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Which Has The Peculiar Quality [Of Change],

This Is Nothing In Fact In The Way Of Objection To What Is Said.[A]


Story 3 (The Thoughts Of Marcus Aurelius Antonius) Pg 101

    [A] The End Of This Section Is Perhaps Corrupt. The Meaning Is

    Very Obscure. I Have Given That Meaning Which Appears To Be

    Consistent With The Whole Argument. The Emperor Here Maintains

    That The Essential Part Of Man Is Unchangeable,  And That The

    Other Parts,  If They Change Or Perish,  Do Not Affect That Which

    Really Constitutes The Man. See The Philosophy Of Antoninus,  P.

    56,  Note 2. Schultz Supposed "Thy Mother" To Mean Nature,

    [Greek: Hê Physis]. But I Doubt About That.


8. When Thou Hast Assumed These Names,  Good,  Modest,  True,  Rational,  A

Man Of Equanimity,  And Magnanimous,  Take Care That Thou Dost Not Change

These Names; And If Thou Shouldst Lose Them,  Quickly Return To Them. And

Remember That The Term Rational Was Intended To Signify A Discriminating

Attention To Every Several Thing,  And Freedom From Negligence; And That

Equanimity Is The Voluntary Acceptance Of The Things Which Are Assigned

To Thee By The Common Nature; And That Magnanimity Is The Elevation Of

The Intelligent Part Above The Pleasurable Or Painful Sensations Of The

Flesh,  And Above That Poor Thing Called Fame,  And Death,  And All Such

Things. If,  Then,  Thou Maintainest Thyself In The Possession Of These

Names,  Without Desiring To Be Called By These Names By Others,  Thou Wilt

Be Another Person And Wilt Enter On Another Life. For To Continue To Be

Such As Thou Hast Hitherto Been,  And To Be Torn In Pieces And Defiled In

Such A Life,  Is The Character Of A Very Stupid Man And One Over-Fond Of

His Life,  And Like Those Half-Devoured Fighters With Wild Beasts,  Who

Though Covered With Wounds And Gore,  Still Intreat To Be Kept To The

Following Day,  Though They Will Be Exposed In The Same State To The Same

Claws And Bites.[A] Therefore Fix Thyself In The Possession Of These Few

Names: And If Thou Art Able To Abide In Them,  Abide As If Thou Wast

Removed To Certain Islands Of The Happy.[B] But If Thou Shalt Perceive

That Thou Fallest Out Of Them And Dost Not Maintain Thy Hold,  Go

Courageously Into Some Nook Where Thou Shalt Maintain Them,  Or Even

Depart At Once From Life,  Not In Passion,  But With Simplicity And

Freedom And Modesty,  After Doing This One [Laudable] Thing At Least In

Thy Life,  To Have Gone Out Of It Thus. In Order,  However To The

Remembrance Of These Names,  It Will Greatly Help Thee If Thou

Rememberest The Gods,  And That They Wish Not To Be Flattered,  But Wish

All Reasonable Beings To Be Made Like Themselves; And If Thou

Rememberest That What Does The Work Of A Fig-Tree Is A Fig-Tree,  And

That What Does The Work Of A Dog Is A Dog,  And That What Does The Work

Of A Bee Is A Bee,  And That What Does The Work Of A Man Is A Man.


    [A] See Seneca,  Epp. 70,  On These Exhibitions Which Amused The

    People Of Those Days. These Fighters Were The Bestiarri,  Some

    Of Whom May Have Been Criminals; But Even If They Were,  The

    Exhibition Was Equally Characteristic Of The Depraved Habits Of

    The Spectators.


    [B] The Islands Of The Happy,  Or The Fortunatae Insulae,  Are

    Spoken Of By The Greek And Roman Writers. They Were The Abode

    Of Heroes,  Like Achilles And Diomedes,  As We See In The Scolion

    Of Harmodius And Aristogiton. Sertorius Heard Of The Islands At

    Cadiz From Some Sailors Who Had Been There; And He Had A Wish

    To Go And Live In Them And Rest From His Troubles (Plutarch,

    Sertorius,  C. 8). In The Odyssey,  Proteus Told Menelaus That He

    Should Not Die In Argos,  But Be Removed To A Place At The

    Boundary Of The Earth Where Rhadamanthus Dwelt (Odyssey,  Iv.

Story 3 (The Thoughts Of Marcus Aurelius Antonius) Pg 102



       "For There In Sooth Man's Life Is Easiest:

       Nor Snow Nor Raging Storm Nor Rain Is There

       But Ever Gently Breathing Gales Of Zephyr

       Oceanus Sends Up To Gladden Man."


    It Is Certain That The Writer Of The Odyssey Only Follows Some

    Old Legend,  Without Having Any Knowledge Of Any Place Which

    Corresponds To His Description. The Two Islands Which Sertorius

    Heard Of May Be Madeira And The Adjacent Island. Compare

    Pindar,  Ol. Ii. 129.


9. Mimi,[A] War,  Astonishment,  Torpor,  Slavery,  Will Daily Wipe Out

Those Holy Principles Of Thine. + How Many Things Without Studying

Nature Dost Thou Imagine,  And How Many Dost Thou Neglect?[B] But It Is

Thy Duty So To Look On And So To Do Everything,  That At The Same Time

The Power Of Dealing With Circumstances Is Perfected,  And The

Contemplative Faculty Is Exercised,  And The Confidence Which Comes From

The Knowledge Of Each Several Thing Is Maintained Without Showing It,

But Yet Not Concealed. For When Wilt Thou Enjoy Simplicity,  When

Gravity,  And When The Knowledge Of Every Several Thing,  Both What It Is

In Substance,  And What Place It Has In The Universe,  And How Long It Is

Formed To Exist,  And Of What Things It Is Compounded,  And To Whom It Can

Belong,  And Who Are Able Both To Give It And Take It Away?


