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156 Physical properties that influence drying, 125 Pignut hickory, 64 Piling gum, methods of, 180 Pine, American red, 25 Pine, bastard, 26 Pine, black, 25, 27 Pine, bull, 25 Pine, California white, 25 Pine, Canadian, 25 Pine, Carolina, 26 Pine, Cuban, 26 Pine, Georgia, 24 Pine, ginger, 18 Pine, gray, 27 Pine, hard, 26 Pine, hazel, 54, 60 Pine, jack, 27 Pine, Jersey, 27 Pine, loblolly, 25 Pine, lodge-pole, 27 Pine, long-leaf, 24 Pine, long-straw, 24 Pine, meadow, 26 Pine, Norway, 25 Pine, old field, 25, 26 Pine, Oregon, 29 Pine, pitch, 26 Pine, Puget Sound, 29 Pine, pumpkin, 23, 24 Pine, red, 29 Pine, rosemary, 25 Pine, sap, 25 Pine, scrub, 27 Pines, hard, 24 Pine, short-leaf, 26 Pine, short-straw, 25 Pine, slash, 25, 26 Pine, soft, 23, 24 Pine, southern, 24 Pine, southern hard, 24 Pine, spruce, 26 Pine, sugar, 24 Pine, swamp, 26 Pine, torch, 26 Pine, Weymouth, 23 Pine, western, 25 Pine, western white, 25 Pine, western yellow, 25 Pine, white, 23, 24 Pine, yellow, 24, 25, 26 Pin oak, 73 Pipe or moist-air kiln, 188 Pitch pine, 26 Pith and bark, 8 Plane tree, 80 Pocket dry kiln, the, 200 Point in wood, the fibre saturation, 118 Pole pine, lodge, 27 Poplar, 67, 77, 79, 81
Poplar, bay, 60 Poplar, blue, 81 Poplar, Carolina, 77 Poplar, downy, 78 Poplar, hickory, 81 Poplar, Lombardy, 79 Poplar, swamp, 60 Poplar, white, 79, 81 Poplar, yellow, 81 Port Orford cedar, 18 Possum oak, 73 Post borers, powder, 105 Post oak, 74 Post oak, swamp, 73 Pounds of water lost in drying 100 lb. green wood in the kiln, 179 Powder post borers, 105 Preliminary steaming of gum, 182 Preliminary treatments, 151 Pressure and vacuum, drying under, 146 Pressure, drying at atmospheric, 146 Prevent injury from insects, how to, 107 Prevention of checking and splitting, 129 Principles of kiln-drying, underlying, 166 Problems in kiln-drying, unsolved, 143 Products, crude, 106 Products in the rough, seasoned, 112 Products in the rough, unseasoned, 109 Progressive dry kiln, the, 196 Properties, characteristics and, 1 Properties of wood, 4 Properties of wood that affect drying, 141 Properties that influence drying, physical, 125 Puget Sound pine, 29 Pumpkin pine, 23, 24 Punk oak, 73 Pussy willow, 84   Quaking Aspen, 79   Range of Red Gum, 55 Range of tupelo gum, 61 Rapidity of evaporation, 124 Recording hygrometer, the, 242 Recording steam gauge, the, 246 Recording thermometer, the, 245 Records of the moisture content, keep, 249 Red ash, 38 Red beech, 40 Red birch, 43 Red cedar, 18, 19 Red cedar of the West, 17 Red cherry, 47 Red cherry, wild, 47 Red cypress, 19 Red elm, 51 Red fir, 21, 29 Red gum, 54, 79 Red gum, demands upon soil and moisture of, 56 Red gum, form of the, 55 Red gum, kiln-drying of green, 183 Red gum, range of, 55 Red gum, reproduction of, 57 Red gum, second-growth, 59 Red gum, tolerance of, 56 Red juniper, 18 Red maple, 69 Red mulberry, 70 Red oak, 74, 75 Red pine, 29 Red pine, American, 25 Red spruce, 28 Redwood, 19, 27 Redwood, California, 19 Redwood, Coast, 19 Registering hygrometer, the, 244 Registering thermometer, the, 246 Rendering drying difficult, changes, 140 Reproduction of red gum, 57 Requirements in a satisfactory dry kiln, 160 Ring, the annual or yearly, 10 River birch, 43 Rock chestnut oak, 73 Rock elm, 50 Rock maple, 68 Rock oak, 73 Rosemary pine, 25 Rough, seasoned products in the, 112 Rough, unseasoned products in the, 109 Round-headed borers, 101 Round timber with bark on, 106 Rum cherry, 47   Samples for Scalometer Test, 248
