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Book online «Collection by TheRoost (ebook reader with highlight function .txt) 📖». Author TheRoost

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nearly evil glare shot from her eyes and stayed there. Kayla blinked in surprise, though that was her only tell: she still sneered at the girl.

"If you hurt him," She whispered, her voice cool and intent, and very much in control. A quiet, subtle strength began to radiate from her, like a safe glow. The child paused in it's wailing and Will stared at the girl, transfixed. He could smell her blood, but it was fading fast; this was, indeed, no ordinary human girl, "if you do anything to cause him pain, I swear on any God worth worshiping that I will end you. I will make you suffer worse than what you could ever imagine. I will leave you with nothing and have you beg me, beg me

, for death; only then will I end your pathetic existence. And the last thing you will ever hear is my voice saying 'This is what you deserve, you pathetic, evil, demon from Hell.' And when you're dead, I will set you on fire to make sure you will find no peace."

Kayla blinked and loosened her hold on the child. The girl lounged, trying to grab the boy, but Kayla whisked him out of reach.

And with the certainty of a mad-man, ripped off it's head.

The girl froze with terror. Then she screamed, running for Kayla, pure anger driving her on.

Will leaped down from the ceiling, tackling Kayla, and he threw the girl to the wall. Kayla howled and Will put Sage under her nose. She instantly passed out, and Will ran for the girl. She was getting up now, clutching her head, making another run for Kayla.

"No!" Will said, grabbing her waist, tugging her back. "It's not the time. You cannot kill her now."

The girl screamed and struggled as Will tossed her over his shoulder. After placing Wolfsbane on Kayla's nose, he ran out of the factory, running with all the speed he could muster. He felt the girl relax in his arm; she was asleep.

"I promise you," Will whispered into the night, a blur to the eyes with the voice of a ghost "that as long as I am alive, I will help you avenge your family's death. I will help you kill Kayla, the monster that I created. And I will help you find peace once more."

The Rise of Tomorrow


"Who the hell is this?"

"Um, Will. This is Janet, correct? I have not misdialed on this damn cellular telephone device."

"Oh. You. Yes, Will, you have it right. And no one talks like that anymore. Haven't you watched any of the movies, or read any of the books I gave you?"


"Then why are you still talking like it's 1832?"

"Because, frankly, many of the characters are idiots."



"Tis true."



"Fine, fine, it's true."


"I see no point in learning how people talk in this century. I will not be conversing with them."

"I know, I did, because I was basically your secretary."

"Did? Was? Why the past tense?"

"Because I'm pissed and I won't work for you when I'm this pissed."

"Is this about...her?"


"You know who."

"Enlighten me, William."

"Who is speaking in 19th century now?"

"I'm going to hang up now, Will."

"Fine, fine: is this about Kayla?"

"God no. I know that I have to wait for Karma, and maybe I get to inflict it. If not, I'm sure God is merciful enough to let me watch."

"There is that rapier wit of yours again."

"Many people admired me for that wit, thank you very much, and I will not lose it now."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"You changed the subject again, and I want to relax. I need to de-stress before I come back."

"So you are coming back, then? That was the main goal of this call."

"I haven't fully decided yet."

"Janet, please come back. I miss your company."

"You miss more than that and you know it. Quit trying to BS me."

"I do, but my, how do you put it, 'masculine pride' prevents me from admitting it."

"I do say that, don't I?"


"I think your pride holds your tongue, and your, mmmm, 'little friend' urged you to call me."

"Little friend?"

"I am not explaining to you what your 'little friend' is in a public place."

"Ah, so you are somewhere public then?"


"I am one step closer to finding you now."

"I really wish you would stop this man-hunt for me, because you will never find me, and I will end up coming back anyway. We both know it."

"Why take away all the fun?"


"Is that laughter I hear? Is the stubborn Janet actually laughing?"

"...Yes, Will, I am laughing. You have actually said something funny."

