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turne out good , heard of the dork who always wins mathmatician or the year , that's him , he decided to give up football and try out for the maths team , eww.

My mum has always been good at creeping around and finding things out .

I didn't even hear her go up the stairs and when I go up the stairs it makes an awful racket even if I’m being careful .

“mum I really wish you didn't sneak up ,”
“Saffie it’s what I do I have to sneak up on people , especially people who are wanted , its not like I’m going to make a racket so they run off am I?, also I like to sneak around because you might be hidding something ”

“well I suppose your right , but just don’t do it to me , please don't , anyway I have nothing to hide,”

“I cant promise that , hahaha like you had nothing to hide when you were twelve ” her eyes shifted to my diary , and she smiled her dazzling smile then I knew she was up to something

“honey bun , what's that ?”her long delicate finger shifted and pointed at the book , she smiled again .

“none of your business, its private !”
I shifted my eyes back to my dairy and it was gone.I turned around , she was holding it fussing at the lock , I gritted my teeth , when she saw that she slowly put my diary down .

She slowly backed away then turned for the door and ran down the stairs .
I decided to not to chase after her today I wasn't in the mood and I REALLY wanted to pack everything away .
I walked to my bed then saw the envelope still there , she had forgotten it because she was so engrossed in my diary .

Yesss, She had forgotten to pick it up . I picked it up and rattled it their was a little jingle, I turned the envelope around and looked at the front again , it was dated for my sixteenth birthday , which is only 2 weeks away
February the fourteenth .maybe I should open it after all it might be something good .

“Don’t you even think about opening that!”

“It’s only me, I’m sorry but you’re not allowed to open that parcel,”

I looked at her with a weary tired face

Honey go relax I’ll finish your room, ok,”

“thanks mum ,”

I walked down the stairs , I walked into the living room.
The room looked bare all their was a fold out chair and my portable DVD player .
The only disc I had with me was eclipse. It’s all made up.
In real life that wouldn't happen because vampires don't exist nor do werewolves nothing like that exists.
Angels, devils, all mythical monsters .
Mythical stays mythical.
I sat on the chair and put eclipse on …

I woke up, the DVD was at the start menu, the moonwas at it fullest and clouds swarmed round the sky.
I have always felt awake and full of energy when the moon is up, I also feel like that when it dawn.I felt bursting with life, I leaped off the chair and rushed out the room but to only stopped by my mum…

“Saffie, time to go, “she said sweetly

She gave me a gently nudge to the door, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

The moving van was large and a gleaming white colour, the back door had been closed and the engine was off.

I walked down the steps carefully trying not to slip on the ice, I treaded along the grit covered path very carefully and jumped into the van.
My mom did the same and began the long 12 hour journey .
I looked behind me and took the last glimpse of the city I was leaving behind .
I would defiantly miss the noise and the big buildings but most of all I would miss my friends ,who were crazy enough to be my friends.
I would miss Lilith, Rudi, Mary and garnet. Lilith always gets her way she is very demanding, passionate, she has golden hair like sunlight and grey eyes , she has always stood out from the crowd , she always wears bright colourful summery things .
She is like the sun she will never be toned down completely .

The only thing cold about her is her eyes but apart from that she is your usual Barbie doll cheerleader.
I’m on the cheerleading squad well I’m not now because I’m moving but I was the only girl on it who didn't have either natural or fake bright blonde hair .Cheerleading was quite fun , I’ve done it ever since I was five .

What most people don’t know is that I did gymnastics karate and beauty pageants .
I have won thousands of beauty pageants and gymnastics competitions.

Lilith did try out for karate when she was eight but she didn't like it , I started when I was five and I am black belt tenth degree , that is the highest belt you can get .

Rudi is quite gentle and shy but he is very manipulative he has a certain animal like personality.
He is tall and muscular , but he has these soft brown eyes which make him seem so innocent .
when I first met him when I was six ,he was being bullied by some older kids but I went up to them and sorted them out. People won’t dare do that anymore because he is on the football team and does boxing he has grown up to be quite frightening when he wants to be. He is About six foot five in height.

