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Book online «Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases by Grenville Kleiser (my reading book .txt) 📖». Author Grenville Kleiser

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I fear that's too technical for me

I feel a certain apprehension

I feel an unwonted sense of gaiety [unwonted = unusual]

I feel it my duty to be frank with you

I feel myself scarcely competent to judge

I feel very grateful to you for your kind offer

I find it absorbing

I find it rather monotonous

I find this agreeable mental exhilaration

I frankly confess that

I generally trust my first impressions

I give my word gladly

I give you my most sacred word of honor

I had better begin at the beginning

I had no intention of being offensive

I hadn't thought of it in that light

I hardly think that could be so

I have a hundred reasons for thinking so

I have a peculiar affection for it

I have an immense faith in him

I have been constrained by circumstances

I have been decidedly impressed

I have been longing to see more of you

I have been puzzling over a dilemma

I have every reason to think so

I have given you the best proof of it

I have gone back to my first impressions

I have known striking instances of the kind

I have never heard it put so well

I have no delusions on that score

I have not succeeded in convincing myself of that

I have not the influence you think

I have not the least doubt of it

I haven't the remotest idea

I have often a difficulty in deciding

I have often marveled at your courage

I have quite changed my opinion about that

I have something of great importance to say to you

I have sometimes vaguely felt it

I have the strongest possible prejudice against it

I heartily congratulate you

I hope it will not seem unreasonable to you

I hope we may meet again

I hope you will forgive an intruder

I hope you will not think me irreverent

I hope you will pardon my seeming carelessness

I indulge the modest hope

I know it is very presumptuous

I know my request will appear singular

I like it immensely

I like your frankness

I make no reflection whatever

I mean it literally

I might question all that

I mistrust these wild impulses

I most certainly agree with you

I most humbly ask pardon

I must add my congratulations on your taste

I must apologize for intruding upon you

I must ask you one more question, if I may

I must confess I have never thought of that

I must refrain from any comment

I must respectfully decline to tell you

I must take this opportunity to tell you

I need not remind you that you have a grave responsibility

I never heard anything so absurd

I offer my humblest apologies

I owe the idea wholly to you

I partly agree with you

I personally owe you a great debt of thankfulness

I place myself entirely at your service

I place the most implicit reliance on your good sense

I prefer to reserve my judgment

I purposely evaded the question

I quite appreciate the very clever way you put it

I quite see what the advantages are

I really am curious to know how you guessed that

I realize how painful it must be to you

I recollect it clearly

I rely on your good sense

I remember the occasion perfectly

I resent that kind of thing

I respect you for that

I respect your critical faculty

I say it in all modesty

I see disapproval in your face

I see it from a different angle

I see you are an enthusiast

I see your point of view

I seem to have heard that sentiment before

I shall at once proceed to forget it

I shall await your pleasure

I shall be glad if you will join me

I shall be interested to watch it develop

I shall be most proud and pleased

I shall certainly take you at your word

I shall feel highly honored

I shall make a point of thinking so

I shall never forget your kindness

I shall respect your confidence

I should appreciate your confidence greatly

I should be very ungrateful were I not satisfied with it

I should feel unhappy if I did otherwise

I should like your opinion of it

I should not dream of asking you to do so

I should think it very unlikely

I simply cannot endure it

I spoke only in jest

I stand corrected

I suppose I ought to feel flattered

I surmised as much

I sympathize deeply with you

I take that for granted

I think extremely well of it

I think he has very noble ideals

I think I can answer that for you

I think I know what you are going to say

I think it has its charm

I think it is superb!

I think it quite admirable

I think its tone is remarkably temperate

I think that is rather a brilliant idea

I think what you say is reasonable

I think you are quibbling

I think you are rather severe in your opinions

I think you have great appreciation of values

I think you have summed it up perfectly

I think your candor is charming

I thoroughly agree with you

I thought it most amusing

I thought you were seriously indisposed

I trust you will not consider it an impertinence

I understand exactly how you feel about it

I understand your delicacy of feeling

I venture to propose another plan

I very rarely allow myself that pleasure

I want to have a frank understanding with you

I was at a loss to understand the reason for it

I was hoping that I could persuade you

I was on the point of asking you

I was speaking generally

I watched you with admiration

I will answer you frankly

I will listen to no protestations

I will take it only under compulsion

I will tell you what puzzles me

I will think of it, since you wish it

I will, with great pleasure

I wish I could explain my point more fully

I wish I knew what you meant by that

I wish to be perfectly fair

I wish to put things as plainly as possible

I wonder how much truth there is in it?

