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428 Omental cyst, 329 Onychia, varieties of, 402 Operations during shock, 252 Opisthotonos, 114 Opsonins, 22 Orbital aneurysm, 317 Orthotonos, 114 Ossification in muscles, tendons, and fasciæ, 416 Ossifying junction, 434 Osteo-arthritis, 524 syphilitic, 522 Osteo-arthropathy, pulmonary, 480 Osteochondritis dessicans, 544 Osteogenesis imperfecta, 479 Osteoid sarcoma, 200 Osteoma, 191, 481 cancellous, 191 compact, 192 diffuse, 485 ivory, 192 multiple, 544 in muscles and tendons, 416 spongy, 191 subungual, 191, 404, 481 Osteomalacia, varieties of, 473 Osteomyelitis, 65, 437 acute, 65, 438, 451, 453 after amputation, 453 bipolar, 439 fibrosa, 476 gummatous, 462 from infection from soft parts, 453 pyogenic, 438 relapsing, 448 sequelæ of, 443 streptococcal, 451 tuberculous, 456, 458 in typhoid fever, 452 Osteophytes, 435 Osteoporosis, 437 Osteopsathyrosis, 479 Osteosarcoma, 200 Osteosclerosis, 435 Ostitis deformans, 474 rarefying, 474 Ovarian dermoids, 211 Ovary, grafting of, 16 Ozœna, 176 Pachydermatocele, 360 Paget's disease of bone, 474 of nipple, 397 recurrent fibroma, 199, 392, 420 Pain, starting, in joint disease, 502, 517 varieties of, 35 Painful subcutaneous nodules, 354, 392 Palate, syphilitic lesions of, 178, 462 Palmar ganglion, compound, 217, 423 Papilloma, varieties of, 201, 392 Paraffin cancer, 395 Paralysis, brachial birth, 362 Erb-Duchenne, 361 Klumpke's, 361 post-anæsthetic, 360 pseudo, of syphilis, 174, 466 Parasitic bacteria, 20 cysts, 213 Paronychia. See Onychia Parotid abscess in pyæmia, 66 lymph glands, 321 tumours, 195 Parotitis, 66 Parrot's nodes, 175, 465 Passive hyperæmia, Bier's, 38 Pasteur's treatment for hydrophobia, 119 Pelvis, rickety changes in, 471 Perforating ulcer, 73, 82 Perichondritis, syphilitic, 465 Peri-lymphangitis, 325 Periosteum, function of, 434 gumma of, 464 in rickets, 469 Periostitis, 437. See also Osteomyelitis syphilitic, 461 tuberculous, 455 Peripheral neuritis, 352 Peroneal nerve, 370 Peronei tendons, dislocation of, 409 Petrifying sarcoma, 200 Phagedæna, 153 Phagedænic ulcers, 80, 85 Phagocytes, 3, 22 Phagocytosis, 22 Phimosis, with hard chancre, 152 with soft sores, 155 Phlebitis, 285, 292 Phlegmasia alba dolens, 286 Picric acid, 13, 237 Pigeon-breast, 471 Plantaris, rupture of, 408 Pleurodynia, 413 Pleurosthotonos, 114 Pneumo-bacillus, Friedländer's bacteria, 28 Pneumococcal arthritis, 509 Pneumococcus, 28 Polypi, 195 Popliteal aneurysm, 320 artery, embolus of, 93 bursæ, 432 lymph glands, 323 nerves. See Common Peroneal Nerve and Tibial Nerve Port-wine stain, 294 Post-anæsthetic paralysis, 360 -anal dimple, 211 Posterior auricular lymph glands, 322 Post-rectal dermoids, 211 Potato-nose, 393 Poultice, 37 charcoal, 84 Pre-auricular lymph glands, 322 Prepatellar bursa, 431 Pressure sores, 70, 82 Primary union of wounds, 2 Protopathic sensibility of nerves, 343 Proud flesh, 79 Psammoma, 200 Pseudo-leucæmia, 337 Pseudo-paralysis of syphilis, 174, 466 Psoas bursa, 430 Pulmonary osteo-arthropathy, 480 Pulsating aorta, 305, 314 exophthalmos, 317 hæmatoma of bone, 498 Punctured wounds, 222 Purpura, 280 Purulent blister, 55 Pus, 45 varieties of, 46 Pyæmia, 64 abscess in joints in, 508 Pyogenic bacteria, 24, 29 Quadriceps extensor femoris, rupture of, 408 Rabies, 118 Rachitis, 468 adolescentium, 472 Radial nerve, lesions of, 364 Radium, in lupus, 385 in cancer, 208 in nævus, 297 ulceration from, 239 Ranula, 329 Rarefying ostitis, 437 Ray fungus, 126 Raynaud's disease, 97 Reaction of degeneration, 347 Reactionary hæmorrhage, 272 Recklinghausen's disease, 355 Recurrent fibroid of Paget, 199, 392, 420 Repair. See Individual Tissues conditions interfering with, 17 after loss of tissue, 4 modifications of, 4 of separated parts, 5 Rest, 17 Rests, fœtal, 181 Retention cysts, 212 Retro-pharyngeal lymph glands, 322 Reverdin's method of skin-grafting, 13 Rhabdomyoma, 196 Rheumatic arthritis, 524 fever, 509 gout, 524 torticollis, 413 Rheumatism, acute, 509 chronic, 523 gonorrhœal, 510 muscular, 412 scarlatinal, 508 Rheumatoid arthritis, 524 Rhinophyma, 393 Rickets, 468 bone lesions in, 469 changes in skeleton in, 470 late, 472 scurvy, 473 Rickety, dwarf, 469 pelvis, 471 rosary, 469 scoliosis, 471 Rider's bone, 418 sprain, 407 Rigidity of joints, 502 Rigor, 36 Risus sardonicus, 114 Rodent cancer, 210, 395 ulcer, 210, 395 Röntgen rays. See X-rays Rose or erysipelas, 107 Roseola, syphilitic, 158 Rupia, syphilitic, 158
