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make this right. I wanted to say no But I had to see him agian my emotions were all over the place so I agreed.                        Drawn & Hooked

Well brother Paul you take care and I call you later, as Pastor was wrapping up his meeting I knocked softly on the door and entered he ask me to have a seat as he walked brother Paul out of his office. I had a seat on leather couch as several thoughts ran through my head, right when I decided that this was not a good idea he walked in he could tell I was nervous about beng their so he offered me a glass of water. Instead of discussing our reason for being their he managed to make small talk about last weeks service, and upcomming events, we laughed and joked as we shared ideas eventually I had forgotten why I was their his raido was playing jazz softly in his office as I began to hum to the tune. and what do you know about Jazz, well for you information I studied music in college, as I asked, and what do you know? We began to share in music as one of our favorite artist came on he began to sing along, and I could not help myself because it was one of my favorite songs as we began to sing together before we knew it we were so close to one another it was if something had pulled us together, and before we knew it we were in each others arms, we can"t do this I whispered, he said but why does it feel so right, you make me feel wanted, I havent felt this way in so long, but its wrong, look I understand how you feel marilynn and I also have the same feelings about you. We have so much I common, and it seems as if we were meant to be together. He began to stroke the back of my neck and I could feel chills run up my body I wanted to move but I was drawn in and hooked. We kissed passionately as he laid me back on his couch, he began to massage me gently as I soaked up every moment, as his hands moved softly across my body, I managed to to pull myself away, I got up grabbed my sweater and ran out of the office, as I got to my car my heart was racing, my mind was running in circles as I thought about what I had done, how would my husband, feel or how would his wife feel, what would my children think of me, more or lees what would the church think of me, but most of all what did God think of me.  


That Sunday at church service his words were like a knife piercing my heart as his voice echoed from the Pulpit...           We all have Sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and It was only By God"s Grace and his tender Mercies that we are able to be here today , the Bible says that for God so love the world that he gave his only Begotten son whom gave his life for the sins of you and I. After church service I tried to avoid everyone, and just leave but it would not seem normal not to make small talk, as we were leaving Pastor greeted us at the door. Hello James how are you. Fine Pastor great word today. And Marilynn How are you as he made a small gesture by putting his hand on my back as his finger hit my neck, reminding me of our last encounter, as we left I and james rode home silently as i sat looking out my passenger window thinking on my emotions, I loved James with all my heart, but things just wasnt the same we no longer took time out for each other, we no longer complimeted each other, and when we did manage to notice something different about the other, the thought never occured that maybe it was a cry for attention, it was always wow you changed you hair who are you going out with, or wow you smell good, big date tonight, which each time would just case the other to get defensive. How did we get so far off course, all I wanted was someone who would love and protect me. James was a graet provider but his life surrounded his work, and I had began to feel lonley, and left out, not to mention the frustration of raising two children, all of my friends now had lives of their own, and I had no one to turn too. When we arrived home James went in to change clothes as I prepared to feed the children, as he came out I noticed that he was dressed as if he were going to the office. Not today james coule we at least have dinner together. Look I have some documents to go over and sign and i should be done, but can it wait till after dinner, Marilynn. i cut him short and just walked away as I slamed the pots, and pans on the counter, I heard him walk out the door, after dinner I decided to cuddle up with my kindle for a good book as I was searching different topics on BookRix my ph rang. Hell Marilynn how are you fine Pastor, and yourself. Please call me Troy did I make you feel uncomfortable today. Well the gesture on the neck was a bit much. I certainly do apoligize if I offended you, it was never my intentions, did I catch you at a bad time. Well I was about to dig into a book. Novel? no possibly a short story, and I take it you're and avid reader? yes I do read often we began to discuss different books and authors, before we knew it time had passed by. Marilynn I must see you agian, I cant get you out of my mind you're all i think about, its driving me insane. I..I...feel the same Troy, but its just not right. Look meet me at the church tomorrow can you just do that. i will think about it. Ok till then. as we hung up my mind began to think back to our last encounter how how good I felt, then I thought about afterwards, I was so confused, as I prepared for bed my mind raced back, and forth. I began to think about the sermon that morning as i shook my head and went to sleep.        



The Next Day

As I pulled up at the church He had text messaged, and told me to let myself in, and to lock the door behind me, due to being an employee their I had a key to the church, as I walked in all the lights were off and I could hear Jazz music comming from his office. Hello Jame's How are you I'm fine and yourself fine thank you. Look I was thinking about our last conversation, and I thought maybe you could meet me at the church and we could get together with my Husband, and come up with some ideas. That would be great I'm nearby now. well I'm headed that way would you like to meet me sure. Both James and the Pastor's wife pulled up at the same time as they were walking up they didnt pay it no mind that both cars were their due to both Marilynn and the Pastor worked out of the church, they both walked up together as his wife searched for her key to unlock the door. 


Text: Mack Min
Images: BookRix
Editing: Mack Min
Publication Date: 09-24-2013

All Rights Reserved

I would like to dedicate this book Firstly to God for granting me this gift of writing as and outlet of what I see and hear in the world, also my wife, of 9 years, and our 4 wonderful children, I want their children's children to one day be able to walk into a library, or pull a book up online and say that your grandfather wrote this many years ago, and that way they will always have a part of me to look on and be proud of

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