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Book online «Children Christian Stories That Teaches Morals by Dr Olusola Coker (inspiring books for teens .TXT) 📖». Author Dr Olusola Coker

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triumphantly.  “The magic dust worked and changed the lie into the truth.”  John still felt really bad in his spirit and the play that day was not so fun.

“John lets talk about the tools.”  John’s daddy said coming into his bedroom and sitting on the bed.  Then he did something John didn’t expect.  He picked John up and hugged him and let him sit on his lap.  “Now, you have always been an honest boy and you know you can tell me the truth no matter what, don’t you?”

“Yes daddy.”  John said feeling himself close to tears.  “Daddy, I left the tools out.  I lied to you in the garage.”  He said sniffling a bit.

“NO DON’T TELL HIM THAT.  WHAT ABOUT OUR SECRETS?”  Duncan complained loudly but John didn’t listen.

“Who taught you to lie like that?”  John’s daddy asked.

“My imaginary friend Duncan.”  John said feeling much better getting it out.

“John, remember in the Bible where the serpent convinced Eve to lie?  Well that serpent was kind of like Duncan because Eve hid things from those she loved, first her husband and then God.  But God can see in our hearts and knows when we lie because nothing is hidden from him.  God knows you and Duncan used lies to cover up things.” Daddy said holding John so he felt safe even though he was being corrected.

“Yes daddy I know.  I have felt awful about it all day.”  John confessed.

“Well, the Bible teaches us not to listen to spirits that make us sin.  If Duncan is making you sin then its time he either met the Lord or you got a new imaginary friend.  Maybe one that goes to our church.”  Daddy said and then he prayed with John and John repented of lying and of listening to a spirit that told him to sin.  He hopped down from daddy’s knee and ran out to have a snack with mommy.

“Oh and John?”  His daddy said standing up from the bed.  “Tell Duncan his magic dust doesn’t work because I could see him blowing it the whole time.”  He said and John’s jaw dropped. 

“You could see Duncan?  And you knew about the dust?” he gasped.  “How much can mommies and daddies see?” he gasped.

“You never know John.”  Daddy said chuckling.  “You just never know.”

Cartoon Dreams


Value:  Is Idolatry Bad?

Kimberly loved cartoons.  It was a pretty big hobby before but when mom and dad let her have a TV in her room, she really started loving cartoons even more.  She loved the old ones a lot like Bugs Bunny, The Roadrunner, Popeye and lots of new ones too.  Recently the one she liked best was Roscoe Rabbit.  On Saturday nights, they play three hours of Roscoe Rabbit in a row.  So Kimberly goes to bed early to curl up for a long fun evening of watching cartoons.

As half hour episode after half hour episode drifted by, Kimberly thought she felt herself drifting off to sleep.  She really couldn’t tell the difference between sleep and being awake.  Suddenly she woke up feeling a strange shaking sound and a high squeaky voice saying, “Kimberley, Kimberley, wake up, we have a long way to go and a lot to do.”

She felt herself come away slowly and suddenly bolting up staring right into that strange face.  “Who are you?” she shouted although she recognized him right away.

“Well, I’m Roscoe Rabbit of course, come on, we have to travel three dozen galaxies to get to Moonblind where you will live forever”

“What do you mean forever?”  But before she could get an answer, his white gloved hand closed on hers and they shot out in space like two Fourth of July rockets out into the cosmos and past the sun.  Kimberly felt herself changed into just a blur of cartoon steam as she rocketed past stars and planets and comets sometimes doing squiggly patterns and loop-de-loops in space and then THUNK she was standing on a completely cartooned world, holding hands with the cartoon Roscoe Rabbit who was twice as big as her. 


“Well, here we are?  What do you want to do first?”  Roscoe said in that goofy cartoon voice of his.

“I want to go home.  How did I get here?”

“Wait, here comes the Bosco Boys!”  Roscoe said with a wild giggle and in a flash from horizon to horizon was filled with every size, assortment, species and gender of alien motorcycle riders heads down and racing along at ridiculous speeds right toward them.  Before Kimberly could yell, “HELP” she was swept up and holding for dear life to a huge pink and green hairy cartoon animal that kept doing wheelies with his motorcycle.

“Hang on Kimberly, we are going to ZIMZIM CITY” You are going to meet the GRAND ZIMZIM!!”  Roscoe yelled as his hat blew from his head and he almost toppled form behind a yellow skeleton with big floppy feet racing his motorcycle with his skinny Skelton bottom shoved high up in the air.  When the thousands of motorcyclists hit the gates of ZIMZIP CITY, they suddenly merged into a cycle of cartoon creatures all mixing together into one out of control mess when they were suddenly shot out and landed in a huge room in front of a throne high above them.