"I won't let it go to my head."

"You do that."

"I shall."

"Bye, Will."

"Wait, will you at least tell me what this is about?"

"And ruin my fun? Not a chance."

"...You do realize that you are torturing me, correct?"


"Just wanted to be clear."

"...Do you want to know that badly?"


"Can you not guess?"

"I can, but I think I will be wrong."

"Fine. I got upset because..."


"I got a call from Marisa, ok?"


"She's my best friend. She left a voicemail. She's worried about me, and she's frantic. No one believes her, thinking I'm off at some boarding school, but she doesn't. She knows I would never go, especially after..."

"You do not need to repeat it."

"Good, because I wasn't going to. I'm not ready for that."

"I hope you find it amusing that I have resorted to drinking the blood of dogs waiting to be euthanized."

"I actually find that very amusing."

"Good. Amends?"

"No. I miss her, Will. I want to hug her, tell her I'm alright. I want to be human with her, grow old with her, like we've wanted since we were seven."

"Janet, you know you can't do that. You were ready to give that up."

"I just hurts. You don't understand."

"Janet, I understand more than you know."

"...Will you tell me? It may make me feel better."

"Some other time. I am not yet ready to revisit it."



"I'll be back by tomorrow."


"Goodbye, Will. And...I'm sorry."

"Me too, Janet, me too."


"You're late."

"Not really."

"…You're joking, right?"


"Dammit, it's midnight



"I said meet me at twelve."

"Oh, look at that, it's twelve."

"Not in the freaking morning.


"When then?"

"Ever heard of twelve noon?"


un-godly hour?"

"Just because you

don't get up until three in the afternoon-"

"You know I prefer six. And, anyway- OW."

"I'm sorry, did that hurt the big bad-"

"Don't say it; it's bad enough you socked me in the arm, Janet."

"It's bad enough you didn't expect me to."

"Just be quiet."




"What am I going to do with you?"

"Give me a raise?"

"You don't get paid."

"That was the point. And I thought you

were the smart one."

"Damn you modern women."

"Damn you old-fashioned men."

"I thought you liked a bit of old fashion."

"And I thought you couldn't go out in the sunlight."

"You know that that's garbage just as much as I do."

"I know, I know. I am but mortal, you know."

"Are we really going to discuss this?"

"No, because I know that it will happen, someday."

"Isn't it enough I gave you-"

"Don't. Just don't. I don't want to age one year for every ten, Will. And even then, I would trade it for what you have."

"It's a curse."

"We both know it doesn't have to be."

"I cannot change my nature."

"Sure you can; people do it all the time."

"Do you even know how much will power I am using right now so you won't be harmed?"

"I like to think so."

"Janet, what are you doing?"

"Getting closer."


"To make a point."

"Please, stop it…"

"Mmm, I don't think so."

"…You're mascara is smeared."

"So is yours."

"Ha ha, you and your American humor."

"I know; these visits wouldn't be as nearly as entertaining without it."

"I disagree with you there. I could live without it."

"Could you live without me?"

"You know the answer to that already."

"But I'm replaceable."

"True; but there is none as special as you."

"I'm special?"

"Of course; look who you hang out with."

"You know what I mean."

"I do not, I am afraid."

"Is there anything about me personally that is special?"

"As in…"

"As in a trait that makes me different from anyone else."


"And that is…"

"If I say, it will no longer be special."

"Bull. Say it."

"If you know, why ask?"

"Because I need to hear it."

"Fine; you have a great ability to forgive and love."

"See? Was that so hard?"


"See? You are finally mastering the subtle art of sarcasm."

"Janet, I was around when sarcasm was invented."

"Yes, yes, so I've heard. Can we just get on with this?"

"But of course. Did you bring it?"

"No, I left it in the hotel room."


"It's right inside your coffin, along with your crucifix. The holy water is there too."


"I know."

"Really, it was. I am simply out of breath from laughing so hard."

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