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Book online «I am Amanda Night by Rita Young (classic books for 13 year olds txt) 📖». Author Rita Young

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way of thinking. If he would act as master of his own life, he would love, accept himself as he is and he wouldn’t desperately chase after women,” Rebecca said.
“I’m curious, which one of male actors are you talking about?” Camilla asked.
“ Jeremy!”
“Really? I never thought he has low self esteem,” Camilla said.
“That’s because he’s hiding his problems from public. He allows you to see what he wants you to see. I know about his obsession just because my friend is his relatives acquaintance,” Rebecca explained.
“You always attract wrong persons,” Camilla cheerfully said.
“I suppose, I do,” Rebecca said.
“Have you considered dating anyone?”
“No, I haven’t. My daily schedule is full. Usually I have filming from early morning until eight o’clock in the evening. After that I usually go to night clubs, presentations or fashion shows. People actually pay me for my public appearances. Yesterday I received VIP invitation for night club opening. It means I get free drinks, I can party in VIP section of their club and other privileges, “ Rebecca said.
“Wov, it looks like you have no time for private life! And with those paparazzi around what private life you could actually have?” Camilla sadly said.
“Yes, I just don’t have time for private life. After work I’m just so tired that I can’t think about anything but sleeping. I’m not worried about paparazzi because I always look my best when I appear in public places, “ Rebecca said.
“Don’t the long working hours effect your health negatively?” Camilla asked.
“Unfortunately, yes. After six months I started to have breathing problems. At first, doctor thought, that I have lung problems, he even sent me to x-ray. After many tests doctor found out, that it is allergy towards dust. Doctor prescribed me medications, but they don’t help me,” Rebecca said.
“Have you considered moving to other place?” Camilla asked.
“Yes, I did. I tried to look for new house, but in other areas of city the air was more polluted,” Rebecca replied.
“Listen, you work in logistics company, maybe you can arrange delivery of flowers, bushes and trees,” Rebecca asked.
“Are you planning to plant a garden?” Camilla asked.
“Well, plants will hold back all the dust, that is coming from the road. Maybe then I’ll feel better,” Rebecca said.
“Yes, you shouldn’t underestimate plant power,” Camilla said.
Rebecca started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Camilla asked.
“That phrase you just said. It sounds like phrase from those horror movies where plants attack humans,” Rebecca said, she just couldn’t stop laughing.
Camilla also started laughing.
“Let’s meet here tomorrow at the same time. You can pick out plants and trees you want and company I work in will deliver them straight to your home. But I need to warn you, that shipping to your city will be quite pricy,” Camilla said.
“It’s not the price that considers me, it’s delivery time. How many weeks will shipping take?” Rebecca anxiously asked.
“Well, it differs. It depends, where you have purchased plants. Tomorrow after you will choose flowers and trees I’ll tell you,” Camilla said.
On the next day they met.
“Well, did you choose, what flowers, bushes and trees you want to be delivered to you?” Camilla asked.
“Yes! I want 20 apple trees, 15 plum trees, 3 cedar trees, 15 pear trees, 15 crabapple trees, 10 red rose bushes, 50 lily bulbs, 25 bayberry shrubs, 50 boxwood plants, 50 golden bamboo trees, 2 packs of foxglove seeds and ,of course, 10 packs with seeds of my favorite flowers-snapdragons. Unfortunately, there’s only one company that sells all of those at the same place. They are in south of our country,” Rebecca said.
“That’s quite a list. Are you planning to make garden or nature park?” Camilla asked.
“I have very large territory around my house and it’s empty. I don’t know if those plants will be enough to cover my house from road dust. Maybe I’ll have to purchase some more plants,” Rebecca said.
Later Rebecca paid for plants to selling company and signed delivery agreement with company where Camilla worked.
Two weeks later plants were delivered at Rebecca’s doorstep.
Rebecca called Camilla to thank her for help.
She was surprised, that delivery was so fast.
Rebecca employed gardener to take care of her garden. She didn’t have much spare time because she was working hard to get to the top. After ten years of hard work she reached her goal. Rebecca became one of top 5 well known and well paid actresses in her country. After ten years her garden became very beautiful. Trees grown, flowers were all over her territory. Every summer evening when she was home Rebecca made tea from fresh peppermint leaves. She enjoyed her tea while lying on her hammock. Her breathing problems stopped because trees in her garden held back dust from the road.
Every day when she came on filming spot, on the table in her dressing room there were flowers and gifts from her fans. Jeremy still didn’t give up and sent her flowers and gifts. Rebecca gave his gifts and flowers away to one of local charity organizations. She really liked gifts from her fans and Rebecca took them home. Five of her rooms were completely filled with gifts from her fans.
When Rebecca became so well known she had even less free time because she had to go to interviews, public gathering events, presentations, charity events and beauty salons to look her best.
She hired bodyguards to protect her after one of her haters tried to attack her. Later she bought house security system and hired guard to protect her home.
Rebecca decided to make birthday party at her house to celebrate her 30’s birthday.
Rebecca invited all of her friends and actor colleagues. She hired security guards to stop paparazzi and uninvited visitors from getting in her house.
