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Book online «Slaughter Games by R.T. Adams (free ebook reader for pc txt) 📖». Author R.T. Adams

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and two people, one female, one male, had appeared on the arena. They both had the same last name, so they were presumably siblings. Once the signal to start came on, none of the two moved. One held daggers and the other held a spear, but no one moved. They then repeated that they must fight. However, none of the two moved, even still. Soon, a door opened and one of the men in a suit came out. I noticed a handgun materialize in his hands, even without clapping. He walked over to the woman and wrapped one of his arms around her, the handgun to her head. I noticed his lips moving, but heard nothing. The man stood, suddenly prepared to attack. He held his spear, aimed forward. However, he did not move. Then, a loud boom rang out. Simply, the woman’s body fell limp. The man in the suit let her go and her body fell. The man screamed out, dropping his spear. Two more men came out behind him, carried him backwards, and tossed him into the door. It was definitely unexpected that such a thing would have happened.

The last two who hadn’t fought were called out and went at it for a long time, exchanging cuts. Each one had a different blade. However, it ended in one of them cutting off the other’s arm, then his head. Simply, the head rolled, the blood following behind it. Soon, it was announced that intermission was commencing. We were brought back to that small room that all twenty of us sat in, the one with the red velvet chairs and the five men, who were still there, similar to statues. The crazy man sat in the corner still, this time heavily bloodied. The other few had taken a shower and got most of the blood off. One female noble was still alive with one of the male nobles. The muscular delinquent just stood, staring out the window at the arena. Quinto just sat joyously in one of the red velvet chairs. The other few that were left, the other four excluding me, sat, looking heavily depressed, especially the one whose sister was murdered in front of him. However, unexpectedly, the lights went out and the window suddenly closed. It was intensely dark in the room. Even the men in suits began to panic, as I could hear their voices. I noticed a clap, then a flash. It was in the figure of a set of daggers. I heard the sound of skin being penetrated by blades. Soon, the emergency lights came on and I saw that the five guards were no longer standing. Rather, they had been slaughtered. Near one of their corpses stood Quinto, his two daggers in hand and bloodied. He clapped and they disappeared. He turned to me and for just a split second, I noticed a heavy facial expression. However, he turned back to his joyous self.

“Now that they’re out of the way, we can make an escape,” he said, throwing a thumbs up at me. He looked around, and so did everyone else, but there were no doors to escape from that were unlocked.

“Looks like we’ll have to make our own exit,” I said, but it seemed almost hopeless to get through anywhere.

“Leave it to me,” the large delinquent placed his hand on my shoulder and walked past me to where two of the guards lay. There was a door there, but there was no handle. He clapped and his large blade appeared in his hand. He swung his blade vertically at the door, causing it to tear in half. The door wasn’t made of metal or anything. Rather, it was painted wood, made to seem as if it were metal. He clapped and kicked the rest of the door down, going through. The rest of us followed, except the crazy man in the corner.

Once we got through, we saw a huge factory-like place. There were people running back and forth, likely trying to see what happened about the power. However, one of them noticed us and alerted all the other people. There were several guards that ran over, all holding some sort of weapon. I clapped, my scythe in my hands. The other few with us had also clapped, their weapons appearing in hand. The first to run forward was the one who lost his sister due to one of the guards. He plunged his spear into one of their abdomen, then pulled it out and continued to stab furiously. Soon after, the rest of us went towards the guards. Quinto had been slicing through them as if they’d been nothing at all. Nathan hardly even struggled, simply overpowering them with his brute strength. I was in a bit of a troublesome position, but still made it through. One of the few on our side died. It wasn’t any of the nobles, nor had it been that brother, Nathan, or Quinto. It was just one of the other people who I didn’t know. Soon, all of the guards had been killed, and so we continued forward, looking for a door to further our escape. Eventually, one of us found a door and we went through it, finding ourselves in a wide open space with a single person standing there. He had pale skin, messy hair, and a bloodied body. It was the crazy man from the room. Without second thought, he jumped, immediately towards me. In that moment, he caught me off-guard, but I noticed a giant blade in front of me. The crazy man ended up grabbing hold of the blade instead. Nathan had saved me. He slung his sword, causing him to fly off the blade and slam into one of the walls. He got back up and immediately charged again. Nathan was prepared to strike, but Quinto ran into the man, shoving him.

“Go, I’ll remain here,” he shouted at us. We all stood there for just a moment before registering. However, Nathan picked me up and put me back onto my feet, patting my back and jogging towards the door. He kicked it in and went through, as did the others. I looked back, noticing Quinto and the crazy man’s insane speed. I was becoming worried, perhaps he would die like the other man.

