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Book online «One in the Same by Alexis L. Thompson (the snowy day read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Alexis L. Thompson

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done with you.” Madison was exhausted by the time her mother was finished. Her mom sighed, picked up her clothes, and left the room.

Madison got up and ran outside, naked. She ran for the lake and dived into the water. The water cleansed the sin that just occurred. But it still wasn’t enough for Madison. She swam out farther and dived down deep into the water. There she waded, under the water, and smiled. She inhaled deeply as water filled her lungs. No more she thought. The lake was her forever getaway, her friend and her serenity. No one would take that from her. Not even after life.



There's nothing worse than the feeling of depression. Well maybe one thing. Loneliness. Something not even the most stubbornly, independent person wants. I wasn't lonely. I had many friends. Many that cared and laughed with me. Many that shared and poured their heart out.

All that changed over one summer. One hotter than hell, but not as hot as the bowl we were passing back and fourth.

A life long friend of mine had introduced me to my new companion. Marijuana. It was magical. It felt cool. I felt invincible like nothing could touch me. My life was perfect under its effects. It was beautiful, magical, exhilarating! I loved it yet I could control my urge to get high. My down to earth, honest to goodness friends still didn't know about my new fascination. Should I tell them or no?

It wasn't until school started again that I felt out of place. I hadn't really talked to my other friends, the sober ones, over the summer so being around them was different. I don't know why. It was never like this before so why now?

There were kids I knew in school that I talked to sometimes. They grew closer to me because they smoked too. My other friends grew more distant everyday. Was it them or was it me? It had to be me. They knew nothing. I must have just lost interest in the lives of the goody two shoes.

Days passed and I continued paling around my new companion. It was always with me. If now physically, mentally. I loved it. I craved it. I worshiped it. I respected it and it respected me back. On the worst days I would take a little bit in my Purple and Green, plaid, glass bowl and all my troubles would melt away. It was like magic. Something the church would not believe in if it wasn't the works of God.

So why was this illegal? Why did society frown upon it? It's my body and I should do what i feel is right for it. How many brain cells did i really need anyways?

One day I went to school high and nobody noticed. It was that easy! It felt great. It was awesome although walking around and paying attention was a bitch. I was too low for concentration and moving around. My friends were weird around me. I didn't care. I was up there. They didn't know. They wouldn't. Though I did feel bad keeping secrets.

Little did I know they had that suspicion and asked around to my new friends who did rat me out. I was done..... dead to my good friends and I knew it. I was scared of the neglect but I continued playing with Mary Jane. The more my friends tried to intervene I took a new route with my bowl and my buddy. Each hit was something new. Something exhilarating. Fuck my friends. What did they know? Nothing but the fact that I was using.

Eventually on days I went to school sober, my friends wouldn't even look at me. I didn't get invited to outings. I was a distant memory. Sometimes Mary didn't even help. I was lonely. A feeling that not one soul takes kindly to. I was depressed. Even with bowl in hand I couldn't be happy. It was destroying me. I screamed for help to the few brain cells I had left. To God. My savior. To anyone who cared.

Still stuck in the hell of my new life I didn't know how to cope. No one to talk to, I started talking to myself. I became compulsive. I sat in my room for hours making sure everything was in the right place. I created my own world where I had friends and everything was perfect. When I was high everything in my own little world was crystal clear and more understandable. It was real. Yet it was hard for me when I was depressed. My perfect world fell and I went hysteric one too many times. Somebody must of found me in my gruesome state because here I am now. In my padded room. Sane enough to have paper and pencil but not sane enough to care for myself. It all started with a summer curiosity and spiraled out of control. I remain here with hallucinations of my world. I remain here wishing to die all because I wanted to have a little fun. I remain here.


"Welcome" the dragon said, "to Vesotopia".

He was in his friends room just seconds before. How had he gotten here? He didn't know and nor did he care. He was curious. He followed the dragon.

This was all too weird to him. An aroura of colors colored this land. They seemed to blend together. It made him happy the warm colors felt nice against his cold skin. The silver-paved road was one of promise and delight. Feeling he hasn't felt in a long time.

The dragon lead him to a castle where a princess was waiting with a crown. "Here you are the king to my Queen.". He was confused about this but went along with it anyways.

They walked into the castle. With every step they took, a piece of the floor tiling fell into place. Not even physically possible. For some reason, he didn't care or maybe he just wasn't capable of complicated thought here. The princess, or his "queen" showed him their room.

It was aqua and sky blue themed, the room was. He loved blues. Even the most hideous of blues were nice to him. The sun looked at them from the window and winked. Now he was a little bit apprehensive about this new world. A sun is not supposed to have a personality. He knew that. The princess kissed his ghost-pale cheek, noticing his change in feeling of this new place.

The dragon smiled a toothy, friendly grin ensuring safety here. "Step outside", said the princess, "Through the window. You wont fall. Trust me."

He walked up to the window and jumped out, falling only four inches before landing safely on a cloud. Safe for the most part.

He turned over on one side to figure out there was a huge gash in his other. How in the world? There was no sign of what caused the gaping skin wound. He frantically searched for something to wrap it in but ofcourse there wouldnt be anything just sitting on a cloud. He looked down at it again to see that it had disappeared.

Now this was too weird. It was a nightmare. He wanted to beleive it was a nigtmare. He closed his eyes hoping he would wake up from this madness.

When he opened them it was night and he was in bed. relief struck him. He turned over on his side and screamed. "Whats wrong sweetheart?", the princess asked. he got up and ran from the room. He walked down the halls, tiles peeling from the floor behind him. He started to panic. when he left the castle, he darted for the forest. Running upon a field of thorn bushes, he ran in with no questioning himself. The pain was unbearable but he had no other choice. Running still, he came upon a hole in the ground. A hole big enough to jump into. He jumped in and fell for what seemed like forever.

Finally he hit the ground and sat in agonizing pain in the dark. All of the sudden the lights went on and he ended up in his friends room once again. He noticed a puddle of blood underneath him. A gash on his side, thorn bush scratches, and bones jutting out of his legs. He was to horrified for words or screams.

"The ambulance is on its way. Just hold on", one of his friends said, "we learned our lesson. You can't handle it. Your thoughts only turn bad.". They were right. Never again, if he lived, Would he use LSD again.

All in One Days Time

Thursday morning. She had just hit the snooze on her alarm and crawled out of bed, walking across the floor to her bathroom. Every Teenage girls dream. Their own bathroom.
She walked to the sink, glaring at herself, expressionless, in the mirror. Her dark-circled eyes, pale face, and noticeable shaking screamed "help me". She ignored her body's cry for help as she brushed her teeth, careful not to make her gums bleed too much.
Spitting into the sink, she had noticed the two empty Rx bottles and the sandwich baggie containing a straw. She looked for remains in the bag only to find lost hope of what was half full of a white powder yesterday. Tears started to form in her eyes as she threw away the carcasses of her bad habit. Now she was shaking worse than before.
Hurriedly, she searched her room for money. She couldn't possibly ask her parents who knew what she would be doing with it. She flipped her mattress, tore every shirt from her closet, she even took apart the light fixture, going insane with withdraw and obsession.
Then she found it. The side table drawer that only contained three dollars. What could she do now? She hurriedly put on her clothes, noticing the clock was at seven and the bus would be here in five minutes. Walking through the kitchen was her last obstacle in the house that morning. Mom harassing her to do this, do that, clean up well, sit up straight, get good grades. That was the last thing

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