Everyone enjoyed party, drinks, food, music. One thing, that everyone liked the best was Rebecca’s beautiful garden.
“You have such a beautiful garden!” said Emma.
“I agree, those flowers are adorable,” said Christie.
“Don’t forget about those cute trees behind the house,” said Helen.
“Yes, I have very lovely garden,” said Rebecca.
After Rebecca’s birthday party guests went home. It was early morning and Rebecca didn’t even get some sleep. Rebecca went straight to work. She was exhausted, but after two cups of coffee she felt better and started acting. It was a jealousy scene. The character Rebecca played in this soap opera was arguing with her husband. Her husband was played by Jeremy. At first, when she found out, that she’ll have to play with him she didn’t want to play this role. But when she found out, that part of income of this soap opera will go to charity she agreed. It was very hard decision for her to make.
Every day after filming was over Jeremy and Rebecca had a quarrel because Rebecca didn’t want to be with him. One day Jeremy said such insulting things that made her cry.
When her friends found out that they were filming together, they made many jokes about how good Rebecca and Jeremy look together.
“How could you!?” Rebecca said.
“I’m so sorry! It’s just she was so beautiful…” Jeremy said.
“Stop justifying! None of your arguments will make me change my decision!” Rebecca screamed.
“Please, forgive me!” Jeremy said.
“No! I never want to see you again! Get out of my house and get out of my life!” Rebecca screamed.
“You can’t throw me out! We spent five years together.” Jeremy said.
“Oh, yes I can! It looks like those five years didn’t mean anything to you.” Rebecca said.
Suddenly directors assistant ran to him and asked him to stop filming.
“Cut!” director said.
“What is matter?” Rebecca asked.
“Rebecca, your house is on fire!” directors assistant screamed.
“What?!” Rebecca was surprised.
“Someone turn on TV!” Jeremy screamed.
Director turned on online television on his laptop.
“This is just in! Rebecca’s Jones’s house is on fire. Two fire brigades are fighting with fire, but unsuccessfully!” reporter said.
Rebecca was shocked. She fainted.
“Someone call ambulance!” Jeremy screamed.
After ambulance came they rushed Rebecca to hospital.
On the news that evening everyone was talking about Rebecca Jones.
Fire alarm in her house didn’t work for unknown reason. When neighbors saw fire, they called firemen.
“Why did this happen to me? Where did I go wrong?” Rebecca asked herself while lying on hospital’s bed. After one day she was released, but doctors told her to rest for at least a week.
Rest, but where? Her house completely burned down. Rebecca was even more shocked when policeman told her, that guard got serious skin burns in that fire. Later Rebecca found out, that guard had a heart attack. Rebecca felt guilty for his condition. She paid for guards medical care and compensation for his suffering.
Later police found out cause of fire-it was short circuit.
One of Rebecca’s friends invited her to stay in her house until she will buy a new house.
After two weeks Rebecca came to what was left of her house. She didn’t want to sell her land because her garden wasn’t harmed. She hired workers to clean area where her house stood.
Rebecca started to look for a new house, but none of them would replace this one. Finally, she picked out one house and bought it. She bought the latest fire alarm to make sure, that this time fire alarm will work. Rebecca didn’t fire gardener because she wanted to keep her garden.
Two of Rebecca’s friends decided to cheer her up. They decided to call other actors and build a gazebo together, so she could spend more time in her beautiful garden.
It took them two days to call other friends of Rebecca and two weeks to organize this gazebo building event.
All of Rebecca’s actor friends took part in building gazebo for her. They ordered building materials and on the next day they were delivered.
An unexpected visitor appeared in the garden while men were laying foundation of gazebo.
It was Jeremy.
“What are you doing here?!” Emma said.
“I came to help!” Jeremy replied.
“We don’t need your help! Go away!” Nathan said.
“Look, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt Rebecca. I told her so much things what I didn’t mean. After I heard what happened I wanted to make up for all I have done.” Jeremy explained.
“What makes you think, that we’ll accept your help? We already have all materials and enough people to build this gazebo for her,” Christie said.
“You have everything except paint and painting machines,” Jeremy said.
Rebecca’s friends gathered together. They consulted for a while.
“Very well, you may help, but if you will say something insulting to Rebecca again we’ll make sure you’ll never see her again,” Nathan said.
Foundation was made from cement, so it had to dry out. On the next day men ordered columns of gazebo and built roof. On the third day Jeremy painted whole gazebo.
On the forth day Helen came for Rebecca.
They got in Helen’s car.
“I have surprise for you. I will blindfold you. Please, don’t peek,” Helen said.
“But it’s not my birthday. What surprise? Where are we going?” Rebecca asked.
“You will find out very soon,” Helen said.
Helen drove her car directly to Rebecca’s garden.
She helped Rebecca to get out of the car and walked her into garden.
“Ok, Rebecca, you may look now,” Helen said.
“Surprise!” Everyone screamed.
Everyone stepped back and Rebecca saw beautiful gazebo.

“Did you build that for me? It’s so beautiful! Thank you!” Rebecca said.
“I helped,too,” Jeremy said.
“Thank you, Jeremy,” Rebecca said.
“Now you can spend more time here and improve your health,” Christie said.
“Gazebo is beautiful, but not as
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