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Book online «An Elementary Study of Chemistry by William McPherson (best beach reads .txt) 📖». Author William McPherson

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composition which the analyses reveal? This is explained by several facts. (1) The changes which are caused by the processes of combustion and respiration, on the one hand, and the action of plants, on the other, tend to equalize each other. (2) The winds keep the air in constant motion and so prevent local changes. (3) The volume of the air is so vast and the changes which occur are so small compared with the total amount of air that they cannot be readily detected. (4) Finally it must be noted that only air collected in the open fields shows this constancy in composition. The air in a poorly ventilated room occupied by a number of people rapidly changes in composition.

The properties of the air. Inasmuch as air is composed principally of a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, which elements have already been discussed, its properties may be inferred largely from those of the two gases. One liter weighs 1.2923 g. It is thus 14.38 times as heavy as hydrogen. At the sea level it exerts an average pressure sufficient to sustain a column of mercury 760 mm. in height. This is taken as the standard pressure in determining the volumes of gases as well as the boiling points of liquids. Water may be made to boil at any temperature between 0° and considerably above 100° by simply varying the pressure. It is only when the pressure upon it is equal to the normal pressure of the atmosphere at the sea level, as indicated by a barometric reading of 760 mm., that it boils at 100°.

Preparation of liquid air. Attention has been called to the fact that both oxygen and nitrogen can be obtained in the liquid state by strongly cooling the gases and applying great pressure to them. Since air is largely a mixture of these two gases, it can be liquefied by the same methods.

The methods for liquefying air have been simplified greatly in that the low temperature required is obtained by allowing a portion of the compressed air to expand. The expansion of a gas is always attended by the absorption of heat. In liquefying air the apparatus is so constructed that the heat absorbed is withdrawn from air already under great pressure. This process is continued until the temperature is lowered to the point of liquefaction.

Fig. 29 Fig. 29

The Dewar bulb. It is not possible to preserve air in the liquid state in a closed vessel, on account of the enormous pressure exerted by it in its tendency to pass into the gaseous state. It may however be preserved for some hours or even days before it will completely evaporate, by simply placing it in an open vessel surrounded by a nonconducting material. The most efficient vessel for this purpose is the Dewar bulb shown in Fig. 29. The air is withdrawn from the space between the two walls, thus making it nonconducting.

Properties and uses of liquid air. When first prepared, liquid air is cloudy because of the presence of particles of solid carbon dioxide. These may be filtered off, leaving a liquid of slightly bluish color. It begins to boil at about -190°, the nitrogen passing off first, gradually followed by the oxygen, the last portions being nearly pure oxygen. To a certain extent oxygen is now prepared in this way for commercial purposes.

The extremely low temperature of liquid air may be inferred from the fact that mercury when cooled by it is frozen to a mass so hard that it may be used for driving nails.

Liquid air is used in the preparation of oxygen and as a cooling agent in the study of the properties of matter at low temperatures. It has thus been found that elements at extremely low temperatures largely lose their chemical activity.


1. When oxygen and nitrogen are mixed in the proportion in which they exist in the atmosphere, heat is neither evolved nor absorbed by the process. What important point does this suggest?

2. What essential constituent of the air is found in larger amount in manufacturing districts than in the open country?

3. Can you suggest any reason why the growth of clover in a field improves the soil?

4. Why are the inner walls of a Dewar bulb sometimes coated with a film of silver?

5. To what is the blue color of liquid air due? Does this color increase in intensity on standing?

6. When ice is placed in a vessel containing liquid air, the latter boils violently. Explain.

7. Taking the volumes of the oxygen and nitrogen in 100 volumes of air as 21 and 78 respectively, calculate the percentages of these elements present by weight.

8. Would combustion be more intense in liquid air than in the gaseous substance?

9. A tube containing calcium chloride was found to weigh 30.1293 g. A volume of air which weighed 15.2134 g. was passed through, after which the weight of the tube was found to be 30.3405 g. What was the percentage amount of moisture present in the air?

10. 10 l. of air measured at 20° and 740 mm. passed through lime water caused the precipitation of 0.0102 g. of CaCO3. Find the number of volumes of carbon dioxide in 10,000 volumes of the air.


Definitions. When a substance disappears in a liquid in such a way as to thoroughly mix with it and to be lost to sight as an individual body, the resulting liquid is called a solution. The liquid in which the substance dissolves is called the solvent, while the dissolved substance is called the solute.

Classes of solutions. Matter in any one of its physical states may dissolve in a liquid, so that we may have solutions of gases, of liquids, and of solids. Solutions of liquids in liquids are not often mentioned in the following pages, but the other two classes will become very familiar in the course of our study, and deserve special attention.