Sand bar willow, 84 Sap and heartwood, 8 Sap, composition of, 116 Saplings, 108 Sap pine, 25 Sassafras, 80 Satin walnut, 54 Satisfactory dry kiln, requirements in a, 160 Saturation point in wood, fibre, 118 Sawmills, scalometer in, 249 Savin juniper, 18 Scalometer in factories, 249 Scalometer in sawmills, 249 Scalometer, test samples for, 248 Scalometer, the troemroid, 247 Scalometer, weighing with, 248 Scalybark hickory, 64 Scarlet oak, 75 Scrub chestnut oak, 74 Scrub oak, 74 Scrub pine, 27 Seasonal distribution of water in wood, 115 Seasoned and unseasoned wood, difference between, 121 Seasoned, how wood is, 145 Seasoned products in the rough, 112 Seasoning, advantages in, 128 Seasoning is, what, 119 Seasoning, out-of-door, 154 Second-growth red gum, 59 Sequoia, 19 Service kiln, theory and description of forest, 161 Shagbark hickory, 64 Shellbark hickory, 64 Shingle, heading and stave bolts, 109 Shingle oak, 75 Shining willow, 84 Short-leaf pine, 26 Short-straw pine, 25 Shrinkage of wood, 130 Shucks, honey, 66 Sitka spruce, 28 Silver birch, 42 Silver-leaved maple, 69 Silver maple, 69 Slash pine, 25, 26 Slippery elm, 51 Small-leaved basswood, 39 Small magnolia, 67 Soft maple, 69 Soft pine, 23, 24 Soil and moisture, demands upon, 56 Sorrel-tree, 80 Sound pine, Puget, 29 Sour gum, 62, 80 Sourwood, 80 Southern hard pine, 24 Southern pine, 24 Spanish oak, 75 Spanish oak, swamp, 73 Specialties, dry-kiln, 206 Species, different kiln-drying according to, 170 Species, temperature depends upon condition and, 171 Species, weight of kiln-dried wood of different, 95 Spindle tree, 82 Splitting, prevention of checking and, 129 Spring and summer-wood, 12 Spruce, 27 Spruce, bastard, 29 Spruce, black, 27 Spruce, Douglas, 29 Spruce, hemlock, 21 Spruce pine, 26 Spruce, red, 28 Spruce, Sitka, 28 Spruce, tide-land, 28 Spruce, white, 28 Stain and mildew, elimination of, 136 Stave, heading and shingle bolts, 109 Staves and heads of barrels containing alcoholic liquids, 112 Steam, drying by superheated, 150 Steam gauge, the recording, 246 Steaming of gum, preliminary, 182 Steaming of gum, final, 182 Stock and wooden truss hoops, dry cooperage, 112 Straw pine, long, 24 Straw pine, short, 25 Striped maple, 70 Structure, anatomical, 14 Structure, minute, 34 Structure of wood, 4 Stump tree, 49 Success in kiln-drying, conditions of, 169 Sugar berry, 62 Sugar maple, 68
Sugar pine, 24 Summerwood, spring and, 12 Superheated steam, drying by, 150 Swamp cottonwood, 78 Swamp hickory, 64 Swamp magnolia, 67 Swamp maple, 69 Swamp pine, 26 Swamp poplar, 60 Swamp post oak, 73 Swamp Spanish oak, 73 Swamp white oak, 72, 73 Sweet bay, 67 Sweet buckeye, 45 Sweet birch, 41 Sweet gum, 54, 80 Sweet locust, 66 Switchbud hickory, 64 Sycamore, 80, 81   Tacmahac, 79 Tamarack, 22, 27, 29 Temperature depends upon conditions and species, 171 Test samples for scalometer, 248 Theory and description of the forest service kiln, 161 Theory of kiln-drying, 157 Thermometer, the recording, 245 Thermometer, the registering, 246 Thorned acacia, three, 66 Three-thorned acacia, 66 Tide-land spruce, 28 Timber, 1 Timber beetles, ambrosia or, 99 Timber with bark on, round, 106 Timber worms, 103 Tolerance of red gum, 56 Toothed aspen, large-, 79 Torch pine, 26 Tower dry kiln, the, 202 Treatments, preliminary, 151 Tree, abele, 79 Tree, bee, 39 Tree, button ball, 80 Tree, coffee, 49 Tree, cucumber, 49, 67 Tree, fir, 20 Tree, lime, 39 Tree, nettle, 62 Tree of life, 17 Tree, plane, 80 Trees, broad-leaved, 31 Trees, classes of, 5 Trees, coniferous, 8 Trees, list of important coniferous, 17 Trees, list of most important broad-leaved, 37 Tree, sorrel, 80 Tree, spindle, 82 Tree, stump, 49 Trees, wood of broad-leaved, 31 Trees, wood of the coniferous, 8 Tree, tulip, 81 Tree, umbrella, 67 Troemroid Scalometer, the, 247 Truss hoops, dry cooperage stock and, 112 Tulip tree, 81 