman was Heather Tolly. There are some good people in this world such as Bart and Sally, but there are also evil people. Heather is one of those know....she's pure evil."
Bart said, "I would enjoy to be in your group, but I have to get finished with this apartment. He climbed up the ladder and continued to work.
The boy said, "Let's go visit Sally." The three children walked down the sidewalk until they stopped in front of the police station.
Emma said, "Why are we going to visit a cop? The cop that is soon to know what you two have done."
The boy said, "She is on our side."
Mat said, "Side? What side are we on?"
The boy smiled and said, "The noble side." The front doors of the poilce station opened. A young woman walked out. She stared at the three children.
"Hello, youngsters. I am Detective Sally," she said. "Well, I used to be a detective, but now I am a poilce officer."
The boy said, "Sally, we need your help. There is going to be a horrible war in Greenale Meadow. We need you to join us so we can defeat the evil!"
Sally said, "Hey, I know who you are! You are...."
The boy said, "Not now. We can talk later, while we are alone."
Sally said, "Okay, anyways, is this about the schism?"
Mat said, "What is a schism?"
Sally said, "It's where the H.T.P broke up and started their own sides."
Mat said, "What is H.T.P?"
Sally said, "Hyno Town Police Apartment. We used to all be on the good side, but something happened that messed up everything. Some of the members left and turned into criminals."
The boy said, "I am not talking about H.T.P. I am talking about the schism that broke the members of ...." I am sorry to say, but the boy couldn't finish his sentence that would solve one of the mysteries that surround them. There was a loud noise. That noise came from down the road. Emma, Mat, Sally, and the boy all raced to see what was going on. They smelled smoke and saw ashes floating in the sky. Something was on fire. When they stopped in front of a half finished building, they saw what was on fire, and why. A train had crashed into the half finished apartment.
Mat yelled, "Bart?"
Emma yelled, "Bart?!"

Chapter 29 * Secrets

The boy frowned and said, "Look up at the top, of the building." They all looked up and saw Bart upside down, burning. His face was as black as coal. His eyes were gone. He looked like a bag of bones burning, instead of a noble man that knew more then the children thought.
Sally said, "I have to get the S.F.F." She ran off.
Mat asked, "What does S.F.F mean?"
The boy said, "The Social Fire Fighters." They stared at the burning building. "We have to find, he who knows everything, before everything is repeated."
Mat looked at the boy and said, "What do you mean, before everything is repeated?"
The boy looked at Mat and said, "There are secrets in this world that young people should not know."
He was right that young people should not know horrible secrets, but he was also wrong. Young people should know such secrets, so they can finally remember everything and save the entire world. There are noble people (such as Bart) and there are also vile people (such as Heather) in this world. Sometimes good things happen to noble people, such as Bart. He got to meet his long lost family. But sometimes bad things happen to noble people, such as Bart. He got murdered.
Sometimes good things happen to vile people, such as Heather. She got away with something so horrifying that you won't wake up for years. And sometimes bad things happen to vile people, such as Heather. Her secret will soon be revealed and everyone will be hunting her down. That secret is that she is the cause of the fire. The cause of histroy to be repeated. The cause of so many murders. The cause of the greif in the childrens' lives. And the most scarest, the cause of the end of humanity......
Sometimes people say don't judge a book
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