Fig. 30 Fig. 30

It has already been stated that oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are slightly soluble in water. Accurate study has led to the conclusion that all gases are soluble to some extent not only in water but in many other liquids. The amount of a gas which will dissolve in a liquid depends upon a number of conditions, and these can best be understood by supposing a vessel B (Fig. 30), to be filled with the gas and inverted over the liquid. Under these circumstances the gas cannot escape or become mixed with another gas.

Circumstances affecting the solubility of gases. A number of circumstances affect the solubility of a gas in a liquid.

1. Nature of the gas. Other conditions being equal, each gas has its own peculiar solubility, just as it has its own special taste or odor. The solubility of gases varies between wide limits, as will be seen from the following table, but as a rule a given volume of a liquid will not dissolve more than two or three times its own volume of a gas.

Solubility of Gases in Water 1 l. of water at 760 mm. pressure and at 0° will dissolve:
Ammonia 1148.00 l. Hydrochloric acid 503.00 Sulphur dioxide 79.79 Carbon dioxide 1.80 Oxygen 41.14 cc. Hydrogen 21.15 Nitrogen 20.03

In the case of very soluble gases, such as the first three in the table, it is probable that chemical combination between the liquid and the gas takes place.

2. Nature of the liquid. The character of the liquid has much influence upon the solubility of a gas. Water, alcohol, and ether have each its own peculiar solvent power. From the solubility of a gas in water, no prediction can be made as to its solubility in other liquids.

3. Influence of pressure. It has been found that the weight of gas which dissolves in a given case is proportional to the pressure exerted upon the gas. If the pressure is doubled, the weight of gas going into solution is doubled; if the pressure is diminished to one half of its original value, half of the dissolved gas will escape. Under high pressure, large quantities of gas can be dissolved in a liquid, and when the pressure is removed the gas escapes, causing the liquid to foam or effervesce.

4. Influence of temperature. In general, the lower the temperature of the liquid, the larger the quantity of gas which it can dissolve. 1000 volumes of water at 0° will dissolve 41.14 volumes of oxygen; at 50°, 18.37 volumes; at 100° none at all. While most gases can be expelled from a liquid by boiling the solution, some cannot. For example, it is not possible to expel hydrochloric acid gas completely from its solution by boiling.


This is the most familiar class of solutions, since in the laboratory substances are much more frequently used in the form of solutions than in the solid state.

Circumstances affecting the solubility of a solid. The solubility of a solid in a liquid depends upon several factors.

1. Nature of the solid. Other conditions being the same, solids vary greatly in their solubility in liquids. This is illustrated in the following table:

Table of Solubility of Solids at 18°
100 cc. of water will dissolve: Calcium chloride 71.0 g. Sodium chloride 35.9 Potassium nitrate 29.1 Copper sulphate 21.4 Calcium sulphate 0.207

No solids are absolutely insoluble, but the amount dissolved may be so small as to be of no significance for most purposes. Thus barium sulphate, one of the most insoluble of common substances, dissolves in water to the extent of 1 part in 400,000.

2. Nature of the solvent. Liquids vary much in their power to dissolve solids. Some are said to be good solvents, since they dissolve a great variety of substances and considerable quantities of them. Others have small solvent power, dissolving few substances, and those to a slight extent only. Broadly speaking, water is the most general solvent, and alcohol is perhaps second in solvent power.

3. Temperature. The weight of a solid which a given liquid can dissolve varies with the temperature. Usually it increases rapidly as the temperature rises, so that the boiling liquid dissolves several times the weight which the cold liquid will dissolve. In some instances, as in the case of common salt dissolved in water, the temperature has little influence upon the solubility, and a few solids are more soluble in cold water than in hot. The following examples will serve as illustrations:

Table of Solubility at 0° and at 100° 100 cc. of water will dissolve:
At 0° At 100° Calcium chloride 49.6 g. 155.0 g. Sodium chloride 35.7 39.8 Potassium nitrate 13.3 247.0 Copper sulphate 15.5 73.5 Calcium sulphate 0.205 0.217 Calcium hydroxide 0.173 0.079

Saturated solutions. A liquid will not dissolve an unlimited quantity of a solid. On adding the solid to the liquid in small portions at a time, it will be found that a point is reached at which the liquid will not dissolve more of the solid at that temperature. The solid and the solution remain in contact with each other unchanged. This condition may be described by saying that they are in equilibrium with each other. A solution is said to be saturated when it remains unchanged in concentration in contact with some of the solid. The weight of the solid which will completely saturate a definite volume of a liquid at a given temperature is called the solubility of the substance at that temperature.

Supersaturated solutions. When a solution, saturated at a given temperature, is allowed to cool it sometimes happens that no solid crystallizes out. This is very likely to occur when the vessel used is perfectly

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