We ran through halls, finding guards around almost every corner. However, since there were so few, they were killed in mere seconds. Nathan had sliced nearly all of them in two. We ran past all the bodies which lay immobile on the floor. It would seem we were nearing the exit of the place, as I could see light beneath one of the doors. We were almost free, just a shove of the door and we’d be long gone. I heard the sound of a heavy boot against metal and the brightness stung my eyes. Once my eyes adjusted, I noticed what had happened. All those guards were meant to slow us down for this preparation. There were hundreds of guards, all holding weapons. There was a single man who stood out, one standing there in a black suit, a fancy hat, and long, dark blue hair that reached to his upper back. He didn’t have a weapon with him. Like the hologram in the car that brought me here, his eyes were closed and he wore a huge grin.

“Good work, Scion,” he said, “You made short of my men. But how do you think you will fare against one hundred of them?” He continued to smile, looking more sadistic than before. His maniacal laugh was loathsome.

“So, Scion, how do you expect us to get around this?” Nathan said without looking at me. He looked troubled. I noticed the men walking forward slowly.

“We’ll just have to hold off as long as we can. We can’t back down now that we’ve gotten this far,” I said, preparing to strike.

“Guess you’re right,” he said, chuckling a bit. He walked forward and met the guards, swinging his large sword horizontally, slicing deep cuts into them, taking out a large few of them. The rest of us had also began cutting our way through the guards.

Quickly, the few people I didn’t know and the male noble were killed. Of the ones who were left, there was one female noble, Nathan, and me. Hopefully, Quinto survived against the maniac. However, just then, when we could have used help the most, the door behind us burst open. I looked over and noticed Quinto practically flying through the air. He cut away at the guards, not lying even a single foot on the ground. Soon, the guards were dwindled to only a few left. I looked over to the man in the fancy hat, who was now fretting. It would seem his plans are being spoiled. Quickly, and easily by now, the guards had all fallen. All that was left was the man in the hat.

“Oh my,” he said, looking dissatisfied, “Seems that you have depleted my forces. You are much different than anyone before, you know that?”

“Shut your damned mouth,” Nathan shouted.

“Oh, so scary,” he said.

“We’ve got you in a knot, yet you still act as if this is some joke?” I said, “Give up already.”

“You have me in a knot?” he said, suddenly smiling again, “Oh, but you’re sorely mistaken.” Abruptly interrupting the conversation, multiple swords began to materialize around us. He held a thin blade, one that looked as if it would snap if any pressure at all had been applied.

“What is this?” Nathan said, looking a bit panicked.

“Don’t worry about the swords,” Quinto said, “All you need to do is remove the source and they will disappear.” He charged towards the man in the fancy hat, but the man dodged easily.

“Whoops,” he said, “Guess I moved.” Quinto continued to attack, each one not landing. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Quinto had dozens of cuts all over his body. He soon fell to his knees.

“What the hell was that?” he said.

“Perhaps if you pay attention not only to me, but my blade, as well, you would know,” he said. Without warning, I charged forward, swinging my scythe down, he moved and I noticed a slight spark. My blade hit his. I shoved mine forward, as if it were a spear, but he stepped back. However, before stopping, I let go, causing my scythe to ram his stomach. He fell backwards onto the ground.

“Nathan, now!’ I shouted. Nathan ran over and swung his large blade high overhead, then slammed down, the two-foot wide blade planting into the man’s stomach. The man flinched a bit, grabbing hold of Nathan’s blade. He just laughed a bit and slowly laid his head down, dying off. Even in death, he wore a giant grin, one that I hated. I clapped and watched my scythe disappear. I looked towards the sun, but something was different than usual. It was the same place I had always been, the same city, the same sky, the same grass. But something was different. There was a sense of freedom, but there had also been a sense of grave depression. I looked around me and noticed all the bodies, all the blood, all on the grass, in the dirt. Even those of the people who had been fighting alongside us. The last to remain were just me, Nathan, Quinto, and the noble woman, who I still do not know.

“You, what is your name?” I turned to her, waiting for a response.

“Catherine Alexander,” she said. I nodded my head and held my hand out. She grabbed hold of my hand and I shook it.

“Scion Broads, a pleasure to meet you,” I said. She just nodded.

“What are you doing now, hitting on girls?” Quinto said jokingly.

“What? Not even, especially not after killing so many people,” I said. Though it may not seem like the Slaughter Games affected me or Quinto, it certainly did. In the end, I returned home my mother most definitely glad to

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