Tulip wood, 67, 81 Tupelo, 82 Tupelo gum, 60 Tupelo gum, range of, 61 Tupelo gum, uses of, 61 Types of dry kilns, different, 185 Types of kiln doors, different, 231 Types, kilns of different, 196   Umbrella Tree, 67 Underlying principles of kiln-drying, 166 Unseasoned products in the rough, 109 Unseasoned wood, difference between seasoned and, 121 Unsolved problems in kiln-drying, 143 Uses of the humidity diagram, 237 Uses of tupelo gum, 61   Vacuum, Drying under Pressure and, 146 Valparaiso oak, 76 Virgilia, 85   Wahoo, 51, 82 Walnut, 45, 82 Walnut, black, 44, 82 Walnut, circassian, 60 Walnut, satin, 54 Walnut, white, 45, 83 Water beech, 44, 80 Water by dry wood, absorption of, 124 Water elm, 50
Water in wood, 114 Water in wood, distribution of, 114 Water in wood, local distribution of, 114 Water in wood, seasonal distribution of, 115 Water lost in drying 100 lb. of green wood in the kiln, pounds of, 179 Water, manner of evaporation of, 123 Water maple, 69 Water oak, 73 Weeping willow, 84 Weighing with scalometer, 248 Weight, and figure in wood, grain, color, odor, 86 Weight of kiln-dried wood of different species, 95 Weight of wood, 91 Western larch, 22 Western pine, 25 Western white oak, 71 Western white pine, 25 Western yellow pine, 25 West, red cedar of the, 17 Weymouth pine, 23 What seasoning is, 119 White ash, 37 White basswood, 39 White beech, 40 White birch, 42, 43 White cedar, 17, 18 White cypress, 19 White elm, 50 White fir, 20, 21 White heart hickory, 64 White mahogany, 45 White maple, 69 White oak, 71, 72 White oak, swamp, 72, 73 White oak, western, 71 White pine, 23, 24 White pine, California, 25 White pine, western, 25 White poplar, 79, 81 White spruce, 28 White walnut, 45, 83 White willow, 83 Whitewood, 39, 81, 83 Wild apple, 49 Wild cherry, 47 Wild red cherry, 47 Willow, 83 Willow, almond-leaf, 84 Willow, bebb, 84 Willow, black, 83 Willow, blue, 83 Willow, crack, 84 Willow, glaucous, 84 Willow, long-leaf, 84 Willow, oak, 72 Willow, perch, 84 Willow, pussy, 84 Willow, sand bar, 84 Willow, shining, 84 Willow, weeping, 84 Willow, white, 83 Willow, yellow, 83 Winged elm, 51 Wintergreen birch, 41 Wood, absorption of water by dry, 124 Wood, beaver, 67 Wood, canary, 81 Wood, characteristics and properties of, 1 Wood, color and odor of, 89 Wood, different grains of, 86 Wood, difference between seasoned and unseasoned, 121 Wood, difficulties of drying, 138 Wood, distribution of water in, 114 Wood, effects of moisture on, 117 Wood, enemies of, 98 Wood, expansion of, 135 Wood, figure in, 96 Wood, grain, color, odor, weight, and figure in, 86 Wood, how seasoned, 145 Wood in the kiln, pounds of water lost in drying 100 lb. of green, 179 Wood, iron, 65 Wood, kiln-drying of, 156 Wood, lever, 65 Wood, local distribution of water in, 114 Wood, moose, 70 Wood, of broad-leaves trees, 31 Wood of different species, weight of kiln-dried, 95 Wood of coniferous trees, 8 Wood, physical conditions governing the drying of, 156
Wood, properties of, 4 Wood, seasonal distribution of water in, 115 Wood, shrinkage of, 130 Woods, list of important coniferous, 17 Wood, spring and summer, 12 Wood, structure of, 4 Wood that effect drying, properties of, 141 Wood, the fibre saturation point in, 118 Wood, tulip, 67, 81 Wood, water in, 114 Wood, weight of, 89 Wood, white, 81, 83 Wood, yellow, 85 Wooden truss hoops, dry cooperage, stock and, 112 Worms, timber, 103   Yearly Ring, the Annual of, 10 Yellow birch, 42 Yellow cedar, 18 Yellow deal, 23 Yellow fir, 29 Yellow locust, 66 Yellow oak, 73, 74 Yellow pine, 24, 25, 26 Yellow pine, western, 25 Yellow poplar, 81 Yellow willow, 83 Yellow wood, 85 Yew, 29, 30


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