Turning to Roscoe Rabbit, Kimberly had to know “Is the GRAND ZIMZIM the president or something?”  Suddenly Roscoe slammed to the floor and became flat as a pancake with his long cartoon rabbit arms stretched out before him.  His totally flap lips moved when he said “Bow down, Kimberly, the GRAND ZIMZIM is our God!!!”

ALL BOW said another voice that came from a smallish purple cartoon duck with yellow spots.  Then it came in, what had to be the GRAND ZIMZIM.  The thing that walked in looked somewhat like a cross between an alligator and a petunia.  It sat on the throne looking very pleased with itself, until it saw Kimberly.

“You are not bowed down?  You better get with it.  Cartoon land works badly when someone disobeys.  I am the God in this cartoon you know.”

“I am NOT going to bow because first, I am not a cartoon and second, I already have a god and I don’t worship anybody else.”

“Well, “the GRAND ZIMZIM said beginning to pout.  “Why not?”

“Well because in the real world there is only one God and we only worship him.”  Kimberly insisted.

“Oh please, juts a little worship.”

“NO” Kimberly said and she stomped her feet. 

“Ok then, you have a right to your choices, but the penalty for not worshipping the GRAND ZIMZIM is to be dangled above the huge worm tank!!”

There was a cartoon flash and Kimberly first felt her arms over her head, bound by cartoon ropes.  “Well I hope your satisfied NOW” she heard to her right where she found Roscoe Rabbit dangling and wiggling above a tank of very nasty multi-colored worms.  “All this because YOU couldn’t FOR JUST FIVE MINUTES worship the GREAT ZIMZIM!!!”

“OHYEAH!”  Kimberly shouted loosing her temper.  “WELL I AM NEVER WATCHING YOUR SHOW AGAIN!” but before the words were completely out, the ropes let go.  Kimberly felt herself screaming and falling and falling and falling and……….

‘EEK” she sat straight up in her bed.  It was morning and the cartoon channel was selling exercise equipment to her.  The first thing Kimberly saw was not all the cartoon posters and toys but in the corner a sweet picture of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  She ran to that picture and hugged it crying.  “Jesus, I’m sorry I loved cartoons more than you” and she was too.  Because before the weekend was over the posters were gone and mom and dad happily took TV from her room and Kimberly knew for certain why she should never consider worshiping another god who is not the one true God again.

Daddy the Superhero


Value: Honor your Father and Mother

Brandon and Sean loved superheroes.  They loved Superman and Batman and the Fantastic Four and dozens and dozens more.  They rooms were overflowing with action figures and comic books of all of the most amazing super heroes in the imaginary world and they knew their names and their stories to the tiniest little detail.

“Tell me the favorite thing you like about a superhero.”  Mommy aced them as they settled in for their evening devotionals.

“Well,” Sean started.  “They always defeat evil.  Evil monsters and people who want to hurt innocent people are always wiped out by superheroes when they use their superhuman powers.”  He said making punching thrusts into the air sitting on the couch with mommy in his footy pajamas.

“What I like is that superheroes are never afraid and always know what to do.”  Brandon added looking into space like he could see his favorite superhero right there in front of him.

“Well I am going to tell you of a real superhero that you live with.  We will call him SUPERDADDY.”  Mommy said happily.

The boys burst into laughter.  They thought of their daddy as someone who sat at his computer working, a shy gentle man with his hair starting to go away.  “Daddy isn’t a superhero!”  They said together. 

“Well right after you boys were born, daddy and I received Jesus and now Jesus is in our hearts.  You know that don’t you.”  Mommy said and both boys nodded. 

“Well Satan didn’t want us to have wonderful boys like you who would be raised to serve god.  One day, daddy got up and in his spiritual eyes, he saw the house was full of evil creatures lurking around trying to find ways to stop God from doing His will in our lives.  Suddenly from far away, daddy heard the trumpet call coming from heaven that was going to have war with Satan and his demons to defeat them. 

Right away daddy put on his superhero armor.  He used the sword of the word of God.  And the breastplate of righteousness.  Our living room was changed into a huge battleground between Satan and God’s servants.  Your daddy led the attack charging forward shouting the battle cry.  “IN THE NAME OF JESUS.” 

The enemy tired to attack.  They swarmed around him.  Oh, they were nasty and ugly little evil things.  They were angels who fell with Satan and demons and evil spirits like Jesus cast out of people in the Bible.”

“Oh mommy, I would be so scared to see demons like that.”  Sean said his voice quivering thinking of how brave SUPERDADDY must have been.

“Well SUPERDADDY was filled with the Holy Spirit so he had the boldness of God

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