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Book online «An Elementary Study of Chemistry by William McPherson (best beach reads .txt) 📖». Author William McPherson

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mixed with air. The invention consisted in surrounding the upper part of the common miner's lamp with a mantle of wire gauze and the lower part with glass (Fig. 59). It has been seen that two gases will not combine until raised to their kindling temperature, and if while combining they are cooled below this point, the combination ceases. A flame will not pass through a wire gauze because the metal, being a good conductor of heat, takes away so much heat from the flame that the gases are cooled below the kindling temperature. When a lamp so protected is brought into an explosive mixture the gases inside the wire mantle burn in a series of little explosions, giving warning to the miner that the air is unsafe.
Fig. 59 Fig. 59

Acetylene (C2H2). This is a colorless gas usually having a disagreeable odor due to impurities. It is now made in large quantities from calcium carbide (CaC2). This substance is formed when coal and lime are heated together in an electric furnace. When treated with water the carbide is decomposed, yielding acetylene:

CaC2 + 2H2O = C2H2 + Ca(OH)2.

Under ordinary conditions the gas burns with a very smoky flame; in burners constructed so as to secure a large amount of oxygen it burns with a very brilliant white light, and hence is used as an illuminant.

Laboratory preparation. The gas can be prepared readily in a generator such as is shown in Fig. 60. The inner tube contains fragments of calcium carbide, while the outer one is filled with water. As long as the stopcock is closed the water cannot rise in the inner tube. When the stopcock is open the water rises, and, coming into contact with the carbide in the inner tube, generates acetylene. This escapes through the stopcock, and after the air has been expelled may be lighted as it issues from the burner.

Fig. 60 Fig. 60

Carbon forms two oxides, namely, carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO).

Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is present in the air to the extent of about 3 parts in 10,000, and this apparently small amount is of fundamental importance in nature. In some localities it escapes from the earth in great quantities, and many spring waters carry large amounts of it in solution. When these highly charged spring waters reach the surface of the earth, and the pressure on them is removed, the carbon dioxide escapes with effervescence. It is a product of the oxidation of all organic matter, and is therefore formed in fires as well as in the process of decay. It is thrown off from the lungs of all animals in respiration, and is a product of many fermentation processes such as vinegar making and brewing. Combined with metallic oxides it forms vast deposits of carbonates in nature.

Preparation. In the laboratory carbon dioxide is always prepared by the action of an acid upon a carbonate, usually calcium carbonate, the apparatus shown in Fig. 39 serving the purpose very well. This reaction might be expected to produce carbonic acid, thus:

CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2CO3.

Carbonic acid is very unstable, however, and decomposes into its anhydride, CO2, and water, thus:

H2CO3 = H2O + CO2.

The complete reaction is represented by the equation

CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O.

Physical properties. Carbon dioxide is a colorless, practically odorless gas whose density is 1.5. Its weight may be inferred from the fact that it can be siphoned, or poured like water, from one vessel downward into another. At 15° and under ordinary pressure it dissolves in its own volume of water and imparts a somewhat biting, pungent taste to it. It is easily condensed, and is now prepared commercially in this form by pumping the gas into steel cylinders (see Fig. 6) which are kept cold during the process. When the liquid is permitted to escape into the air part of it instantly evaporates, and in so doing absorbs so much heat that another portion is solidified, the solid form strikingly resembling snow in appearance. This snow is very cold and mercury can easily be frozen with it.

Solid carbon dioxide. Cylinders of liquid carbon dioxide are inexpensive, and should be available in every school. To demonstrate the properties of solid carbon dioxide, the cylinder should be placed across the table and supported in such a way that the stopcock end is several inches lower than the other end. A loose bag is made by holding the corners of a handkerchief around the neck of the stopcock, and the cock is then turned on so that the gas rushes out in large quantities. Very quickly a considerable quantity of the snow collects in the handkerchief. To freeze mercury, press a piece of filter paper into a small evaporating dish and pour the mercury upon it. Coil a flat spiral upon the end of a wire, and dip the spiral into the mercury. Place a quantity of solid carbon dioxide upon the mercury and pour 10 cc.-15 cc. of ether over it. In a minute or two the mercury will solidify and may be removed from the dish by the wire serving as a handle. The filter paper is to prevent the mercury from sticking to the dish; the ether dissolves the solid carbon dioxide and promotes its rapid conversion into gas.

Chemical properties. Carbon dioxide is incombustible, since it is, like water, a product of combustion. It does not support combustion, as does nitrogen peroxide, because the oxygen in it is held in very firm chemical union with the carbon. Very strong reducing agents, such as highly heated carbon, can take away half of its oxygen:

CO2 + C = 2CO.

Uses. The relation of carbon dioxide to plant life has been discussed in a previous chapter. Water highly charged with carbon dioxide is used for making soda water and similar beverages. Since it is a non-supporter of combustion and can be generated readily, carbon dioxide is also used as a fire extinguisher. Some of the portable fire extinguishers are simply devices for generating large amounts of the gas. It is not necessary that all the oxygen should be kept away from the fire in order to smother it. A burning candle is extinguished in air which contains only 2.5% of carbon dioxide.