He mainly hangs around with me because I like some of the things he does , sometimes if the weather is nice we go surfing on the weekend .

But apart from that he will do other things but he draws the line at going shopping , well it depends what we are shopping for , he mainly shops online .

Mary is unusual , she has golden honey brown hair and soft blue eyes.
The way she dresses doesn't go with how she looks but we like her for who she is .She wears blacks and greys mainly , it’s like she is on a shade only colour code , she looks nice though.

The way she acts is weirder she can talking none stop for one minute and the next she can be zoned out in a trance silently, Its like she is a witch , once this boy was being mean to her and she wished he would become ill and the next day he was, it's not coincidence it happens all the time.

Garnet seems more , I don’t know, she doesn’t seem normal it’s like she’s in the larger picture.
She dresses like a normal person but the things she’s into is completely weird , she believes in werewolves , witches, ghosts, vampires , angels, demons , gods , goddesses , shapeshifters , physics and it goes on .
She says to me that I live a lie and that I will become a monster.
I once said to her if they are real how come books are prouduced without trouble but she just said It's out of their league but it makes them feel uncomfortable .

Things like that bring up bad memories , because when I was young my mum took me to see some of her relatives and whilst she went to the local shop , her mum tried to kill me because she believed I was Spawn of Satan himself and that I should burn for all eternity , she locked me in the shed and set fire to it luckily my mum came back and saved me ever since we have never visisted.

I don't really care what garnet says it's her beliefs but I sometimes respect it but once I've had enough , I have had enough she knows when to draw the line.

I thought about my friends and how much I would miss them .
My thoughts were interupted by the unlady like roar of my stomach. Shhhhhhh stomach , I'm thinking!

The eerie silence was disrupted by my mum laughing

"what's so funny?"

"you , I guess it's time to stop by MCdonalds,"

I nodded a reply and she turned left in the car.
The car stopped and pulled into MacDonald's and my mum turned to me and sweetly said “are you ok honey , would you like anything to eat ?”
“yes please , erm can I have a chicken and bacon deli with medium fries and erm chocolate milkshake and a dairies Mcflurry .”I smiled at my mum and she nodded in approval
“aren’t you going to have anything else , you have hardly ordered anything compared to what you usually get .”

“no thanks , I’m not that hungry , are my friends aloud to visit when after we have everything sorted ?”

“we’ll see , maybe in a couple of months , hey you might make some new friends ,”

“I doubt that , are you finished because it’s late and we have to get there soon .”
My mum chucked the rubbish in the bin and we set off.

I watched the buildings pass by row after row until we turned down an isolated road into the countryside
we finally got to bear creek , I slept most of the way .
I stared out of the window and saw the sun low on the horizon saw row after row of pine trees populating the area like fallen leaves after a storm.
I stared closer and saw a pair of glowing amber eyes filled with curiosity.

The car carried on moving and the eyes disappeared .
we pulled up to a gravel lane and drove up behind the forest lead a four story house .The walls were pale cream and the windows were glazed a dark grey ,there were glass sliding doors at the front and wide windows.

Our car drove right to the top and parked in the grey garage.
I walked out of the car carefully minding my step.
We walked up to the house and waited. My mum turned to me then squeezed my arm and looked in my eyes and waited for my approval. I nodded my head and reached for the door bell. DING DONG.I heard foot steps .
The door opened and revealed ...

A man with swirls of thick black hair styled up with a golden tan and brown eyes like whirl pools pulling you in.

My mum smiled, and said" hello Kent"
for once she actually looked purely happy.

I didn't know what to say , I just rudely stared.

"er, do you want to come in or do you want to stand there all day?"
I snapped out of my staring mode and laughed.
we walked in, the house was stunning it was sleek and modern. The walls were pale cream , the floors
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