Sabre-blade deformity of tibia, 466 Sacculated aneurysm, 302 Saddle-nose deformity, 174 Saline infusions in hæmorrhage, 276 Salvarsan in syphilis, 162 Sapræmia, 60 chronic, 62 Saprophytic bacteria, 20 Sarcoma, 197 of bone, 492 inoperable, 201 of joints, 538 of lymph glands, 341 melanotic, 200 periosteal, 493 of skin, 398 of synovial membrane, 538 of tendon sheaths, 424 varieties, 199 Scab, healing under, 6 Scalds, 233 Scapula, winged, 363 Scarlet fever, joint lesions in, 508 Scars. See Cicatrices Sciatic nerve, lesions of, 370 Sciatica, 371 Scirrhous cancer, 210 Sclavo's serum, 123 Scoliosis, rickety, 471 in sciatica, 372 Scorbutic ulcers, 77 Scrotum, elephantiasis of, 389 Sculler's sprain, 406 Scurvy, 473 rickets, 473 Sebaceous adenoma, 393 cysts, 389 horns, 389 Secondary hæmorrhage, 273 syphilis, 151, 147 Selenium in malignant tumours, 201, 208 Semilunar ganglion, 375 Semi-membranosus bursa, 432 Sepsis, 18 Septicæmia, 53, 63 Sequestrectomy, 446 Sequestrum of bone, 438 Serratus anterior muscle, paralysis of, 363 Serum, anti-diphtheritic, 109 anti-bacterial, 23 anti-tetanic, 117 disease, 23 in hæmophilia, 280 polyvalent, 23 Sclavo's, for anthrax, 123 treatment, 23 Seton, 217 Shell wounds, 231 Shock, 250 delayed, 252 Shoulder, fibrositis of, 413 Sinus, 59 epithelioma, 500 tuberculous, 143 “606,” 162 Skewers for prevention of hæmorrhage, 270 Skin, 376 abscesses of, 382 actinomycosis of, 126 cancer of, 394, 398 dermoids, 210 grafting of, 11, 14 preparation of, for operation, 244 repair of, 6 sporotrichosis of, 385 structure of, 376 syphilitic lesions of, 157, 166 tuberculosis of, 382, 385 tumours of, 391 Skull, bossing of, 465 craniotabes of, 175, 176, 465 diffuse osteoma of, 485 natiform, 176 Parrot's nodes, 465 syphilitic disease of, 462 unilateral hypertrophy of, 487 Slough, 86 Snake-bites, 131 Snuffles, 173 Soft chancre, 154 corns, 377 sore, 154 Spas, 531 Spasmodic tic, 373 Sphagnum moss, 247 Spinal arthropathies, 532 cord, joint affections in lesions of, 532 repair of, 9 syphilis of, 161 Spine, changes in rickets, 471 Spirilla, 19 Spirochæte pallida, 147 Spironema pallidum, 147 Splenic fever, 119 Spores, 18 Sporotrichosis, 385 Sprain of muscle, 405, 407 Sprinter's sprain, 406 Staphylococci, 19, 24, 438 Staphylococcus albus, 26 aureus, 25 Starting pains in joints, 502, 517 Stasis, 32 Sterilisation, surgical, 243 Sterno-mastoid lymph glands, 322 Stitch abscess, 51 Stitches. See Sutures Streptococci, 19, 24 Streptococcus pyogenes, 26 Streptothrix actinomyces, 126 Strychnin poisoning, 115 Stump neuroma, 344 Styptics, 271 Sub-acromial bursa, 429 Sub-calcanean bursa, 433 Subclavian aneurysm, 317 Sub-crural bursa, 430 Sub-deltoid bursa, 429 Submaxillary lymph glands, 322 Submental lymph glands, 322 Sub-patellar bursa, 431 Subscapularis bursa, 430 Subungual exostosis, 191, 404, 481 Suction bells, 39 Suppuration, 45 chronic, 59 diffuse, 52 in mucous membranes, 52 in wounds, 50 Supra-clavicular lymph glands, 322 Supra-hyoid lymph glands, 322 Supra-scapular nerve, lesions of, 364 Surgery, definition of, 1 Listerian, 242 Surgical anatomy of blood vessels, 258 of bone, 434 of epiphyses, 434 of lymphatics, 321 of nerves, 342 of skin, 376 Surgical bacteriology, 17, 18 shock, 250 Sutures, 221 sterilisation of, 245 Sweat-glands, tumours of, 393 Syncope, 249 local, 97 Synostosis, 503 Synovial membrane, tumours of, 538 Synovitis, 501, 506 gonococcal, 510 septic, 506 serous,
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