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sister'd been killed by men who were riding with Quantrill. I could understand his hatred, because it matched my own, back then. But, instead of hating all us Rebels, I think he should’ve hated Quantrill. Hell! Even I hated Quantrill.

I remembered why I got into that war to begin with: Hatred of Yankees. I had no hatred of Dave. In fact, I had more in common with him than I had with a lot of other people. I think the hatred, which once had fueled me so much, had sorta been exhausted by all the lives I'd taken, all the death I'd seen, or caused.

Dave was twenty-seven. Since I was only twenty-two, he figured I was still a boy. That's kinda funny now that I'm reliving it again. He had a place out west of town, also. Fact is, I had to ride past his place on my way to and from town, yet, we'd never met. On that day, we became good friends.

I'm glad remembering Dave was one of the things playing back through my mind, in these, my last few moments here.

Chapter Five

Suddenly, playing across my memory comes that greatest day of all of my days. The most wonderful day of my life; a memory I want to be seeing, even as I leave this life and on my way to her.

I’d been in town that day for my usual drinks and supplies. After swallowing down a few drinks, I'd been on my way down to the store when the stage pulled in.

I wasn't really paying all that much attention to the stage, until I saw her step out of it. When I saw her standing there, it stopped me in my tracks. Her golden hair was so long and was shining brightly in the morning sun. Her body was—what do those refined folks call it—petite?

She was absolutely the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. As I approached closer, she turned and her eyes locked upon mine. There was a chair sitting on the stage platform.

I never even saw it. In fact, I still suspect somebody pushed that chair out in front of me. Either way, I tripped over it.

I sent the chair sliding and tumbling across the platform. Tripping over it also sent me stumbling across the platform. When I’d finally regained control over my body, I discovered I'd ended up about three feet away from her.

That's when I first saw the brilliance of those magnificent blue eyes. I could see all of these tiny, golden flecks scattered around within them.

My face was quite red, I'm sure. I figured she could smell the whiskey and probably thought I was drunk

, I remember thinking to myself, at the time.

I tipped my hat to her, as if I hadn't just almost planted my face in the boardwalk, and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am. Good morning."

After she'd finished laughing at me and composed herself, that sweet laughter was replaced with such a gorgeous smile, it just simply melted my heart.

When she responded, it was as if I was hearing the soft voice of an angel. "Good morning, Sir."

I introduced myself to her, and she told me her name was Kathy Sumrall.

Boldly, I asked, "Are you just passing through, ma'am?"

Smiling brightly at me, she said, "No, actually I'm on my way to New Mexico to visit my dad."

Her voice was like music. Oh, my sweet Lord. Please, make her stay here for awhile


While I was still thinking that thought, she continued, "I think I might be here for several days, Sam. It certainly looks like this is a very nice town." She was looking straight into my eyes when she said those words.

With great difficulty, however, I somehow managed to keep myself from throwing my hat up into the air.

She started to reach down and pick up her bags. I stopped her and said, "Please, Kathy. Would you allow me to take those for you?"

"Of course, if it's no trouble to you. I was going across the street to the hotel. I thought I might get a room, that is, if they have a vacancy."

As we walked, I told her a little bit about myself and she told me some things about herself. When we got her checked in, the boy took her bags on up to her room.

She turned to me and asked, "Sam, would you like to have supper with me tonight?"

Well, I know my flushed face must have tickled her pretty good. What else could I say but, "Yes ma'am I'd be pleased to." there’d ever been any chance at all that I was gonna say no.

She asked, "How about 6:30, then? Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, ma'am. That’ll be just fine. I'll be here to pick you up then."

I was sitting in the hotel lobby at 6:00 pm. I know this, because I was watching the hotel clock like a hawk watches a crippled bird. I'll tell you— the minutes, they passed like hours.

Finally, at 6:20, I could stand the suspense no longer. I walked upstairs and knocked on her door.

When she opened the door, she said, "Good evening, Sam. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long." She was wearing this beautiful, light-blue dress. The front of dress dipped way down low on her chest. She was gorgeous. Her hair was rolled up on top of her head in some kind of ball, or something. Little strands of her lovely hair kinda fell down on each side of her soft, round face.