I wonder if you have the smallest recollection of me?

I would agree if I understood

I wouldn't put it just that way

If ever I can repay it, command me

If I mistake not you were there once?

If I speak strongly, it is because I feel strongly

If I were disposed to offer counsel

If I were sure you would not misunderstand my meaning

If you don't mind my saying so

If you insist upon it

If you will pardon me the frankness

In a manner that sometimes terrifies me

In one respect you are quite right

In that case let me rob you of a few minutes

In what case, for example?

Incredible as it sounds, I had for a moment forgotten

Indeed, but it is quite possible

Indeed! How?

Indeed, you are wholly wrong

Indifferently so, I am afraid

Irony was ten thousand leagues from my intention

Is it sane—is it reasonable?

Isn't it amazing?

Isn't it extraordinarily funny?

Isn't it preposterous?

Isn't that a trifle unreasonable?

Isn't that rather a hasty conclusion?

Is that a fair question?

It always seemed to me impossible

It amuses you, doesn't it?

It blunts the sensibilities

It could never conceivably be anything but popular

It depends on how you look at it

It depends upon circumstances

It doesn't sound plausible to me

It has a lovely situation as I remember it

It has amused me hugely

It has been a relief to talk to you

It has been an immense privilege to see you

It has never occurred to me

It is a curious fact

It is a great pleasure to meet you

It is a huge undertaking

It is a most unfortunate affair

It is a perfectly plain proposition

It is a rather melancholy thought

It is a truth universally acknowledged

It is all very inexcusable

It is all very well for you to be philosophical

It is altogether probable

It is an admirable way of putting it

It is an error of taste

It is an extreme case, but the principle is sound

It is an ingenious theory

It is an uncommonly fine description

It is extremely interesting, I can assure you

It is for you to decide

It is historically true

It is I who should ask forgiveness

It is incredible!

It is indeed generous of you to suggest it

It is inexplicable

It is interesting, as a theory

It is literally impossible

It is merely a mood

It is most unfortunate

It is my deliberately formed opinion

It is my opinion you are too conscientious

It is nevertheless true

It is not a matter of the slightest consequence

It is not always fair to judge by appearances

It is not so unreasonable as you think

It is often very misleading

It is one of the grave problems of the day

It is only a fancy of mine

It is perfectly defensible

It is perfectly trite

It is permissible to gratify such an impulse

It is possible, but I rather doubt it

It is quite an easy matter

It is quite conceivable

It is quite too absurd

It is rather startling

It is really impressive

It is really most callous of you to laugh

It is sheer madness

It is sickening and so insufferably arrogant

It is simply a coincidence

It is the most incomprehensible thing in the world

It is to you that I am indebted for all this

It is true, I am grieved to say

It is true none the less

It is very amusing

It is very far from being a fiction

It is very good of you to do this for my pleasure

It is very ingenious

It is very splendid of you

It is wanton capriciousness

It is your privilege to think so

It's a difficult and delicate matter to discuss

It's a matter of immediate urgency

It's absolute folly

It's absurd—it's impossible

It's all nonsense

It's as logical as it can be under the circumstances

It's been a strange experience for you

It's deliciously honest

It's going to be rather troublesome

It's inconceivable that it should ever be necessary

It's mere pride of opinion

It's my chief form of recreation

It's not a matter of vast importance

It's past my comprehension

It's quite wonderful how logical and simple you make it

It's really very perplexing

It's so charming of you to say that

It's so kind of you to come

It's such a bore having to talk about it

It's the natural sequence

It's too melancholy

It's very wonderful

It makes it all quite interesting

It may sound strange to you

It must be a trifle dull at times

It must be fascinating

It must be very gratifying to you

It must have been rather embarrassing

It seems an age since we've last seen you

It seems entirely wonderful to me

It seems incredible

It seems like a distracting dream

It seems preposterous

It seems the height of absurdity

It seems to me that you have a perfect right to do so

It seems unspeakably funny to me

It seems very ridiculous

It shall be as you wish

It should not be objectionable

It sounds plausible

It sounds profoundly interesting

It sounds rather appalling

It sounds very alluring

It strikes me as rather pathetic

It was an unpardonable liberty

It was inevitable that you should say that

It was most stupid of me to have forgotten it

It was not unkindly meant

It was peculiarly unfortunate

It was really an extraordinary experience

It was so incredible

It was the most amazing thing I ever heard

It was very

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