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Phrenological Journal and Science of Health—Devoted to Ethnology, Physiology, Phrenology, Physiognomy, Psychology, Sociology, Biography, Education, Literature, etc., with Measures to Reform, Elevate and Improve Mankind Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. Monthly, $2.00 a year; 20c. a number. Bound vols. $3.00

Expression: its Anatomy and Philosophy. Illustrated by Sir Charles Bell. Additional Notes and Illustrations by Samuel R. Wells. $1.

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This work gives full and definite directions for the cultivation or restraining of all the faculties relating to the feelings or affections.

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New Descriptive Chart, for the Use of examiners in the Delineation of Character. By S. R. Wells. 25c.

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This is the latest and best work published. It constitutes a complete text-book of Phrenology, is profusely illustrated, and will adapted to the use of students.

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