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Book online «A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis by Melvin Powers (free ebooks romance novels txt) 📖». Author Melvin Powers

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does not record the passage of time the same way as the conscious mind.

The conscious mind records time physically, by means of a clock. It is objective and tells you that a thought or movement requires a certain number of seconds, minutes, hours or days.

Your subconscious mind has an entirely different concept of time that has nothing to do with the physical world. It is called subjective because your own sense of the passage of time is used.

Personal time varies according to the circumstances in which you find yourself. Haven't you noticed that when you are happy or extremely interested in something, time passes quickly? On the other hand, if you are sad or anxious, time seems to drag.

This is called time distortion. When you continue in a happy state, time is automatically shortened. When you are in a state of unhappiness, pain or anxiety, time automatically lengthens. This explains why the drowning man can review his entire life within seconds. Psychologists know this is possible, because your subconscious mind contains a complete record of everything that has happened to you since birth. Therefore, in moments of extreme distress your subconscious has the ability to distort and manipulate time.

If you have ever encountered danger or had a narrow escape, you probably experienced time distortion. Everything about you went into slow motion, and time seemed to stand still until the action was over. At that point, objective time started up again and everything returned to normal.

Many of you no doubt read an Associated Press report from Chicago on February 11, 1958, which reported how movie actress Linda Darnell had used hypnosis to help her with her first stage role. She had been asked to do the part on short notice and had no time for preparation. Miss Darnell telephoned her California physician for aid. He flew to Chicago.

Overnight, through hypnosis, Miss Darnell learned her part and astounded the cast by knowing everyone's lines. Not only did she learn the part, but she was coached in the character of the artist she was portraying. As a result, "Late Love" was a hit play. Miss Darnell was under the impression she had been learning the part for a week although only about 48 hours were involved and these hours were not continuous. After her first performance, she said: "I never felt so secure about playing a role in my life. Hypnosis helped me feel the part completely."

Imagine how much more we are going to be able to learn when study under hypnosis becomes widespread. And the best part of it is that the learning is in your mind for a long time. Forgetting or mental blocks that interfere with your recall of the information at any time, are reduced to a minimum.

In conclusion, I should like to recommend the entire field of self-hypnosis to everyone. It is a therapy which is positive, dynamic and constructive. An excellent example of this is contained in the autobiography, Rachmaninoff's Recollections. In this book, immortal Rachmaninoff describes in detail his success in overcoming a severe case of mental depression. He had stopped composing and kept to himself, seldom leaving his room. After meeting with failure, using the available therapeutic remedies available at that time, he was persuaded by his relatives, the Satins, to seek the help of a hypnotist called Dr. Dahl. With much reluctance, he agreed to see Dr. Dahl and be treated specifically with hypnosis. Rachmaninoff's own words read as follows: "Although it may sound incredible, hypnosis really helped me. Already at the beginning of the summer I began again to compose. The material grew in bulk, and new musical ideas began to stir within me—far more than I needed for my concerto. I felt that Dr. Dahl's treatment had strengthened my nervous system to a miraculous degree. Out of gratitude, I dedicated my second concerto to him. As the piece had a great success in Moscow, everyone began to wonder what possible connection it could have with Dr. Dahl. The truth, however, was known to Dr. Dahl, the Satins, and myself."

Does this story sound incredible? You have the word of one of the world's greatest musical composers that hypnosis alleviated his severe despondency. This is proof that the emotions of the individual can be changed by the ideas he builds up about himself.

Dr. Leland E. Hinsie, professor of psychiatry, Columbia University, writing in his book, The Person in the Body, (W. W. Norton & Co.) states, "In some persons the fear of disease is often the only damaging evidence of disease, yet it can be so strong as to disable the person in all his daily activities." The entire field of psychosomatic medicine, which deals with the interrelationship between body and mind, has as one of its basic tenets that suggestion not only can cause psychological personality disorders, but many physical disorders as well.

It is, therefore, logical to conclude that the systematic use of positive mental attitudes in an organized, progressive, self-improvement program can be a vital influence in helping you lead a healthier life, both emotionally and physically.

Many people in need of help are at a loss as to where they can locate reputable hypnotherapists in their area. You may consult your family physician, county medical society or mental hygiene society. The chairman of the psychology department at your nearest college or university would usually have this information. I maintain a file of over 4,000 doctors located all over the world who practice hypnosis and would be pleased to refer you to doctors located in your locality.

The following national organizations maintain a specialized list:

American Academy of Child Psychiatry
335 S. Franklin St.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

American Academy of Psychoanalysis
750 Park Avenue
New York 21, N. Y.

American Group Psychotherapy Association
2 E. 103rd St.
New York 29, N. Y.

American Psychiatric Association
1700 18th St., N. W.
Washington 9, D. C.

American Psychological Association
1333 16th St., N. W.
Washington, D. C.