    [A] Corais Conjectured [Greek: Misos] "Hatred" In Place Of

    Mimi,  Roman Plays In Which Action And Gesticulation Were All Or

    Nearly All.


    [B] This Is Corrupt. See The Addition Of Schultz.


10. A Spider Is Proud When It Has Caught A Fly,  And Another When He Has

Caught A Poor Hare,  And Another When He Has Taken A Little Fish In A

Net,  And Another When He Has Taken Wild Boars,  And Another When He Has

Taken Bears,  And Another When He Has Taken Sarmatians. Are Not These

Robbers,  If Thou Examinest Their Opinions?[A]


11. Acquire The Contemplative Way Of Seeing How All Things Change Into

One Another,  And Constantly Attend To It,  And Exercise Thyself About

This Part [Of Philosophy]. For Nothing Is So Much Adapted To Produce

Magnanimity. Such A Man Has Put Off The Body,  And As He Sees That He

Must,  No One Knows How Soon,  Go Away From Among Men And Leave Everything

Here,  He Gives Himself Up Entirely To Just Doing In All His Actions,  And

In Everything Else That Happens He Resigns Himself To The Universal

Nature. But As To What Any Man Shall Say Or Think About Him Or Do

Against Him,  He Never Even Thinks Of It,  Being Himself Contented With

These Two Things--With Acting Justly In What He Now Does,  And Being

Satisfied With What Is Now Assigned To Him; And He Lays Aside All

Distracting And Busy Pursuits,  And Desires Nothing Else Than To

Accomplish The Straight Course Through The Law[B] And By Accomplishing

The Straight Course To Follow God.


    [A] Marcus Means To Say That Conquerors Are Robbers. He Himself

    Warred Against Sarmatians,  And Was A Robber,  As He Says,  Like

    The Rest. But Compare The Life Of Avidius Cassius,  C. 4,  By



    [B] By The Law He Means The Divine Law,  Obedience To The Will

    Of God.


12. What Need Is There Of Suspicious Fear,  Since It Is In Thy Power To

Inquire What Ought To Be Done? And If Thou Seest Clear,  Go By This Way

Content,  Without Turning Back; But If Thou Dost Not See Clear,  Stop And

Take The Best Advisers. But If Any Other Things Oppose Thee,  Go On

According To Thy Powers With Due Consideration,  Keeping To That Which

Appears To Be Just. For It Is Best To Reach This Object,  And If Thou

Dost Fail,  Let Thy Failure Be In Attempting This. He Who Follows Reason

In All Things Is Both Tranquil And Active At The Same Time,  And Also

Cheerful And Collected.


13. Inquire Of Thyself As Soon As Thou Wakest From Sleep Whether It Will

Make Any Difference To Thee If Another Does What Is Just And Right. It

Will Make No Difference (Vi. 32; Viii. 55).


Thou Hast Not Forgotten,  I Suppose,  That Those Who Assume Arrogant Airs

In Bestowing Their Praise Or Blame On Others Are Such As They Are At Bed

And At Board,  And Thou Hast Not Forgotten What They Do,  And What They

Avoid,  And What They Pursue,  And How They Steal And How They Rob,  Not

With Hands And Feet,  But With Their Most Valuable Part,  By Means Of

Which There Is Produced,  When A Man Chooses,  Fidelity,  Modesty,  Truth,

Law,  A Good Daemon [Happiness] (Vii. 17)?


14. To Her Who Gives And Takes Back All,  To Nature,  The Man Who Is

Instructed And Modest Says,  Give What Thou Wilt; Take Back What Thou

Wilt. And He Says This Not Proudly,  But Obediently,  And Well Pleased

With Her.


15. Short Is The Little Which Remains To Thee Of Life. Live As On A

Mountain. For It Makes No Difference Whether A Man Lives There Or Here,

If He Lives Everywhere In The World As In A State [Political Community].

Let Me See,  Let Them Know A Real Man Who Lives According To Nature. If

They Cannot Endure Him,  Let Them Kill Him. For That Is Better Than To

Live Thus [As Men Do].


16. No Longer Talk At All About The Kind Of Man That A Good Man Ought To

Be,  But Be Such.


17. Constantly Contemplate The Whole Of Time And The Whole Of Substance,

And Consider That All Individual Things As To Substance Are A Grain Of A

Fig,  And As To Time The Turning Of A Gimlet.


18. Look At Everything That Exists,  And Observe That It Is Already In

Dissolution And In Change,  And As It Were Putrefaction Or Dispersion,  Or

That Everything Is So Constituted By Nature As To Die.


19. Consider What Men Are When They Are Eating,  Sleeping,  Generating,

Easing Themselves,  And So Forth. Then What Kind Of Men They Are When

They Are Imperious + And Arrogant,  Or Angry And Scolding From Their

Elevated Place. But A Short Time Ago To How Many They Were Slaves And

For What Things; And After A Little Time Consider In What A Condition

Story 3 (The Thoughts Of Marcus Aurelius Antonius) Pg 103

They Will Be.


20. That Is For The Good Of Each

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