The blue dress caused the blue of her eyes to glisten, and to change colors, from light blue, to dark blue depending on just how the light struck the dress.

I swear, I was gazing upon an angel. I didn't take my eyes away from her beautiful face. Couldn't have, even had I wanted to, and I surely didn't want to. For the first time ever, in my entire life, I fell in love. Oh, yes sir. I fell in love. I fell in love in a big way. When I tried to talk, I couldn't. The only thing I could do, was stutter like a shy little school boy. I made a fool of myself just from the sight of her.

"Sam? Sam? SAM?" She was waving her hand in front of my face. "Sam, are you alright?"

I don't remember what I said but I did, finally, manage to mumble something to her in response.

We walked down to the cafe and I can remember stumbling on the steps, as we left the hotel. When we reached the cafe, I was the perfect gentleman. I held her chair out for her, as she took her seat. I sat on the other side of the table from her, all the time resisting the voice in my head, telling me, to pull a chair right up next to her. She figured out what she wanted to eat, and when the waiter came over. I sat there being a gentleman and let her order first.

I know the Lord always has some plan in mind whenever he wants a man to be with a woman. I just never knew he would make it so complicated. Why would he want me to feel this helpless when I was with her? I knew I could usually talk.

Why was it necessary for me to not be able to find the right words to tell her what I was thinking? Why wouldn't the words come out like they usually did, in complete sentences? Why did my stomach feel so queasy? Why would my eyes not leave her face?

During our meal, I'd finally managed to talk with some semblance of intelligence, with her. At least, after a little bit, we did talk while we ate. After eating, we had coffee. She and I had this polite conversation, sitting there afterwards, and I fell even more deeply in love with her while we sat at the table.

When we finally left the café, we walked up and down the main street of Gonzales for a couple of hours. We just talked, trying hard to learn more about each other's lives, about our wants and needs.

Since the street was only a block long, we did a lot of walking back and forth. Probably, to anyone who might’ve been watching, I'm sure we looked a little bit silly. But, that didn't bother me, not one little bit.

Oh, yes! I was deeply in love, and I could tell; no, I could feel, from how she looked at me and the way her fingers moved slowly, up and down on my arm, while we were walking, she’d been growing some feelings of her own for me, as well.

I walked her back to her hotel room later. Just before she closed the door, she stood up on her tip-toes and gave me a gentle peck on the cheek. I walked downstairs, all the time holding my cheek, almost like I could push her little kiss further inside.

I didn't go back to my cabin that night. Instead, I took a room over the bar, so I could be near her. Each morning, I would rent us a buckboard, and she and I would go for long rides. Every day we grew closer to each other and she became my only reason for living.

My every waking moment was spent thinking of nothing but her. We had long picnics down by the river, beneath the large trees. We would lie on a blanket and just talk to each other for hours.

One day I took her out to see where I lived. She left little doubt in my mind how much my cabin impressed her. I could tell, just by the look on her face. She sucked in her breath and her mouth puckered up like she’d just taken her very first bite on a lemon. Her sweet nose looked like it was trying to reach up and touch her blue eyes. I thought she was gonna faint right there in front of me


The fourth night that I knew her, we shared our very first kiss. There’s no way I can explain the feeling that shot through my veins, through my heart.

When the kiss ended, I wrapped her in my arms and whispered into her ear, "Kathy, I think I've fallen in love with you."

"Oh, my darling, Sam. I've loved you since the very day I met you. That's why I stayed in town and didn't continue my trip to Dad's ranch. I love you very much."

All was very good in my little piece of the world.

There was a lot more to our romance than what I’m seeing right now, of course. But, a lot of those things....well, they've just flashed by, much too fast, through my mind. They passed in a blur and didn't give me time to enjoy them, again.

We would eat in "our" little cafe each morning and every night. We’d take long walks afterward, arms wrapped around each other, with me holding her close up against me. I kissed her every chance I could get and she gave me plenty

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