American Speech and Hearing Association
10801 Rockville Pike
Rockville, Maryland 20852

National Association for Mental Health
10 Columbus Circle
New York 19, New York

National Association for Retarded Children, Inc.
99 University Place
New York 3, New York

National Council on Alcoholism, Inc.
2 E. 103rd St.
New York 29, N. Y.

National Health Council
1790 Broadway
New York 19, N. Y.

National Institute of Mental Health
U. S. Public Health Service
Bethesda 14, Maryland

Veterans' Administration
Psychiatry & Neurology Service
Department of Medicine


Here is an original technique that can be used very successfully in inducing hypnosis. The technique consists of using two glass eyes with eyelashes that close as you rotate the mechanism that holds the eyes in place. This action is similar to closing your eyes when falling asleep. You suggest to the subject as you hold these two eyes between your thumb and first finger that his eyes will become extremely heavy and tired as the eyes that you are holding begin to close. You then gradually begin to rotate your hand which causes the eyes to partially close. The subject, finding it extremely difficult to look at the eyes, begins to close his own eyes in unison with those that you are holding. You continue giving suggestions of hypnosis and before you know it the subject is under hypnosis. The eyes are the size of human eyes and are colored blue with brown eyelashes in order to give the exact effect of looking into real eyes.

The advantage comes in the fact that the subject begins to blink his eyes immediately and you suggest to him that this is the beginning of the hypnosis. It is just about impossible to look into anyone's eyes without blinking and this technique accomplishes this purpose. Using this knowledge, you incorporate it into your technique and induce the deep hypnosis accordingly. You can, of course, use this technique for self-hypnosis as well.

The Powers Hypnotic Eyes (1 pair) $1


hypnotic crystal ball and chain

I have had many requests for a hypnotic crystal ball and chain. I finally have been able to secure these and am offering them now for the first time. The crystal ball measures one inch in diameter and is actually made of genuine methacrylate which is crystal clear. A ten inch chain is secured to the crystal ball. You use this device the same as the regular crystal ball but this time you incorporate the pendulum effect which naturally causes the quick tiring of the eyes.

Professional Size—Hypnotic Crystal Ball & Chain $2.00


hand hypnodisc

The hand hypnodisc is the size of the hypnodisc illustrated in this circular. It is rigid with a special lens-like plastic surface. The miniature hypnodisc is held between the first finger and thumb like the crystal ball and is used incorporating the techniques of the large hypnodisc as well as the crystal ball.

As you slowly revolve this hypnodisc, the lens-like surface causes a series of optical illusions to appear before the eyes of the subject. These moving illusions are ever present as you change the slightest distance of the hypnodisc from the subject.

This remarkable effect is achieved by the use of countless plastic linear lenses which separate the multiple images laminated behind them, permitting a different picture to change continuously as you change the angle of view or distance. Naturally this device is extremely helpful in capturing the full attention of the conscious mind of the subject and helps you to achieve the hypnotic state in the shortest possible time.

Send for
Price $1


Powers hypnotic crystal ball

The Powers hypnotic crystal ball is extremely useful as an aid in inducing the hypnotic state. It is desirable to use it as an object of concentration for your subject while he is being hypnotized.

The crystal ball lends an air of "mysticism" to the attainment of the hypnotic sleep and for some of your subjects this is the best approach in obtaining hypnotic control. There are individuals who will not react to a strict scientific approach to hypnosis and it is with these subjects that the use of such a device as the crystal ball is of inestimable value.

The crystal ball is held between your thumb and first finger, about twelve inches from the subject's eyes and slightly above eye level. The hypnotic crystal ball can easily be carried with you at all times.

As you know, the employment of a crystal to induce the hypnotic sleep is one of the oldest methods used in hypnosis. I personally favor this device and my students as well as myself have always had excellent results using this technique.


Price $1


Powers hypnodisc

Copyright 1951 by Melvin Powers

An effective yet inexpensive method of inducing hypnosis is with the aid of the hypnodisc spiral. In my book, "Hypnotism Revealed," a picture of the hypnodisc unit with the hypnodisc spiral attached is shown. Above is a picture of my latest hypnodisc spiral. I am now offering the hypnodisc spiral as a separate unit which can be used with your phonograph turntable.

The spinning spiral will cause a series of optical illusions, causing immediate eye strain and fatigue. The subject feels that he is being drawn into a deep, dark revolving cone. By your suggestions of hypnotic sleep, you can place your subject in the somnambulistic state very easily. With some subjects, hypnosis will take place almost instantaneously. This technique is often employed in stage hypnotism.

The use of the hypnodisc spiral is also an excellent method of achieving self-hypnosis. As you concentrate on the revolving hypnodisc spiral, you give yourself suggestions of hypnotic sleep. You will note the optical illusions as they occur and the pleasant, relaxing feeling that accompanies these illusions. Giving yourself further suggestions of hypnotic sleep, you find that you are easily able to attain the desired state of self-hypnosis. This method is one of the most successful and popular techniques yet known

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