Carbonic acid (H2CO3). Like most of the oxides of the non-metallic elements, carbon dioxide is an acid anhydride. It combines with water to form an acid of the formula H2CO3, called carbonic acid:

H2O + CO2 = H2CO3.

The acid is, however, very unstable and cannot be isolated. Only a very small amount of it is actually formed when carbon dioxide is passed into water, as is evident from the small solubility of the gas. If, however, a base is present in the water, salts of carbonic acid are formed, and these are quite stable:

2NaOH + H2O + CO2 = Na2CO3 + 2H2O.

Action of carbon dioxide on bases. This conduct is explained by the principles of reversible reactions. The equation

H2O +CO2 <--> H2CO3

is a reversible equation, and the extent to which the reaction progresses depends upon the relative concentrations of each of the three factors in it. Equilibrium is ordinarily reached when very little H2CO3 is formed. If a base is present in the water to combine with the H2CO3 as fast as it is formed, all of the CO2 is converted into H2CO3, and thence into a carbonate.

Salts of carbonic acid,—carbonates. The carbonates form a very important class of salts. They are found in large quantities in nature, and are often used in chemical processes. Only the carbonates of sodium, potassium, and ammonium are soluble, and these can be made by the action of carbon dioxide on solutions of the bases, as has just been explained.

The insoluble carbonates are formed as precipitates when soluble salts are treated with a solution of a soluble carbonate. Thus the insoluble calcium carbonate can be made by bringing together solutions of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate:

CaCl2 + Na2CO3 = CaCO3 + 2NaCl.

Most of the carbonates are decomposed by heat, yielding an oxide of the metal and carbon dioxide. Thus lime (calcium oxide) is made by strongly heating calcium carbonate:

CaCO3 = CaO + CO2.

Acid carbonates. Like all acids containing two acid hydrogen atoms, carbonic acid can form both normal and acid salts. The acid carbonates are made by treating a normal carbonate with an excess of carbonic acid. With few exceptions they are very unstable, heat decomposing them even when in solution.

Action of carbon dioxide on calcium hydroxide. If carbon dioxide is passed into clear lime water, calcium carbonate is at first precipitated:

H2O + CO2 = H2CO3,
Ca(OH)2 + H2CO3 = CaCO3 + 2H2O.

Advantage is taken of this reaction in testing for the presence of carbon dioxide, as already explained in the chapter on the atmosphere. If the current of carbon dioxide is continued, the precipitate soon dissolves, because the excess of carbonic acid forms calcium acid carbonate which is soluble:

CaCO3 + H2CO3 = Ca(HCO3)2.

If now the solution is heated, the acid carbonate is decomposed and calcium carbonate once more precipitated:

Ca(HCO3)2 = CaCO3 + H2CO3.

Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide can be made in a number of ways, the most important of which are the three following:

1. By the partial oxidation of carbon. If a slow current of air is conducted over highly heated carbon, the monoxide is formed, thus:

C + O = CO

It is therefore often formed in stoves when the air draught is insufficient. Water gas, which contains large amounts of carbon monoxide, is made by partially oxidizing carbon with steam:

C + H2O = CO + 2H.

2. By the partial reduction of carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide is conducted over highly heated carbon it is reduced to carbon monoxide by the excess of carbon:

CO2 + C = 2CO.

When coal is burning in a stove or grate carbon dioxide is at first formed in the free supply of air, but as the hot gas rises through the glowing coal it is reduced to carbon monoxide. When the carbon monoxide reaches the free air above the coal it takes up oxygen to form carbon dioxide, burning with the blue flame so familiar above a bed of coals, especially in the case of hard coals.

3. By the decomposition of oxalic acid. In the laboratory carbon monoxide is usually prepared by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid upon oxalic acid. The latter substance has the formula C2H2O4. The sulphuric acid, owing to its affinity for water, decomposes the oxalic acid, as represented in the equation

C2H2O4 + (H2SO4) = (H2SO4) + H2O + CO2 + CO.

Properties. Carbon monoxide is a light, colorless, almost odorless gas, very difficult to liquefy. Chemically it is very active, combining directly with a great many substances. It has a great affinity for oxygen and is therefore combustible and a good reducing agent. Thus, if carbon monoxide is passed over hot copper oxide, the copper is reduced to the metallic state:

CuO + CO = Cu + CO2.

When inhaled it combines with the red coloring matter of the blood and in this way prevents the absorption of oxygen, so that even a small quantity of the gas may prove fatal.

Fig. 61 Fig. 61

The reducing power of carbon monoxide. Fig. 61 illustrates a method of showing the reducing power of carbon monoxide. The gas is generated by gently heating 7 or 8 g. of oxalic acid with 25 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid in a 200 cc. flask A. The bottle

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