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In englisch (nicht ganz Fehlerfrei) geschrieben (written in english, with a lot of mistakes, because I'm not native speaker ;)

If you never thought it could get any worse, meet twenty one year old Latonya Jenkins. She is in Upstate Ny wishing she had bought that tickert Lil Wayne was selling to another planet. She's on this journey called life and it seems like every turn she makes, Turn! Basically like being a mouse in a maze. The lucky part about being a mouse is, its hard to be seen, thus found, and finally exsterminated, by many. I figure that if she can survive being a mouse, her hopes of becoming more will surely be realized.

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"Echoes" ist eine Kurzgeschichte, die sich stark an den Stil modernistischer Literatur anlehnt. Das Erlebnis eines einzelnen Diskobesuches wird fast ausschließlich im Gedankenstrom und in apokalyptischen Bildern präsentiert. Der Text offenbart Fragmente des psychologischen Profils eines sozial isolierten Misanthropen, der den Mikrokosmos der postmodernen westlichen Gesellschaft auf höchst unkonventionelle Art und Weise kommentiert. 

In this second part of "The Wayslide Gang", readers are plunged into the life of Blake Dodger, a young boy who is still learning, and torn about a change recently made in his life. This change, to his dismay, may possibly change his life forever.

Husband: “Having too many children is good.”
Wife: “Too many children mean too many worries.

“Dad, I don’t like shortest story.”
“It doesn’t serve the purpose and becomes mockery.

Nicole and her friend decides to throw a party, knowing that her parents wouldn't allow it....